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The Monotype Challenge

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Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen
Current Game: HeartGold

Badges: 0

1. none



Current Game: Omega Ruby

Badges: 5

1. Defeated Watson on third try, utilizing Super Potions and Bite Golbat.
2. Evolved Golbat to Crobat and Wingull to Pelipper.
3. Went northwards.
4. Caught a Skarmory with good nature and Curse (yay!)
5. Caught a Swablu.
6. Cleared Mt. Chimney.
7. Defeated Flannery with Brine Pelipper.
8. Went to Petalburg and defeated Norman with Steel Wing Skarmory.
9. In-training in Surfing areas for Swablu.


So I'm eight badges in and have to grind to kill iris. elite four was cake walk though but iris pretty strong.

But until I beat this I'm starting electric run in plat.
Update: Just outside Victory Road

Finally found Rotom, defeated Team Flare and got my eighth gym badge. Now on to the Elite Four.

Ultimate Flying Monotype Challenge
Badges: 2

Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Omega Ruby, Platinum, Black 2, Y (2/8)

Alright, so I finally started on my Y run of this challenge. Actually, I started a while ago, but I haven't posted any updates yet, because I spent a lot of time soft resetting for natures. Anyway, I caught Scatterbug as my first Pokémon, defeated Viola with only Vivillon, then moved on to Lumiose to pick up Charmander. Moving on, I caught myself a Ducklett, and before reaching Ambrette(?) Town, I caught a Drifloon and a Bagon, as well. Before challenging Grant, I also caught a Hawlucha to complete my team. Grant was difficult, and in the end, I only had two Pokémon standing, and Hawlucha ended up taking the victory home. Anyway, here's my current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Ducklett, lv. 27 w/ Rocky Helmet
Female // Timid // Keen Eye
- Feather Dance
- Aqua Ring
- Air Slash
- Bubble Beam
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Hawlucha, lv. 26
Female // Jolly // Limber
- Hone Claws
- Roost
- Aerial Ace
- Return
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Vivillon, lv. 28 w/ Silver Powder
Female // Timid // Compound Eyes
- Psybeam
- Struggle Bug
- Stun Spore
- Draining Kiss
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Charmeleon, lv. 29 w/ Charizardite Y
Male // Timid // Blaze
- Scratch
- Dragon Rage
- Ember
- Fire Fang
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Drifloon, lv. 27 w/ Amulet Coin
Female // Bold // Aftermath
- Stockpile
- Hex
- Gust
- Payback
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Bagon, lv. 23 w/ Dragon Fang
Male // Jolly // Rock Head
- Shadow Claw
- Bite
- Hone Claws
- Return
Final Update: League Champion

Done and dusted. Obviously the hardest Elites were Malva and the Champion. Malva for obvious Fire-type (and one Fire/Flaying for double trouble!) reasons. The Champions' Goodra and Mega-Gardevoir were the toughest, eventually I had to poison the mega with Toxic and let Teasel outlast it with Hyper Potions.

Final Team

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Bramble the Jolly Chesnaught, Female, Lv. 65
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Rocky Helmet
Moves: Hammer Arm, Power-Up Punch, Seed Bomb, Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Teasel the Modest Venasaur, Male, Lv. 65
Ability: Overgrow
Item: Venusaurite
Moves: Toxic, Petal Dance, Sludge Bomb, Nature Power

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Buckthorn the Adamant Gogoat, Male, Lv. 64
Ability: Sap Sipper
Item: Miracle Seed
Moves: Leaf Blade, Horn Leech, Return, Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Snapdragon the Modest Exeggutor, Female, Lv. 61
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: Energy Ball, Nature Power, Extrasensory, Leaf Storm

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Thistle the Timid Ludicolo, Male, Lv. 62
Ability: Swift Swim
Item: Amulet Coin
Moves: Ice Beam, Surf, Energy Ball, Uproar

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Chervil the Calm M-Rotom, Lv. 63
Ability: Levitate
Item: King's Rock
Moves: Toxic, Hex, Thunderbolt, Leaf Storm
Username: DyingWillFlareon(ingame Aly DWF)
Pokemon Type: I never actually use my favorite Types, so Ground!
Challenge Mod: Single(for now? :3c)
Game: Red 721(randomized)

Got my starter Terror the NidoranF. Also couldve chosen Bunnelby for this too actually. Other starter was Pineco. :/
Please do not post consecutively. I have noticed a few of you double posting the last few days. Thank you.
Ohh gawd. I'm doing bug in leaf green. Didn't think about going against green and on top of that i gave him a charizard. I am about to fight Blaine So that will also be a challenge in itself. So it seems like I'll be grinding for years lol.
My advice is to train at the island with the hot springs using the VS Seeker. You can run back and forth between the trainers outside and the springs to heal indefinitely. That's how I did it anyway. Pinsir used Rock Slide to beat Charizard. :)
Hey guys, so I completed a dragon monotype last january, I finished my perfect platinum, black 2, Y and alpha sapphire run. The problem is that I recall jotting down notes and I even recall posting updates but I can't find my updates that show I finished it? I don't know if I still have the save files, do I redo them?
As long as you post whatever relevant info you can recall, like what Pokemon you used, I see no reason you should have to replay everything. This whole forum is pretty heavy on the honor system.
Afterwards Kronos visited the tower of the dead brushes his "rival" aside as he descends easily to the top with Wukong's help.
Love your epic poetry version of Pokemon! It's very intriguing. However I must point out that one ascends a tower not descends. Descending means going down into.

All that said, Updated through Post #1665! I'm going to start updating this thread every Sunday since I will now consistently have that day off. Thank you for being patient and as usual if I missed something please let me know.
Okay, so due to laptop problems my Mono-Water run file has lost been lost to the aether, so I will be having to start all over and have just been left so frustrated by it. I have crap luck, apparently. So just gonna start all over with a new run, if I can.

Forum User Name: SetheKing
Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Game(s): LeafGreen, SoulSilver, AlphaSapphire, Platinum, Black, Y
Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen
Current Game: HeartGold

Badges: 4

1. Started with a boy named G.
2. Did-pre game! Finally starting for real.
3. Captured a Hoothoot, nicknamed Sight.
4. Grinded on Route 30-31.
5. Captured a Zubat! Welcome back Sulfide!
6. Cleared Bell Tower and Falkner.
7. Proceeded to southwards toward Azalea and cleared Flash Cave (or was that the name) and Slowpoke Well.
8. Evolved Hoothoot to Noctowl.
9. Defeated Bugsy and my rival.
10. Evolved Zubat to Golbat.
11. Hatched Togepi, nicknamed Sunny Side. Started to increase his happiness, along with Golbat by running around and getting some levels.
12. Proceeded to Goldenrod. Hello massage!
13. Defeated Whitney with combination of Confuse Ray and Bite with my Golbat. Evolved my Golbat to Crobat!
14. Grinded north of Goldenrod, captured a Yanma, nicknamed Speed.
15. Evolved my Togetic. Epic fail though since Shiny Stone is available only post-E4 part 1.
16. Proceeded northwards and grinded and cleared Burnt Tower.
17. Defeated Morty since his Ghosts are weak to Confusion and Bite Crobat and saved.



Current Game: Omega Ruby

Badges: 6

1. Evolved Swablu to Altaria.
2. Had Latios and deposited him. LOL.
3. Grinded towards the Weather Institute.
4. Defeated May.
5. Defeated Winona with Rock Tomb Skarmory.
6. Proceeded southwards, all the while grinding.
7. Got the Altarianite. Yay!
8. Defeated May in Lilycove. Saved.

Love your epic poetry version of Pokemon! It's very intriguing. However I must point out that one ascends a tower not descends. Descending means going down into.

Honestly didn't even notice that mistake. Sometimes even when you know the right words you'll still somehow use the wrong ones anyway.
Please do not post consecutively. I have noticed a few of you double posting the last few days. Thank you.

My advice is to train at the island with the hot springs using the VS Seeker. You can run back and forth between the trainers outside and the springs to heal indefinitely. That's how I did it anyway. Pinsir used Rock Slide to beat Charizard. :)

As long as you post whatever relevant info you can recall, like what Pokemon you used, I see no reason you should have to replay everything. This whole forum is pretty heavy on the honor system.

Love your epic poetry version of Pokemon! It's very intriguing. However I must point out that one ascends a tower not descends. Descending means going down into.

All that said, Updated through Post #1665! I'm going to start updating this thread every Sunday since I will now consistently have that day off. Thank you for being patient and as usual if I missed something please let me know.

Thank You for the tip.
As long as you post whatever relevant info you can recall, like what Pokemon you used, I see no reason you should have to replay everything. This whole forum is pretty heavy on the honor system.

Thank your for you reply

So iirc used the same Pokemon I used in my Heart gold run for platinum so It was kingdra, dragonite, salamence, garchomp, altaria and latios.

For black 2 i replaced latios with hydreigon.

for Alpha sapphire i used the same team as black 2 but i also replaced altaria with goodra and my mega was mega salamence. (I also got pokemon Y which i used the same team on back in January as well since I knew Z wasn't going to come out and I needed kalos to finish my run)
Forum User Name: mardovelin
Pokémon Type: grass
Challenge Mode: single
Game: white 2

something different for me.
Have had a bit of a delay due to my save file going corrupt for some apparent reason. I restarted the game and have now replicated the levels of my previous save as well as caught Pokemon with the same nature as before, trying to make it as fair as possible.
whoa shit I was the 2nd post in this thread?

Anyway I'ma back Necrum like I said I might (it's apparently been long enough that my username needs be updated on the list in the OP lol) =)

Forum User Name: Nah
Pokémon Type: Steel
Challenge Mode: Single
Game: Y

Since it's been quite a while since I've done one of these, is there any updates or new things I should be aware of?
Red 721 Ground types:

Spoiler: Brock
I chose Terror the NidoranF as my starter(although I now realize Bunnelby was in there too, I also ran into some before and compeltely blanked on the fact that its a Ground type evo?). Our Rival had an Onix with Bind and we only had Scratch and Growl that was not fair at all. Later we caught Bean the Landorous outside Pallet. We caught Wafer the Trapinch out front of Viridian Forest(I once had a game where I named all my team after food and had Cookie the Flygon and later named another Flygon Biscuit in honor of Cookie and now it just seems wrong to stop this trend :P). We easily beat Brock's team but I dont recall what they were, Im getting it confused with another game Im doing so Idk.

Spoiler: Misty
We continued on and found Muddybuddy the Gligar(i like sweets and puppy chow is delicious???) out in front of Mt Moon. Unfortunatly the salesman's Pokemon was Croagunk not a Ground type. :< Inside of Mt Moon we found an Aggron and I realized I ran into Aron before and, like Bunnelby, didnt even think about catching, except this time its even dumber because I wanted to do Ground types so I could finally use Aggron? :'D So we caught him and named him Rood cause he used all my Pokeballs and he looks back sassily instead of having a backsprite so hes very rude. Terror evolved into Nidorina and we murdered everything in our path.

At the moment we are on the SS Anne, team:

Terror the Nidorina, Level 25
Bite, Growl, Poison Sting, Double Kick

Bean the Landorous, Level 25
Outrage, Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Rock Slide

Wafer the Trapinch, Level 24
Bite, Sand Attack, Bide, Bulldoze

Muddybuddy the Gligar(not sure how he'll evolve), level 24
Poison Sting, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace

Rood the Aggron, Level 24
Headbutt, Tackle, Harden, Metal Claw

Only one more spot in the team I cant wait to see what else there is please be a rhyhorn please be a rhyhorn

Out of all of these, Ive used Nidoqueen, Gliscore(i feel like a spelled that wrong), and Flygon. Cant wait to see how everyone turns out. :3
I know I have been bouncing from runs to runs. But I currently enjoying my rock challenge on white the most. I am four badges in now. Going to dreiftveil or w/e its called... lol here is my team small and simple..

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
bug bite
rock polish
rock slide
rock tomb

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
lvl - 32
rock blast
stealth rock
rock slide
rock smash

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Lvl - 35
rock blast
iron defense
mud slap
power gem

I feel like a real Roxanne or Brock haha having fun with it
User: QWUB | Qwest
Pokemon Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Games: Leafgreen, Heartgold, Alpha Sapphire, Platinum, Black, White 2, and X.
I found out I hate myself today
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Steel Monotype on Y - Update 1
-started new file
-picked Fennekin as my starter Pokemon to make life easier for the first gym
-Went through Viridian Forest Santalune Forest. It was kind of nice that they had Calem/Shauna/Tierno/Trevor move about and talk and do things in real-time as you made your way through the forest. Hopefully there'll be something like that in Sun/Moon
-caught a Bidoof on Route 3, as I'll be needing an HM slave later and Bidoof/Bibarel is a fairly good one
-made it to Santalune City
-cleared the first Gym

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

There should be some Steel types to catch soon. At least there's a fairly sizeable gap between the first and second gyms to give me time.
white 2 | grass monotype

  • named my trainer lin
  • left my rivals name as hugh
  • recieved snivy from bianca
  • deafeted hugh and his pig
  • caught a swawaddle
  • went to floccesy ranch
  • saved somebodys dog herdier
  • went back to aspertia
  • rekt cheren, obtained the basic badge
  • pointless c-gear is pointless
  • "dark grass is scary cause you can find 2 pokemon" wow k thanks cheren.
  • i can fight toodlers.
  • enter virbank city.
  • time to grind so i don't get rekt by roxie b/c poison

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Simon | M | lvl.14
bold | overgrow
tackle | leer | vine whip | wrap

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Joey | M | lvl.15
mild | swarm
tackle | string shot | bug bite | razor leaf
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