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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

I just lost to Steven's Metagross, and I purposely decided not to save after Drake... He still had his Claydol (which probably would've beaten me anyway since I ran out of Revives), but... Dang, it was shocking to see all my hard work the last hour go up in smoke! Arceus has punished me for my hubris.
I just lost to Steven's Metagross, and I purposely decided not to save after Drake... He still had his Claydol (which probably would've beaten me anyway since I ran out of Revives), but... Dang, it was shocking to see all my hard work the last hour go up in smoke! Arceus has punished me for my hubris.

Try teaching your Claydol Cosmic Power, replacing Strength, then using it to set up against Skarmory. (Make sure to bring some cheap healing items to cure poison, since Steven's Skarmory has Toxic.)

Steven only has two moves that are super effective against Claydol: Solarbeam, which he has to charge and is on his Aggron, which is 4x weak to Earthquake, and Cradily's Giga Drain, which doesn't have enough base power to do much to a properly setup Claydol.

You may have to retry if Steven gets a lucky Critical Hit on the wrong Pokemon, since those bypass your stat boosts, but Claydol should be able to carry you through any of Steven's Pokemon that don't crit.

🍃 A LeafGreen Grass Monotype 🍃
Or: How I Learned to Stop Strategizing and Love Sleep Powder
Part 4

Me omw to set the world record for amount of times misspelling Fuchsia while writing this update.

EGG joins the team! The team now looks like:
Basil (Venusaur) - Level 39
Rue (Parasect) - Level 38
Turmeric (Victreebel) - Level 38
Fennel (Vileplume) - Level 38
Carroway (Exeggcute) - Level 40​
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Ultimate Ice Run
Sapphire / #1 / The Walrus Is On My Side, MWA HA

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:


Team Stats:
Ultimate Ice Run
Sapphire / Final / Elite Bore

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
I let my guard down for a couple days to play Pokémon Crystal Version (picking my current casual run back up), and you beat the entire Ice-type Ruby/Sapphire run in one go.

Oh, yeah, not that anyone cares, but I'll probably be playing Ruby for the ice-type run because water gun is super effective against Team Magma. That's allowed, right, Explorer of Time?

Phoneix Left: I see your post, and I will be reading it soon. I really enjoy your story-telling with these updates. [/Genuine]
There were a number of things that I think helped out in making it speedy:
- 3x speed. Yeah, music sounds horrible but it was hard to put down.
- My starter had both a Water and an Ice move avaialble.
- My starter was the only Pokemon I had available for fights until just before Gym 7.
- Only having two Pokemon. Same XP but less spread around when you think about it.

Don't get me wrong - there were some places I had to think about how to get around walls, but there weren't many options really at times. I would honestly love to, at some point, go back and do a comparison by using Snorunt up until getting Spheal. Don't need to do the rest, but that would be interesting. The Spheal line is quite a tank. As many times as Snorunt/Glalie went down, I don't think I could say it would have been anywhere as smooth of a run.

I am going to watch for your Ruby run, so I can see how easy the battles are with Team Magma.
I honestly might take a break after I defeat the Elite Four (again) and the Champion in the existing Psychic-type run. I was really only going to do the Ice-type run right after the Psychic-type run because I wanted to beat you to the punch without realizing, "Oh, yeah, I got other stuff to do IRL." I am surprisingly okay with being beaten to the punch in all honesty.

(I'm afraid to talk about this in this thread since it's not really a place to promote yourself, but I also desperately need to work on scripts for the YouTube channel, which should be up and running by August.)

Anyway, the criminal organizations from Gen III Hoenn mostly use Poochyena and the Zubat line, so maybe it won't make that much of a difference. I just felt like finally doing a monotype playthrough of Ruby.

