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[Other FULL] The Legend of Zelda: The Imprisoning War [OOC] (M)

I'd like to reserve a spot for Kokiri! This looks so good, Wolf. :D
Reserve me a spot, also which Hyrule is this set in. It is kind of important for my characters history, if it's a completely new land then that is okay aswell. Also my character does have pointy ears it is just they are covered by his hair. When you look up "anime elves" on the internet you will see how many artists are out their that waste their talent.

Name: Ace Skylit
Nickname: Genesis
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Hylian

Strength: 6 (+1)
Resistance: 5 (+1)
Dexterity: 6 (+0)
Speed: 5 (+1)
Knowledge: 6 (+0)

Personal Skill(s): Ever since Ace was a young child his family had trained him to survive in the elements (the wild),
Personal Fault(s): Ace has very poor money skills and does not like having to deal with money in general. Ace dislikes cold weather due to living in a warm climate most of his life.

Skill: Ace always makes sure to know his surroundings and if they could pose a threat to him or his friends.
Fighting Style: Ace fights ferociously always trying to land a hit or break the opponents block, this can prove to be dangerous for him because if the opponent is as skilled as he is then they will either move faster or hit stronger. Ace uses a Long Sword.

Appearance: Ace has snow white hair that covers his pointy ears, and he has brown eyes with a reddish tint. He wears a green shirt and baggy black shorts, over the top of these clothes he has half a chest plate that is attached by a leather strap, he also dons shin pads and elbow pads along with an intriguing pair of finger less gloves.

Personality: I think doing the history first will give me a better feel for what my characters personality is.

History: Ace grew up on a farm a few hours out of Castle Town, his parents owned the farm and left often to sell their goods. Sometimes money would be tight so food was a problem, Ace's father decided to teach him how to hunt for food, this proved to be very helpful for his family because food was never a problem and the woods were always teaming with life so killing a deer or two wouldn't hurt the environment. At the age of 14 Ace was already an expert hunter and could survive for days alone in the elements with only his wits. At the age of 16 Ace left the farm to look for a living, he ended up in Castle Town where he met a Goron who was looking for job hunters. After a minute or two of looking down Ace the Goron said "I'll give you a go, I need you to go buy us some food, 'ere is the list." throwing a shopping list and bag of rupees at Ace. After running around Castle Town looking as to where he could buy these certain foods, he found a general store. As Ace came panting up to the front of the store he handed the list and the money he was given. The shop keeper ran around the shop looking for the items that were listed Ace was left just standing there awkwardly looking at the room it had interesting designs on the tarp and the place was filled with things someone might need in a rush. Ace getting tired of standing decided to sit in a chair not too far from him, as he sat down the shop keeper cried "There you go darling!" Ace annoyed by this walked up to the counter and plucked the basket from her hands before running out of the store. After an hour of trying to find his way back he found the Inn and handed the goods to the Goron who threw another bag of rupees at him this time harder than the rest. After a year or so working for the Goron Ace decided to find other work in Castle Town, he had heard of a group of travellers who needed protection getting to a far off city. Ace went looking for these merchants who he swore were at the front of the Town a few days ago. After running around for 30 minutes he found the merchants in the centre of town he walked up to them offering his assistance for their long journey. The merchants desperate immediately agreed to his offer and paid him half of what he would earn the other half at the end of the trip. Ace decided to go spend this money a new sword but with this bad money skills ended up spending double on the sword than what he would have. After a day or two Ace was given the heads up that it was time to leave. Still working on it

Password: Din
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Please reserve for a something. Not sure what I'll go with just yet, but I need to get back into the whole Roleplaying thing and this looks quite intriguing :3
Name: Devon Kelmore
Nickname: Longshanks
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Hylian

Strength: 5 (+0)
Resistance: 4 (+1)
Dexterity: 6 (+1)
Speed: 4 (+1)
Knowledge: 6 (-1)

Personal Skills: Longshanks is a decent marksman thanks to both his early upbringing and the fact that one of his main activities for the past few years has been hunting. He's also skilled with his sword in situations it's actually suited to, which is really only dueling, fighting regular moblins and stabbing something easy to hit. He is fairly knowledgeable in herbalism but only really as far as which ones are edible and/or good for cooking, he has no skill in mixing them or making medicine from them aside from maybe a salve that would ease pain slightly.

