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Article: The Mystery of Lillie: Relative of Gladion and Lusamine, or UB-01 in disguise?

Could be worth pointing out that along with Type: Null having an Arceus symbol around its neck, all three characters themselves share color schemes with Arceus -- the most similar one being Lusamine. Gladion appears to be more of the opposite of Arceus, using black as his primary color with red and white as a secondary. Red is found in Arceus's eyes, but Lusamine lacks this color.

Gladion might also represent Giratina, not Arceus. Giratina uses primarily red and black colors, and the shoulders of Gladion's hoodie might be based on the tops of Giratina's wings. Giratina can be considered the polar opposite of Arceus, similar to how Gladion appears as the polar opposite to Lusamine. Going on this, Type: Null may have come about from Gladion trying to recreate Arceus for his own corrupt ambitions.
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Do all of you remember the Demo version where Lillie had a unknown Pokemon inside her purse ?
Here is my theory ,
Lillie is not an Ultra Beast , She is a Person that hiding an Ultra Beast on her purse.
UB-01 take Lillie's shape because she is its best friend.
Lillie probably know something about Aether Foundation so she probably stole a Ultra beast and trying to protect it from Aether Foundation with the help of prof Kukai.
Kinda leaves the question on why she would befriend something that's a threat to basically everything in the Pokemon World, though.
Except , We don't know if Ultra beast are real threat !
Chances are , Aether Foundation are the real threat that might driving the ultra beast nut.
It's interesting to note how UB-01 isn't classified as a Pokemon at all, and that both humans and Pokemon fear it. There's also the space observatory on the Big Island, plus the games themselves and the mascot Legendaries being centered around themes of the sun and moon. I think that UB-01 could possibly be an alien. I'm not trying to sound like a quack, but that literally has crossed my mind. If Lillie and UB-01 are the same thing, and if my alien theory holds any water, that would mean Lillie and possibly Lusamine and Gladion might be aliens if they're all relatives. Which would also explain there being "multiple" Ultra Beasts. Another reason I bring up aliens is because I just can't see Game Freak making a plot that involves experimentations being done on humans that would turn them into Pokemon.

What's even more baffling is trying to figure out where Solgaleo, Lunala, the Island Guardians, Z-moves, and the Island Trials fit into this. I mention the Trials because Team Skull seems to have their goals centered around it, with Guzma it's on a personal level with Kukui. Zygarde is also an interesting case to me, because I initially thought it was primarily a post-game quest. But, according to the wording on the website, it's insinuated that you collect the Cells and Cores during your main journey. I wonder, will there be so much destruction between UB-01 and Solgaleo/Lunala that you'll have to activate Complete Zygarde?
It's interesting to note how UB-01 isn't classified as a Pokemon at all, and that both humans and Pokemon fear it. There's also the space observatory on the Big Island, plus the games themselves and the mascot Legendaries being centered around themes of the sun and moon. I think that UB-01 could possibly be an alien. I'm not trying to sound like a quack, but that literally has crossed my mind. If Lillie and UB-01 are the same thing, and if my alien theory holds any water, that would mean Lillie and possibly Lusamine and Gladion might be aliens if they're all relatives. Which would also explain there being "multiple" Ultra Beasts. Another reason I bring up aliens is because I just can't see Game Freak making a plot that involves experimentations being done on humans that would turn them into Pokemon.

What's even more baffling is trying to figure out where Solgaleo, Lunala, the Island Guardians, Z-moves, and the Island Trials fit into this. I mention the Trials because Team Skull seems to have their goals centered around it, with Guzma it's on a personal level with Kukui. Zygarde is also an interesting case to me, because I initially thought it was primarily a post-game quest. But, according to the wording on the website, it's insinuated that you collect the Cells and Cores during your main journey. I wonder, will there be so much destruction between UB-01 and Solgaleo/Lunala that you'll have to activate Complete Zygarde?

It's entirely possible. Perhaps Aether could be after Zygarde if they are antagonists, with the UB-01 being used to draw it out (think Zinnia helping Magma/Aqua in hopes of drawing Rayquaza). Hehe, Aether and Zygarde... AZ...
It's possible that there can be some plot twist and they might not be that bad, but I'm taking this for face value, and so with that being said, I wouldn't see how Lillie would befriend it. D:
Lillie look like the younger version of Lusamine So She might encounter an Ultra Beast at Aether foundation.
Just like Tory befriended Deoxys in M07.
Maybe , She figure out Aether Foundation's true intention and decide to run away with that Ultra Beast.
I mean , Aren't you interested about the thing that She hiding in her purse ?
It's entirely possible. Perhaps Aether could be after Zygarde if they are antagonists, with the UB-01 being used to draw it out (think Zinnia helping Magma/Aqua in hopes of drawing Rayquaza). Hehe, Aether and Zygarde... AZ...

Oh dear, another AZ... Aster and Zinnia before, now Aether and Zygarde? Blow me away!!!
So there are in fact multiple ultra beasts? That's interesting! I'd love to see what other variants we're going to be facing off. Perhaps taking the shape that resembles different characters (or even Pokemon) in Alola, kinda like how UB-01 resembles Lillie.
Do all of you remember the Demo version where Lillie had a unknown Pokemon inside her purse ?
Here is my theory ,
Lillie is not an Ultra Beast , She is a Person that hiding an Ultra Beast on her purse.
UB-01 take Lillie's shape because she is its best friend.
Lillie probably know something about Aether Foundation so she probably stole a Ultra beast and trying to protect it from Aether Foundation with the help of prof Kukai.

That's what I was thinking as well. They pointed out lillie's bag moving at E3 and it's most likely UB-01. UB-01's description mentions it doesn't have a will of it's own, just a survival instinct so it probably just mimics lillie even down to her appearance (since it can shape shift to some extent). It also explains why it's not so much of a threat. It may be powerful but it has no motives. I highly doubt the humans themselves are the UBs because would the little children playing the game might find it unsettling?

Gladion probably left the aether foundation being a rebellious teenager and took type: null with him. It was almost definitely created by Aether. It is said they've been doing research on UBs so they knew how much of a threat they posed and created type: null just in case.

Aether probably are good. I think the UBs themselves are the real antagonists of S&M. Maybe Aether unintentionally created them or an experiment went wrong and their DNA became the UBs but I just can't accept that Aether would be evil. It would be the most boring plot reveal since everyone sees it coming.

Maybe all the UBs have the ability to change form to some extent. UB-01 took after lillie while UB-02 takes after gladion/lusamine in sun/moon respectively. They may not have been related to Aether at all but maybe Aether opened a portal accidentally and the UBs peeked through and changed their forms to match the humans they saw on the other side.