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[Challenge] String Hexalocke Challenge


Second Violinist
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 649
    Have you ever imagine yourself managing a musical group - specifically a string sextet? You can try to run one here, but Pokemon-style. Yes, this challenge is called String Hexalocke (a.k.a. String Hexad-locke / Sextet-locke, as sextet and hexad are the same thing) which basically emulates the typical string sextet consisting of two violins, two violas, and two cellos.

    1. Only first encounter per area can be caught. Dupes clause is recommended here. For those who play Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, these rules are replaced by:
    • Only first catch per area can be used. Subsequent catches in the same area are only allowed for grinding due to the game mechanics and they must be released ASAP.
    • Dupes clause is still recommended here, but a second Pikachu/Eevee (depending on your game) counts for the first encounter since your starter can't evolve. However, a third one no longer counts.
    2. You must name everything useable (as mentioned in rule #1).
    3. Just like the real-life string sextet, the maximum capacity of your party is six: 2 violinists (violin players), 2 violists (viola players), and 2 cellists (cello players). And no, this isn't a Wedlocke, so you're allowed to shuffle the members around as long as they don't break the formation. As for which Pokemon is which, see here:

    4. A Pokemon breaks its instrument upon fainting. If that happens, it must be retired. (this is basically the "death" rule in a regular Nuzlocke, just worded differently)
    • Exception: Said Pokemon gets a new instrument (read: revived) when auto-heal ensues with no access to PC box (perhaps in a cutscene or something).
    5. Gifts and eggs given by NPCs may be used.
    6. Shiny and legendary Pokemon can be considered as virtuosos, so they can be caught regardless of rule #1. However, only a virtuoso per instrument can be in the party at the same time (total up to 3 virtuosos).
    • Optional: The legendary part may be omitted, thus making this rule a limited shiny clause.
    7. HM buddies can be caught only if you absolutely have to. Their placement must follow rule #3 and must not be used for battles if they break rule #1 and/or #4.
    • Exception: this rule is null and void in gen 7 games because they have their own HM equivalents: Poke Ride (Alola-based) and Secret Technique (Kanto-based)
    8. All these rules only kick in after receiving your first Pokeballs.
    • Exception: rule #3, it kicks in as soon as you get your starter instead.
    9. For any of you who want more, the ultimate challenge is available for you. No need to do everything in order, just one game per region will do.

    End Points

    Sign-up Form
    Instrument groups: (Primary/Secondary/Shuffle-style)
    Challenge: (Single/Ultimate)

    Here's mine:
    Username: saniachan
    Game(s): Ultra Sun (continuing this playthrough, but I'll transfer my previous updates here ASAP)
    Instrument groups: Shuffle-style
    Challenge: Single




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    I'll give this a go!

    Username: SorveteQuente
    Game(s): Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Omega Ruby, Platinum, White, Black 2, Y, Ultra Sun
    Instrument groups: Primary
    Challenge: Ultimate
    I'll give this a go!

    Username: SorveteQuente
    Game(s): Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Omega Ruby, Platinum, White, Black 2, Y, Ultra Sun
    Instrument groups: Primary
    Challenge: Ultimate
    Oho~ Ultimate challenge already? I wish you a good luck for that one. :happy:

    That being said, lemme (re)post my first update~

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 1)

    The Players
    No updates from others yet? Awkay, I gotta double-post here. However, if nobody post here after this, I might have to triple-post (or even multi-post) for my own (re-)updates. Doesn't it feel like too spammy? :confused:

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 2)

    The Players

    The Backup Players
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    Seems like it's very lonely here, but I'll start one of my own hexalockes soon, don't worry. Might go for Hoenn first this time.
    Sorvete's Ultimate String Hexalocke Challenge
    Games: 0/8

    [PokeCommunity.com] String Hexalocke Challenge

    Pokémon Omega Ruby
    Deaths: 0 | Badges: 0

    Part 1
    Dear Alexandra,

    It's getting hard, it seems like I can't trust anyone. Wish I was there with you.

    February 2nd, 2017

    My journey starts tomorrow! This is so exciting, can't wait to get my first Pokémon already. I bought this journal to record interesting things that might happen, but I don't want anyone to read it, alright?
    February 3rd, 2017

    I chose Mudkip! I was pretty indecisive about my starter, actually, but I ultimately choose him because it's even cuter in person! Her, I mean, it's a girl. Professor Birch said those are rarer than the boys, lucky me! Her name is gonna be Wendy!
    February 4th, 2017

    I arrived in Petalburg this morning, and found dad at the gym! He doesn't seem to want to battle me yet, though, says I'm still too weak. Guess I'll have to get a few badges first. I also made new friends along the way, a Poochyena, Carl, and a Taillow, Mel.
    February 5th, 2017

    I didn't realize it would be so hard to get past Petalburg Woods, took me about 8 hours to figure a way out. I'm glad I found a friendly scientist at the end to show me the path. He was being harassed by an evil man, but I defeated him in a battle. I'm here at Rustboro and my battle against Ms. Roxanne will be tomorrow. I need to rest now.
    February 8th, 2017

