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The Beta Place


7.8/10 too much water
  • 17,091
    Currently with A LOT of clients a-waiting (apparently) - Beta Readers, take a look! THREAD TO BE REPOSTED SOON! CHECK YOUR PMs PLEASE.

    Welcome to the Beta Place! Here, one can apply to be a beta reader, or apply to get a beta reader. An organised system that'll hopefully make things easier for people willing to help others with their fic, or people who want help with their fic - whether if it's for another set of eyes to proofread, or major improvements in their fic. And is a shameless copy of purple drake's one on Serebii with some changes XD.

    Now, all standard rules apply here including fanfic rules, of course, but also a few more:

    - All contact between beta readers and their 'clients' should be through PM and/or email, NOT in the thread. Yes, this goes for people asking someone to be their beta reader and vice versa. This is merely a place of reference, and for applying/submitting applications.

    - Emphasis on no spamming. Note from Astinus: This means no "thanking" bobandbill or Astinus when they approve your application. Let's keep this thread neat.

    - Don't apply unless you're serious about the story or being a beta-reader. By 'serious' I mean you've thought about it, you know where it's going and/or know you're going to stick with it.

    - Astinus and I have the right to refuse your submission to be a beta reader, if we think you may not be up to standard. We want people we are sure will help out others, not people who will do a limited job.

    - If you were waiting for a beta reader and got one, or you want to update your status, tell me and I'll update it here.

    - Beta readers have the right to refuse to beta a story if they have a reason for it. If said reason is they don't have time to take any more stories, they should however tell me or Astinus (preferably me) via PM about it, so we can update your information here.

    So, stick to those rules, people.

    General advice as well:
    - This thread is about guidance, so if you disagree with your mentor you can bring it up with them. Just be polite about it; remember, they are just trying to help you.

    - It is advisable to read over your work BEFORE you hand it over to the beta reader. Beta readers aren't a spell and grammar check, but real people (gasp!), so keep that in mind. In other words - don't hand in something that hasn't been run through a proof-read by yourself and a simple spell check to pick up on the simple mistakes (after all, that's what a spell check is for anyway) - Beta Readers want to be able to read your work without going mad.

    - Be patient. Beta readers have to take the time to help, so don't pester them about when they'll be done with your chapter. That said, if it's been two weeks or something and you haven't heard a word, then feel free to give them a poke.

    - On the flip side, if you a beta reader with a piece of writing ready to beta and it's been a few days, and you KNOW it'll be a while yet in coming, warn your mentoree it might take a while. If you're going away or you're losing your Internet access, then let them know.

    - You CAN be a beta reader and also apply for one as well. We're not all perfect. :)

    Now that's over with, here we go with the applications. First, to be a beta reader. These are both for people to see your style of beta reading and all that jazz, and Astinus and I to see if you are acceptable or not. :)


    Genre specialty:
    Preferred method of contact:
    Examples of writing:
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:
    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    Now, for what each one means... PLEASE READ!

    Ok, now, to be a client. If you look at the list and already know who you want, and you contact them outside this thread, no worries. However, if you are undecided or want people to know you need a beta reader, use this application which should give the necessary information a beta reader may be interested in. :)


    Title of Story:
    Plot summary:
    Rating (PG, R, etc):
    Type of mentor needed:
    Writing sample of story:
    Other: (such as, how long you've been writing for, what you think your strengths and weaknesses in writing are - optional)

    Fandom refers to, for example, Pokemon, or others such as, say, Digimon.
    Genre - type of story - horror, Original Trainer, etc.
    Type of mentor refers to the category section - do you want a Comprehensive beta reader, or a Proofreader, and so forth.
    Writing sample - please include at least a few paragraphs of the story you want beta-reading.

    That about covers it, then.

    So remember, post to apply to be a beta reader, or a client (unless you know who you want to contact here, of course). Communicate between yourselves then via PM or E-mail, and then notify me so I can update your status.

    Get posting people! Currently - at least one Beta Reader in each category, and one client seeking a beta Reader - get to it!


    Comprehensive Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who are pretty good at all aspects of fiction. Best for very new writers or anyone in need of general help.]

