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[Challenge] The Date of Birth Challenge

Name : Hydreigon99
Game : SoulSilver
DOB : 30 January , 1999
Pokemon : 1) Arcanine
2) Magneton
3) Noctowl
4) Mamoswine
5) Honchkrow
6) Gonna have to wait till Kanto
Finally finishing my first playthrough of X, so happy to try something a bit more challenging with the new gen :)

Name: Rena
Game: Pokemon X
Pokemon: Dwebble, Hoothoot, Vaporeon, Smeargle, Ditto, and first Pokemon from Route 10.
Name: Jbsundown
Game: Fire Red
Pokemon Team: Tauros, Ekans, Kadabra, Charizard, Rhydon, Route 8

I have a question. Am I able to trade to evolve my Kadabra, then instantly take it back and have an Alakazam? Or am I forced to continue with the Kadabra?
Im in!
name: Eeveeandmew DoB: nov 24, 2000
Game: diamond
#35 steelix (yeah! going to be a beast!)
#96 happiny(uuuhhhgg so weak)
#176 houndour(will evolve)
route 11 pokemon
im going to hack in houndour as starter pokemon, a shieldon and misdrevius as lv 1s. that ok?
Ready to play!

Name: Superstrength79
Game: Pokemon Y
IGN: July
Pokemon: Nidoran♀, Noibat, Croagunk, Lillipup

Selection Process:
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Oh! Oh! I need a challenge to play a 3rd gen game. This seems interesting! :D

Name: Illusione-Tempus
Game: Sapphire
Pokemon Team:
#1 26+6+96 = #128 aka. Whiscash
#2 26*3 = #78 aka. Electrike (will evolve into Manectric)
#3 6*3^2 = #54 aka. Azurill (will evolve into Azumarill... plus, I have to breed, and I don't like that D: )
#4 Fire. Considering Hoenn only has 5 Fire type families... nah, Ninetales.
#5 Gray. Skarmory. P:
#6 Something from Route 106.

I'll probably have to hack my game to give myself one of them as my starter, considering I can't catch anything before the 1st gym. And knowing my luck the first Pokemon that I'll get in Route 106 will be a Magikarp, so I'll probably not get anyone useful in battle until before the 3rd gym.
Name: alvmonster
Game: gold
Pokemon Team: Scizor, Croconaw (Feraligatr), Noctowl, Piloswine, Houndoom, and something from route 2
Update #1


Current Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Superstrength79 - Birthday Challenge (Updates #1 & #2)

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

My Pokemon:

1) After going through the game intro and exiting Santalune Forest, I swapped two throw-away Pokemon for eggs that I bred a while back. Used my Froakie to get my Noibat and Lilipup to level 3 each before banking Froakie and training both Pokemon to level 7.

2) Defeated the trainers East of town to get Noibat to level 11 and beat the first gym.

3) Went, as fast as possible, through all of the story until I was at Route 7 with the Pokeflute.

4) First encounter on Route 7 was a Ducklett; which I caught. I wasn't terribly happy at first, but then I realized I need a Water-type (and she's too cute to stay mad at, amirite?), so Natalie was a God send.

5) Ran around in the grass between Route 7 and the second gym until I found a Croagunk. It had Dry Skin (which I was hoping for) and a +Atk nature.

6) Beat the second gym and proceeded North. Went through the Geosenge story and finally left town to the East.

7) Used some Honey until I was able to catch my Nidoran(F). Put her in front of the party for some "old school" switch training (since I'm not using EXP SHARE).

8) Made it through the Reflecting Cave (thank goodness this wasn't a Nuzlocke) and did the Mega Evolution Guru story.

9) Beat the third gym and saved at the Tower of Mastery (I'll keep playing, but that's enough update for one day).

-- Update #2 --

10) Got the Mega Stone/Bracelet and then proceeded to the Skiddo Ranch.

11) Fought all the trainers in Azure Bay and collected the mega stone for Ampharos.

12) Beat the 4th gym (really easy with all of my Flying-type and Poison-type attacks).

13) Saved the Kalos Power Plant. Croagunk is a terrible lead against Dugtrio w/ Arena Trap (just sayin').

14) Went to Lumiose City and went to the 5th gym; Realized I was terribly under-leveled.

15-A) Raised some levels back around the Power Plant, but decided to grind the trainers in the gym instead. Answered incorrectly on purpose to fight more of them. Ended up pulling Charmander out of my box (since I looked up Fire-type Pokemon and saw there weren't that many in the whole Pokemon Universe) and grinded him up a lot of levels in various locations.

15-B) Traded my Noibat between my X & Y cartridges, so I could teach him some special attacks... even that doesn't help my little friend. Game Freak nerfed Noibat's stat pool :(

16) Came back to the gym when Charmeleon was in the low 30s and fought a few more trainers. Had a bad time, so when I got to the gym leader I left to train him to be a Charizard. Came back and smoked the gym leader with Charizard. Was actually taken out by his Heliolisk, but managed to KO it with Drought damage :)

17) Now on Route 14 and have my full team of Birthday Challenge Pokemon.

Badges (5/8):
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
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Name: BlueStone

Game: Pokemon Emerald Version


#18 Dustox
#21 Ludicolo
#200 Rayquaza (Halved twice from 800)
#134 Cradily (Rock type)
#65 Crobat (Purple Pokemon)
#?? (Route 112)

Hope this goes well!
Update #2


Current Team:
Always wanted to try this one, finally going to do it :P

Name: LilJz
Game: FireRed
Pokemon Team: Electabuzz, Arbok, Wartortle, Moltres, Rhydon & TBD.
Superstrength79 - Birthday Challenge (Updates #3)

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

My Pokemon:

Badges (6/8):
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

1) Breezed through Route 14, Lost Hotel, and Route 16.
2) Evolved Croagunk into Toxicroak while battling the gym trainers. Decided to evolve Nidorina with my Moon Stone before taking on the gym leader, since Nidorina wasn't dishing out any damage (and was barely taking the Fairy-type hits, even though resisted).
3) Sissy took out the gym leader's first Pokemon, then got revenge-killed by her Mr. Mime. Toxicroak revenge killed Mr. Mime with a neutral-effective Sucker Punch. Smaug finished the rest of her Pokemon quite easily (kill them with FIRE!!).
4) Went to the Pokeball Factory to kick out the Team Flare goons.
5) Taught Smaug some better moves at the Move Relearner.
6) Saved on the bridge leading to Frost Cavern.

Noibat continues to be dead-weight (even with Draco Meteor), but at least he is closer to evolving now (he gets to eat all of the Rare Candy that I find).
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Update #1

Just caught Ekans and leveling it up will be quite a pain right now since it's only attacks are Wrap and Poison Sting >>

Badges Obtained:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Current Pokemon Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Hydro, the rash Wartortle♂
Level 22
Ability: Torrent
Moveset: Bite, Mega Punch, Water Gun & Withdraw

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Siraka, the careful Ekans♀
Level 10
Ability: Intimidate
Moveset: Wrap, Leer & Poison Sting
Superstrength79 - Birthday Challenge (Updates #4, #5, #6)

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

My Pokemon:

Badges (8/8):
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Update #4
1) Went through the Frost Cavern and gained some levels.
2) Got to the next town and defeated my rival and started the gym.
3) Slapped the Lucky Egg on Noibat and did the swap-XP trick to get him leveled to 48 (finally!).
4) Defeated the gym leader using Noivern, Buddy, and Smaug.
5) Got the Bat Signal to take on Team Flare, which was fitting since I was headed to the Name Rater.
6) Changed Lil' Wayne's name to TheGDBatman!
7) Destroyed the Lysandre Labs quite easily.
8) Flew to the "Secret" HQ for Team Flare and beat Lysandre after some easy double battles.
9) Went to Move Relearner (after farming some Heart Scale off of Luvdisc) and taught Buddy the move Fire Fang.
10) Flew back to the town I previously left and saved the game.

Update #5
1) Breezed through Terminus Cave and Route 19.
2) Worked my way through Route 20, and the Pokemon Village so I could challenge Wulfric.
3) Beat the eighth gym using Chops, Smaug, and Buddy.
4) Took on Victory Road and got to the high 50s on all of my Pokemon.
5) Training up to level 60-62 before I challenge the Elite Four and Diantha.

