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That's A Wrap! #1: Inception (2010) [Daily Bloggity Entry #184]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    Date: 12 November 2014
    Time: 7:34 AM ET
    Mood: Someone's eating chicken next to me

    "That's A Wrap! is a new series in the Daily Bloggity which gives my personal opinions and ratings on movies that I have either backlogged or never had the chance to watch until now. Be wary in reading the entries as they may contain spoilers if you don't want the movie ruined for you if you haven't seen it. It's not exactly a review of the movie, but rather just things I like and don't like it about the movie. This will be a random series that will occur on days at 5PM Eastern Time."

    Christopher Nolan is an absolute genius when it comes to screenwriting. After watching the movie Interstellar earlier last week - another Christopher Nolan movie which, by the way, everyone should watch - I really wanted to delve into more Nolan movies as Interstellar was such a fantastically written movie (except for maybe a certain scene near the end, but that's beside the point.) As a result, I ended up coming across the movie Inception; a movie which for some bizarre reason flew under the radar for me for so long. I had always heard of good things about it - one of my closest friends is absolutely obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio and wouldn't shut up about it - but for some reason just never dished out the money to see it. Thankfully, I found out my girlfriend owned the movie so earlier this week we popped some popcorn, kicked our feet up, and went about watching the movie.

    The concept of inception is a fascinating subject; going from dream to deeper dream to deepest dream and the physics of time that goes along with it is something that truly interest me yet utterly confounds me at the same time. When I watched the movie with my girlfriend there were many times in which I asked to pause the movie because I had to take a moment to let my mind process everything that was going on. I can only imagine the confusion that people might have had watching it in the movies when it was initially released. But those are the kind of movies that I find myself most entranced by; movies that make you think about what's actually going on give you a satisfaction when you can finally wrap your head around everything that's going on. It's this kind of movie that shows how much writing must have gotten into it to make everything to intricately entwined and workable so that the average audience member can understand what is actually going on, which is something that I think Christopher Nolan so successfully did.


    Leonardo DiCaprio had a very captivating performance in this movie. The inner struggle he faces in trying to keep his memories of his wife alive while not squandering the inception mission by letting his conscious run wild was such a good plot happenstance in the movie. His performance overall was two thumbs way up and made me really appreciate his acting ability (which is a shame he didn't win anything from it, at least to my knowledge.) It was also a really nice surprise to see the actor from The Last Samuari - his name escapes me at this moment - in the movie as well, as well as his struggle in trying to survive the whole ordeal after being shot, as well as how his body adapted as they traveled deeper and deeper into the inception. Realistically, the whole choice in cast was spot on from Ellen Page to Joseph Gordon Levitt; no complaints all around in that regard.

    I did have one question though from the movie: did DiCaprio never actually awaken from the fourth level? At the end of the movie he rejoins his family, but when he spins his token it never topples (which when it did was supposed to be a sign that he entered reality.) Did DiCaprio just decide in the end that would accept this dream state as his new reality because he was too far deep in inception at that point in the movie? Another reason why I thought that it was a dream was because Michael Caine was one of the people who picked up DiCaprio when he landed in America, which doesn't make much sense considering Michael Caine was in another country earlier in the movie. Would Michael Caine really have flown across the globe to meet DiCaprio at the airport? Or was that just a figment of his dream state?

    Either way, the movie was absolutely fantastic. The music was amazing, the plot was incredible, and the actors in the movie did a phenomenal job in providing such an awesome performance for us. I would absolutely watch this movie again to gain a better understanding of the movie, which I might actually end up doing as it's one of the movies I have listed to buy in the near future. Christopher Nolan shows us how great of a writer he truly is, and we should thank him for that.

    Final Rating: 9/10

    What did you think of Inception? Comment below with your thoughts and opinions as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this subject!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

    This is pretty much in my opinion one of the best movies I ever watched. The whole "dream in a dream" concept with the plot heavily relates to me, because I sometimes tend to have moments like what's being viewed on-screen.

    The acting is also really good, and every moment gives you that on-the-edge feeling. Definitely one I recommend to anyone.