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[Completed] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition [Full Game]

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Super Pokemon Eevee Edition
  • 1,715
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Created by: Raonak - DarkDoom3000 - Dream Module

    >>Download Latest Version<<


    Welcome back to the second generation, the second generation... but not as you remember it.

    Play as Gold, the young hero - who finds a special Eevee which can switch evolutions.

    Explore a whole new region half inspired by Johto, housing the best pokemon of the early generations, adventure into the inner workings of the game, where code and data rule, and where the hypervisors exist.

    Experience a new kind of Pokémon game with an active-time-battle system, where pokemon do not wait turns - they will attack"real time". Other features include unlimited Move-Slots, meaning you never have to forget an attack and deep equipment/crafting system.

    Super Pokémon Eevee Edition is a Pokémon fangame that tries to recapture the classic nostalgia of the second generation, but infuse it with Final Fantasy type mechanics not found in traditional Pokémon games.


    • Retro Graphics - A blast from the past. Gold/Silver/Crystal style graphics.
    • Super Eevee - A very special Eevee with superpowers.
    • Active Battle System - A la Final Fantasy (well, most of them before X).
    • Four Pokémon per team - All four Pokémon are out on the battlefield and fighting.
    • Corrupted Pokemon - Optional boss fights or side-quests are required to obtain Pokémon.
    • Infinite Move-list - Pokémon are no longer limited to four attacks at a time.
    • Sidequests - Get TMs, equipment, and other useful items by doing tasks for people.
    • 201 Pokémon catchable - from the first few generations (Not all are obtainable yet)
    • Refining System - Change useless items into powerful ones!
    • Equipment - Equip certain items on Pokémon in order to to modify their stats.
    • Trophies - Get notifications for completing tasks.
    • Travel to the Code World - A dimension of graphical errors and home to the Hypervisors.


    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]


    Raonak (Me - Primary Developer)

    Nintendo (for IP)
    Gamefreak (for making Pokémon games)
    Enterbrain (for making RPG Maker)
    Square-Enix (Final FantasyMusic)
    Kojima Productions (Sound effects)
    The Spriters Resorce (for ripping sprites)
    Sony (Trophy jingle)
    Hawk (?) (for making IDraw)
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    wow, this game is awesome! I love the story and the other features; only a minor flaw: when you use a object the cursor remain on the enemy, and if you are using a healing object, in the fury of the battle, you can cure your enemy, so you can make in the next version that the cursor go automatically on your pokemon. Your save is also left in the 15th slot...

    EDIT:the first battle wasn't so difficult...
    Right, your game looks rather interesting and as my memory serves it was quite an interesting game to play with one of your beta
    from your previous thread. Keep up the good work.
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    Thanks :D

    wow, this game is awesome! I love the story and the other features; only a minor flaw: when you use a object the cursor remain on the enemy, and if you are using a healing object, in the fury of the battle, you can cure your enemy, so you can make in the next version that the cursor go automatically on your pokemon. Your save is also left in the 15th slot...

    EDIT:the first battle wasn't so difficult...
    Im not sure about the potion targeting issue- In all the years ive used rpgmaker, i didn't actually think it's possible, because you select the target when programming the item/attack. as either enemy or ally. Ive never managed to get an item programmed for allies to target an enemy and vice versa.

    Can you recall what object was used, and how many people in the team etc.etc.

    I left the save file in there incase people were too lazy to actually play it properly. they can get a 'feel' of the game.
    -Yeah, the battle wasn't really difficult, but hard for an intro battle, because you can't train to get stronger at the start., plus theres no continues- it's a game over if you die. I suspected it could frustrate some people.

    Im currently mapping out route 6/connecting caves. unowns, charmanders and Natus roam wild.

    Im also making a new feature called home base. It's sorta like the secret base thing found in R/S. but more expanded. more on it once i finish implementing it.
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    Hands down the best storyline I've ever seen in a Pokemon game, it's so unique. The real time battles sound great, it's something I want in my game. And you mean FF 4-9, FF 4 was the first to have it.
    5/7/10 update

    Thanks for the comments guyz
    About the issue, I re-checked and seems that is all ok...probably I didn't get very well what was happening.
    I suspect you saw the enemy do a "Charge"- they do that when they run out of PP, it recovers some of their MP.


    ROUTE 6
    Ive completed route 6/connecting caves
    heres some screenies. It's basically the ruins of alph from jotoh.

    World is run by AI's ever since the creator left.

    XDR- The Overseer of the AIs
    M- Controller of Creation and Evolution (the one who contacts the hero)
    Necro- Controller of Death
    Vanish_21- Controller of Systems
    XxLionheartxX- Controller of Enviroments
    Cratos- Controller of Battle

    Zero- The old controller of Creation and Evolution. Went missing just before Generation 1 was finished. It may or may not come up in the storyline :paranoid:

    Anyway. AI's will act as bosses that you'll have to defeat. '
    Unlike gym battles, you actually fight the AI. they have no pokemon, instead they pokemon attacks. They all have humanoid forms.
    which slowly degrade to reveal their twisted forms.

