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Stats of Pokémon in Pokémon GO now differ

They even changed the way how players are determining IVs for their Pokemon, which means all those third party IV calculators and CP calculators are somewhat useless now.

Which is fine because I rarely use calculators, but this can also help determine the CP of the Pokemon depending on the level. Like, since I'm level 24 (close to 25), evolving my Pokemon will be a piece of cake.
They even changed the way how players are determining IVs for their Pokemon, which means all those third party IV calculators and CP calculators are somewhat useless now.

Hm? My Iv Calculator is reading the same as the games appraisal system, its been on point since the change still.

Also the change only effects players below level 25. Lv. 30 and above will share the same cp/ivs/moves/size, while Lv. 25 and above will share the same ivs/movies/size.

Luckily our local tracking website will stay up for now at-least, loss of ivs semi hurt like 100% magikarp, though it doesn't matter too much, I never cared about the moves much either. Just finding rare pokemon like Mareep or Milktank is good enough for me.