@ Explorer of Time - When I change the starter in Pokémon Ruby Version to Spheal with PokéHex, will it retain the "90% male" ratio from the regular starters, or will it be a coin toss like in the wild? I need to know for the purposes of getting a physical attacker Walrein who knows Rockslide.
Oh, yeah, not that anyone cares, but I'll probably be playing Ruby for the ice-type run because water gun is super effective against Team Magma. That's allowed, right, Explorer of Time?

Yes, that's allowed. However, if you wanted to play Emerald, that wouldn't be doable on the same Game Mastery Challenge, because it alters way more stuff than the Team Magma and Aqua trainers.

@ Explorer of Time - When I change the starter in Pokémon Ruby Version to Spheal with PokéHex, will it retain the "90% male" ratio from the regular starters, or will it be a coin toss like in the wild? I need to know for the purposes of getting a physical attacker Walrein who knows Rockslide.

You should be able to just pick your Spheal's gender if you're using PKHex, but if you aren't, it shouldn't be changing Spheal's gender ratio. In that case, it's fine to reset for a Spheal of the right gender.
I know the rule about Emerald, and I will abide by it.

I was initially kind of unclear on whether or not choosing "female" in PKHex is allowed. I know I asked previously, but I started over-thinking what you meant, and then I was afraid to ask again.

Do I just "gen" a female Spheal with random IVs, or is it actually possible to change the starter to a Spheal? I ask because I want to reset for a SpAtk-boosting nature. (I know there's other applications for changing the starter; I mean specifically PKHex since you, the person in charge of this thread, seem to know a lot about it.) I have no plans for manipulating Spheal's IVs. I just want a Modest, Mild, Rash, or preferably Quiet nature. (I know speed is important, but it won't matter on a Spheal with 25 base speed.)
I was initially kind of unclear on whether or not choosing "female" in PKHex is allowed. I know I asked previously, but I started over-thinking what you meant, and then I was afraid to ask again.

Do I just "gen" a female Spheal with random IVs, or is it actually possible to change the starter to a Spheal? I ask because I want to reset for a SpAtk-boosting nature. (I know there's other applications for changing the starter; I mean specifically PKHex since you, the person in charge of this thread, seem to know a lot about it.) I have no plans for manipulating Spheal's IVs. I just want a Modest, Mild, Rash, or preferably Quiet nature. (I know speed is important, but it won't matter on a Spheal with 25 base speed.)

Yes, just gen in a female Spheal with random IVs. You do need to pick a random nature, though, that's been in the rules since before I took over the thread and I don't plan to change it.
I didn't know it was a "genned/hacked Pokémon" thing until now. I was under the impression it was done by changing the ROM itself such that you actually start with the desired Pokemon before the first battle, which would make gender, IVs, and natures [if applicable] random like an actual starter. (Well, the starter has a 9:1 male-to-female gender ratio, which is why I asked the earlier question.) I ... I'm sorry.

You've answered this before, but one more time for clarity: Does this apply to breeding a second Spheal with egg move Rockslide? The mother would be the hacked Pokémon, but you previously said it was fine to hatch a whole bunch of eggs and pick the best one.

For the record, I have not generated/hacked a Pokemon before and certainly not for this challenge. I caught some Natu and Girafarig and compared their Hidden Power moves in PKHex, but I did not alter them in any way. I really don't want to be disqualified from this challenge.
You've answered this before, but one more time for clarity: Does this apply to breeding a second Spheal with egg move Rockslide? The mother would be the hacked Pokémon, but you previously said it was fine to hatch a whole bunch of eggs and pick the best one.

The rule does not apply to breeding a second Spheal, and you can hatch as many Spheal eggs as you want.

I didn't know it was a "genned/hacked Pokémon" thing until now. I was under the impression it was done by changing the ROM itself such that you actually start with the desired Pokemon before the first battle, which would make gender, IVs, and natures [if applicable] random like an actual starter. (Well, the starter has a 9:1 male-to-female gender ratio, which is why I asked the earlier question.) I ... I'm sorry.