    Valentine (Also a Proofreader) - CLOSED

    Genre specialty: None in particular. I'd be happy to read and go over anything.
    Method of contact: PM for arrangement; e-mail ([email protected] , with your fic saved as a DOC or RTF attachment) once you're ready for me to go over your work. Thanks.
    Examples of writing: Most of my work on PC, LiveJournal, and FFNet has been indexed one way or another here.
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: Neo Groudon (review also done in my beta style); Galactic Operation: Johto; Breaking Out; The Rivalry
    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    Character Beta Readers:
    [Mentors skilled in character portrayal and development.]

    SilverSmeargleSplatter (Also a Plot Beta Reader) - OPEN

    Genre specialty: Romance
    Method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: Just A Brother; Face Down; e1337
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: Lucas's Father; The lost island; The Tayla Journies Volume 1

    iLike2EatPiez (Also a Plot Beta Reader) - OPEN

    Genre specialty: 'OT Fics and fics with Pokemon as the main characters are probably my specialties, but I can give pretty much anything a go.'
    Method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: Team Relic's Story; Team Yukon's Story; Oneshot(FFC)-Abandoning the Dark
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:
    Review of Supah Funk's Absol Tales.
    Review of iRawr-x's The Legend of Manaphy.
    Review of Fire Eagle's The Tale of Fire Eagle.

    Plot Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who can help with the development of plot twists, the story climax, and other problems with the storyline.]

    SilverSmeargleSplatter (Also a Character Beta Reader - see Character list for further details) - OPEN

    iLike2EatPiez (Also a Character Beta Reader - see Character list for further details) - OPEN

    Buoysel (Also a Grammar Beta Reader - see Grammar list for further details) - OPEN

    Hippy! (Also a Grammar Beta Reader) - OPEN

    Genre specialty: Adventure, horror, journey, thriller. No romance though.
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: Absol tales, Iron man, Forever shall I be at your side (Not completed):

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: Reviews of Purplestealth's An awesome adventure, Reviews of Dark_Aero's Little bit longer, Reviews of lvl99rayquaza's Sinnoh guardians: rise of Blaze

    ~Night - OPEN

    Genre specialty: I think I'm probably best in Romance, but I'll do any genre you ask.
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/175103 https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/145588 https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/139881
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpos...56&postcount=2 https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpos...00&postcount=2
    Strengths/weaknesses: I'm good with spelling and coming up with vocabulary. My weakness is that I can't make chapters a whole lot longer.

    Grammar Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who can help with ironing out those pesky grammatical errors.]

    Blue Angel (Also a Language Beta Reader/Proofreader) - OPEN

    Genre specialty: Any, I am pretty flexible. But I am best with romance, comedy, fantasy, and journey fics (or at least deeply interested in tackling Fantasy)

    Method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: N/A - although has unrevised and unposted story "Tear of Life".
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:
    Review of Pokémon Ryan's Adventure
    Review of Sinnoh Saga
    Review of Your My Everything (PG-16)


    Buoysel (Also a Plot Beta Reader) - OPEN

    Genre specialty: None, I'll read anything.
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: This Is Home, currently in production, but am "taking a break" aka Writer's Block.
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=147648
    Strengths/weaknesses: Strong in Plot, weak in Spelling

    Hippy! (Also a Plot Beta Reader - see Plot list for further details) - OPEN

    ShinjisLover (Also a Language Beta Reader) - OPEN

    Genre: Any
    Preferred method of contact: PM
    Examples of writing: Here is one from my Shaman King story:

    And one from my Pokémon story:

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: https://dragonsky.forumotion.com/fanf...ginning-t6.htm
    Strengths/weaknesses: I procrastinate sometimes, but I'll do my best to work quickly and efficently.

    *Mira (Also a Proofreader) - OPEN
    Genre Specialty: I specialize in fantasy, though I will pretty much work on anything.
    Preferred Method of Contact: PM
    Examples of writing:
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: Third review down by LydiaB:
    Seventh review down by LydiaB
    Strengths/weaknesses: I sometimes have trouble drilling into the core of the story to critique (especially when it's the first part), though that typically gets better as I am more exposed to the story line. I also tend to be random, which can be either good or bad. ;)

    bobandbill (Also a Language/Proofreader Beta Reader - BACK-UP BETA READER) - 'CLOSED' (I contact clients) (approved by Astinus)

    Genre specialty: Any, but have mostly have done OT fics. Also do comedy.
    Preferred method of contact: PM for initial contact, send documents via e-mail though.
    Examples of writing: Check my sig - two banners link to my two stories.
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports: All three of these are reviews:
    'Their Villainy Must Go On'
    'An Everlasting Love'
    'Stars' (link to another forum - sppf O_O)
    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    Language Beta Readers:
    [Mentors who can help with the fine-tuning of language, including things such as description and dialogue.]

