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The Monotype Challenge

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Woohoo! Johto's done! Or should I say Kanto? Whatever, Pokemon Crystal is Finished! I thought this was gonna be the same thing as Kanto all over again, but it wasn't. Gyarados wasn't really good this time and I don't know why.

The Journey

The Team​
Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done:
Current Game: LeafGreen

Badges: 4

1. Started with a boy named G.
2. Started with Charmander, nicknamed Scorch.
3. Caught a Pidgey, nicknamed Sky.
4. Caught a Caterpie, nicknamed Silk.
5. Evolved Silk to Butterfree
6. Defeated Brock using Metal Claw Charmander.
7. Evolved Scorch to Charmeleon.
8. Evolved Sky to Pidgeotto.
9. Bought Magikarp and nicknamed it Swim.
10. Captured a Zubat, nicknamed Zubat.
11. Went through Mt. Moon.
12. Grinded before Cerulean Gym.
13. Evolved Swim to Gyarados.
14. Defeated Misty using Bite Gyarados.
15. Evolved Sulfide to Golbat.
16. Cleared S.S. Anne
17. Defeated Lt. Surge using Ember Charmeleon.
18. Cleared Rock Tunnel. Proceeded to Celadon City.
19. Bought coins. Started gambling.
20. Saved enough for a Dratini, nicknamed Super.
21. Boxed Sky.
22. Defeated Erika using Dragon Rage Dratini and Wing Attack Golbat.
23. Sulfide trying to evolve but failing because lack of nat.dex.
24. Saved at Celadon City Pokemon Center.


Fighting Mono Challenge
Pokemon Omega Ruby

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Name: Mimi


[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Chika the Combusken- Level 30
Quick Attack
Flame Charge
Double Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Bob the Breloom- Level 26
Poison Heal
Mach Punch
Stun Spore
Leech Seed

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Troy the Hariyama- Level 25
Rock Smash
Knock Off
Force Palm
Fake Out

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Lindsey the Kirlia- Level 22
Disarming Voice
Magical Leaf
Lucky Chant

Pokemon Emerald Finished! Drake was HARD this time!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

The Team

Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, SoulSilver, Emerald, Platinum, Black, and X

So yh, I put this off for a longtime. Now that I have more freetime, time to do more of this, starting off with Emerald.

Pokemon Emerald

Current Progress: Badges: 3/8
Current Team: Mustang (Combusken) - Lv 31
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Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done:
Current Game: LeafGreen

Badges: 8

1. Cleared Game Corner, evolving Charmeleon to Charizard.
2. Cleared Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.
3. Cleared Silph Co, evolving Dratini to Dragonair.
4. Defeated Sabrina using Bite Golbat and Flamethrower Charizard.
5. Defeated Koga using Psybeam Butterfree.
6. Resurrected Aerodactyl, nicknamed Sky.
7. Defeated Blaine with Surf Gyarados.
8. Cleared Sevii Islands.
9. Defeated Giovanni with Surf Gyarados.
10. Played a lot of game corner to get TMs for Tbolt, Flamethrower, Ice Beam and Shadow Ball.
11. Saved in Sevii Islands, in training.



Current Game: Omega Ruby

Badges: 8

1. Started the game with a guy named G.
2. Started with Mudkip so May would start with Treecko and end up with a grass-type lol.
3. Captured a Wurmple (actually five) and evolved it to a Silcoon.
4. Captured a Wingull.
5. Helped Wally capture a Ralts.
6. Evolved Silcoon to Beautifly.
7. Cleared Petalburg Forest.
8. Captured a Taillow.
9. Defeated Roxanne using Water Gun Wingull.
10. Cleared Rusturf Tunnel.
11. Defeated Brawly using all of them but primarily Wing Attack Taillow.
12. Captured a Zubat.
13. Cleared Slateport and tried out one contest.
14. Cleared Trick House 1.
15. Had difficulty with the Minun/Plusle trainers.
16. Defeated May.
17. Defeated Wally in Mauville.
18. Evolved Taillow to Swellow.
19. Saved west of Mauville, in-training for Watson.


*will be adding pics soon.
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Forum User Name: Youngster_joey
Pokémon Type: Water
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Games Done:
Current Game: FireRed

I'll update when I finish the game (probably sometime tomorrow).
Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, SoulSilver, Emerald, Platinum, Black, and X

Pokemon Emerald, continuing from last time:


Current Progress: Badges: 5/8
Current Team: Mustang (Combusken) - Lvl 34
Fergie (Numel) - Lvl 28
Nicole (Torkoal) - lvl 29
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Finished FireRed! I had to grind for like 500 years just to beat Green prior to going through Victory Road, it was ridiculous. lol But we made it!!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Now onto SoulSilver...
Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen
Current Game: LeafGreen

Badges: 8

1. Went through Victory Road.
2. Cashed in all my money on Full Restores and Revives.
3. Tried the Elite Four.
4. Lorelei was hard but once i get to evolve my Dragonair, she was fairly easy between Dragonite and Charizard.
5. Bruno was meh. Surf for the Onix and Wing Attacks for the fighting-types.
6. I battled Agatha with half-team. I survived with an Aerodactyl at 3 HP.
7. Lance was meh. Dragonite rocked.
8. Pidgeot was two Ancientpowers from Aerodactyl. Blastoise was three Tbolts from Dragonite. I managed to set-up on the Exeggutor using my DD Gyarados. Ice Beam Eggmon. Surf Arcanine. EQ Alakazam. Surf Rhydon. It was fairly easy despite being almost six levels lower.
9. DONE! Off to HG!



Current Game: Omega Ruby

Badges: 2

1. no update

Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, SoulSilver, Emerald, Platinum, Black, and X

Pokemon Emerald, continuing from last time:


Current Progress: Badges: 6/8
Current Team: Mustang (Blaziken) - Lvl 44
Fergie (Camerupt) - Lvl 43
Nicole (Torkoal) - lvl 43
Ninetales (Amaterasu) - lv 43
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Finally... Sinnoh's over. I never liked Sinnoh. But i'll admit, It was better than what I remember. The level curve was still insane though.

The Team

There's a playthough I've been meaning to do for a while, and I'm gonna finish that before continuing the ultimate onto Unova.
Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, SoulSilver, Emerald, Platinum, Black, and X

Pokemon Emerald, continuing from last time:

Current Progress: Completed
Final Team:

I'll start Soul Silver in a few days (Hopefully).
Update - Just outside Lost Hotel

The run is halted until Tuesday when Rotom will appear. Thankfully I didn't have to wait that long for Lombre.

Finished FireRed! I had to grind for like 500 years just to beat Green prior to going through Victory Road, it was ridiculous. lol But we made it!!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Now onto SoulSilver...

Ohh gawd. I'm doing bug in leaf green. Didn't think about going against green and on top of that i gave him a charizard. I am about to fight Blaine So that will also be a challenge in itself. So it seems like I'll be grinding for years lol.
Ultimate Fire Platinum - Update 2

Yet again taking my time between updates... This time I was actually playing a bit, Platinum has a good chunk of Game play between the 3rd and 8th gyms. Anyway, I was able to beat Cyrus and the 8th gym in one night! What a mighty accomplishment that is ;)



Snape the Infernape - lvl 51
Slash the Rapidash - lvl 50
Leon the Flareon - lvl 51
Bidoof the Slave
Buizel the Slave
Staravia the Slave

Badges: 8
Time: 19:29
Step Counter: 39377
Final Update: After E4
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This sounds like a wickedly fun time. I'll try my hand at it!

Forum User Name: BlackSteelDrake
Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Game(s): Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Emerald, Platinum, Black, and X

I'll be starting in order so let's see how things go in Leaf Green!

0/8 Gym Badges
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