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Speculating Pokémon GO's Easter Event


  • 921
    I hope they give us double candy and egg incubators tbh. I'd also like to see increased chansey spawns since I was dumb and didn't play during the V-day event so #pray4bob
    Thanks Ben for letting me partake in this article! Easter is only a week away and can't wait to see what the game has to offer this year in terms of it. :D I still need to walk off the eggs I currently have!
    Looks like the Easter Event starts some time on Thursday, 13 April and runs for 7 days. Rumors are its a double xp and increased hatch of rare Pokemon. No word on free incubators or bundles of incubators on sale ...
    Just in time for end of exams when all I wanna do is sit on the couch and not move... but fine, Nintendo, I'll go for a few walks, lmaoooo....
    we are getting more common spawns in 2k eggs.

    they better only make 2k eggs available in this event bcos otherwise i swear to GOD it will be shit
    To be honest I would have preferred double candies for buddies. I mean I already have an inventory full of Bellsprout, Paras and Poliwag's I need to hatch plus a 4th Mantine....

    Are they making 2km eggs more common because I typically get 1 2km for every 6-7 5km eggs I get. If I even want to make use of this event I'm going to have to buy like 20 incubators.

    Sounds like a ploy to get people to buy incubators, too bad they didn't lower the price of them instead of useless lucky eggs, or have endless use ones available to buy.
    I've updated the new article (https://daily.pokecommunity.com/2017/04/13/pokemon-go-easter-event-announced/) with some findings of what Pokemon people are getting from the 2 km Eggs. If you found any not listed from the link in there, let us know!

    Gen 2 starters can be finally hatched too. They're in 5 km Eggs however.

    Some are. I was able to hatch a Slugma from a 2k.

    Really can't wait to get started on this event tomorrow! There's a 10K I really want to hatch!