    Blue Angel (Also a Grammar Beta Reader and Proofreader- see Grammar list for further details) - OPEN

    bobandbill (Also a Grammar/Proofreader Beta Reader - see Grammar list for further details - BACK-UP BETA READER) - 'CLOSED' (I contact clients)

    ShinjisLover(Also a Grammar Beta Reader - see Grammar list for further details) - OPEN

    [For the more experienced writers who need a second set of eyes and to offer a second opinion - usually aim to give a general overview of a work, but may focus on aspects the author particularly wants an opinion on or which they specialise in.]

    Blue Angel (Also a Grammar Beta Reader and Language Beta Reader- see Grammar list for further details) - OPEN

    bobandbill (Also a Grammar/Language Beta Reader - see Grammar list for further details - BACK-UP BETA READER) - OPEN

    Mira (Also a Grammar Beta Reader - Check that list for more info) - OPEN

    Valentine (Also a Comprehensive Beta Reader - check that list for more info) - CLOSED


    drunk ¬_¬ - Seeking a Beta Reader

    Title of Story: The Prodigy
    Fandom: Pokémon
    Plot summary: A typical Gary-Stu used to winning all his life finally meets defeat at the "Pro-Test", and is unable to get his Pokémon trainer's license. His life takes a bad turn and the once perfect Memo (that's his name) meets treason, drugs, prostitutes, fights, thievery, and becomes deeply entangled with some teams who are looking for monopoly of drug and Pokémon trafficking.
    Genre: Dark → OT (non-traditional)
    Rating: R for strong references, to drugs, murders and prostitution, as well as (non-graphic) sex and sexuality.
    Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive Beta Reader (I don't consider myself a bad writer, but this is my first fanfic, and although it is a bit complicated, and mature, I don't want to take my chances).
    Writing sample of story:

    Other: My first language is Spanish and I rely heavily on Microsoft Word's spell-check, which I've heard isn't such a good idea. Any kind of advice, or constructive criticism is gladly accepted.
    Please PM me if interested.

    Mira - Seeking a Beta Reader

    Title of Story: The Mind
    Fandom: Original Fiction
    Plot summary: This is the story of a fifteen-year-old girl named Sylvia who, after having been proven to be a Faerie, is sent to F.W.A. (Faerie Wing Academy) to have her Powers trained. After she receives her wings, she meets a woman who informs her that she is the next Mind Faerie: a Faerie born to be the guardian of the Light Faerie (the king or queen of their world). She learns that the Dark Faeries are on the move and are searching for the next Light Faerie. Sylvia is trained in her newfound Power in order to have the tools needed to protect the new Light Faerie. The only problem is, she doesn't know who it is.
    Genre: fantasy and perhaps action (Before you ask, this is not a romance novel. There's no romance until the second book and even then it is not the main component of the story.)
    Rating: PG for violence (maybe killing?) and perhaps some cussing, but otherwise G
    Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive? I don't really know which aspect I want to have it worked on specifically. My story just needs some general help. Any kind of mentor would be welcome.
    Writing sample of story: Check here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/4291432/
    Other: I don't currently have much of this story, but I'm still writing it. This is book one of The Silver Mark Trilogy.

    ShinjisLover - Seeking a Beta Reader

    Title of Story: . . . >.> Still thinkin' of one.
    Fandom: Pokémon (human adventures)
    Plot summary: A young trainer starts out her adventure with a rough, rough start. Her foster father, Kyo (Koga of Fuschia City), is of hardly any help to her. She tries to fight for justice, although cannot see the hypocrisy in her actions, as she treats her Pokémon terribly to aim for one goal: More power with which to destroy Roketto-Dan. And that's just the first two arcs.
    Genre: Tragedy, Romance, Action
    Rating: Probably R-ish for explicit violence, explicit adult themes, and language.
    Type of mentor needed: Comprehensive
    Writing samples: Check here.

