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News: The Challenges News Bulletin

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Courtney 🧡
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 6,604

    - Challenges News Bulletin -

    Hi there!

    Welcome to the News Bulletin, the best way to find new challenges for you to join and participate in our events! All of the important announcements will be here in this thread, plus some useful information and updates for all of you brave Challengers!

    Current Spotlighted Challenge:

    The Random Challenge
    June 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2024
    Ongoing Event:
    none at the moment!

    Wait a second, you may ask. How does this thread work exactly? Well…

    There are a few important posts on the top of the thread, right below this one, which you can quickly reach with the following index as well! These should act as your first stops for all of your Events needs, including the newest addition to our roster, the Challenge Spotlight rotation - plus, there's also a handy list of the active challenge threads that you can join anytime.

    After that, the thread remains open to Moderators to post various updates- be it new Events, changes in the Featured Challenge, and of course, new Challenge Threads. In that sense, this topic will work in a very similar way to the "Check if your challenge thread was approved" thread we used to have previously in this section:
    > a thread will be Approved and made available for everyone to see if it fits the requirements of this section, which are visible in the Challenge Rules and Guidelines thread.
    > a thread will be Denied otherwise, and reasons will be provided as to why. Feel free to message the moderators privately for further assistance!

    That said... remember to have fun, and let the games begin!
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    List of Active Challenges

    Back to the Index

    This post contains a list of all the Challenge Threads that have been created or have been active recently. You can join them at any time and play along at your leisure! You can share your progress in the threads themselves (or in Trainer's Journals if you're feeling fancy) and record your results in your personal Challenges Hall of Fame~

    Here's a list of all the challenges that are based on the absolute staple that is the Nuzlocke! You know- one catch per route, and perma-box a Pokémon if it faints. Of course, we have a thread for the unadulterated, typical Nuzlocke challenge itself, but why stop there when there's so many variants out there?Mono- challenges
    Well-rounded team? Who said that? Blue is not a proper gym leader.Team building challenges
    Following on staples such as the Monotype challenge, here are some more rulesets that will restrict your team building! Learn what each Pokémon can really do!Gameplay limiting challenges
    Limiting your potential team members isn't the only way to make a game run more difficult!Miscellaneous
    Here's other challenges that don't fall in any specific category.
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    Challenge Spotlight

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    Hello! This is an introduction to the newest quirk of the Challenges Section, the Challenge Spotlight! The idea behind this initiative is simple: letting challengers discover new rulesets and adding some special flair to the Challenge threads that are already being hosted in this section. And so, for a period of around three months, a Challenge thread will be pinned in the upper part of the section, and an additional reward will be offered for anyone who can start it andcomplete it in that span of time! The goal is to encourage more people to take on the same challenge together and have fun helping each other out, all at a slower and more relaxed pace than your typical challenge event.

    A Spotlighted challenge will also be advertised in the first post of this thread, as well as in the thread itself if needed. Furthermore, a challenge may be given additional rules during this period of time- nothing too disrupting, though. For example, if the Monotype Challenge is being featured, an additional rule could be to only allow certain Pokémon types to be used, in order to get the reward! It's important to remember that if you were already playing through a challenge before it gets the Spotlight, or if you're playing without following the additional rules, you may still complete the challenge as normal but you may not claim the Spotlight-specific reward.

    And that Spotlight specific reward is... a Virtual Pokémon Pet! for now.
    If you complete a Spotlighted Challenge in time, you can link your final update (usually the one where you beat the League) in the Obtain a Pokémon thread, and choose one Pokémon out of your final team to be added to your VPP collection- as well as the 70 points that normally come when you obtain a new Pokémon. Please remember to include whether or not you own a Rainbow Stone as well, if you want to have increased chances of your VPP being shiny! But, please also remember that you can't pick Legendary Pokémon, or any other that may have specific requirements (like Regional Forms), to become your VPP. Here's the VPP rules for clarification!

    Discussion about the featured challenge is encouraged either in the thread itself or in the Challenges Chit Chat thread - suggestions for future Spotlighted challenges are also welcome! As for all typical challenges, feel free to keep track of your completed Spotlighted challenges in your personal Hall of Fame!

    Previously spotlighted challenges:

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    Events Hall of Fame

    Back to the Index

    Events! A staple of the Challenges Section. They're held two times per year (on average) and last for about one month... a month where we come and play together with interesting or even interactive rules, to spice up our runs even further. Completing an event listed in here makes you eligible to have your name here, counts towards a special Badge, and may also net you some additional rewards depending on the event.

    This thread is the Hall of Fame, run by the Moderators of Challenges, for all of these events, with a brief list of all the ones that have been set up since October 2020 and anyone who has completed them! Further information will be in the Event Threads, which you can filter out using the appropriate Forum Tag or reach from here!

    A bold name indicates a challenge Winner, when the challenge allows for it.

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    And right on the first day of existence of this thread, we have three new Challenges to mention!

    • The Nuzlocke Challenge has been updated, courtesy of Janp!
    • And with it comes a new variant in the form of the Wedlocke Challenge, made by yours truly with Janp's help.
    • Finally, The Budget Challenge by Shooting Star rounds it up for today. Plan out your team around the Base Stat Total of your Pokémon and avoid getting in debt for excessive training~
    You can find them all in the List of Active Challenges above!
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    one day late, sorry...

    The Spotlight has moved and has landed on a new challenge! Come try out the classic that is the Nuzlocke Challenge, starting now and until November 30!
    And let's start the new month with a new Challenge! In Routelocke, you'll have to beat each Gym with only Pokémon that can be found in that Gym's neighbourhood.
    Just a quick notice to let everyone know that the Monotype Challenge Thread has been updated once again - here is the new link!

    The old thread is now closed, and is available at this link in case you need it. If you were in the middle of a monotype run, you can just keep posting your new updates in the new thread, as the lists of participants and champions has been carried over already!
    With huge delay (sorry...) I present to you a new Featured Challenge for Spring 2023 - the Egglocke Challenge! Credits to Janp for the ready-to-use save files <3
    New anime-themed challenge incoming... in honor of Ash and Pikachu, of course! Check it out here!
    It's time for a new Spotlight Challenge. This time, we decided to do something a little bit different. The Spotlight Challenge is Monocolour Challenge, but with a small twist. You can use Pokémon that represent a rainbow. Yeah, you can even mix and match different colours on your team!
    Sorry for being late for this- but right on the end of the GT, have a new spotlighted challenge! Spooky edition because it's autumn, of course. Check out the Lampent Challenge here!
    And here's another potentially chaotic variation of the Nuzlocke challenge, still courtesy of VaatiRulesets! Welcome to the Boardlocke - Ekans and Ladders edition ♥
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