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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Ask them again. The badges for this subforum are only handed out by Eleanor and JanP, and I don't have the power to do it. They're both Europeans, so if you asked today they may have not seen it yet because of time zone stuff. Also, if you haven't, you should probably post your completed challenges here, too, so the mods can keep track easier. Especially if you've completed any challenges other than Monotypes.

I asked about it a week or two ago, but it was in a public thread as opposed to me tagging the mods. I Visitor Messaged Janp last night. I have yet to get a response.

Anyway, here's the team so far. I caught a Tentacool named Blooper, and I plan on using a Water Stone on Poliwhirl when I pick the game back up.
Pokemon Emerald Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Grass - Cool Trainer Leif
Update 2 (Route 116 -> Dewford Gym)

A short update, but quite an eventful one for such a short period of time. I evolved three of my four Pokemon to their middle evolutions, Nuzleaf after beating the Aqua Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel, Lombre after beating May in Rustboro, and Grovyle after beating a trainer in the Dewford Gym. Grovyle also learned Pursuit, Lombre and Nuzleaf learned Nature Power, and Shroomish kept its moveset.

The fight against Brawly was incredibly close and exciting. I led with Nuzleaf against Machop, expecting her to get KOed quickly, but she took down half its health with a pair of Bullet Seeds before getting 1HKOed. I sent out Lombre next, and brought Machop's health down more, but Brawly healed with a Super Potion and I couldn't bring it down fast enough, and Lombre fainted too. I sent out Grovyle third, and this time KOed Machop, but not before losing most of its health, too. Brawly sent out Meditite, and I expected it to set screens first, so I switched to Shroomish, but it used Focus Punch and nearly fainted Shroomish too. I had Shroomish continually use Bullet Seed to stop it from hitting with Focus Punch, and he KOed Meditite easily. Brawly sent out Makuhita as his last Pokemon, and I tried to use Stun Spore on it as Shroomish's last move. Stun Spore missed, and, in a miracle, as Shroomish got KOed, Effect Spore triggered and put Makuhita to sleep. I sent Grovyle back out and used a Super Potion, and spammed Bullet Seed while Makuhita slept. Eventually, Makuhita woke up and took off 2/3rds of Grovyle's HP with a Vital Throw. Makuhita was at enough HP that I'd need either a critical or a 5-hit Bullet Seed, so I spent what would definitely be the battle's last turn on Bullet Seed. Thankfully, the RNG came out in my favor, with five hits Bullet Seed hits, and I barely won the battle.


Okay, this post might not make sense because I'm low on sleep because of my insomnia. Silph Co. is kind of blurring all together right now.

Pokémon Leaf Green: Water Monotype update!

Pokémon Leaf Green Water Monotype Update:

* I knocked out the swimmers south of Pallet Town and arrived in Cinnabar Island.

* I found the Secret Key in the Mansion

* I changed Slowbro's nickname to "Hammer Bro"

* I beat up more swimmers south of Fuchsia.

Here's a team update before I walk into Blaine's gym:

This is NOT the final update for my FRLG Water Monotype run. (Actually there might be two more updates after I write this. I don't know how quickly I'll get through Victory Road just yet.)

There's a lot of games I need to keep juggling like Earthbound and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and even last year's Pokemon Violet, so I'm not sure how quickly I'll be continuing through these monotype challenges. I don't want to do a Gen I monotype playthrough because Gen I is just FRLG with worse mechanics. I've thought about doing a monotype challenge with Gen 2 for variety, but... I don't know. Something about that feels wrong, and I can't explain why. As for games newer than Gen 3... I don't know... I'm most familiar with Gen 3, and I haven't even experienced Gen 4 outside of the Renegade Platinum ROM Hack. (Should that count as playing Gen 4?) One day, I'd like to do a Ghost monotype run of USUM if I ever beat a vanilla playthrough of USUM. (I just don't vibe with Alola I guess.)

I'm not sure how to end this. I don't know. I just miss the days when this thread was more active.
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User: GhostColossus
Type: Bug
Game(s): FR
Challenge Type: Single (maybe ultimate down the line?)
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard

Hello, just started a bug monotype for FR. So far i'm right before the 3rd gym, just went through SS Anne's and received HM Cut. Butterfree's Confusion was great for Brock, Paras' Bullet Seed (from a TM) was great for Misty.