    Pikalover10 - Seeking a Beta Reader

    Title of Story: PokeSpecial: Johto Journeys
    Fandom: Original Trainer Fanfic.
    Plot summary: A story about a young boy named Gold with the ambition to be just like his father. He goes on a journey with a Cyndaquil, just like his father and soon begins to realize something is happening in Johto and it is up to him, Crystal, and Silver. These three go on different journeys, but often run in to eachother.
    Genre: Journey, with a hint of Romance and Mystery.
    Rating: PG: 13
    Type of mentor needed: Grammatical most likely...
    Writing sample of story: Check it here (character limit)
    Other: I've been writing outside of PC for about 2 to 2 in ahalf years...while writing in PC I have grown in writing quit alot and I am now thinking aout becoming a professional writer when I grow up I think my strengths in writing is description, and I am pretty sure my weakness is grammatical errors...

    *Abenti - Seeking a Beta Reader

    Title of Story: Pokemon Amber: The Untold Memoir
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Plot summary: A prequel fic centering around the never seen, never named, only mentioned once in the anime father of Ash Ketchum set about 10 - 12 years before the anime starts. Anthony "Tony" Ketchum, an 18 year old trainer gets disowned after an argument and heads towards the Kanto region to take the journey that he had only planned on doing before. Along the way he gains a traveling companion as well as two other pokemon other than his his first one that he had aquired eight years prior.
    Genre: OT, Romance (due to the technicalities that the OT and companion falling in love/getting married by the end of the story).
    Rating: On the general whole I attempt to do PG or milder.
    Type of mentor needed: Plot, Comprehensive
    Writing sample of story: The chapters I have posted up are located at https://pkmn.sailorchristmas.com/stories.php
    Other: I've been writing/working on this particular fanfic for a few years, though I have had off and on fanfic writing for a number of years prior in the Sailor Moon fanfic department (though that's a whole different can of worms that I've yet to finish writing on). My greatest weaknesses writing wise would be plotlines (individually per chapter) and general overall follow through... More often than not I find myself not being able to follow through with a story idea once I find that I don't have someone to bounce ideas arround and/or get opinions or thoughts from.

    dream's-epilogue - Seeking a Plot Beta-reader (more specifically, one good with 'Concept & Flow') - post AND file here.

    Knyaz Vladimir - Seeking a Plot/Grammar Beta-reader - post here.

    Mizan Nix Zamnie - Seeking a Language/Grammar Beta-reader post here.

    ¡Chucho! - Seeking a Plot/Character Beta Reader - post here.

    *Giratina of Never-Turn-Back - Seeking a Plot Beta Reader/Proofreader - post here.

    *SkyBlue - Seeking a Plot/Character Beta Reader - post here.
    Last edited:
    Applying for a beta position. I hope that I did this correctly. ^_^;

    Incidentally, we could edit our profiles in the future, right? As in, if we decide to change categories. Or do we simply PM you for that?

    Catergory: Comprehensive (Or I try to be.)
    Genre specialty: None in particular. I'd be happy to read and go over anything. However, romance is my weakest genre.
    Preferred method of contact: E-mail ( [email protected] ), with your fic saved as a DOC in an attachment.
    Examples of writing:

    A Midsummer Knight's Dream
    Selling Everything
    My other work can be found here.

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:

    If you don't mind external links, a few of my reviews from here and other sources:

    Arctic vs. Ash
    Breaking Out
    Cold Deaths
    Pokémon – Stats

    (Unfortunately, I try to keep betas private because, frankly, I know how people don't like to show off the original without the writer's consent. However, I will say that the one story that was actually posted after I betaed for it is Gary Stu's Unpredictable Adventure by icomeanon6.)

    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):
    I tend to be incredibly critical. While I guarantee you that I will try to be more polite than I am in reviews (*motions above*), I will still be straightforward (as in, without sugarcoating) and point out pretty much everything, especially if I think you haven't taken my advice from a previous chapter/version. In some senses, this is a strength because I'm thorough for your sake. In other senses, I may be caught up in details or repeat myself frequently.

    I also tend to procrastinate a lot, and I take at least a week per chapter. And then I get a little ticked if you try to rush me. So, if you want me to beta for you, you'll probably end up realizing how patient you actually are.

