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Contest: Team Hack-off II: Sign-ups

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Username/name: FBI
Preferred contact method: Maybe skype, maybe forums, maybe iirc, doesn't matter to me
Role: ASM only :c
Skills: Complete noob, no skills anywhere else
Experience: 2/10
Username: slashtiki, or you can call me DJ
Preferred Method of Contact: Skype (@slashtiki), E-mail ([email protected]), or PM/VM here on PC.
Role: Hacker, Writer, Scripter, Insertion, Tester
Experience: Hacker (7/10)- In terms of ROM Editing and hacking features, that's an easy A for me. Scripting and Mapping. Pretty simple too. Even if music is a tad harder, but still understandable. However, when it comes to graphics hacking, I can barely do crap. So don't pull me in as someone of graphical supervision.
Writer (10/10)- I wrote (and are currently writing) my own stories. It's imperative that you have some unique story in your hack. It doesn't need to be "Ash's Adventure" #3710
Scripter (7/10)- Eh... pretty simple stuff. I'm very familiar with it. Just need to scratch off all that rust from being absent from hacking.
Insertion (9/10)- ASM, Scripts, Pokémon, OW's, you name it, I should have a good idea how to insert it.
Tester (10/10)- It's as simple as playing the game and stating what's good and bad. Not exactly the hardest of things.
Username: Superjolt (you can call me Super though :) )
Preferred contact method: PM through forum, Skype could work too
Role: Mapper or Scripter
Skills: Still new/learning, but I could probably do some other basic data editing and whatnot
Experience: I don't know, I'm still learning so maybe 2.5-3/10 for scripting and 4 for mapping?
Teams are gonna be announced tomorrow, right?

Yeah, I was going to close this thread now and post a new thread announcing the teams tomorrow, but there are two positions left so we can have a total of 40 participants, so I'm going to leave the thread open for a while longer. If two people don't sign up by tomorrow I'll just close the thread and post the teams right after.
Teams are up!

A post explaining what has to be done by the first Checkpoint (August 1st) will be up soon.
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