PKHeX is exclusively a save editor and doesn't modify the ROM itself. There are ways to modify the ROM to change your starter, which is allowed, but it's a little more complicated than just genning in a starter in a save editor and I wouldn't recommend it to someone who doesn't know what they're doing.
Apologies for breaking the discussion. Just wanted to sneak in my first BD update.

Ultimate Ice Run
Brilliant Diamond / #1 / Rough Start

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:


Team Stats:
Ultimate Ice Run
Brilliant Diamond / #2 / The Glass Cannon Sinnoh Run Completed (Urgh)

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:


Team Stats:
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (Standard Mode)
Mono-Dark - Newscaster Blake
Update 1 (Pokémon HQ Lab -> Cipher Lab)

My hiatus from the challenge took me longer than expected, but I'm back with a Mono-Dark run of XD. While I'm not the first to do this run, I had it planned out as part of my Type Mastery Challenge for quite a while, and I'm going to try and do a few things differently from what Infer12 did.

First off, I caught a Poochyena at Gateon Port and evolved my Eevee into Umbreon soon after. Then, I went to the Cipher Lab where I caught Seedot and Houndour from the Hexagon Brothers, and purified them both by running around Agate a lot. I evolved Poochyena into Mightyena and Seedot into Nuzleaf around the same time, then went into the Cipher Lab and fought a bunch of trainers, including one with a Shadow Carvanha, which I also purified as soon as I could.

I also snagged other Shadow Pokemon as I went by, which were mostly useless, but two of them had held items that I could use. Then, I went up to Professor Krane, fought Naps again, and got the Leaf Stone from his room, which I immediately used to evolve Nuzleaf into Shiftry because I plan on teaching it a SunnyBeamer moveset that doesn't need any of its level-up moves.

Lovrina's AI was much dumber than expected, as she had her Luvdisc use Water Gun against my Carvanha three times in a row, instead of against the Houndour it could've done much more damage to. I had Carvanha bite Luvdisc while Houndour used Ember against her Beautifly and Roselia. Her Shadow Delcatty fainted both my unevolved Pokemon, but my Umbreon and Mightyena KOed it with a critical bite. I don't really care about snagging it that much, since I know it doesn't have a held item, so I saved after beating her.


I beat my existing Psychic- monotype run this evening. No fancy update or story for now. I'll share the spreadsheet (as a screen shot) sometime, but not at the moment. I'm sleep-deprived for... reasons not related to this thread ("no over-sharing" and all that), so I'm not in the mood to make the final adjustments to the spreadsheets.


I had to screen shot the original image I took with my phone because, well, the "p*** poor cinematography of proof" got a little too personal as you can see part of my room, and I wasn't happy with it. I could've actually cropped it, but I've already attached the image.

Depending on how I feel, I will probably step away from posting updates here. I need a breather, and I should work on the scripts for the YouTube version of this "game mastery challenge." I'm not leaving or anything. In fact, I'll probably continue to check up on the forum daily. Just don't expect me to go nuts with updates like I was doing for a while there. Oh, unless I change my mind...
Ultimate Ice Run
White / #1 / The Ice Cream Run Begins

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Oh, hey, StenirRPG, I was wondering where you went.

Final spreadsheet for the Psychic monotype challenge. This was my team going into the Elite Four:


Side note: The forum previously had an alert on the front page that said IMGUR was going to start deleting images, but as far as I could tell from their update, they said they were only going to delete images with zero views. Does that mean I can continue using the forum's default attachment upload feature?

I actually might go back on my decision to take a break. I felt tired at the time I posted that, but that was because I was physically sleepy. I think I had enough of a break for now (after I lost to the champion the first time), and I am ready to resume the challenges. Plus, you know, it'll help me get the creative juices going for the YouTube channel. (I promise I will not bring this up every post from now on.) I will probably get to the Ice monotype run today, but I cannot guarantee a time for the first post.