    On the positive side, I've spent a number of years studying both English lit and language arts. While this seems like I'm bragging, all I'm saying is most of my life right now is focused on studying the inner workings of literature and understanding how various parts of speech function. If given time, I can take apart a story (analyzing plot elements, characterization, and the little details) and its language (perspective, how language is used – even what certain words imply) to tell you whether or not it works. Not only that, but I have a fondness for applying research to writing, so I'd be able to tell you if your smaller details are logical as well. In other words, I just have training in this kind of thing, and I'd like to think I do a decent job applying what I've learned in the classroom to reviewing.
    I'm hoping I did this right. Heh.

    Catergory: Character and Plot
    Genre specialty: Romance
    Preferred method of contact: Private Messages
    Examples of writing:

    Just A Brother
    Face Down

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:

    It's not too often that I get to read something in my preferred genre, but review-wise:

    Lucas's Father
    The lost island
    The Tayla Journies Volume 1

    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    I tend to be a bit harsh on OT fics, but of course, I didn't apply for that(I really have no problem reading them, either). I'm still a little harsh in general, but it's mainly to get my point across so I won't have to repeat myself. Also, time is going to be limited for this upcoming week with bandcamp starting, not to mention school in about three weeks. But even still, I tend to squeeze in my precious computer time, and it will get easier when I have a laptop handy. I'm also horrible with sci-fi-ish fics...or 'end of the world' fics. Stuff like that. I'm normally quite the procrastinator, but for the sake of helping an author, I'm willing to put it at the top of my to-do list.

    In writing a good number of romances, I know how they're supposed to flow. And then there's always what I see/am a part of in real life. Real inspiration is always helpful knowledge to have, whether you're writing on your own or helping someone else. Oh, I'm also going into my second year of CP English. Though I still have no clue what a predicate nominative is, I've pretty much got everything else.


    Last edited:
    I'll be a beta-reader... If this application's okay.

    Catergory: Plot/Character mainly.
    Genre specialty: OT Fics and fics with Pokemon as the main characters are probably my specialties, but I can give pretty much anything a go.
    Preferred method of contact: PM, definately.
    Examples of writing:

    Team Relic's Story
    Team Yukon's Story
    Oneshot(FFC)-Abandoning the Dark

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:

    Review of Supah Funk's Absol Tales.
    Review of iRawr-x's The Legend of Manaphy.
    Review of Fire Eagle's The Tale of Fire Eagle.

    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):

    I tend to ignore grammar problems in my reviews, leaving those for others to point out and focusing strongly on the plot's issues. As such, I'm really not that skilled when it comes to going over grammar, but I consider one of my strengths to be presenting problems like believability, plot holes, emotion, and description in a clear way.

    When it comes to reviewing, I'm serious about constructive critisism. If the writer has trouble accepting critisism, I push to get them to understand why it is important. But, of course, if you're looking for a beta reader you probably won't have that problem. ;)
    Incidentally, we could edit our profiles in the future, right? As in, if we decide to change categories. Or do we simply PM you for that?
    Yes, editing is not a problem. It's better that you tell me though, as I'll have to update it in the first post then. Yes, all your details are being added there, so you can see everyone that you can chose from on one page in one post. :) You can PM me or post here if your beta profile needs changing, such as what type of beta reader you are or if you don't want to take any more for the time being.

    Anyway, you all passed. ;) Applications were how they should be, (and your answers for the strengths/weaknesses part will be quite helpful for those wanting to choose between two or more beta readers so they can see who is beta suited for them).
    And if one does make a mistake with the applications I'll just tell them if something important is missing, no worries. I've added all your details to the first post.

    External links are perfectly fine as well for the stories and reviews/betas.

    SS, you may want some better examples for your reviews, but I know you know what to do and all. Just that the 'clients' may be more impressed by impressive reviews. :)
    It feels like I'm applying for a real life job. Wow.
    Beta reading - it's more than a job. ;)
    Keep them coming people!
    Hi, I am applying for a Beta Reader position.

