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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Definitely keep me informed about the youtube channel - after all the ones I've done, it'll be great to also see other people going through the challenges. They definitely tax your brain in a different way than a solo run or a standard run does.

For the quote, there's a button on the bottom right of each post that says "Quote" that you can click. Does get a little more than that if you are quoting multiple things, but a single quote is easy enough.

Is this the quote function? I still don't know how to quote a specific reply because I only have a "respond" button that seems to do nothing. Bah, it's a mystery I'll solve later.

I'm glad to have someone interested in the channel. I'll probably send you a message when I embed the first video into a post in the appropriate forum. (I'll have to check the forum rules to make sure I don't get in trouble.) I will probably end up having to create "filler videos' and only upload an actual new challenge update weekly. In simple terms, I'll upload the big video for the month where I cover the whole challenge, which is a lot of work (by the standards of just being a hobby and not a full-time job thing like some YouTube users), and then I'll do three videos where I show off footage of the full battles with some rehearsed commentary. This will NOT be a full-on Let's Play. I just need all the help with the algorithm I can get.

So to say something a bit more on-topic, I was wondering if anyone here does the Trick House dungeons during these runs. I do it for experience, and also because it fills me with a bit of nostalgia. I love the idea of the Trick House even if the execution needed some work.
That is indeed the quote function. Interesting that it shows up as respond. Sounds like you definitely have a plan, though!
The "respond" button does nothing and is not the "quote" button. I had to copy and paste your message between (QUOTE) and (/QUOTE) with the appropriate brackets. I might ask in the appropriate forum why I don't have the option of quoting a user's post.

I feel like just providing a quicker update instead of describing the actual gym fights, so here's a compromise between something super quick and basic and something elaborate.

Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Standard Mode)
Update 4 (Lilycove City -> Ever Grande City)

- Fought all the trainers on the sea routes so everyone was around Lv 43
- Challenged Mossdeep gym and 1HKO'ed Lunatone & Solrock with Seed Bomb from Breloom and a crit Night Slash from Mega Gallade
- Went to Seafloor Cavern and defeated Archie (Mega Blaziken swept him with Double Kick & Rock Slide)
- Defeated Primal Kyogre with Mega Medicham's Thunderpunch (Origin Pulse missed!)
- Challenged Sootopolis gym and swept with Seed Bomb from Breloom
- Cleared Victory Road and defeated Wally (Mega Blaziken swept again, I'm thinking mega's are kind of OP, they trivialized a lot of the late game fights
so I'm going to put some restrictions in for X and Omega Ruby, does anyone have some suggestions?)
- Trained everyone to Lv 55
- Elite 4 was again pretty easy with the right mega (none of my team got knocked out and had to use no items in battle)
- Steven was also not very hard until Mega Metagross, he took out 4 of my mons (Mega Blaziken got him to red with Flare Blitz)
- Breloom's Effect Spore paralyzed him so Medicham could take him out
- Became the Champion and defeated Brendon after the credits

Final Team:
Ultimate Ice Run
Red / #1 / A Slippery Start

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Goodness gracious, you've accomplished a lot the past several days, huh? I guess you're likely gonna beat me to the Ice-Type challenge. Of course, I suppose this wasn't actually a race (I was half-kidding earlier), and it might be a good idea for me to do the ice-type challenge comfortably (as opposed to forcing myself to plow through). Maybe I'm not making much sense here. In any case, good luck!
Ultimate Ice Run
Red / #2 / Sliding into Home Plate

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Goodness gracious, you've accomplished a lot the past several days, huh? I guess you're likely gonna beat me to the Ice-Type challenge. Of course, I suppose this wasn't actually a race (I was half-kidding earlier), and it might be a good idea for me to do the ice-type challenge comfortably (as opposed to forcing myself to plow through). Maybe I'm not making much sense here. In any case, good luck!

Nah - I actually got a little bit of a head start knowing about Jynx being my first 'mon, but I also had a few days off. No worries about racing it. Sometimes, you can get through it easily...and other times, not so much. After three full ultimates under my belt, I know better than to expect anything is going to go according to plan.
I'd like to sign up! I may expand this to an ultimate challenge eventually, but I'd like to take it one game at a time for the moment haha

User: Redhead!
Type: Flying
Game(s): FireRed
Challenge Type: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard
I'm gonna type the final update on the flying monotype run hopefully tomorrow. I'm actually really not sure how to handle the psychic-type run since Ralts can't deal with dark-type Pokémon like Poochyena for the first couple of gyms. The rules say I can hack in Beldum, but I'm a little on the fence about it. I mean, it becomes a pseudo-legendary after all. I feel like when I get around to the YouTube video for it, the few comments (if there are any) will berate me like, "Why'd you hack in the pseudo-legendary?" I plan on giving myself a Bagon in the dragon-type run, but since you can't catch a dragon-type until after the first three gyms, I don't think that one will get too many complaints. I guess I'll hack in Natu instead.
I'm actually really not sure how to handle the psychic-type run since Ralts can't deal with dark-type Pokémon like Poochyena for the first couple of gyms.