    It's been some time since I wrote here, but a lot of things happened! I got my first badge pretty easily, it seems like Water-types like Wendy have an advantage against Rock-types like Geodude, and Roxanne used rocks! I also helped that scientist again and his boss asked me to do a favor for him, so I went to Dewford. There's another gym leader there who uses Fighting-types. Clyde told me Flying-types are supereffective against them, so I used Ruth, my Beautifly, in the gym. She had learned Gust recently, so it would be perfect. The battle was easy for me, second badge acquired! Mr. Brawly also complimented my battle strategies and said I would be a very successful battler in the future, how nice of him!
    February 10th, 2017

    I delivered the letter to Mr. Steven, and Mr. Briney took me to Slateport. I was gonna check the museum, but I decided to take a break for a bit at the Pokémon Center and listen to some Coldplay. Their Rush of Blood to the Head album is amazing.
    February 15th, 2017

    It's been a long time since my last update here, but I'm pretty nervous at the moment. Rachel, a Minun I caught, was heavily injured and they're taking care of her at the Pokémon center since yesterday. I just hope for the best. I'm here at Mauville and the city is huge, but I don't think I'll be sightseeing for a while.

    Notes: Sorry about this weird kind of Journal thing, and I know it doesn't have anything to do with music at all (save that Coldplay mention), but I am following the regular hexalocke rules and everything, just had thought of this type of update and figured I wanted to do something different this time. Don't know if I'm gonna keep this format for future challenges, but I will for the Hoenn arc. Here are the important things that happened if you didn't read or can't interpret the story:

    - I got my first 2 badges;
    - One death ocurred. It was a Minun who died by a critical hit.

    Also another important note: I am using the exp. share for this to save the grinding, but I might turn it off if the game gets too easy later on.

    And now I'll post my current team and the backup in the PC.





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    Notes: Sorry about this weird kind of Journal thing, and I know it doesn't have anything to do with music at all (save that Coldplay mention), but I am following the regular hexalocke rules and everything, just had thought of this type of update and figured I wanted to do something different this time. Don't know if I'm gonna keep this format for future challenges, but I will for the Hoenn arc.
    Hey, nice journal you got there. :smile:
    And speaking of the musical references, that's totally optional. Depending on your writing style, that is. :wink-right-eye:

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 3)

    The Players

    The Backup Players

    The Broken Instruments
    sounds fine!
    there is my:
    Username: Darki the Darkrai
    Game(s): fire red
    Instrument groups: Shuffle-style
    Challenge: Single
    Day 1
    Call my self Darki and my rival Cube.
    Take the potion from the computer.
    Come with pro. Oak to his lab to taking on what ever he want.
    Take Blue Head,the violin Squirtle.
    Win Cube with two cricitals by Blue Head.
    Come to Viridian City.
    take the parcel from the shoper.
    Come back to Palet Town.
    Take from pro. oak the pokedex and the pokeballs.
    Take the map from Daisy.
    Catch in route 1 Doll, the viola Pidgey.
    Catch on route 24 Codemonkey, the cello Monkey.
    Train my party to level 9.
    Win easy Cube with Blue head and Doll.
    End of day 1.


    [PokeCommunity.com] String Hexalocke Challenge

    Name:Blue Head
    Attacks:Tackle,Tail whip and Bubble

    [PokeCommunity.com] String Hexalocke Challenge

    Ability:Keen Eye
    Attacks:Tackle,Sand-Attack and Gust

    [PokeCommunity.com] String Hexalocke Challenge

    Ability:Vital Spirit
    Attacks:Scratch,Leer and Low Kick
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    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 4)

    The Players

    The Backup Players

    The Broken Instruments
    Last edited:
    Username: Fenberry
    Game(s): FireRed, HeartGold, AlphaSapphire, Pearl, White, Y Sun
    Instrument groups: Primary
    Challenge: Ultimate!!
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    Oops! My bad! Lemme edit that. (I'll be using Y!)
    Awright, already added to the challengers list. ������

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 5)

    The Players

    The Backup Players

    The Broken Instruments
    Last edited:
    Fen's Fantastic Forte

    Day One











    Note: I'm skipping Pearl because I don't have the ROM downloaded.
    Fen's Fantastic Forte, Day 2

    Today I'll be focusing on just FireRed and completing that first gym.



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    Fen's Fantastic Forte, Update 3

    I'm currently focusing on completing FireRed with my team. Here's my update!

    *note - I'll add in the team later.
    Sorry for the long wait. I'm back~ 🙃

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 6)

    The Players

    The Backup Players

    The Broken Instruments
    Aight folks, double-posting ensues here. I'll probably multi-post again if this thread is still as quiet as ever. (also partially my fault because I forgot to update since long ago) 🙃

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 7)

    The Players

    The Backup Players

    The Broken Instruments
    Last edited:
    Triple post. Wonder if it makes up for tons of things to catch up in my part, hmm? 🤔

    Koh's Journey in a Nutshell (Part 8)

    The Players

    The Backup Players

    The Broken Instruments