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Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)


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    Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (Rated T)

    Produced by Yagerbomb

    Thinking help from Supervegeta

    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)


    The Year of 1,100 BBY and the years that follow it is an era known as the Republic Dark Age. There is a reason for that. In the Jedi Temple, there has been a division of power. Dark Jedi have emerged among the Jedi, and committed genocide against the Jedi Order, tracking them down and killing those who didn't commit to their new ideals. Eventually, the Jedi who remained alive were exiled, and these new Dark Jedi now controlled the Jedi Council. Eventually, they took up the name of "Sith". The Republic, unbeknownst to them this new change in leadership, continue to turn to the Jedi Council for aid, and the new Sith Council would step in and accomplish the tasks...the way they want to. After a few years like this, the Republic find itself slowly changing, transforming as the Sith of the Jedi Council use their influence and backdoor politics to influence decisions. The Republic is now a corrupt, hollow shell of the government it once was. Its decisions are more immoral and atrocious, and the Republic is slowly crumbling.

    All across the galaxy, the last of the Jedi have seen this, and realize something: if they do not stop the Sith Council, this will be the end of the Republic. A group of Jedi, young and old, now scours the galaxy in search of rogue Jedi, and possible new members, as they try to build up enough strength to challenge the Sith Council, and save the Republic. But of course, the Sith have somewhat caught on to the Jedi's plans. Not wanting a disturbance of their power, the Sith have been secretly trying to eliminate the Jedi, so they won't show the true identities and beliefs of the Sith. Unbeknownst to the Senate, the Sith are driving the Republic further into a Age of Peril and Despair, with the Sith planning to overturn the Government of the Republic. Although this is all happening to the Republic, the Senate continues to listen to the Sith steer the Republic into corruption. The Remaining Jedi are the only ones who stand in the way of the Sith's plans.


    You are a part of the remaining Jedi, either an established member of the Jedi Order, or a new recruit/Rogue Jedi. On the other end of the spectrum, you can also be a part of the Sith Council, establishing a new code of conduct within the Republic. The goal of the Sith Council is to eliminate the remaining Jedi, while keeping the operation under wraps. The Sith must give advice to the Republic Senate when needed. The remaining members of the Jedi Council are trying to find Rogue Jedi and other civilians with high potential, and use them to defeat the Sith Council.


    1. No bunnying or God-modding without permission
    2. This is a T rated RP. Let's keep it that way.
    3. All PC Rules apply
    4. Be Active.
    5. Do not make one-liner posts.
    6. This is supposed to be reasonable. One Jedi can't defeat 20 million Sith. Show some reasonablility.
    7. In order for a Character to be killed, you must have approval from me and the RPer who controls the character.
    8. NPC's are okay, but don't over do it.
    9. No Pokemon or it will suffer a painful death, along with your character.
    10. You must have a decent knowledge about Star Wars to join. A test question may be required if you do not show it.
    11. Keep ratios of Jedi/Sith and Master/Knight/Padawan close to even.





    Name: (Obvious)
    Age: (15+, measured in Coruscant years, one year= 368 24 hour days)
    Gender: (Male or Female)
    Current Home world: (Where your character resides right now)
    Appearance: (Describe species, features and clothing in words or picture)
    Side: (Jedi or Sith)
    Title: (Master, Knight, Padawan)
    Personality: (Describe about your characters traits, opinions, etc.)
    History: (Describe your character's past)
    Lightsaber: (Hilt design, blade colour, No. Of sabers, single or double blade)

    Spots available (May add more):

    Jedi: Sith:

    1. Tulso Dremmas (Greiger)
    1. Desric Matis'kysn "Darth Viscarous" (Yagerbomb)

    2. Wren Drelot (Rakiri)
    2. Renna Tolosis (RHCP)

    3. Kalei Nost (プリンセスサファイア)
    3.Balalawhiesesel (Greiger)

    4. Open
    4. Open​

    My SU:
    Name: Desric Matis'kysn "Darth Viscarous"
    Age: Unknown, possibly in the six hundreds
    Gender: Unknown, presumably male
    Current Home world: Coruscant
    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    with this mask on:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    Side: Sith
    Title: Master
    Desric is very precise in not letting people know about him. Desric is a very vague person, believing that many fear the unknown, and Desric is a mysterious person with an unknown past. For what is known, Desric is ruthless, calm and emotionless. Desric does not open his past to anyone, not because he is shy, but because even he does not know what has happened to him. Desric has his own views on how the Jedi Order should be run. In his mind, the Jedi Order should be an efficient defence unit for the Republic, providing protection and security for the Republic, which Desric desires to control. Desirc is very intelligent and has immense knowledge in the force. Desric appears to have no feelings other than anger, which suits him perfectly, but not even a Jedi Master knows about him, his past, or why he has a connection to Darth Raven.


    The known life of Desric Matis'Kysn or as he is now known as, Darth Viscarous, begins on a small ship that was found crashed in Praestliyn, about five-hundred years ago. When locals from around the crash were observing the wreck, a human male wearing the mask of the Legend Darth Raven emerged from the ship and began violently murdering the locals. When the Jedi heard the name Darth Raven mentioned, the Jedi had no choice to go to Praestliyn and investigate. As they soon found out, this Human had arrived at Praestliyn from far outside the Galaxy. Desric asked to return to Coruscant with the Jedi. The Jedi, sensing a connection between Desric and Raven, agreed to bring Desric back to Coruscant to begin Jedi trials. Desric passed the trials in a matter of months, displaying the skill and knowledge not seen a a very long time. The Jedi Council was sure that Desric had a close connection to Raven, so they named him a Master and gave him a position on the Jedi Council just two years after the Jedi had found Desric's ship. The next four hundred and ninety years went smoothly and without any major incidents, although the Council was always unsure if and when Desric would open the speculation that he is or is connected to Darth Raven. That time never came, but the speculation was there forever. Five years later, tension grew between the Council. Desric insisted that the Jedi take action and destroy those who stand in the way of the Republic, while the majority of the Council was against such action. Desric eventually decided to take over the Jedi Order, staging a revolt against the Jedi Order, eliminating Jedi who stood against what Desric, or Darth Viscarous as he is known now, has to say. Darth Viscarous either killed or exiled all of the Jedi Council. With his followers on his side, Viscarous is secretly planning to take over the Republic, and finish what Raven started. A Sith Empire controlled by a Sith Lord.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)
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    I would like to reserve a spot as a jedi.

    Edit 1: Oh, and here's my SU. Yes, I was excited to join this.

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    Whoo! Awesome! Now, who out there wants to be my fellow Jedi?
    Using my old SU from the first attempt. Tell me if anything needs to be changed.

    Name: Wren Drelot
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Current Home world: Nar Shaddaa
    Appearance: Wren Drelot's appearance is not far from the dictionary definition of a typical human male. A Caucasian male of average height, Wren blends well in his crowd of smugglers and scoundrels.

    Standing around 5"9 and weighing a little more 170 pounds, Wren is thin yet athletic having a capable body following years of training. It should be noted, that is far from obvious as he does not have bulky, clumsy muscles. Instead, his body has some tone and definition. He maintains his good shape through a fairly active lifestyle, constantly doing something to keep himself busy.

    Wren has relatively long, wavy brown hair that falls down into face and covers his ears and neck giving him a "scruffy" appearance. The hair is a wholesome light brown with some shine and character to it. His eyes are an inviting blue, matching his light saber in a twisted tale of irony. Due to good hygiene, Wren's face has maintained a youthful vigor, free of impurities and cosmetic damage. His cheeks are rosy as well, giving him a "baby face" if you will. Wren also keeps himself clean-shaven and well groomed, rarely going out with tending his basic needs.

    Wren's choice of clothing matches those of a smuggler more than anything. He wears red-long sleeved shirt with a black leather vest over it. The black vest has several pockets hidden inside it as well as a few outside in the open. The red long sleeved shirt has a subtle pinstripe design on it, with thin black stripes. Wren chooses black pants above others with a pair grey combat boots for tactical advantages over others. Two brown leather belts hover above his waist. He keeps two generic blaster pistols on one belt, while the other belt is full of useful utility tools. His light saber remains hidden in the inside of his vest, out of sight for the common man.

    Side: Jedi (if he had to pick)
    Title: Fallen Jedi if possible. If not, he is a very rebellious Knight.

    Personality: Wren can be best described as rebellious and troublemaker, but with his heart in the right place. Despite a person with the best intentions, Wren often goes about it the wrong way, inconveniencing others with his reckless actions. Far from patient, he prefers action over debate therefore it is far that you see him sit down and discuss something for long. Wren likes to stay active and always has to be doing something or otherwise he will quickly become stir-crazy should he do nothing for extended periods of times. Wren is forward-thinking as well. He abhors most traditions and desires change. Whether good or bad is another story. To this end, Wren can be described as an anarchist, believing the current regime has to be rebuilt for the better of the galaxy.

