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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

The lady nodded."Sure. Your room number is on your key", said the lady, and put the box under the counter."You should put your bagage in your room, then we can go train", said Daniel. His pokémon looked around. About everything had a Raikou marking in it."Charm"(Wow, they do lack fashion sense), commented Fira.

"You could tidy your things later, for now just put the bagage in your room", said Daniel.

"Let me see, what kind of training should we do? Maybe speed? Or power?", asked Daniel. He took a little pad of his bag and searched the training methods.
The lady nodded."Sure. Your room number is on your key", said the lady, and put the box under the counter."You should put your bagage in your room, then we can go train", said Daniel. His pokémon looked around. About everything had a Raikou marking in it."Charm"(Wow, they do lack fashion sense), commented Fira.

"You could tidy your things later, for now just put the baggage in your room", said Daniel.

"Let me see, what kind of training should we do? Maybe speed? Or power?", asked Daniel. He took a little pad of his bag and searched the training methods.
"Alright Ill be back real quick, You decide what we're doin while we're gone." I say As I'm running off towards the hallway, Luggage flailing behind me barely keeping upright.

"Hm... Room 143" I think to myself as I'm looking around "Well I guess since 121 i right here, and 123 is there, Mine must be further over.... Ah, here it is!" I find the door labeled 143, Quickly unlock it and let myself in.

"Not bad" I say to myself "It bigger than I thought it was" I continue looking around the room now ignoring the rush I was in seconds earlier. "A T.V. a dresser, A few lamps, Pretty basic But I can always fix that. Pretty nice that I'm on the first floor, No pesky steps to worry about." I lay on the bed to get a general feel of it "Its a little firm but ill get used to it. I bet the bathroom has a mirror!" I say quickly walking to the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror.

"This is too cool!" I say As I pose in my new school jacket "I cant believe I actually made it here..."

"Crap! I forgot about Daniel!" I say realizing I left him in the main Lobby, Rushing off almost forgetting to lock the door.

"Sorry about that! I got a bit distracted." I apologize, Slightly struggling with the key chain on the Lanyard as I'm trying to attach the key to it.
Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Lucia's Room​

Lucia finally found it and pulled out a small case she had hidden. "Can't have this out in the open you know. Too dangerous and all." She put it on her bed and began to open it up but a certain Scizor quickly put his hand on the case to stop her and shook his head. Lucia rolled her eyes at him. "Roberto, they aren't going to steal them! Sheesh." She pushed the pincer away and clicked open the locks on each side and opened it up. Inside were elemental stones for water, grass, fire, and electric type pokemon. Lucia smiled weakly, "My parents wanted me to have these. A going away present. For whenever I caught something and quickly wanted to evolve it you know?" She brushed her hair back, "You can take one. Consider it a present from a good friend. Or perhaps an early Christmas gift. So no asking anything else from me then okay? Oh! Don't tell anyone where you got it from. I can't have everyone swarming me for a stone."

Tyro giggled at the tickle and hopped and quickly changed the topic. "Oh! It'sthosethingsagain! LuciawantstoevolvemetheoldwayandnotwiththosebecauseshesaiditwouldbeinconvienettobeseenwithaBlazikenoncampusalreadyandthenpeoplewouldknowandallanditwouldsuckallthefunout...." Once more Tyro went on and on.

Robert meanwhile was growing more and more tense. When the two would leave he would just have to double check to make sure that they didn't leave with more than one stone. Yes, he was paranoid like that but he didn't care. That ghost deserved everything coming to him!

Diana walked with Len, nodding, "I see. I'm quite young myself. Been around for... I think a good six years."
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C.J. Styles
Behind the Dorms

"No problem, most of them I can't use anyway. I just like to have them available for if I ever want to train Pokemon other then Dragons." C.J. explained. Hmm, a battle with Issac and Turtwig, why not. I'll just have to keep myself from getting carried away, don't want to hurt them. "Sure a battle with you would be fun." He said.

"Okay guys, Chomp and I are going to battle with our new friends." C.J. proclaimed to his Pokemon. Chomp wandered over to where C.J. was standing "GIB!" the young Gible called out. The others moved to the edge of the field where they could watch and support their team mate.