Butterfree Lvl 23
Tackle/Sleep Powder/Confusion/Harden

Beedrill Lvl 23
Poison Sting/Twineedle/Fury Attack/Harden

Paras Lvl 22
Scratch/Stun Spore/Bullet Seed/Leech Life
Pokémon Leaf Green Water Monotype Challenge Update: I got all 8 badges, and I'm on Victory Road.


Wish me luck against the Elite Four!
I beat the Elite Four and Champion in the water monotype challenge of Leaf Green. I'm not sure when I'll make the last update since I'm kind of tired of writing them, but I did it.


I don't know when I'll do another one of these. I'm taking a break to finally play through all of Emerald, so until that's done, I won't be doing Ruby/Sapphire. There's other stuff I plan to do (like Violet), but that's the real reason I'm not going to do the Fighting-type Ruby challenge just yet.
Ultimate Electric Run
Y / FINAL / Electro Ball FTW

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
I'm not sure if this is breaking the rules, but I wanted to say it's nice to hear from you again, StenirRPG.
Pokemon Emerald Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Grass - Cool Trainer Leif
Update 3 (Route 109 -> Mauville Gym)

This update took me a little longer than expected since I got distracted by other games, but it's finally done. I caught an Oddish, evolved it into Gloom, and evolved my Shroomish into a Breloom, too. Everyone in the party is at their second stage now, though Gloom'll be there for quite a long time since he needs to wait until I get my seventh badge for me to get a second Leaf Stone. Breloom got almost an entirely new moveset, keeping only Stun Spore. I figured it wasn't worth waiting to evolve him until he learns Spore at Level 54 since my last Sapphire run ended before anyone reached that level at all. Nuzleaf learned Rock Tomb right after I beat Brawly and Torment as soon as I got to Slateport, and Grovyle replaced Leer with Screech. I'm not particularly happy with anyone's low-level movesets except for Breloom's, but that's early generations for you.

I lost my first fight against May at Route 110, my first loss of the run, because of bad RNG where I missed with a Stun Spore against Combusken and then suffered multiple critical hits. The second time, I went through fine, beating Combusken by Stun Spore/Leech Seeding it with Shroomish, then switching to Lombre and Growling to reduce its Peck damage to something reasonable.

Wattson went down pretty easily, in comparison. I led with Gloom, my least important Pokemon, expecting him to get hit by Voltorb's Selfdestruct. He unexpectedly survived it and did some damage to Electrike too before going down. I switched to Breloom, the actual star of this battle, and KOed Electrike with a Mach Punch, then 2HKOed Magneton with Mach Punch, then brought Manectric down to near minimum HP with some more Mach Punches before fainting. Breloom got paralyzed at some point, but I got extraordinarily lucky and he was able to move almost every turn. (Breloom could've been healed at the same time Wattson healed, but I don't like using up healing items on battles I'm sure to win anyway.) Finally, I had Lombre come in to finish off Manectric and win me my third gym badge.


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User: GhostColossus
Type: Bug
Game(s): FR
Challenge Type: Single (maybe ultimate down the line?)
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard

Hello, just started a bug monotype for FR. So far i'm right before the 3rd gym, just went through SS Anne's and received HM Cut. Butterfree's Confusion was great for Brock, Paras' Bullet Seed (from a TM) was great for Misty.

