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The Ones That Got Away

Username: nikkissippi121
Game: Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: I've only listed those in the new Hoenn dex, as I can't hack anything in; would prefer being able to have a team of at least 5 before the Elite Four. Also would like something that can learn Surf by the time Surf is given to you in Petalburg, for fairly obvious reasons. :)
Mode: Expert Mode
Username: Venitardus
Game: Omega Ruby
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: A team of 6, 1 flyer, 1 surfer, at least one ghost type. Can be max of 2 Pokemon of same type as long as one is 2 types (ie flareon (fire) and blaziken (fire/fighting), trapinch(ground) and gastrodon (ground/water), Ect.)
Mode: normal

I'll be starting this after my shiny badge quest in my OR
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Time for an update! We got our first badge and are heading to Rustboro Tunnel to save Peeko. lol
Sensoro the male Ralts - Jolly nature - Synchronize ability - Lv. 10 - Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport
Giovanni the male Lombre (evolved after battling Roxanne!) - Mild nature - Rain Dish ability - Lv. 14 - Astonish, Growl, Absorb, Bubble
Scout the female Zigzagoon - Brave nature - Pickup ability - Lv. 13 - Tackle, Headbutt, Cut, Sand Attack
I'm about to finish my Wonderlocke on Y, so I'm gonna go ahead and sign up for this and hopefully have a team assigned by the time I'm done with the other and ready to restart. Some of these Pokemon I have used before, however it was either briefly (like evolving for the Dex) or very long ago and they've changed over time so I wanna give'em another shot. Give me something fun, guys!

Username: Alli
Game: Y
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: Six teammates with at least one Fairy (after all, that's the main draw to me using a gen VI game...)
Mode: Normal

Also lol my SoulSilver team is still in the challengers list...I never finished that...whoops. Need to get back to it. :< I started that so long ago that holy CRAP I'm listed as Sydian. omg
Oooh, that's awesome! I was really hoping I'd get Pumpkaboo and Noibat especially. :) Thanks! I actually got bored in Victory Road in my Wonderlocke, but I'm going to try to pull through tonight or tomorrow sometime so that I can start this.

Edit: So, I just realized I have used Klefki kind of recently. I asked Necrum if I could swap it because of that and he said it was fine, so if someone could reroll my Klefki for another Fairy (to fit my parameters), it would be much appreciated. n___n
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Oooh, that's awesome! I was really hoping I'd get Pumpkaboo and Noibat especially. :) Thanks! I actually got bored in Victory Road in my Wonderlocke, but I'm going to try to pull through tonight or tomorrow sometime so that I can start this.

Edit: So, I just realized I have used Klefki kind of recently. I asked Necrum if I could swap it because of that and he said it was fine, so if someone could reroll my Klefki for another Fairy (to fit my parameters), it would be much appreciated. n___n
I see a derpy Swirlix in your future
Okay so I know this is weird, but I wanna do this on OmegaRuby as well so it might give me some incentive to actually finish the game for once, lol. I'll be doing it alongside my Y, so I've gone back and edited my list to exclude what I got for Y. And I added like...two things... I've played with Hoenn Pokemon a lot so the list is the same for the most part, lol. Let's see if I can actually finish both of these before school starts. Also I realize that pretty much the whole team will have to be traded over and I'm totally fine with that and I have everything available. So come at meee.

Username: Alli
Game: OmegaRuby
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: Six teammates
Mode: Normal
Okay so I know this is weird, but I wanna do this on OmegaRuby as well so it might give me some incentive to actually finish the game for once, lol. I'll be doing it alongside my Y, so I've gone back and edited my list to exclude what I got for Y. And I added like...two things... I've played with Hoenn Pokemon a lot so the list is the same for the most part, lol. Let's see if I can actually finish both of these before school starts. Also I realize that pretty much the whole team will have to be traded over and I'm totally fine with that and I have everything available. So come at meee.

Username: Alli
Game: OmegaRuby
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: Six teammates
Mode: Normal

You get Skarmory, Numel, Glaceon, Kangaskhan, Inkay and Bulbasaur!

As for my Gen 5 challenge, I got to Elesa and then I ragequit so yeah. Expect an update sometime later maybe.
Username: Ingame, Hayden. PC, NumberOnett
Game: HeartGold
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: 6 teammates, Unown must be included (will remove parameter if it's not allowed, bit hey, it's Unown, I'm sure an exception can be made).

Who needs a team?
Username: Ingame, Hayden. PC, NumberOnett
Game: HeartGold
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: 6 teammates, Unown must be included (will remove parameter if it's not allowed, bit hey, it's Unown, I'm sure an exception can be made).

Who needs a team?

You get Unown, Sentret, Azurill, Machop, Girafarig, and Sentret.

I have a soft spot for Unown because it saved my in Pokemon Stadium 2 years ago haha. I was gonna assign it to you even if it hadn't been in your parameter. :P
I signed-up as Mr. Avocado but never started the challenge and wanted to sign up again with a slightly altered list as I removed some Pokemon and added some in their place.

Username: Spartacus
Game: Emerald
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: One Pokemon that can Surf, 6 Pokemon.
Mode: Normal
I signed-up as Mr. Avocado but never started the challenge and wanted to sign up again with a slightly altered list as I removed some Pokemon and added some in their place.

Username: Spartacus
Game: Emerald
Pokemon that got away:

Parameters: One Pokemon that can Surf, 6 Pokemon.
Mode: Normal

You get Aggron, Manectric, Octillery, Ninetales, Shiftry and Glalie.