C.J. walked to the far end of the field, Gible taking her place a few feet ahead of him. "Whenever you're ready Issac, you can make first move." C.J. called out. He was confident in his Pokemon but he knew better then to underestimate opponents. Giving Issac the first moved was both generosity and strategic on his part. Okay, I know he has SolarBeam, I'll have to watch out for that, I wonder what his other moves are.
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Daniel smiled as he saw Iny arrive. "I know, you got over-excited with your room. Anyway, I was thinking about speed training. You know, training the speed", said Daniel, showing her the pad.

"Let's go to the training grounds, follow me", said Daniel.

At the clearing in the forest, Daniel showed her the rock that had "Training Grounds" written on it.
Mark mouth hung open as he looked at all three of the stones. Mark couldn't believe this... Lucia was just giving these to him?! Mark was extremely surprised. He owed way too much to Lucia for everything she did today... but darn it he couldn't think of anything to top it off. Mark of course took the Water Stone. It was about time to evolve Len... he looked at it for a moment and looked at Lucia with a smile.

"T...thank you... you shouldn't have..." Mark said, smiling. After holding back everything he had been going through all day, A tear finally fell from Marks eye. He didn't want to cry in front of Lucia though but it was really hard to hold back at this point. He just wanted to go the rest of the day talking with Lucia. He'd be happy enough with that.

Able glanced up at the elemental stones. It didn't really interest her as she wasn't supposed to evolve from those anyways but Tyro of course seemed to go on and on about it... What was she going to do with the little guy... she simply flew next to Tyro and perched herself near him. "Hehe, well I hope you become a Blaziken soon. They got alot of style. Hehe. I'm sure your bound to attract alot of lady types once you evolve." Able said, winking at him. "You might even be able to catch up with me." She added.

Six years? Len blushed, realizing the age difference.. at least in human years anyways... but it didn't bug him or anything. "I-I see... I...hope my age isn't going to change your mind or anything..." Len said.
Kiki and Jen

"And speaking of pathetic, look what the cat dragged in. What do you want, runt?" Jen said with a smirk. Kiki clenched her fist and glared, the grip on Cynder tightening. This gil was making her angry.

"Don't call Andy athetic! He's just as good a I am!" she attested with vigor, taking u for her friend. Jen laughed and leaned against the wall.

"Oh how adorable. TWO pathetic trainers with worthless pokemon then. I mean, look at you both, clinging to your unevolved pokemon like they were shields. Humph, if this is the best Oak can do then that Kanto punk is screwed." Jen said with a shake of her head.

"Hey! Cynder and the rest of my team are good! So are Andy's pokemon!" Kiki cried. "And don't talk about Professor Oak like that!"

"Humph, I could take out both of you with only one of my pokemon." Jen said with an arrogant look on her face. "You have no idea the strength I possess. DON'T try my patience little girl."
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
Valorie Ryder - Cafeteria
Valorie emitted a light squeak as Kiyoko plopped down into her lap, blushing ever so slightly at the awkwardness of having something that looked and felt like a human hug her. Geez, Kiyoko! Why can't you be small, furry, and cute like normal zoruas? Gosh! In all honestly though, she was only embarassed because she didn't want the other kids to think poorly of her. Perhaps they'd mistake him for her little brother or something? Family? ...One look down at Kiyoko said maybe not. Regardless, she returned the hug and just sort of held him there. "Alright..." she answered Drake, rubbing Kiyoko's side briefly as if trying to pet him and finding herself unsure how.

"I promised... someone I'd wait for them..." she explained. "Because they weren't sure if they could love me back and needed time to decide." she continued to clarify, deliberately avoiding clarifying the sex of this someone. Indeed, she was insecure about her feelings. "I like Mark, but...--I can't break that promise." she finished in a rather firm tone, seemingly sure in her decision. The conversation clearly bothered her despite this.
Daniel smiled as he saw Iny arrive. "I know, you got over-excited with your room. Anyway, I was thinking about speed training. You know, training the speed", said Daniel, showing her the pad.

"Let's go to the training grounds, follow me", said Daniel.