Butterfree Lvl 23
Tackle/Sleep Powder/Confusion/Harden

Beedrill Lvl 23
Poison Sting/Twineedle/Fury Attack/Harden

Paras Lvl 22
Scratch/Stun Spore/Bullet Seed/Leech Life

Update, i'm against the Cinnabar gym leader, so i'm over halfway to the first E4. I originally did this type in FR because I knew how much of a challenge it could be esp in FR.. and so far it has indeed been a challenge. I still have a lot of important moves to acquire and maybe EV train before I'd even walk into the E4 room.
Current Team:
Lvl 39 Pinsir - Brick Break/Dig/Revenge/Focus Energy
Lvl 40 Butterfree - Psybeam/Sleep Powder/Gust/Tackle
Lvl 38 Parasect - Giga Drain/Slash/Spore/Leech Life
Still training: Lvl 28 Venonat, Lvl 23 Scyther
Beedrill Lvl RIP ??? (Explanation below)
GOAL TEAM (In order of importance)
Pinsir - Focus Punch/Earthquake/Hyper Beam/Bulk Up
Venonat - Psychic/SleepPowder/StunSpore/GigaDrain/
Parasect - GigaDrain or Solarbeam/BodySlam/Spore/StunSpore/Slash or Dig
Butterfree - Psychic/ShadowBall/Thief/AerialAce
Scyther - SteelWing/Hyperbeam/Pursuit/SwordDance
(Optional) Beedrill - Sludge Bomb/Twineedle/HyperBeam/BrickBreak
Caught Butterfree/Beedrill at Viridian Forest. Butterfree's Sleep/Confusion helped with most gym fights. Paras caught at Mt. Moon. Venonat, Scyther, and Pinsir were caught in or around Fuscia city. Pinsir is the best on the team, and I didn't realize he was a Leafgreen exclusive until I got to the safari zone to catch him and didn't find one. Abiding by rules (I think) 9 & 10 of the standard mode rules, I cheated him in while at the Safari Zone. Somehow, though, my Beedrill disappeared after the cheat, and I think it's because I made some sort of mistake while cheating Pinsir in. I don't mind he's gone though because he's been pretty useless, and would probably stay /mostly/ useless the entire run.

Pinsir's the allstar because of his monster Atk stat and access to a couple great moves. He's slow though, and i'll probably EV train HP/Def/SpDef so he can take blows. And with bulk up, I think he'd be a great bulky sweeper. Venomoth has good special sweeper stats, and access to psychic and two status effects. He'd make a great lead/setup. Parasect's grass typing is very appreciated due to lack of type coverage, and STAB gigadrain/solarbeam. Beefy Atk/Def too. Scyther's stats are stellar, but his movepool is trash. So i'm giving him the most decent physical attacks as possible w/ sword dance to make a good physical sweeper. Butterfree's copy and paste Venomoth but just not as fast. Butterfree does have shadow ball though and will hopefully help against Psychic Pkmn. Beedrill's outclassed by everyone else on the team. I might add him in if a poison STAB move or Twineedle Bug STAB is needed, but besides that, he's alright.

Picture proof of everything down the line. Good luck to me!
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Pinsir is the best on the team, and I didn't realize he was a Leafgreen exclusive until I got to the safari zone to catch him and didn't find one. Abiding by rules (I think) 9 & 10 of the standard mode rules, I cheated him in while at the Safari Zone. Somehow, though, my Beedrill disappeared after the cheat, and I think it's because I made some sort of mistake while cheating Pinsir in.

If you used PKHeX, you should still have an automatic backup in PKHeX's "\bak" folder from right before you first edited your save, and what probably happened is you overwrote Beedrill's party slot or edited your Beedrill by turning it into a Pinsir. You can get it back by loading your backup into a separate emulator/GBA and trading it back to yourself. If you used an Action Replay, you're probably out of luck and I don't know how to get it back, though.
I prefer my head canon that Beedrill is out getting some R&R like Ash's Pidgeotto in The Electric Tale of Pikachu. It's not wrong. It's just my headcanon.
Pokemon Emerald Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Grass - Cool Trainer Leif
Update 4 (Route 111 -> Lavaridge Gym)

Another update today. I went up through Route 111, explored most of Northwestern Hoenn, and defeated Maxie and Flannery. Maxie only had three Pokemon and went down quite easily, even though two of his three Pokemon had type advantages against basically my whole team. Flannery was much tougher. I lost my first fight against her because I didn't remember how Torment worked and got my last Pokemon 1HKOed by a second consecutive Overheat from Torkoal that I wasn't expecting.

Second time around, I don't quite remember exactly what happened since it was a complicated battle and I'm not quite sure which events were from which battle, but I'll do my best to recount it. My Lombre beat Numel fairly easily, though I had to use a Soda Pop when Flannery used a Hyper Potion, and she fainted against Slugma. Breloom beat Slugma and fainted to Camerupt, and Gloom put Camerupt to sleep repeatedly and nearly fainted it, even though he got hit by Attract towards the end of the battle, and Flannery used her other Hyper Potion on it. Either Grovyle or Nuzleaf finished it off, then Flannery sent out Torkoal, and I had to use two Revives to wear out her Overheats, and I eventually paralyzed Torkoal with a Secret Power and wore it down with Nuzleaf's Rock Tomb, and finished it off with a Dig from Grovyle.