    Wren is quite dry and sardonic, holding a pessimistic outlook on others and the galaxy. Firmly believing that the majority of the galaxy is out for themselves, Wren has little hope for peace and has decided it is best to adapt to a tumultuous life. As such, Wren is a very adaptable person, able to think and adjust quickly to changing situations with the best of them. He is the owner of sharp tongue and talks with unrivaled charm and wit. While Wren loves a good fight, he prefers to try to talk himself out of certain situations.

    As mentioned earlier, Wren takes reckless actions at times. This has landed him in trouble several times but has also gotten him out of trouble many more. Wren chooses to leave things up to fate more than anything else, taking risks more times in a month than many do in a lifetime. He has good instincts that often lead him through rough patches.

    Wren still has a few traits that have carried over from his Jedi days. The basic moral code, the emotional control and relatively timid nature have carried over (though he does carry an air of confidence). Wren rarely loses calm nature and surprisingly does not have a large ego despite being separate from the Jedi for several years. He also has retained his good nature and warm heart, hoping to do good despite his pessimism. Wren earnestly wishes for peace and stability, but does not have high hopes for either.

    History: Wren Drelot was born on the planet of Coruscant to a young poor couple, but upon discovering of his force sensitivity was shipped over for Jedi training at a young age. Wren became something of prodigy, as training as a youngling came easy to him. His skill with a light-saber was honed quickly, out-dueling his peers (and older students) with ease and his control of basic skills with force was impressive to many. He became a padawan at a young age under the tutelage of a master by the name Caster Lavar. There were paired together because of their similar skill sets, as both were naturals with the light-saber. It was only a year later that the Jedi masters realized that in hindsight that a brash young master with a rebellious padawan was a grave error. Caster, like Wren, was considered a prodigy, being incredibly talented. However, also like Wren, Caster had a small ego and was progressive in his thoughts on Jedi training.

    As such it was Caster influenced who Wren is today. Caster was more aggressive and eager preferring action over debate, and trusted his instincts when it came to making decisions. He also frequently complained about the way the Jedi Council operated with their inability to make quick, efficient decisions, and how if they trusted their hearts instead of relying on the force to send them a message that many of the galaxy's problems could have been avoided. Caster's most important lesson was also his most unusual. He taught Wren that emotions were nothing to be feared. He believed they should be embraced and when properly controlled could give one more power to craft their own path. Caster also molded a theory that if a Jedi embraces just enough emotion to remain sane and in control, that succumbing to the Dark side becomes that much harder. "The Dark side is alluring because of the emotions that can be felt", said Caster. "You know all the dangers, but if allow yourself to experience while being a Jedi, there is no lure. No desire to become a mindless Sith following the orders of some mask-wearing power hungry overlord." Caster was not very articulate but Wren got the message. Caster and Wren were paired together for some time and Caster's maverick way of thinking passed on Wren. They journeyed for many years across the galaxy performing routine missions and fighting the forces of "evil" with a smile on their faces.

    Several years later at the age of 21, Wren became a full-fledged Knight. He was already recognized as once of the most skilled wielders of a lightsaber and a talented practitioner with the force, though almost all his skills were suited for combat. It was not long before the Jedi Council set Wren on several missions, each time he was criticized for his methods. Claiming that he was too reckless, too quick to jump to conclusions and too "merciless" (which could lead to war as they said), Wren was gradually sent to complete minor, routine missions that did not compliment his clearly defined skill-set. And at the worst of times, Wren was ordered to remain on Coruscant doing absolutely nothing. Though Wren believed that he was doing the right thing, he always criticized. The criticism got to him quickly but Caster usually offered a shoulder of support for his former padawan, claiming they do to him all the time and it is nothing to be concerned with.

    A few years later, Wren was reassigned to doing important missions often paired with other Knights (probably to control him, he quickly concluded). For the most part, Wren's methods were criticized to a significantly lesser degree as he had calmed down during his years of sedentary behavior. This was a time of ecstasy as Wren felt he was like part of a bigger picture. However, one mission on the planet of Tatooine ended poorly with the deaths of many innocents at Mos Eisely. Despite arguing that Mos Eisely is a wretched hive of scum and villainy it fell on deaf ears. Wren's frustration with that mission and many others, combined with their inability to fix a number of problems including his visions of the future (including the rise of a dark force), prompted him to leave the order. Grabbing his saber and his most necessary belongings, Wren stole a ship and left.