    Catergory: Language, Grammar, Proofreading (mainly the last two)
    Genre specialty: Any, I am pretty flexible. But I am best with romance, comedy, fantasy, and journey fics (or at least deeply interested in tackling Fantasy)
    Preferred method of contact: PM's
    Examples of writing: Still in production of "Tear of Life". If you want to read the unrevised/original version just ask me to PM it to you; Same if you want to read a sample of my romance writing
    Examples of reviews/beta-reports:
    The first one is me on an "angry" day :p -

    Strengths/weaknesses (optional):
    I used to write poetry; some of my descriptions utalize that - which is fitting for Romance especially - Feel free to tell me if I go overboard there :)
    Last edited:
    Yep, Blue Angel, you are in. :) I might have to make it clearer that we don't care so much if you haven't actually written anything as long as yu can show you know how to review/beta, although if you do have some work we'd like to see it. :)

    Well, we have four beta readers covering all types now. Get to it, you Beta-reader-needers, for lack of a better word! If you know who you want you can simply make contact with a beta reader here, or if you are not sure fill out the application and post it away. :)
    Er.. most of my reviews... actually all of them are in Serebii. So can I provide a link to them as an example?
    I would like to be added to this list please.

    Category: Grammar

    Genre specialty: Any, all though OT Fictionals are not my favorite.

    Preferred method of contact:

    Examples of writing:
    This Is Home, currently in production, but am "taking a break" aka Writer's Block.

    Examples of reviews/beta-reports




    Plot / Originality / Grammar

    weaknesses (optional):
    Last edited:
    Buoysel, I've added you as a Grammer Beta Reader, but not the other two you requested - leastway, not yet. The link you gave for the reviews section had a few of your reviews and although they show you know how to find errors, I couldn't see anything relating to Plot, or anything else really to grant you a 'Comprehensive', which is basically for those who feel they can do so, and can beta (or review) on all aspects. Although I've only quickly glanced at your fic, it's more the reviews/beta reports that's being checked.

    So I'm not adding you to those ATM, but if you were to PM me some other reviews and I see you can do the aforementioned on top of picking out mistakes, then I'll add you if I see fit. :)

    EDIT: Added you to Plot as well after the other reviews + story.
    Last edited:
    I hope I'm doing this right...

    Title of Story: PokeSenshi
    Fandom: Pokemon and Sailor Moon

    Plot summary: Kate is a not-so-ordinary girl who finds out she is a Sailor Senshi. Now she has to find others like her, defeat Team Rocket, stop the destruction of the world, and hope the guy she loves won't leave her to face this alone.
    Genre: Romance with some comedy.
    Rating (PG, R, etc): PG, maybe a tiny bit PG-13
    Type of mentor needed: Character or plot.
    Writing sample of story: Close to Japan, there is a large island called Kyoso inhabited by Pokemon. There were no humans on this island until Team Rocket took over the island. The leader of Team Rocket was known to most as The Mistress. Team Rocket controlled everything: food stores, hospitals, etc. One day, they were doing tests on Eevees to see if they could make an Eevee be able to switch between all of its evolutions. They tried with two Eevee, but one could evolve into the Kanto and Sinnoh evolutions, the other into the Johto evolutions. Team Rocket was going to destroy them, but The Mistress decided to give them to her eldest son, Anthony, who was five at the time. The one that evolved into the Johto evolutions was in a pokeball with an A on it. The other was in a pokeball with a K on it. The special thing about the Kanto/Sinnoh Eevee was that it was a shiny Eevee, which meant each evolution would be the more valuable shiny form. Anthony was thrilled with the Eevees. He named the boy that evolved into Johto eeveelutions Andy.
    The Mistress decided to take Anthony to the hospital with her to make sure everything was running smoothly. She let him go wherever he wanted. Anthony went up to the second floor. Just as he passed Room 201, he heard someone sniffling. Curious, he peeked in. It was Kate, a girl about his age.
    Here's what had happened to Kate. Kate could read minds and could use aerokinesis. When she was three, her mother left her. Recently, she and her father were in a horrible accident, placing both in the hospital. Kate had overheard the nurses saying he wouldn't make it. That's why she was crying.
    Anthony also had telepathy. He thought, Why are you crying? Kate answered, My father is going to die. Anthony walked into the room. What's your name? he thought. Kate, she replied, and yours? I'm Anthony, he said. He went up to her, hugged her, and let her cry. Then he stepped back.
    "This is for you, Kate," Anthony said, taking out pokeball holding the Eevee that evolved into the Kanto/Sinnoh eeveelutions. Kate smiled. She grabbed a rose from a vase next to her. It had a little white band under the flower.
    "And this is for you, Anthony," Kate replied, handing him the flower. "To remember me by." Anthony left a little while later, after they had talked and agreed to be friends no matter what, even if they never saw each other again.
    Other: Nothing.
    Ok then, adding you to the list as seeking a Beta Reader.. First person wanting a Beta Reader making themselves known via here (although I know there've been others who haven't posted here...). You did it right, there (although next time keep bolding tot he options only, but minor and doesn't matter anyways). Remember to PM me when you've found a Beta Reader so I can update your status. :)
    I think I'm posting this correctly...