Since he's never had any sort of shield for defending himself Longshanks' only means of avoiding damage when he's forced into a fight is not getting hit at all, leading to both quick reflexes from practice, as well as a high pain tolerance from the times he's failed. He is also skilled at many of the things that must be done when one lives in the wilderness, such as navigating and setting traps. His geographical knowledge of places he's been too is impressive, he's great at making mental maps, but he hasn't seen much of real maps and thus is quite ignorant of places he hasn't seen himself or been told about.

Longshanks doesn't know much about how to fit in around regular Hylians anymore, or really much of anything besides the skills he's had to use and a few other things. As a result of having nobody else to rely on he's very analytic, constantly looking at things and thinking of how to react to different possible actions of theirs, he manages not to show in his face that he's watching.

Personal Faults: Because of all the time he's spent alone Longshanks can seem quite harsh when speaking, he's not really anti social it's just a bit of a loner. Even though he's pretty intelligent he's not the best at teamwork, in such a situation he's likely to just give his opinion and stay in the background if there's an authority figure or step up if he doesn't consider anyone around competent for the job. Partly in rebellion towards his family and partly because of all his failings Devon doesn't have much pride, his only self confidence is that he's a good person and he can take care of himself.

The Kelmore family renounced magic itself at some point after his grandfather was born but before he himself was, so he has a powerful distaste of it and is unaware of it's involvement in his family's history. This distaste in and of itself will inhibit his magical potential until he gets over it, because as anyone knowledgeable about magic will tell you, a person's psyche is quit important to how it works. His distaste of magic basically puts barriers for it in his mind. And his skill with a bow is so far limited to generally still creatures.

Longshanks' only tool with any sort of defensive strength is his broadsword and its basket guard, so he can't block anything bigger than a sword or a spear. His bow is a greatbow and thus, while powerful and accurate, useless in enclosed spaces. Because his bow was made specifically for him and is not an heirloom, it was not made to accommodate enchantments or enchanted gems in the first place. It would take a very skilled magicsmith of some kind to ever make it anything special.

Skill: One of the things Devon's family is known for is their excellent eyes, they all have eyesight that's as good as a Hylian's eyes can physically be. Once every few generations in the Kelmore family a child is born with an amazing talent for seeing and exploiting weaknesses both physically, and psychologically. One of the things that made the family famous was it's extraordinary duelists and fencers who had this talent, and Devon just so happens to have it.

Fighting Style: Devon prefers to take targets out from a distance if he can, using his skills and his eyes to hit vital points before his enemy is even a threat. If caught unawares or unable to kill his target with arrows he is a very defensive melee combatant. He dodges and parries(if what he's being attacked with is something his sword can parry) until he sees an opening and disarms his opponent to leave them defenseless, or tries to take them out in one thrust or slash. If his opponent is not open enough for him to strike he tries to knock them off balance somehow, not afraid to fight in dishonorable ways if it means survival.

Appearance: Devon didn't get the title "Longshanks" for nothing. He is tall and lanky, standing at 6'1 with exceedingly long arms and legs (his legs are 3'4 of his height counting the feet, making them almost a foot longer than his top half, and his hands almost go down to his knees). He has fair skin like most Hylians that has only been slightly tinted by all the time outdoors, and his hair is dark blond (his parents said he had 'golden locks' but he always thought that sounded pretentious) and his eyes are as deep green as the emerald that was his birthstone and was meant to be the pommel of his sword. He has an angular and handsome face like most of the men in his family. Even after all the time away from most people Devon still moves very gracefully and looks princely, even with the dull clothing and the fact that his family isn't royal, just aristocratic.

The nice clothes Devon left home with were damaged beyond all hope of being worn a long time ago and he knew if he asked someone in town to fix them his family would surely hear of it. He is dressed in a self-made sleeveless red leather jerkin over a plain cotton shirt a traveler gave him a while back, black cloth pants and heavy brown leather boots. The one article of clothing he's managed to save from when he left is his belt, he wears a very ornate sword belt on his waist which of course holds Hrimnir. On his back is a special blue quiver of unknown origin that is big enough to hold 30 large arrows and his bow even while it is strung.


Devon's bow has no name, but it's appearance is unique enough. It is a large composite bow that when unstrung looks like a fairly plain hunk of wood and metal, but when strung it almost transforms. The pressure of the string reveals small feather-like shapes and the bow is obviously modeled after an Eagle, with the sides being the spread wings and riser being it's head. The Eagle's face is carved into either side of the grip with the rest being it's open beak, giving the appearance of the Eagle holding nocked arrows before they are fired. When Devon first left home he had thirty arrows made specially for the bow that were so durable each could be reused indefinitely if taken care of, he's tried to be careful and make them last but now he only has 12 of them left, along with 18 plain wooden arrows with stone heads to fill the rest of his quiver.

Personality: Devon "Longshanks" Kelmore is case of nature over nurture. The only similarities between his personality and those of his family are his analytic nature and, to an extent, his pride. He is intelligent and very observant of his surroundings, he was even before he left home, sometimes much to the chagrin of his family. If Devon doesn't know about or understand something, he asks nicely, then if he feels it's his business and is unsatisfied with the answer he demands, pokes, prods, and digs until he is satisfied with his knowledge on the matter. He ultimately has a kind heart and will never watch something wrong happen without trying to stop it, but is very sharp-tongued when he actually decides to insult someone. One part of Devon's upbringing that he kept was chivalry, he always tries to be polite towards girls and women, unless they do something that marks them as not ladies in his eyes.

Devon's not judgmental of other people but is convinced that he should always be the best he can. He doesn't think he's better than other people as a rule, but he is convinced he's competent at most things and prideful of his skills. He doesn't care about insults directed at himself, but does not tolerate mistreatment of women or insulting/threatening someone he considers a friend. His determination towards his morals is both a strength and a weakness, when he fights he almost never stops unless there's no point or it's a matter of honor and he's lost fairly, or he's come to a conclusion he agrees with. Devon doesn't make friends easily, but someone he considers a friend is his friend for life. His sense of humor is very silly and sarcastic as long as the jokes aren't insulting towards women. Very few things can actually make him angry, but when he is his anger is as intense as if he hated whomever it was focused on.

History: The man now known as Longshanks was born Devon Kelmore, the only heir to a wealthy and historied aristocratic family of Hyrule. Devon stood out right away as strange because every generation of the family before him had many children in it, he was the first only child and his mother couldn't seem to get pregnant again. What's more, most of Kelmore blood had black or brown hair, some even had red hair, but none before him had anywhere near such golden hair, or green eyes, especially eyes as deep as his. But of course as the family's heir Devon's oddities were quickly forgiven (on the surface) and he was cherished by his family. When he was 7 Devon's father began to teach him Archery, Fencing, and Dueling. He excelled at all three, especially dueling and it wasn't long before the family decided to announce his presence to the rest of the aristocracy and begin grooming him for his future as head of the family.

The boy didn't seem all that suited for his appointed task, he never wanted to attend lessons on society or how upper class society lived and should act. In fact, they were the only subjects which his thirst for knowledge wasn't harshly unrelenting. But none of the other women in the family who were still around had children or were pregnant, and his father was determined for him to take his place regardless. After all the boy was excellent at arguing, he could make grown men feel like useless amoral idiots and he had the gift, surely that implied the goddesses had chosen him. Devon's discontent with his future grew and grew, until he began to actively break rules regardless of the threatened consequences.

Devon's only interests the family approved of were in swordplay and archery, but whenever he asked why the family's most coveted possession Hrimnir was just being used as a decoration, all he was told was that Hrimnir's original smith coveted magic before he made it, and magic was a vile and alien thing, but the weapon itself was otherwise perfect and couldn't just be discarded. Whenever magic was brought up by any member of the family it was with great disdain, and eventually Devon began to believe it all. Little did the boy know that in his great grandfather's days and earlier, their family greatly revered magic and did whatever they could to acquire magic items. At some point one of the family's heads was a talented smith who decided they didn't need magic to be prosperous, so he cut an emerald he considered the most beautiful gem in the world, yet otherwise plain. Once the gem was ready he forged a beautiful sword that he proclaimed carried the family's "indomitable will" and thus was "indestructible" with a socket in the bottom of the hilt where the emerald fit perfectly to become the pommel.

When Devon was 10 he began to sneak out of the manor at night and ask Hyrule's oldest and most trusted chronicler about his families history, the old man appreciated genuine curiosity and was happy to oblige. The chronicler knew practically every thing there was to know about even the secretive Kelmore family, short of Hrimnir's origin story since it was passed down from family head to family head, and Devon wasn't old enough to be told yet. The more Devon learned about his family the more he realized they had been declining, not necessarily in success or fame, but in honor, morality, and intelligence. With the knowledge of his family's decline Devon grew evermore resentful of every prideful statement and boast from his family, especially his father, and before long he outright despised what his family had become.

The final straw came one night when Devon was sneaking out to meet the chronicler again and he heard strange noises in one of the manor's guest rooms and when he peeped through the keyhole he saw his father doing...unspeakable things with one of his maternal aunts. Somehow his father heard his gasp over the noises he and his partner were making, opened the door and grabbed hold of his arm before he could run away. His father explained that their family didn't need to follow the same rules as everyone else so it was fine, and that since the family had no other children he would be married to one of his older cousins eventually. After all, they had to keep their blood pure and the king didn't want to arrange a marriage for his daughter, especially among all the other troubles.

The young boy was so disgusted by what his father had done and told him that he couldn't even look at his relatives as his family anymore, so he merely waited for his opportunity. Devon waited until his thirteenth birthday, when his father planned to announce who he would be married to in adulthood and everyone was busy preparing. They made it all too easy by wanting to surprise him and trying to keep the preparations away from him. He went into his room and took his special bow he was still too small to use, before making his way to the Kelmore treasury and swiping Hrimnir. With the only two objects that mattered to him in tow, and his favorite clothes on his back, Devon left his family and home behind.

Devon's first few months in the wilderness right outside Castle Town didn't go well, he almost constantly had to steal bits of food from Castle Town because his survival skills were still so shoddy. This continued until he learned to make decent traps, and even then he still needed help now and then until he was big enough to use his new bow properly at age 15. After he came unto his own Devon lived a fairly uneventful life for the next few years, occasionally going into one or another of Castle Town's pubs and passing himself off as an adult thanks to how tall he was and how fit he was from his lifestyle. Not much happened until a few months ago. There were always moblins to find even in the areas right outside of Castle Town, the only reason it was even safe enough for Devon to be out there at all was because it was further in than the Hyrule army's valiant defense. But more and more began to show up. Not soon afterwards some of the trees grew darker and more menacing, and some of the wildlife became much stronger and more violent. It soon got to the point where Devon's only means of survival was a week or so of food he had stocked up, none of the creatures left in the forest were even weak enough for him to fight alone. Maybe he could handle a moblin but they traveled in groups.

It was obvious something was wrong, but Devin didn't have the luxury of finding out, more and more creatures made it past Hyrule's knights and before long monsters and the trees themselves made it impossible to leave the forest on his own, if only he had realized in time to leave. Devon knew how to handle animals and most Moblins, so he was alright until the day whatever force unified them decided it had had enough of one person defying it in that forest. The moblins actively hunted Devon down until they had him cornered, every time he tried to back up the trees on the edge of the forest seemed to swing their limbs at him angrily, and there were too many Moblins to fight. Devon took down one or two of his aggressors and acquired quite a few bruises from fists and sticks, as well as cuts from almost lethal attacks with real weapons, before a root lifted right behind him during a dodge and he fell backwards. Just before the Moblin Captain (its as silly as it sounds) could finish him off there was some sort of bright light and Devon was unwittingly whisked towards his destiny. Apparently the Maidens had been acutely aware of him the whole time was gone, and the time was right.

Password: Farore

Other: Feel free to give any critiques you deem necessary, and if I'm accepted and either of the weapons feel too special (although they have no power right now besides what a weapons normally does) just decide if maybe something doesn't make it with Devon when the maidens summon him and maybe give him a chance to reacquire whatever gets left behind later in the story :D
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Name: Ariana
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Race: Gerudo

Strength: 6 (+1)
Resistance: 4 (+1)
Dexterity: 6 (-1)
Speed: 5 (+0)
Knowledge: 4 (+1)

Personal Skill(s): Hunting, Exploration, Trade, Hearing
Personal Fault(s): Empathy, Sight, Rarely trusts anyone

Skill: Sensitive Hearing, Flexible, Increased Strength
Fighting Style: Fists, Dagger or Staff

Appearance: Covered in ragged and torn Gerudo attire as well as cloaks from other groups, her face is very dirty and she wears sandals. Her hair is a very dark shade of red, nearly brown and has two strips of cloth connected to her elbows. On her Left hand she has the Gerudo Symbol while on her right there is an engraving of the Eye of Truth. She is the average height of a Gerudo.

Personality: Ariana acts distant from other people and often doesn't stay in one place for more than a day. She has bad eyesight however her hearing is sharper due to this, she is very serious and prefers to get a job done quickly rather than get sidetracked. She has a tenacity to question anyone's motives if she suspects them of disloyalty. She does not desire friendship and often will act more aggressively to those who try to warm to her.

History: Ariana used to live with a small group of Gerudo in the desert who wandered across the land and visited various settlements and traded goods and services. However while young Ariana was left behind by the group and the town she stayed in was later attacked by a group of Assassins hunting down the group of Gerudo's she was with. She fled the town and watched it burn. The next town she visited after that had put up posters of the assassins who she found out were also Gerudo. She went into solitude for several years rarely leaving the Goron's Mountainous region and gained reputation from the locals as the "Dusk Hunter" due to her going out at night and hunting down food. She eventually returned to the main Gerudo Settlement to find it was under the command of these assassins, she was able to join up with the assassins and soon found her group of trading companions. However that same day she was forced to watch a demonstration of the group's leader who had dishonored the chief of the jail. Out of fury she went around that night and killed multiple Gerudo who were involved in the death of her group's leader. She then left vowing never to return.

Password: Din, because you know why.
I'll handle signups and reserves as soon as I can.

For the question, though, the Hyrule we'll be using is basically A Link to the Past. There is a picture you can find with Google images that shows both ocarina of time and link to the Past maps, with colored circles on specific parts of both, signifying that they are, surprisingly, very similar. In fact most Hyrule maps have at least some connections with one another.

Everyone that got within the margin (To keep the group small and keep the RP dark and serious, the cap must stay at ten) is marked with their reservations.

chuckleslucifer, I know you're not done, but I just wanted to make sure you remembered a few things:
putting all three points in one section will likely prevent you from being accepted. Additionally, all points must have some form of reason for being added somewhere in the history. Appearance will still require a description, even if you did include a picture. Also, parkour isn't actually a thing in this universe. You could say he's nimble, but that would apply to a dexterity point, not a speed point. You also might want more of a fault than "weak". Lastly, I'm not sure if you were done with it, but the personality will need to be much longer. I may be mistaken and you just haven't finished, if so, I apologize.

Sadly, not all of you got your places in time (EliteBeats got the last spot). I'm afraid, for the RP's sake, I can't make the cap any bigger. However, if you'd like, I could put you guys on a list to be notified as soon as a spot opens up.

Which reminds me, reservations will last until the 15th. If you do not notify me with a finished sign-up in time, your spot will be opened up to someone on the list.

The reservation list is currently as follows (in order):

Lord Sephear
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Aw, I thought I could finish my SU in time, but all the spots got reserved before I could >.<

The funny thing is I was actually the first person to get here after crimson, but I wanted to post my SU all at once and didn't think I'd come up with the info to make it so damn long so I didn't ask for a reservation. Ooooh my, hindsight sure is a smack to the face sometimes.
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yes crimson, you haven't fixed the other issues I'd explained.

Sorry seph, but I do have you as first on the waiting list.
Nah I understand, I'm just kinda angry at myself for being a dingus and not reserving first.
chuckleslucifer, I know you're not done, but I just wanted to make sure you remembered a few things:
putting all three points in one section will likely prevent you from being accepted. Additionally, all points must have some form of reason for being added somewhere in the history. Appearance will still require a description, even if you did include a picture. Also, parkour isn't actually a thing in this universe. You could say he's nimble, but that would apply to a dexterity point, not a speed point. You also might want more of a fault than "weak". Lastly, I'm not sure if you were done with it, but the personality will need to be much longer. I may be mistaken and you just haven't finished, if so, I apologize.

Yeah, I haven't finished the personality and thanks for the heads up with skill points and the appearance.
Finished with my SU now.

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Here's my WIP

Name: Lewis (A name he's chosen by the kindly old man) His birth name is Doron, although he does not know it
Nickname: The Lone Goron
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Race: Goron

Strength: 8 (-1)
Resistance: 7 (+0)
Dexterity: 4 (+0)
Speed: 3 (+0)
Knowledge: 3 (+3)

Personal Skill(s): He's smarter than the average Goron by far. He's become good at solving logical issues and even a complex puzzle or two.
Personal Fault(s): Lewis isn't as strong as your average Goron. He isn't very sure about any of his decisions, and has a handful of irrational fears.

Skill: His intelligence is surprisingly high for his species, and his strength makes him a tactical threat.
Fighting Style: Lewis generally uses his fire-fists in combat, but can use generally anything that's around him, given his size. He uses a tactical strategy that changes, depending on the opponent.

Appearance: He's a Goron. There really isn't that much to expect. He's a bit slimmer, and not quite as strong as the average Goron, but he's still a decent size, standing at 7'4.

Personality: Lewis is nothing like the average Goron. Giving his upbringings, he didn't think about being a Goron, but a Hylian instead. He is rather intelligent, and wants to learn as much as he possibly can. His hunger for knowledge has given him a fuel to survive, although he feels as if he's alone a majority of the time, and wants to show the world that Gorons can be smart too. Lewis's current goal is to fight Ganon, to defeat his army, and to help the world become a better place, just like in the books he's read. He is a roamer, and has no clear family other than the kindly old man that raised him. He views the old man as his grandfather, and thinks of him as often as he can.

Given his race's friendly tendencies, he treats other people as though they were his brothers. Lewis loves every single creature as family, and would gladly give his life in order to protect them. Due to the fact that his knowledge of the world comes from books, however, he is extremely naive and believes that everyone's intentions are pure, with the exception of Ganon's. He knows nothing of love, other than brotherly, and is willing to believe any lie told to him. Despite his naive nature, he's still very brave. As long as he views a cause is worthy, he would die before it did. Lewis wants to be known as hero, like in the books he reads.

History: Lewis was misplaced from Goron City as an infant. When he was born, his parent ended up dropping him (not on his head) and he rolled down a mountain. His father was too ashamed to admit they had lost their only son, so he said nothing about it. Meanwhile, Lewis lay in a small, grassy plain that was occupied by a single wooden cottage. He lay there crying until the next morning, when an old man came out and found him. He quickly picked up the Goron infant (with difficulty) and carefully carried him back to his house. At first, Lewis didn't like the man, and fought him every step of the way, but after a while he realized he was hungry, and let the old man take care of him, which included a bath and food. After a little while, the older man began to wonder what Lewis's name was. He began to give random names until the baby's eyes lightened up: Lewis.

The old man began to raise Lewis as if he was his own child, and after a few years, forgot he wasn't. He taught Lewis how to talk, how to behave properly, and how to read. The next ten years went well, and Lewis could read and write like a normal Hylian would be able to. The kindly old man began to have him read books about heroic actions and chivalry, most of them belonging to pre-Ganon times. Lewis poured over these books, and read them almost religiously. They began to fill his head with thoughts with foolish things, like the only evil that exists is completely visible. The old man told Lewis of Ganon, and how his armies ravaged the countryside. He began to school his young Goron child in the ways of defeating the lower tier monsters in Ganon's army, such as the occasional Stalfo that would wander into the valley by chance. After years, the young Goron was convinced that Ganon was the only evil to exist in the world, and that he was going to stop him. The only thing that prevented him from leaving was the kindly old man's frail state. Lewis stayed with him to care for him, to keep him alive. It was on his twenty-fourth birthday. The old man had become grievously ill. He told Lewis that he couldn't be helped, but his "son" wouldn't leave him. Eleven painful months later, the old man passed, leaving Lewis with a wish: "Son...I want you to help undo Ganon's evil. If you do that, then I will not have died in vain. You're a good man, and I want you to know...I love you."

Password: Din
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Name: Karina Fletcher
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Race: Hylian

Strength: 5 (+1)
Resistance: 4 (+1)
Dexterity: 6 (+0)
Speed: 4 (+1)
Knowledge: 6 (+0)

Personal Skill(s): Swordplay, Horseback riding, Keen hearing
Personal Fault(s): Lacks experience, Has a hard time trusting other races

Fighting Style: Very aggressive, yet also a very fluid fighter

Appearance: Karina has the traditional blonde hair, fair complexion, and pointed ears of the Hylian people. She is fairly well built, though could be considered on the slim side. She prefers to wear her fathers knight uniform, to honor his service to the king, along with a tan or grey cloak.

Personality: Karina is a proud young Hylian woman with a bubbly attitude. She loves adventure, and hopes to see all of Hyrule with her own eyes one day. In contrast to her usually bright personality though, she becomes very serious and almost somber when the war becomes the topic of conversation. She has a downright hatred for any creatures out of the ordinary, and is even occasionally bothered by the sight of the friendly, yet less human looking races found in Hyrule. But after the original shock can can come to respect and even befriend them if they can prove they are trustworthy.

History: Karina was born and raised in Castle Town by her father Urial Fletcher, a member of the Knights of Hyrule. He was the kings protector and was considered one of the most courageous men in the entire kingdom. Karina and her father shared an inseparable bond as she grew into maturity. The men around Hyrule Castle even began to call her Urial's shadow. She was always watching him and following his lead, with him readily teaching her everything from fencing to arming a crossbow.

Karina had a happy childhood growing up with her father as a role model. She loved wielding a sword and shield, and riding on horseback. She always daydreamed of going on adventures and exploring the land of Hyrule as she ran around the castle grounds slashing her wooden sword through the air.

As Karina got into her teens, she began to ask her father about her mother. For as far back as she could remember, Karina could never recall anything about her. But her father refused to discuss about her mother. All he would ever say was that he and Karina's mother had had an argument and that she had moved far away. This explanation was never good enough for the young girl though, and she often wondered if she resembled her mother, because she certainly didn't resemble her father, a tall, gruff looking man.

A radical change took place in Karina's life when news got out that war was brewing. Her father started disappearing for extended periods of time, then popping back up briefly at the Fletcher's home in Castle Town for a warm meal. As her father's visits home became less and less frequent, she began to realize that that something terrible was happening outside the kingdom. She saw the regular cheer of her fathers presence slowly fade away as time passed. Soon, he barely said a word to her before he was out the door again into the cold darkness of the night.

Eventually, her father stopped showing up altogether. Months passed, and no word returned from the Hylian Knights that had marched south to battle. Karina, the once bubbly and excitable girl, became stricken with grief. For the longest time, Karina simply stayed inside her home, it's empty rooms mocking her. To take her mind off of her father, she became entrenched in training. She would put on one of her father's uniforms and practice the sword techniques he had taught her many years in the past. Karina wanted to be the one to find out what had happened to her father.

Then the attack on Hyrule Castle came. Mass chaos broke loose in Castle Town as the sky turned black and the roaring of thousands Keese wings filled the air. Monsters flooded through the gates as the town guards fell to the hands of Bokoblin and Lizalfos. Karina raced to the castle to help the knights defend the king. Though the battle was brutal, the Hylians were able to beat the monsters back from whence they came. But there was no celebration for the victory at hand. for the king knew that the worst was yet to come for his kingdom.

Password: Farore
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Crimson, your sign-up is looking fine now, aside from the "easily confuses enemies" part. There still seems to be a lack of explanation as to how she learned to do it, and what exactly it means. This is the only thing now in the way of getting you accepted.

Hmmm... Ponysaur, I'm a bit reluctant on accepting this. It's a good character, but you may want to work on a few things.

One, the father's and then the character's involvement with the army, and two, the already skillful and battle-readiness of the character. It's not necessarily bad that she knows how to do these things, but that she's had so much practice with it already may put a damper on things as far as the RP goes. Most of the characters at the start will be unskilled in battle, and maybe even reluctant to help the cause, out of fear. This RP will be very gritty and almost horrific at times, and the chance for survival for the characters is slim at best. The way the characters will be able to survive is only by working together. What I'm trying to say is, she may grow up to be a skillful warrior/archer, but she can't necessarily be skilled in these things yet, for the survival aspect of the RP. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? That's really all I found wrong with it, so there isn't much to change. After that, I'll accept it.

heretostay, I'm going to have to stop you right there. Doron won't fit very well in this RP. Having an immediate weapon at all times, as well as being that strong and skilled, kind blows the whole survival aspect out of place. I'd recommend you start with something new this time around.
Shes a gymnast cut her some slack I mean she goes right into battle with a kimono and no weapons. Isnt THAT confusing enough!?
That doesn't exactly explain it as a skill though. Besides, a dark beast of corruption doesn't care /what/ you wear when it tears you apart.
True dat, but look on the bright side, I'll probably forget her history anyways :) May e a ee May e a how may e a ho may e a ha ha