Update #6
1) Tried taking on the Final Four and Champion at level 60 and failed at Diantha (got sweeped by her Mega Gardevoir).
2) Trained up my Pokemon to level 65-67 (going to list the newest stats and moves above).
3) Headed back into the Pokemon League for another crack at it.
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Name: Waterlemon
Game: X
DOB: 6th August 1999
Pokemon: Shedinja, Shelleder, Hydreigon, Charizard, Zoroark, First encounter in Route 8

I'm gonna get Zorua and Deino at the start of the game, since they're not available until very late into the game

EDIT: Just found out that Shellder is Y exclusive, I'll get one from a trade
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- Birthday Challenge (Update #7)

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

My Pokemon:

Badges (8/8):
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

1) Things went smoother on my second run. Got a 1-shot on most of the Elite Four Pokemon.
2) Wikstrom - Probopass came me some issues, but I was able to buff on turns I knew it was going to be healed, and managed to work things out. Used Smaug, Chops, and TheGDBatman!
3) Malva - Talonflame was the only real threat; Took it out with Buddy (after a potion war with Malva). Used Natalie, Buddy, and Sissy.
4) Siebold - No real threats at all. Used Smaug to 1-shot everything with Solar Beam except for Gyarados, which I used Buddy for.
5) Drasna - Took out Dragalge with Buddy and Play Rough/Ice Fang follow up. Tried to switch into Buddy (after swapping out into Chops on the free switch), but Druddigon kept using Dragon Tail to knock him back into the ball. Finally gave up when he knocked Buddy back and TheGDBatman! came out. Used Draco Meteor to 1-shot. Natalie destroyed Altaria with a single Ice Beam attack. Used Buddy to Play Rouch/Ice Fang on her Noivern (could have stayed in with Natalie, but was trying to gain some levels on the other Pokemon in preparation for Diantha).
6) Diantha:

Hawlucha - Was able to 1-shot Hawlucha with a Play Rough from Buddy.
Aurorus - Went into Chops and used Swords Dance while she set up a Reflect. Used Brick Break to 1-shot.
Tyrantrum - Switched into TheGDBatman! and took it out with a Draco Meteor.
Goodra - Went into Sissy and took Goodra out with two Poison Jab attacks (with a tick of help from poisoning it on the first attack).
Gourgeist - Went into Natalie and destroyed Gourgeist with a single Air Slash.
Mega Gardevoir - Remembering she has Thunder, I went into Smaug and mega-evolved. Got a flinch with Air Slash (which I was hoping for, so she couldn't Full Restore) and then took out Mega Gardevoir with a follow-up Blast Burn attack!

7) AZ - Beat him easily... not sure why he's even part of challenges for X/Y.
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Update Uno

• Received eggs for Zorua and Deino
• Hatched Zorua at Aquacorde Town (named Rios)
• Barely managed to beat Viola
• Made my way to Lumiose City
• Received Charmander (named Genwunner)
• Did the missing Furfrou and Snorlax thing
• Hatched Deino at Route 7 (named Triforce)
• Caught Nincada at Route 6 (named Kenny)


Badges: 1/8

EDIT: This edit will be update 2, since a lot has happened here
Update Deux:
• First encounter on Route 8 was an Inkay, caught it (named Cthulhu)
• Received Shellder from a trade (unfortunately has no nickname)
• Bought a Water Stone in Lumiose City and evolved Shellder
• Kenny (Nincada) evolved into Shedinja
• Challenged and defeated Grant


Badges: 2/8

Update Drei
• Arrived at Shalour City and beat Korrina
• Received the Mega Ring
• Rios (Zorua) evolved into Zoroark
• Genwunner (Charmeleon) evolved into Charizard
• Cthulhu (Inkay) evolved into Malamar
• Wrecked Ramos's gym with Mega Genwunner X


Badges: 4/8

More edits! Yayyy (21/4/14)
Update Four...o
• Restored the Power Plant
• After getting four of my party members paralysed, I finally defeated Clemont
• Beat the Fairy gym person (the one with the terrifying eyes)
• Completely swept Olympia with Triforce
• Triforce (finally) evolved into Zweilous
• Caught Xerneas (not using it, obviously) and defeated Lysandre
• Breezed through Wulfric's gym with Genwunner


Badges: 8/8
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Name: Buggles
Game: White 2
Pokemon Team: Carracosta, Braviary, Genesect, Mamoswine, Chandelure, Route 12

DoB: 12/22/1993

I'm not really sure how I'm gonna get genesect, but I guess I'll replace my starter with it since it's an event only mon anyway...
Or maybe not, I don't know. Can't get cover fossil till post game, and none of mine are available before third gym. Do I hack tirtouga and genesect in or what?
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