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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Standard Mode)
Update 2 (Route 109 -> Petalburg City)

Rival Battle Route 110:

- Ralts evolved into Kirlia from rival battle
- Got Dawn Stone from super training
- Kirlia evolved into Gallade (Gave it TM for Bulldoze, Power-Up Punch & Aerial Ace)
- Trained everyone to lv 21

Gym Leader Wattson:

- Caught Machop and named it Mars
- Shroomish evolved into Breloom
- Makuhita evolved into Hariyama
- Taught Gallade Night Slash & Close Combat!!! with the move relearner in Fallarbor Town
- Battled Team Aqua at Meteor Falls
- Chased them to Mt. Chimney

Aqua Leader Archie:

- Trained everyone to around lv 28
- Machop evolved into Machoke

Gym Leader Flannery:

- Trained everyone to around lv 30 (in the desert + trainer rematches)
- Machoke evolved into Machamp

Gym Leader Norman

My Team:
User: Morzoelin
Type: Ghost
Game(s): Violet
Challenge Type: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard Mode

Looking through the challenger list, I apparently started an Ultimate run in the past but I don't have a type listed and don't remember what I was doing so I just want to abandon it.

Also what is an Elite 4 viable pokemon?
User: Morzoelin
Type: Ghost
Game(s): Violet
Challenge Type: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard Mode

Looking through the challenger list, I apparently started an Ultimate run in the past but I don't have a type listed and don't remember what I was doing so I just want to abandon it.

Also what is an Elite 4 viable pokemon?

Your Ghost-type challenge has been added and your Water-type ultimate challenge has been removed.

An Elite 4 viable Pokemon is just any Pokemon strong enough to defeat one of the Elite 4's Pokemon. The reason you need at least two of them is to stop people from soloing the League with only one Pokemon, since this forum has a separate challenge thread for solo challenges.
Note: I'm still doing the Flying-type run. Don't worry. I'm just planning out the Ice-Type run to get myself mentally prepared.

What do you guys think about this setup?

Walrein #1: Surf, Blizzard, Hail, Toxic* (Modest/Quiet nature)

Glalie #1: Crunch, Hail, Blizzard, Light Screen

Walrien #2: Earthquake*, Strength, Ice Beam*, Rock Tomb* (Adamant/Brave nature)

Glalie #2: Crunch, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Flash

HM Pokemon: Spheal (Waterfall/Dive/Rock Smash) and Wingull (Fly)

An asterisk (*) indicates a move that must be taught by TM.

I realized as I was finishing posting this that... no, a hailstorm does not guarantee Blizzard will hit in Gen III, according to Bulbapedia. This is still useful for Glalie ... or at least it would be if Ice Body was in Gen III. I honestly might only keep three non-HM Pokemon in my party. On the bright side, I am guaranteed thick fat on my starting Spheal, which means fewer resets needed to get one that can beat Flannery's gym.

For the nature of the two Walrein, I'm thinking I really should invest the time in getting a Modest nature starter Spheal, but if I can't, I might do Quiet nature. Something similar can be said about the physical attacker: Adamant is prefered, but I might go with Brave.

I'd like to hear from you guys though. Should I absolutely make my starting Spheal a modest natured one? Should I only use one Glalie, so I can focus on training only three Pokemon? Let me know.
Pokémon Violet (Standard Mode)
Update 1

OK so first I want to say that I know switch games are expensive and Scarlet and Violet are the newest games so not everyone has played them. That said to keep my updates short and to avoid spoilers for those who haven't played all of my updates for this run will be in spoiler tabs.

Ultimate Fire Run
Sun / #1 / The First Few Islands

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Pokémon Violet (Standard mode)
Update 2

I'm not the owner of this thread, but I believe you misunderstood the clause on "Pokemon that evolve into your chosen type." As far as I'm aware, Mudkip is completely allowed during a Ground-type mono run of Hoenn. The actual restriction is as follows: you're not allowed to press B to prevent its evolution into Marshtomp to teach Mudkip Hydro Pump by level up. Another example would be Nidoking in a ground-type run of Gen I or Gen III Kanto. If you're using a Nidorino on this run, you have to use the Moon stone from Mt. Moon on it as soon as possible. I can't think of a reason you wouldn't want to evolve Nidorino right away, but that's an easy example off the top of my head.

(This does not work backwards, so a Nincada is not allowed to evolve into Ninjask and Shedinja in a mono Ground-type run because those Pokemon are not Ground-type. You have to keep pressing B on Nincada's evolution or find an everstone.)
I'm not the owner of this thread, but I believe you misunderstood the clause on "Pokemon that evolve into your chosen type." As far as I'm aware, Mudkip is completely allowed during a Ground-type mono run of Hoenn. The actual restriction is as follows: you're not allowed to press B to prevent its evolution into Marshtomp to teach Mudkip Hydro Pump by level up. Another example would be Nidoking in a ground-type run of Gen I or Gen III Kanto. If you're using a Nidorino on this run, you have to use the Moon stone from Mt. Moon on it as soon as possible. I can't think of a reason you wouldn't want to evolve Nidorino right away, but that's an easy example off the top of my head.

(This does not work backwards, so a Nincada is not allowed to evolve into Ninjask and Shedinja in a mono Ground-type run because those Pokemon are not Ground-type. You have to keep pressing B on Nincada's evolution or find an everstone.)

This interpretation is correct, but I believe Morzoelin mentioned that he wanted to wait until his Crocalor evolves to use it, which is perfectly reasonable given the party-wide EXP share.
I just looked at his second update and thought he got confused, so I thought I'd say something. I have no objections to playing the challenge that way.

I did have a question in regards to my Game Mastery Challenge. I'm just asking for advice here. It applies to more than just the ice-type, but I want to use that as an example cuz it's simple to understand. Spheal will be my only mon until just before Gym 7, and Spheal and Sealeo are (of course) weak to electric-type attacks. Ergo, if I run into a battle I'm not prepared for (let's say a trainer's Pikachu), and Spheal faints, I'm pretty much going to have to reset to my last save point because I feel like using a revive on Spheal while Zigzagoon is on the field is cheating. I mean, the rules don't say that explicitly, but I personally would consider it cheating, at least for myself, to use items while an HM "slave" (that is not of my chosen type) is in battle. Ergo, I'm going to have to save constantly. I'm just trying to think if there's any way to avoid this. Does it really boil down to "every mistake could result in a total wipeout" until Shoal Cave? (In case you can't tell, I am TERRIFIED of Wattson's Magneton for the Ice-Type run.)

I'm currently between Gym #6 and Gym #7 in the Flying-type run. I will probably update after the Team Aqua HQ dungeon.

EDIT: I've never really done breeding before. Can I catch a (male) Numel after Wattson, hand it an Exp. Share, wait for it to evolve into a Camerupt, set my (male) Camerupt on a romantic date with my (female) Spheal, and wait for an egg to fall from the sky and stump the Daycare man as to where it came from, and hatch the egg to find a Spheal with Rockslide? While I'm on the topic, can I produce [coughs violently] I mean, "find" as many of these eggs as needed until I get an Adamant nature Spheal who knows Rockslide? (I think it'd be easier to run around with five eggs at a time as opposed to just one.) Oh, one more thing: Since I'm already going to have to hack in a Spheal as my starter, can I make sure it's female? (I know gender was determined by the physical attack stat or something like that in Gen II, but as far as I know, gender does not affect combat in Gen III, right?)
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I did have a question in regards to my Game Mastery Challenge. I'm just asking for advice here. It applies to more than just the ice-type, but I want to use that as an example cuz it's simple to understand. Spheal will be my only mon until just before Gym 7, and Spheal and Sealeo are (of course) weak to electric-type attacks. Ergo, if I run into a battle I'm not prepared for (let's say a trainer's Pikachu), and Spheal faints, I'm pretty much going to have to reset to my last save point because I feel like using a revive on Spheal while Zigzagoon is on the field is cheating. I mean, the rules don't say that explicitly, but I personally would consider it cheating, at least for myself, to use items while an HM "slave" (that is not of my chosen type) is in battle. Ergo, I'm going to have to save constantly. I'm just trying to think if there's any way to avoid this. Does it really boil down to "every mistake could result in a total wipeout" until Shoal Cave? (In case you can't tell, I am TERRIFIED of Wattson's Magneton for the Ice-Type run.)

Correct, you aren't supposed to use an HM slave not of your type to revive your Pokemon. If your only Ice-type faints, you'll have to either reset or let your HM slave faint.

EDIT: I've never really done breeding before. Can I catch a (male) Numel after Wattson, hand it an Exp. Share, wait for it to evolve into a Camerupt, set my (male) Camerupt on a romantic date with my (female) Spheal, and wait for an egg to fall from the sky and stump the Daycare man as to where it came from, and hatch the egg to find a Spheal with Rockslide? While I'm on the topic, can I produce [coughs violently] I mean, "find" as many of these eggs as needed until I get an Adamant nature Spheal who knows Rockslide? (I think it'd be easier to run around with five eggs at a time as opposed to just one.) Oh, one more thing: Since I'm already going to have to hack in a Spheal as my starter, can I make sure it's female? (I know gender was determined by the physical attack stat or something like that in Gen II, but as far as I know, gender does not affect combat in Gen III, right?)

Yes to all of these. Picking a female Spheal is fine, as is training a male Numel for egg moves (just don't have it fight in a trainer battle), and breeding for as many eggs as you want.
That second part's a relief to hear. Is the "fast forward" feature on the emulator allowed for breeding purposes? I'm gonna be hatching a lot of these little guys, so without that, it's going to take a very long time to get an Adamant-nature Spheal with Rockslide.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Standard Mode)
Update 3 (Petalburg City -> Lilycove City)

- Did all the optional surf stuff (Sea routes around Dewford, Abandoned Ship & Route 115)
- Machamp learned Dual Chop after defeating Team Aqua at the Weather Institute (will be so useful for Altaria)
- Almost 1HKO'ed Brendan's 'full' team on Route 119, easy win!
- Hacked in Galladite after receiving Mega Bracelet from Steven Stone (also got Blazikenite from him)
- Trained everyone to lv 35

Gym Leader Winona

- Combusken evolved into Blaziken
- Caught Heracross in the Safari Zone and named him Jupiter
- Defeated Brendan for the last time in Lilycove (Mega Gallade demolished him!)
- Caught Meditite on Mt. Pyre and named her Minerva
- Found Medichamite on Mt. Pyre
- Meditite evolved into Medicham (learned Thunder- & Ice Punch from move relearner)
- Swapped Hariyama with Medicham
- 1HKO'ed Matt's Sharpedo twice with Mega Medicham: on Mt. Pyre & in their hideout
- Cleared out Aqua hideout (also found the Master Ball)

My Team:
Ultimate Fire Run
Sun / #2 / Finishing the Trials

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Ultimate Fire Run
Sun / Final / The Final Battles

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:

Signing Up For the Next Ultimate Run:

User: StenirRPG
Type: Ice
Game(s): Red, Silver, Sapphire, Brilliant Diamond, White, Y, Sun
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard
Good luck with the ice-type run of Sapphire. You're gonna need it. (It's good to know I won't be suffering through that run alone.)
Good luck with the ice-type run of Sapphire. You're gonna need it. (It's good to know I won't be suffering through that run alone.)

If I read the Hoenndex correctly, I'll only have Snorunt->Glalie and Spheal->Sealeo->Walrein. And it looks like I can access Spheal just slightly before Snorunt, so that'll be my starter. I'm not used to more than one of the same 'mon; in fact, I've sort of actively avoided it until I knew I had no choice, with the thought that I would only use it when I had to. But from what you posted as your thoughts, I may have to rethink that.
I don't know how to do the quotes on this forum, so I'll just say the last paragraph is in reply to StenirRPG

I took a(n unofficial) break from the challenge for a few days. I just got to doing other things (like talking to friends on Discord), but I went back and did some more yesterday. In regards to the current Flying-type run, I will update this thread on the rest of the gym badges soon (since I already got all eight badges), and then I'm gonna take on Victory Road, do some grinding, and then beat the Hoenn Elite Four. I'm really hoping I can get that burn on my Swellow for "Guts" on Mt. Pyre without too much trouble. (It's helpful that a burn doesn't work like poisoning in the overworld.) After that I will be doing the Psychic-type run.

I have a bit of an announcement to make. I currently have plans to start a YouTube channel where I talk about these monotype challenges. I mean, this is already something big I'm doing, so I feel like it'd make some subjectively good uploads on YouTube. The channel hasn't been set up yet (not that I'm allowed to link to it here), but I've started scripting the videos, and it's been a lot of fun coming up with jokes to tell and ideas on how to make the channel work (not that I'm going to stand in front of the camera and do skits and storylines or anything like that). So for the sake of not giving away too many jokes here (and because some of you might find it boring to hear me talk about Hoenn 17 times), I will probably cut down on the full-blown recaps of how I beat everyone once I get done with the Flying-type challenge.

@ StenirRPG I'm very curious which one of us will beat the Hoenn Ice-Type challenge first. I still want to cover the Psychic-type run before I do Ice, but you got two whole games to get to. I guess it'll be a race. That said, I probably won't be looking at your full posts (just the "TL;DR" things) for the sake of going into the challenge blind (for the YouTube channel and all), so umm, you know, it would be really nice if you kept doing the "In this post" sections, so I can keep up with updates AND do this challenge without too much help. (I'm already using Bulbapedia.) I hope this isn't a weird request.
Not a problem - I plan on still doing that. A lot better than how I used to post. There's always the struggle with how much info is good info - I try these days to keep it solely to where I pick up certain Pokemon, and any many trainers. So, Rivals, gym leaders/trials, or anything that just throws me under the bus. Sometimes it's just a small blurb (like my flying types knocking out Hala easily during the Elite Four run), and sometimes it feels like such a crazy ride that I need to be more specific about what happens.

I try to do them super blind also, only focused on getting a list together of the earliest spot I can pick up the Pokemon in a run.

Definitely keep me informed about the youtube channel - after all the ones I've done, it'll be great to also see other people going through the challenges. They definitely tax your brain in a different way than a solo run or a standard run does.

For the quote, there's a button on the bottom right of each post that says "Quote" that you can click. Does get a little more than that if you are quoting multiple things, but a single quote is easy enough.