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The Math Game

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 2,640
    Hello everyone! I figured I'd finally try my hand at making a game; the rules are as follows.

    1. The list of operations is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These are always used in the same order in a loop.
    2. Take the number above and perform the next operation in the list; using your current post count as the other number in the equation.
    3. Round to a maximum of 2 decimal places if needed.
    4. The result is the new number to be used in the next operation.
    5. In the rare case you'd have to divide by 0, skip it and go straight from multiplication to addition.


    Starting Number: 237
    Person A (post count 56)
    Person B (post count 32)
    Person C (post count 987)

    Person A: 237 + 56 = 293

    Current Number: 293

    Person B: 293 - 36 = 257

    Current Number: 257

    Person C: 257 * 987 = 253,659

    And so on...

    The first number is: 1000
    Saw there was mathing going on.

    1000 + 23030 = 24030
    Current word count (before posting) : 5600 (yay!)
    24030 - 5600 = 24000 - 5570 = 20000 - 1570 = 19000 - 570 = 18500 - 70 = 18450 - 20 = 18430 - 0 = 18430!
    So I get multiplication huh.... well this is gonna inflate the number quite a bit then =P

    I'm gonna need a calculator for this lol

    18.430 x 38.369 = 707.140.670

    We're millionaires now :coolcat:
    awww :coolcat: got sccrapped D=
    1.261.952 - 38.391 = 1.223.561
    Are we ditching those decimals?

    Quick question, how do you quote people with the new update?

    Just click Reply if you're responding to 1 person. It will automatically add the quote. Use the +Quote button for quoting multiple. When you've got everyone quoted go to the bottom below the text box and next to 'Attach files' it says 'Insert Quotes' which will open a new window with all your quotes.
    1,223,561 * 563 = 688,864,843

    1.261.952 - 38.391 = 1.223.561
    Are we ditching those decimals?

    Just click Reply if you're responding to 1 person. It will automatically add the quote. Use the +Quote button for quoting multiple. When you've got everyone quoted go to the bottom below the text box and next to 'Attach files' it says 'Insert Quotes' which will open a new window with all your quotes.
    Yes. Just round to the nearest number if you're using it in an equation.
    I'm pretty sure the number's off now as FCG took the last 3 numbers as decimals, but I don't feel like fixing it so I'm just going with the above =P

    15.940 - 38.466 = -22.526
    got us a negative number now :coolcat:

    I am unfamiliar with these ",", so I am going to assume the last one is followed by decimals...

    688,864,84 / 5,633 = 122,09
    It's just those weird Americans putting commas where periods should be... :sneaky: =P
    2679 + 23124 = 25803

    Equals a little over seven hours, if the above number was in seconds.