    Wren assumed a new identity of a mercenary, a bounty hunter, smuggler and scoundrel. He completed any mission presented to him permitting he was hunting the scum, helping the good and smuggling the questionable in the galaxy. Wren never completely abandoned the Jedi at heart, refusing to help anything remotely recognizing the dark side. In fact, he investigated anything suspicious and reported it to Caster, the only Jedi he ever trusted.

    In recent years, Wren purchased a ship and made a home on Nar Shaddaa, where he can keep tabs on criminals and stop the worst if given the opportunity.

    Hilt: https://media.photobucket.com/image/the%20prophecy%20ultra%20sabers/jasher46/Prophecy/DSC07719.jpg
    Blade Color: Blue
    No of Sabers: 1
    Single or Double: Single
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    Can I reserve? I love Star Wars!

    *Edit, I'm done

    Name: Kalei Nost

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Current homeworld: Kashyyyk

    Appearance: Physical appearance except for her eyes
    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    Kalei is a Miraluka in race, (hope everyone knows what race that is :) )

    The mask that covers where her eyes would be (if she had them)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    Side: Jedi

    Title: Master

    Personality: Kalei is a very kind and gentle woman. She holds a deep respect for the force and will fight for what she believes in. Kalei strongly follows the Jedi code and has never once broken it. Kalei has just recently become a Jedi master and has yet to have a padawan but the thought of it does make her nervous. She fears that her padawan won't like her, or won't respect her teachings. Even though she will never have a relationship family is very important to her and she keeps in contact with her family, never going too long without contacting them. Kalei like most of her race is awed by life forms that do not have the force. Being so in tune with the force Kalei simply can not imagine being without it.

    History: Kalei was born and raised on Alpheridies, at a young age it was discovered that the force was stronger in her than in other members of her family. Unlike her parents and older brother Kalei could access the force in ways farther than just using it to see things around her since she was born of the race with no eyes. When her strength in the force was discovered Kalei was taken to the Jedi Training grounds that had been hidden on Alpheridies. She enjoyed learning everything and vowed to always follow the Jedi Code. When she became old enough to be a Padawan learner Kalei was chosen by Master Alrai Ophiu. She greatly respected Master Ophiu and was grateful to learn from him. Her training took her to several plants throughout the system but they made sure to stay unknown to the Sith. She trained with Master Ophiu from the time she was 15 to when she was 21. That final year the master and padawan where found by a small group working with the Sith and when ensuring that Kalei got to safety it cost him his life. Upon returning to Alpheridies Kalei was given the title of Jedi Master and has yet to recieve a padawan learner of her own.
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    Finished my sign up, hope it's ok :)
    I edited my su, changed my lightsaber from blue to green since I noticed all the Jedi had blue lightsabers lol
    Name: Jerrall An-Kotin " Darth Moor"
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Current Home world: Coruscant
    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    Side: Sith
    Title: Knight
    Personality: (Describe about your characters traits, opinions, etc.)
    History: (Describe your character's past)

    No. Of Blades: 1
    Colour: Crimson
    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    Will finish later.
    OH. I'm reserving (even though I shouldn't but who could pass up?) buuut I don't think I could play a "sith" very well... So I'm making a semi-sith :D who's hunting jedi and whatnot but won't really recognize the sith as her lords, not completely at least. That ok?


    [PokeCommunity.com] Star Wars: A Republic Dark Age (OOC/SU)

    Name: Renna Tolosis

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Current Home world: None. She travels around, hitch-hiking by finding temporary work on traders ships.

    Appearance: Picture
    She has adopted the look of a common smuggler and even uses guns. It's to conceal her jedi powers - or sith, as it maybe should be called now - until it's necessary to show them. Below the picture, she wears a pair of sturdy, black leather boots. She is a red Twi'lek.

    Side: Sith

    Title: Bounty Hunter.

    Personality: Renna is, like many female Twi'leks, well aware of that she is being considered beautiful among humans and many other species. She uses it to her advantage, to get good deals and to bribe or convince people to get where she wants to. She is sly and her smile is always accompanied by dark, glimmering eyes.