    Title of story: Down the Beaten Path

    Fandom: Pokemon (weren't expecting that, were you?)

    Plot summary: After being left behind when all his friends were able to go to Pallet to recieve a pokemon from Professor Oak, Shane can now finally start his delayed pokemon journey. However, he soon finds out that not all things go as planned.

    Genre: OT, with some adventure aspects.

    Rating: PG, I assume.

    Type of rater needed: Probably plot or character.

    Writing sample:

    Other: This is my first fic, and I know it's no where near perfect. I would like to get better at this type of thing, and think having a beta-reader would help.
    I'd like to replace the other story I have up there with this story, if that's okay.

    Title of Story: Discovery of the Island
    Fandom: Pokemon with some Digimon
    Plot summary: Kate's father works with a renowned professor in Tokyo. The two of them have come up with a new invention: a portal to another world. Kate accidentally stumbles into the portal while playing Pokemon Platinum. She wakes up to find herself on an island inhabited by Pokemon. Kate finds her way out, but keeps going back to the Island, as something seems to draw her there.
    Genre: Humor (little romance as well)
    Rating (PG, R, etc): PG
    Type of mentor needed: Character and Plot
    Writing sample of story:

    Other: I just started this story, and it is the first in a trilogy.
    Is it okay to do this for an already posted story? I just wanted to see if I should fix anything before posting the next part. Sorry if this isn't okay.

    Title of Story: Paradox
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Plot summary: A scientist plans to trap Celebi, and when his plan succeeds, Celebi sends him to the future to see what he caused by trapping Celebi.
    Genre: Thriller with touches of comedy and horror.
    Rating: Pg-13
    Type of mentor needed: Character
    Writing sample of story:

    Other: I've been writing for close to a year now, and this is my forst story to ever go public.
    Ok then, replaced that story, SailorShadow, as you asked. And added you too, Eternity. It's prefectly fine if it's a current story as well, BTW (but shall add that info in anyway, under 'Other' for the heck of it).
    Title of Story: The road to revenge
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Plot summary: Shane set's out to become a powerful pokemon trainer, to be able to get vengance.
    Genre: Action
    Rating (PG, R, etc): PG-13
    Type of mentor needed: non specific, but grammar is a must (english isn't my mother language so I may make certain dumb mistakes, though I always try to make not that much mistakes.)
    Writing sample of story:
    "Are you going to call your last pokemon into battle or not," an old woman, standing to the opposite of Shane, said.

    This sentence brought him back to the moment, he opened his eyes and picked a regular pokeball from his belt. Now it's up to you, he thought. He raised his head, words racing through his mind like mad man, become stronger, I will dad, I will avenge my mother's death.

    "It's all up to you now girl, go get them Athena!" Shane shouted full of confidence.

    He threw the pokeball up in the air, to let the pokemon out. In mid-air it opened, and white energy shot out. The light took shape, and vanished, revealing the pokemon. In front of Shane stood a big, strong, and proud female Arcanine.
    Other: Though I really love writing, this is my second only pokemon fan fiction. I have only the prologue written atm, it's about 5 pages long, and about 2500 words in total.
    Added. Remember to contact me (visitor messages or PMs work fine) when you have a Beta Reader.

    EDIT: Merata has apparently already found a Beta reader - found out just now. And also - please keep communications with Beta Readers/clients out of the thread, but via PM/visitor messages/e-mail/other means, as they don't belong here. Don't want it to get cluttered, and part of the rules as well.
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