    Necro will be the first you are ment to defeat. excelling at Dark/Steel/Ghost

    Basic Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Hybrid Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Fury Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Pure Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    -In every city, you can buy a house. You can name this house. All instances of the house are the same, and interconnected. If you enter a house in city A, it would be the same house as city B. Also, by using the computer in the entrance, you can select your exit destination- The exit can be any house you've purchased.

    -It also acts as a replacement for HM fly.

    -When you buy your home base it will have 2 rooms. the entrance and your room.
    But there will be lots of doors. By clicking on the door you can build the room.
    Rooms you build will have a purpose.

    -Later in the game you will obtain a spaceship that you use to travel between the ingame and AI worlds. Home Base will be fully intergrated into it.

    if you build guest rooms, they will be rented out to generate income.
    a kitchen can be built, which will make you free recovery items.
    you can also build a pokemon center and pokemart. It can easily grow to the size of a mansion.


    Support banner if you wnats.
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]
    Last edited:
    Necro will be the first you are ment to defeat. excelling at Dark/Steel/Ghost

    Basic Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Hybrid Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Fury Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    Pure Form
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    I absolute love the Idea of the pure form to have similiaritis with old glitch!
    Also the house is very good, and I like the screen with four unown...I laughed a lot, when i saw it.
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    cool game I'm trying to download it but those links go to a MediaFire file that next to 30 min still says "Processing download reguest Oh and a question why is it in G/S/C there are new games with better sprite quallity

    hmm. odd, heres a mirror link to rapidshare.

    Graphics? various reasons.

    They give me a nostalgic effect.
    They're easier to work with.
    They make the game stand out from the crowd
    ts much easier to make custom graphics that look like they fit in properly.

    I absolute love the Idea of the pure form to have similiaritis with old glitch!
    Also the house is very good, and I like the screen with four unown...I laughed a lot, when i saw it.
    thanks, the idea of the pure form just poped into my head in the last minute. I was using the M glitch sprite as the AI; M's actual sprite, so i needed to give a trait that all AI's have. so yeah. just loaded up the M sprite, rearranged it, modified the colours. and you have a pure form :D.

    Im currently retrofitting in the rival guy. Putting him in events. He will have stolen all 3 jotoh starters. in the first battle you'll fight all three, but later he'll only use the starter that would be strong against the eevee form you're currently in.
    flareon-> totodile
    vaporeon -> chikarita
    jolteon -> chikarita (thunder is not effective on grass :/ )
    espeon ? (random, or croconaw, because he has Crunch)
    umbreon ? random.
    leafeon -> cyndaquil
    glaceon -> cyndaquil

    EDIT: text only updates are boring.
    heres some 3rd gen sprites that I devamped a while ago.
    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]

    [PokeCommunity.com] SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition  [Full Game]
    Last edited:
    Hmm... That is odd, I know what the error means, but It shouldn't pop up.
    does it happen as soon as you try start it or what?

    also, which download did you use rapidshare or the mediafire one?

    Does anyone else get this error.

    EDIT: Ok i looked on the internetz.

    If the error occuts

    Go to the game folder,
    open up RPG_RT.ini with notepad.
    add "FullPackageFlag=1" to file.
    try play game.
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    EDIT: Ok i looked on the internetz.

    If the error occuts

    Go to the game folder,
    open up RPG_RT.ini with notepad.
    add "FullPackageFlag=1" to file.
    try play game.
    Uhhm is RPG_RT.ini in that file cuz I don't see it oh and it's the mediaFire one cuz today the download worked AND what is a FullPackageFlag=1 I don't have those files where can I download it?
    Nice devamps ;)

    And the same thing happened when I tried the demo, but I didn't post here because I thought it was just me.
    Wow this is actaully pretty good
    What RPG maker did u use?
    Thanks, I used RPG maker 2003. When I started the project I was using my old desktop, which has a horrible monitor that couldn't display the minimum resolution to run RMXP, so i never used it. I have a good laptop now, I tried RMXP and the new one, but found myself going back to RM2k3 due to familarity.

    The 'RPG_RT.ini' should be in the file, It looks like a notepad file with a gear next to it.
    Open it up with notepad, then just copy and paste (or type) FullPackageFlag=1

    It should make it work. Tell me if it does or doesnt.

    if anyone encounters errors, just post them in thread, they're all important.
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    Works perfectly now.
    The demo is really good. I so have to include that real time battle feature in my game. Nice game over screen too ;)
    It works but when I walked on a route the game kinda crashed I wanted to pick a Poké ball it was in the woods near a house that's probably a bug and it made a bad sound that hurt my ears
    Edit: Other bug in academy if you answer wrong your stuck :(
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    It works but when I walked on a route the game kinda crashed I wanted to pick a Poké ball it was in the woods near a house that's probably a bug and it made a bad sound that hurt my ears
    Edit: Other bug in academy if you answer wrong your stuck :(

    On the matter of the runtime package, I get the error too, I googled itand found that is a bounch of file that you need for games to run: if you have installed RPGmaker2k3 you have them, but the others like me and you need to download them to makes the game run normally.
    You could find them on the site of 2k3 but since it no longer exist I've downloaded them from another italian site: link you must click "RTP Rm2k3" to get the exe that install them on your computer. It worked for me.

    And as saifors said if you answere wrong to the question, the game freeze...so I suggest to save before starting...