You can get past early game with Ralts, all you need to do is get rid of all your move PP (preferably on other wild pokemon before an upcoming battle) so you get down to struggle. It's a typeless move so you can use it to deal with dark types. You'll gain a lot of levels during the process so the recoil damage will be minimal but make sure to have lots of potions still.
That sounds like a nightmare, though I guess maybe it'll be okay as long as I only have to do it twice. (I think that Youngster on Route 102 is avoidable.) Just doing it once against the Grunt's Poochyena wouldn't be so bad, but doing it three or more times would just be too much. Doing it twice is kind of borderline. Initially I was going to say no outright, but I really don't want Beldum to be the only thing brought up in the comments. Plus, I didn't know Struggle had 50 Power. All this time I thought it was a really weak move like Gen III Rock Smash or something, but 50 power isn't too bad that early in the game (especially for a move that is always 1x effective). I'll think on it.

It's really not that bad, especially if you can use the speed up function, I've done it many times in various scenarios. Also you don't have to do it more than once if you just keep on struggling as long as you keep a steady supply of potions (that's actually a decent strategy in some solo runs with weaker pokemon). Definitely better than using a pseudo in a run.
I don't always show up to the early rock-type gym with a Ralts, but when I do, I spam the move Struggle to assert my dominance.
One thing you may need to know is that Ralts doesn't learn a move that does damage until level 6 in RS, when it learns Confusion. It can only be caught at level 4, meaning you'll need to either use Struggle a lot to level it up twice, use another Pokemon to level it up, or catch some Zigzagoon to get a pair of Rare Candies with Pickup.
One thing you may need to know is that Ralts doesn't learn a move that does damage until level 6 in RS, when it learns Confusion. It can only be caught at level 4, meaning you'll need to either use Struggle a lot to level it up twice, use another Pokemon to level it up, or catch some Zigzagoon to get a pair of Rare Candies with Pickup.

I was well aware of that, but using Mudkip until Ralts is level 6 is not the same problem. Does that make sense? I think most people would agree that waiting until Ralts learns Confusion to officially start the challenge is acceptable (since it's not a "just a Ralts" challenge), but if I hacked in Beldum or even Natu, it'd at least raise some eyebrows (even if those people don't leave a comment).

Side note: I already caught the Ralts, and I was so excited it was female cuz I've played with a male Gardevoir in a casual run before.

I will issue that final update for the Flying monotype soon. I just felt like answering this question now since this thread has been pretty lax on "double posts."
Pokémon Diamond (Standard Mode)
Update 1 (Twinleaf Town -> Veilstone City)

Extra rules:
- No items in battle
- Set mode
- Level cap (Highest lvl of gym leader or elite 4)

- Chose Piplup so rival uses Turtwig
- Caught Starly on Route 201
- Caught Zubat in Ravaged Path
- Taught Zubat Hidden Power Grass (got lucky with the type, don't know what I would've done otherwise for Roark)
- Starly evolved into Staravia (Go, Intimidate!!!)

Gym Leader Roark:

- Caught Drifloon at Valley Windworks
- Caugth Murkrow in Eterna Forest
- Caught Magikarp on Route 205 (slapped exp share on it)
- Zubat evolved into Golbat

Gym Leader Gardenia:

- Magikarp evolved into Gyarados (2x Intimidate!!!)
- With coin case acquired, hacked in Psychic & Thunderbolt for Drifloon, U-turn for Golbat
- Drifloon evolved into Drifblim

Gym Leader Maylene:

My Team:
It's been a while since I gave a proper update about the Flying-type run, so here's the finale:


Flying-Type Champion! In your face, Lance!


I will create a different update for the Psychic-type run.

Update for the Psychic-type run of Pokémon Sapphire:

The short version: I have two Gym Badges, and yes, I use Struggle a lot.

The long version:

Pokémon Diamond (Standard Mode)
Update 2 (Veilstone City -> Canalave City)

Gym Leader Crasher Wake:

- Golbat evolved into Crobat
- Picked up Shadow Ball for Drifblim and Surf for Gyarados en route & in Celestic Town
- Staravia evolved into Staraptor

Gym Leader Fantina:

- Did some Surf exploration
- Taught Flamethrower to Gyarados (not ideal but might be useful for steel & ice gym)
- Cleared Iron Island

Gym Leader Byron:

My Team: