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Stop Consuming and Create


  • 13,184
    • Age 31
    • Seen Jan 30, 2015
    Everyone has some kind of hobby, whether it's watching anime or playing video games or a sport or an activity. But so few of us have creative hobbies - so many hobbies are consumptive and it makes no sense.

    Say you get a platinum trophy in that game that you've been playing for a few months now, and you're incredibly proud of it. Great! Good for you! I'm sure it was fun to get. Now tell me, who will appreciate that trophy? What did you gain from getting that trophy? Did you learn a skill you can show someone else? No? Then...what are you doing?

    I know, there's some amount of hobbies that's just enjoying your free time, regardless of how it will further you as a person. Some might argue that's all hobbies are; however, that really isn't the case. A hobby is something you choose to spend your free time doing. The more you do it, the better you get at it, so you're creating skills and habits for the rest of your life by the hobbies you choose. If your hobby is a sport, you're creating physical skills and habits that will keep you in shape. If your hobby is an instrument, you gain the skill of being able to play that instrument for other people. If your hobby is watching TV, you gain...the skill of sitting still a lot and the habit of little to no activity with nothing to show for it.

    Sure, consumptive hobbies are fun in the moment. Maybe you feel like part of a community because you watch Doctor Who every day. But if you dedicate all your time to these hobbies that do nothing but consume, that give you nothing back, then you're hamstringing your potential. We all have the potential to create in some way; coding was my creative hobby until it became my career. Learn an instrument, learn a language, join a recreational sports league, pick up painting, write. Not every hobby has to be creative; but someone who only partakes in consumptive hobbies without a single creative one in the mix is someone who's not growing as a person in their free time while they sit there and play video games for 12 hours.
    i love this

    i try to do something to benefit my future most of the time i do things (im also good at justifying it, too...)
    "Sure, consumptive hobbies are fun in the moment." I have felt this way after finishing a game. While I am both a consumer and a creator I fear that I am consuming more rather than creating. That may actually be causing me to be less creative too...
    Not every hobby has to be creative; but someone who only partakes in consumptive hobbies without a single creative one in the mix is someone who's not growing as a person in their free time while they sit there and play video games for 12 hours.

    I can agree with this. There should be some sort of balance.

    It's true that doing activities for their own sake, rather than for some purpose, has been shown to be important for well-being. But it's irresponsible to neglect future plans entirely.

    Yep, it's all about balance I think. I mean, if everyone spent their time creating, and no one consumed, what would be the point?