No new Pokemon this time, but everyone got at least one new move. Grovyle got Secret Power and Dig, replacing Pursuit and Quick Attack. Lombre learned Secret Power and Attract, forgetting Nature Power and the near-useless Astonish, Nuzleaf swapped Nature Power for Secret Power, Breloom also learned Secret Power, replacing Headbutt, and Gloom replaced Cut and Stun Spore with Secret Power and Acid.


Ultimate Electric Run
Sun / FIRST AND FINAL / The End of Another Journey

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Stenir, are you actually doing the Ultimate Run for all types? I'll be dang impressed if you get that accomplished!
Pokemon Emerald Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Grass - Cool Trainer Leif
Update 5 (Route 111 Desert -> Petalburg Gym)

I got my fifth gym badge, and my final party member, Lileep! Most of my team is pretty much just as it was last update, since there were only two new areas to explore (the Desert and the new Trick House room), and I spent most of them leveling Lileep up to the level of the rest of my team. I set Lileep up with Toxic and Attract since her attack stats and moves aren't great and Norman has an all-male team of Normal-types. That being said, Grovyle did learn Leaf Blade right after I beat Norman, though she hasn't gotten a chance to actually use it just yet.

Norman went down pretty much exactly how I expected him to. I led with Breloom, and he nearly 1HKOed Spinda with a Mach Punch, but took around a third of his HP in damage from a SE Psybeam. Norman used a Hyper Potion, but Breloom used another Mach Punch to bring Spinda's HP back down and then KOed it next turn.

Norman sent out Vigoroth next, and Breloom 2HKOed it with Mach Punch, again losing a third of its HP, this time to a Facade. Norman sent out his Linoone third and wasted his turn on a failed Belly Drum as Breloom 2HKOed it.

Finally, Norman sent out Slaking. I had Breloom Mach Punch it one more time before it fainted, then sent out Lileep. I spent Slaking's Truant turn infatuating it and used Toxic on its active turn, which it was able to act on and used Yawn. Lileep used Bullet Seed once before falling asleep and once right after waking up, and Slaking 2HKOed it with Facade right before it fainted to Toxic. I sent out Grovyle to get the XP so she could learn Leaf Blade but she never actually did anything this battle.


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I'm not sure if this is breaking the rules, but I wanted to say it's nice to hear from you again, StenirRPG.

Stenir, are you actually doing the Ultimate Run for all types? I'll be dang impressed if you get that accomplished!

That's the plan, but doing these re-runs, mostly for Rock, are to ensure that when I hopefully finish all of the Ultimate runs, I'll also snag the Game and Type masteries as bonuses. I mean, 18 types x 7 gens is already 126 runs, and I've got to do 5 on top of that to make up for not sticking to the same games, so that's 131. There's a joke going on in my house that I've basically run out of good ideas for names after the 30th individual game runs, since I've already complete 35. It also gets tiring at some point, and I have to take a break.

After I finish the first seven gens in all of the types, I plan on switch from types to game runs. Do SwSh with all the types one by one, then do SV the same.

One of the things that I've gone back and forth on is how much I look ahead. Certainly, I always look to see the soonest that I can pick up each of the available mons in a game to help me decide on routing or when I need to sidestep game progression to go pick up a new mon. I do copy down their movesets into a notebook so I have them available, but that's only their learnset by level. I sort of don't pay much attention to TMs and HMs unless I run into a wall, then I'll go look it up and try to figure out what I can do to get over the hurdle. I feel like I'd spend a lot of time trying to plan everything out to the smallest degree if I didn't just do the bare minimum and then kinda treat it as a blind playthrough past that point.

But, let's get the first of the reruns out of the way. My goal is to push through these in one big burst for each of them, so it'll keep with the trend of one entry per. Once I get caught up and jump back into Fairy, I might switch back.

User: StenirRPG
Type: Rock
Game(s): Red
Challenge Type: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard

Single Rock Run
Red / FIRST AND FINAL / The Rare, Red Rock

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:

Here's the Gen 2 Rock signup. Sorry for not signing up before this one and just clumping it all together. Finished and wanted to get it written down.

User: StenirRPG
Type: Rock
Game(s): Gold
Challenge Type: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard