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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Pokemon FireRed+ (Standard Mode)
Mono-Normal - Lass Nora
Update 4 (Route 9 -> Celadon Gym)

Alright. I had some massive moveset changeups once I reached Celadon and got the Game Corner TMs. First off, I taught Raticate Return, since it has maximum friendship from being effectively my starter. I also taught it Hyper Beam and Shadow Ball, giving it a good counter to the Gengar line and a strong attack to use if I need something fainted immediately and don't care if I lose a Pokemon getting rid of it. Wigglytuff evolved after I replaced Secret Power with Body Slam, and I taught it Ice Beam and Psychic after reaching Celadon. Finally, Clefable became a dedicated hybrid tank/special sweeper, with Cosmic Power to boost defenses and the three elemental beam attacks to take advantage of the decent Special Attack that my team mostly doesn't have. I also caught a few Meowth for pickup, but only one ever saw battle, against a Pidgey that whirlwinded it out. I'm not going to bother listing their stats.

My Pokemon were pretty overlevelled by the time I reached Celadon, so I didn't have any trouble in the Rocket Hideout or Pokemon Tower. Wigglytuff soloed Giovanni and Raticate soloed my rival. Then I caught both Snorlax, picked the one with the better nature, then snuck down to the Safari Zone to catch a Kangaskhan and Tauros, the latter of which took me a ludicrous amount of time to actually catch. I taught Snorlax Brick Break and Shadow Ball and kept Headbutt and Yawn for now, but I plan to replace both moves at some point. Kangaskhan learned Secret Power, Brick Break, Shadow Ball, and Attract, and Tauros learned Secret Power, Iron Tail, Swagger, and Attract. Both of these Secret Power moves are going to be replaced with stronger Normal moves later on, though.

I used the Celadon Gym to level my new Pokemon trio up a little. Erika's Victreebel got lucky and fainted Tauros, but my Kangaskhan beat the rest of her team by spamming Secret Power. I'm heading back down Cycling Road to Fuchsia next, since I want the Toxic TM for Tauros.


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Pokemon FireRed+ (Standard Mode)
Mono-Normal - Lass Nora
Update 5 (Route 16 -> Fuchsia Gym)

This is a pretty short update. I did a little leveling up on Cycling Road, and taught Raticate Super Fang and Snorlax Body Slam, but otherwise no moveset updates pre-Koga. After Koga, I taught Toxic to Tauros, replacing Attract since most of the hardest boss fights in this game use exclusively male Pokemon. I also got both Leftovers and gave them to Snorlax and Clefable, and moved Snorlax's Quick Claw over to Wigglytuff to compensate for it.

Koga himself went down pretty easily. Snorlax took down the first Koffing, then Muk, then the second Koffing SelfDestructed to bring Snorlax into the red and Weezing KOed it next turn. Then I sent out Wigglytuff and 2HKOed Weezing with Psychic.

I'm going for Saffron next.


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Decided to jump back in and do another of these!

As much as I love grass type mono runs, I'm gonna change it up this time.

User: GrassN
Type: Normal
Game(s): Emerald
Challenge Type: Standard
Update on Ice Monotype challenge:

I defeated Flannery and Norman, so it was high time for me to breed my Sealeo and my freshly evolved Camerupt, and breed I did. I checked each egg with PK Hex, and one of them was shiny. Big problem: Once I settled in a Brave nature Spheal with Rockslide, um... my Sealeo was level 52... and probbaly evolved into a Walrein off-screen. Someone should've warned me. Whoops. It's time for me to start all over cuz... I don't want to win by being THAT over-leveled. I guess I have to keep at it. (At least I have the fast forward mode in mGBA).
Ice Monotype Update: I bred the Adamant Spheal. I'm back into the swing of things, but I will not be doing too many updates because it's not all that interesting. My starting Spheal is way over-leveled; I was not expecting this run to be so easy.
I thought I was over-prepared. In regards to PP restoring medicine, I only brought one Max Elixir and some Leppa berries, the latter of which I had to use in battle against Salamance because for some reason I was afraid of switching from my physical attacker Walrein to my special attacker Walrein, so I completely forgot to use ice-type against Salamance, which Drake out early (before the Sandstorm Flygon and Altaria). In spite of not needing these PP restoring items for once (because I used my PP Ups and PP Max wisely on only three Pokemon), I ... kind of lost against the Champion's last Pokémon. That Metagross is hardcore! I'm going to take a break and come back to it because I once again made the mistake of not saving right before the champion, but this time I had an actual reason--a bad reason [forgetting the elixirs and ethers] but a reason nonetheless.
Looking over the rules again, I realize I was mistaken about something. I wasn't planning on doing a ghost-type run any time soon, but I was really hoping to get all of them done in Ruby/Sapphire (except Fairy, obviously).

I thought the thread mod changed it in such a way that a ghost-type other than Shedinja can be hacked into the game (or in the event that someone is unable to hack the game, the challenge would be post-poned until a Pokemon not permanently cursed with 1 HP, such as Sableye in RSE). Is it really necessary for me to challenge Roxanne (whose specialty is a type that's super effective against bug-type Pokemon) to a fight with just Nincada? I mean, just look at this moveset! I'm gonna have to grind to level 30. I'm grateful Nincada doesn't have a slow leveling rate, but this would take the ghost monotype run of Ruby & Sapphire from "very hard" to "beyond tedious."

Although, now that I'm looking at the Gen III learnset of other ghost-types in RSE, I'm not sure if they'd be much better. At level 5, Sabeleye has... nothing. ... Duskull at least has Night Shade, and Shuppet is stuck with Knock Off until level 13 when it learns Night Shade. Am I for real doing this?
Looking over the rules again, I realize I was mistaken about something. I wasn't planning on doing a ghost-type run any time soon, but I was really hoping to get all of them done in Ruby/Sapphire (except Fairy, obviously).

I thought the thread mod changed it in such a way that a ghost-type other than Shedinja can be hacked into the game (or in the event that someone is unable to hack the game, the challenge would be post-poned until a Pokemon not permanently cursed with 1 HP, such as Sableye in RSE). Is it really necessary for me to challenge Roxanne (whose specialty is a type that's super effective against bug-type Pokemon) to a fight with just Nincada? I mean, just look at this moveset! I'm gonna have to grind to level 30. I'm grateful Nincada doesn't have a slow leveling rate, but this would take the ghost monotype run of Ruby & Sapphire from "very hard" to "beyond tedious."

Although, now that I'm looking at the Gen III learnset of other ghost-types in RSE, I'm not sure if they'd be much better. At level 5, Sabeleye has... nothing. ... Duskull at least has Night Shade, and Shuppet is stuck with Knock Off until level 13 when it learns Night Shade. Am I for real doing this?

All right, I'll update the ruleset to allow hacking in a Ghost-type starter in Hoenn. Though, to be fair, I think it's probably doable if you catch more than one Nincada, since it isn't weak to Rock because it's part ground.

EDIT: New game-specific rules are up.
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Pokemon FireRed+ (Standard Mode)
Mono-Normal - Lass Nora
Update 6 (Route 12 -> Saffron Gym)

I went through Routes 12-15 to level up my weaker team members some more, then went through Silph Co and the Saffron Gym. My Clefable swept through most of my rival's team, but got beaten by a critical Razor Leaf from Venusaur. Tauros won the fight for me next turn, though. Against Giovanni, my Wigglytuff completely crushed his team because his AI made a ton of stupid decisions. I think he used Tail Whip four times, and only used Double Kick once. Snorlax beat Sabrina, 1HKOing all her Psychic-types with Shadow Ball and using Body Slam a few times to take down Venomoth.

In terms of moveset changes, I taught Raticate Thunder Wave via the move tutor in Silph Co, taught Return to Kangaskhan and Tauros once their friendship was high enough, and gave Tauros a Metal Coat that I got off a Magnemite while trying to get more Pokedex data for the Exp Share.

Two more badges to go.


I'm trying to decide which game to play after I finish up the Ice monotype challenge for Sapphire. Maybe I'll actually do that water monotype challenge for Pokémon Leaf Green.

Side note: If I ever complete a playthrough of Pokémon Ultra Moon, I will probably do a ghost monotype challenge.
Pokemon FireRed+ (Standard Mode)
Mono-Normal - Lass Nora
Update 7 (Route 19 -> Route 23)

The Cinnabar Gym was so soon after the last update that I didn't think it was worth giving it its own update, so I decided to just fold the last two gyms into one big update. I went through the water routes, beat Blaine, mostly with a Cosmic Power-boosted Clefable thunderbolting his team up until it got Roared away by Arcanine. Afterwards, I went to the first three of the Sevii Isles, where I taught Snorlax Belly Drum from the move reminder on Two Island. Then, back to Viridian, where my Clefable soloed the Gym Leader's entire team, with 3x Cosmic Power keeping it safe from Earthquake and Ice Beam dealing super-effective damage to all his Pokemon. I used the TM to teach Earthquake to Tauros and Snorlax, but not to Kangaskhan because I'd rather keep its moveset as is. Lastly, I crushed my rival on Route 22 by having Snorlax use Belly Drum and then 1HKO his whole team.

Two more updates: One for the League and one for the postgame.


Pokemon FireRed+ (Standard Mode)
Mono-Normal - Lass Nora
Update 8 (Victory Road -> Indigo Plateau)

All right, time to recap my battles at the Pokemon League.

To start things off, Clefable used Cosmic Power four times and tanked Lorelai's whole team without casualties.

Bruno was easily the toughest of the league, expected given my type. I led with Wigglytuff, which 1HKOed Onix, then went down to Hitmonchan. Raticate paralyzed Hitmonchan, then fainted to Hitmonlee and Snorlax took it down. Then, Bruno sent out Machamp and it kept 1HKOing all my Pokemon, so I had to send Tauros out to cheese it with Toxic and stall with healing items. The second Onix was a pushover in comparison.

I led with Wigglytuff again for Agatha's battle, and it fainted the first Gengar and Golbat, Kangaskhan fainted the Arbok, and Snorlax took down Haunter and the second Gengar.

Against Lance, I led with Clefable and started off with 2 uses of Cosmic Power, then Thunderbolt a few times to 2HKO Gyarados. Lance sent out Aerodactyl, which, since it didn't have Dragon Rage and got infatuated by Cute Charm on its first attack, let me build up maximum defenses with 4 more Cosmic Powers, then Ice Beaming the rest of Lance's team into oblivion.

Finally, I fought the Champion, my rival, Blue. I thought it appropriate to lead with my de facto starter, Raticate, which started off with a Thunder Wave, then a Super Fang and a Return. Blue used a full restore, and I repeated my actions, criticaling this time and KOing Pidgeot. Blue sent out his Alakazam next, and I used another Thunder Wave, paralyzing it. Synchronize triggered, of course, but Raticate's Cheri Berry nullified it as planned. It then got a Super Fang off before Alakazam retaliated with Psychic, bringing it down to half HP. I switched to Kangaskhan and took down Alakazam with a Shadow Ball, but it got defeated by Rhydon soon after. I sent out Snorlax, but Rhydon criticaled and KOed it too, then criticaled and 1HKOed Wigglytuff. I switched to Clefable and Ice Beamed Rhydon to 2HKO it, and Blue switched to Gyarados. Clefable 2HKOed that too, and Blue brought out Arcanine. I used a Max Revive on Wigglytuff and let Arcanine faint Clefable, and switched to Tauros. Tauros Earthquaked Arcanine before going down, and Wigglytuff Body Slammed it, and the Paralysis chance took effect. I spent a couple turns healing and brought out Snorlax, and Earthquaked Arcanine. Finally, against Venusaur, I had Snorlax Belly Drum to maximize its Attack, while Venusaur used Growth, and I 1HKOed it next turn with a body slam.

I'm the Pokemon League Champion now, but I still have the postgame left, so I'm going to do one more update before moving on to Emerald.


When I complete the Ice-type part of the Ruby/Sapphire game mastery challenge, I might pick up a monotype challenge (standard mode) for Pokémon FRLG or GSC. I haven't decided which (or what type), but I kind of think it'd be a good idea to take a break from Ruby/Sapphire while continuing to play old-school Pokémon.
I've decided to start a water-type challenge of Pokémon Leaf Green. Squirtle Squirt!

User: Reginald Cosmic

Type: Water

Game: Leaf Green

Challenge Type: Single

Standard Mode or Free Mode: Standard Mode please

I will finish the Ice monotype challenge of Sapphire very soon. I have anxiety disorder, and my heart rate is too high right now for me to challenge the Elite Four on that save file.
I wish to start a Dark monotype challenge. HeartGold->OmegaRuby->ShiningPearl->Black2->Y->UltraSun->Shield->Scarlet. My plan is to trade my Starter in with an Eevee that I will evolve into Umbreon at the earliest point I can unless one of the starters final form includes a dark typing.




Standard or Free Mode: Standard
I wish to start a Dark monotype challenge. HeartGold->OmegaRuby->ShiningPearl->Black2->Y->UltraSun->Shield->Scarlet. My plan is to trade my Starter in with an Eevee that I will evolve into Umbreon at the earliest point I can unless one of the starters final form includes a dark typing.




Standard or Free Mode: Standard

Hi. While trading in an Eevee to evolve into Umbreon is acceptable in HeartGold and Shining Pearl, you can't do it in Standard Mode in Omega Ruby, Black 2, or Shield because you can catch a Dark-type Pokemon on the very first route of all three games. If you choose to play these three runs in Free Mode, you can trade in an Eevee, but otherwise you should catch your first route's Dark-type as soon as you get your first Poke Balls, and treat that as your starter. I'll add your Ultimate Challenge to the Challengers list as soon as you make a decision on which mode to run these three games in.
Pokémon Leaf Green Water monotype:

Finished my HeartGold Bug run! I wrote the log while playing and it became really long, so here's the TLDR:

Complete log:

This is the end of my journey as a Bug Catcher. I have to say it, this was the most fun I ever had playing a Pokémon game. Maybe not as fun as when I first played Silver, my first game in the series, but definitely the most fun since then. There's something special about being a specialist, and relying on the same pokémon all through the adventure. I already knew the big bugs (Scyther, Heracross) were good, but I didn't expect them to be so effective in the battles. I'm also fond of the other members of my team and ended this run loving Bug types more than before.

Long live all the bugs!

Team After Winning against the Elite Four for the 1st Time:

Team After Winning against Red:

Hall of fame (1st win against the E4):
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