Well, there are quite a few ways I'm going to answer this one haha.
I don't read books anymore, but back when I did (...I sound like that beer guy) I would read the last page of the book. lol idk why either. It wasn't really to spoil it. I guess it's because I wanted to know what kind of note the book ended on. I never had a problem with book spoiling HOWEVER the "Snape kills Dumbledore" was spoiled for me so (as well as the deaths in GoF and OotP)...that kinda sucked, because when I read that part of the book, it didn't impact me as much as it should have.
However, when I've read the book and still know what happens, seeing it in the movie, despite KNOWING it will happen, still has a huge impact. Probably because I'm seeing it, and it's not just words on a page. That being said, I don't mind movies being spoiled. I'm not big on movies anyway, or books anymore.
TV shows! I don't watch a lot of currently running series honestly. So...spoiling isn't a huge issue. Just don't spoil a series that's currently running. Like...I'll punch you if you spoil The Legend of Korra or Food Network Star. lol I missed an episode of Korra and 3 episode of Star though so UGH.
VIDEO GAMES. Biggest one for me, if this still counts as a media thing. I mean, I'm already here answering, so might as well. I don't like these being spoiled by other people, but if I decide to look at screenshots and read the story and watch LPs -cough- Skyward Sword -cough- then that's my own decision. If YOU come up and spoil it, you're getting a kick in the face. Or something else.
And...you can't spoil music tbh so lol. Well you CAN but only if you're making it I guess okay bye.