    Friends isn't something that she considers real; people exist to exploit and use each other for their own gains. She does her best to stay aware of when people are trying to use her, and she will let them if it will gain her in the long run. She has no problem with following orders in her temporary jobs, but as soon as the work is done, she is her own lord again and won't be pushed around.

    Her many years on Dantooine, training to be a jedi, has taught her many techniques and powers that she has transformed and bent to suit her needs. She often uses the force in a psychokinetic way or to enhance her muscle strength or make illusions, but she prefers to use her guns or lightsaber to harm others rather than to sent lightning bolts with the force at her enemies. She feels more alive when she gets to use lethal weapons rather than just waving her hands.

    While not saying that she is allied with the Sith, she often does work for them and teams up temporarily with them because after all, she thinks they have the right idea compared to the pompous jedi council. She often tries to assassin jedis that she comes into contact with, not wanting to show openly that she is a dark jedi but sympathizing enough with the sith for wanting to help them in their mission to clear the galaxy from the jedi.

    Another notable thing that actually makes her look like a good character, is her hate for slavery. Since slave traders were the ones who separated her from her family and sparkled the initial rage that grew to become her strong connection with the dark side of the force, her vision turns red whenever she hears or sees slaves and would rather set weak slaves free than let their slave masters continue their work - even though she normally hates weak people.

    History: Born to two Twi'leks on an unknown planet, Renna and her village was attacked by slave traders when she was only 7 years old. She was taken as a slave and got separated from her parents. The raider ship made a pit stop at one of their hidden bases on the calm planet of Dantooine, right when some jedi Knights invaded that base to help some villagers whom had been raided as well. These jedi found Renna and took her in when they felt a strong force within her. It turned out that her midichlorian count was unusually high for just any stowaway and so some wanted to put her up for jedi training. Others felt that her power stemmed from vengeful emotions against the slave traders and meant that it would be too risky to train her.

    The yes voters won. Over the course of more than 10 years, Renna was trained at the jedi enclave on Dantooine. Not without problems though. When she heard the history of jedi and Sith, she said that she didn't understand why the jedi were so unnaccepting of the Sith when they were so keen on keeping balance and accepting most other things. This disturbed her masters, but her training continued in an effort to try and make these thoughts go away. It seemed as if they had succeeded when Renna showed less signs of rebellious thoughts in the middle of her teenage years.

    But then, some dark jedi attacked the Dantooine council. At first, they fought the jedi while talking to them, trying to see their point of view and get them to join their side. Of course it failed with most of the jedi at the enclave, and many were killed that day. But Renna listened. She felt the force inside her body respond when the words of the dark jedi touched her. This was what she wanted to use her power and emotions for. Not some stupid made up Jedi Code. She could feel that whatever codes the Sith followed, they stemmed from true emotions, and life and death.

    She didn't come along quietly though. First, she slew the dark jedi who had taken her jedi masters by surprise and killed them. Not that she wanted to be the righteous one - but because she felt like she was reborn and could do whatever she wanted. Instead of joining the Sith right on the spot, she took one of the jedi's ship and flew away from the planet where she had been living for most of her life. She started living a traveling life, acting as a smuggler and bounty hunter. Few knew that she was a jedi... or a dark jedi, for that matter. She is searching for something. Truth, perhaps.

    Lightsaber: One, yellow in color with a golden colored hilt. IMAGE

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    Oh, yeah! This RP is going! So, when will the IC be submitted?
    Whaat, now there are more jedi spots? xD I wanted to be a jedi, not a sith. Well whatever. I'll try be somewhat evil for a change. And things aren't set in stone; maybe I can turn to the good side over the course of the RP? :3

    Anyways, excited for this RP so I hope the IC thread gets sent in soon! *plans on how to convince le mod to accept it quickly*
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    Whaat, now there are more jedi spots? xD I wanted to be a jedi, not a sith. Well whatever. I'll try be somewhat evil for a change. And things aren't set in stone; maybe I can turn to the good side over the course of the RP? :3

    Anyways, excited for this RP so I hope the IC thread gets sent in soon! *plans on how to convince le mod to accept it quickly*

    Yea the people on each side are not set in stone... I will likely submit the IC soon.
    Where are you planning for us to begin? Like, on what planet?
    Ignore Me!

    Sorry but after some thought (as much as I hate to admit it) I'm not going to have the time for this RP... Pure sadness :(
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