At the clearing in the forest, Daniel showed her the rock that had "Training Grounds" written on it.

I finally get the key attached to the Lanyard and put it in my pocket.
"Alright! Sounds like something Tiba would appreciate!" I say while looking over my map.
As we're heading over there I take a good look over my map, especially looking for the red crosses where the lady at the counter said they were forbidden.

"Hey Daniel, Why are some of these places forbidden? I guess I can somewhat understand the Lugia dorm but if its so bad why is it still around?" I ask " I would have taken a wrecking ball to it by now if all it causes is problems."
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Lucia Francisco Bernavard - Lucia's Room​

Lucia smiled a bit at Mark's reaction. He looked so cute at that moment! She brushed back her hair and grabbed the water stone and put it in his hands. "Remember, don't tell anyone." She said softly. She nodded once, "I guess you have a Poliwhirl to find right?"

Tyro chuckled and patted Able on the head. "Yeah! AndwhenIdoI'llbepunchingflameseverywhereandgettingeverythignonfireandbeingblazekickingalloverandjustrockingitup!"

Diana was smiling at Len the entire time. They were close to the room now as she responded, "Yeah... that won't be a problem. I see all different ages that mate. Even saw a two year old Marowak going with a Sandlash who was eleven. It's just nature right?" She said with a smile.
Mark smiled and nodded at Lucia. Len was bound to catch up by now... they were kinda lagging behind but he was with Diana. He wasn't too worried... "Heh...I-I don't know what to say... today's just been awful yet you've stuck by me the whole way through... I really appreciate it Lucia." Mark said. Len seemed to enter the room with Diana.

Able smiled at Tyro. "Hehe, yeah! Hey maybe we can duke it out sometime. After my training of course. I'll be a whole new Able!" Able said, nudging Tyro affectionately.

Len opened the door into Lucia's room. "Well, I guess it is just nature! I guess we'll just let it take its course." Len said. Lens eyes immediately shot to a blue shimmer in Mark's hands. It was a water stone! Right there! An opportunity for evolution right there! Len felt like he was prepared to evolve right there... but at the same time it made him nervous.

Mark walked over to Len and kneeled down to him. "Well Len? What do you think? You ready to evolve? Just let me know if your ok with it." Mark asked. Len blinked and turned to Diana, wondering what her thoughts on it were.
Issac Milke - Behind the Dorms

Issac made his way to the side of the field opposite of C.J.
"Alright, Trunks! Lets do this!" he said beckoning him over.
"Tuuhwiig!" Trunks responded as he jumped in front of Issac, a grimacing grin on his face.

Have to play this smart.. this dragon could know fire moves. Can't be too careful. Will start it off safe and try to keep my distance..

"Alright C.J.! Here we go," Issac called out at him, turning his attention to his Turtwig afterwards. "Trunks! Start things off with a sand tomb!"
"Twiiiig!" Trunks yelled as he sent a harsh sandstorm towards the Gible opposing him.
C.J. Styles
Behind the Dorms - Battle with Issac

Sand Tomb? Now that was unexpected. Sand and dirt began to circle around Chomp at a rapid speed. Soon the Gible was completely surrounded and out of sight. "Dig." It was moments like this that C.J. was glad he inherited his Mothers telepathic bloodline. As the sand was closing in, Chomp speedily dug deep into the ground rushing towards Trunks.

C.J. hadn't said a word, if it wasn't for the slight grin on his face it would seem as if he didn't know what to do. Moments after the Sand was raging, the ground in front of Trunks started to rumble and split. Chomp flew out of the ground and into the air. "Slash." C.J. commanded, once again telepathically. Chomp's claws glow white and she slashed at the Turtwig, leaving behind white trails where she slashed.

To bad I didn't teach her Fire Type attacks. C.J thought to himself. That would have been the perfect moment for one. C.J. stared ahead at the battle as Chomp popped from the ground and counter-attacked. It would appear that he was just watching the battle and letting Chomp do as pleased, but in fact he was actually studying Issac and Trunks looking for movement patterns and other tells of their battle styles.

C.J. broke his concentration for a moment. "I wasn't expecting Sand Tomb, very nice opening move." It wasn't often C.J. complimented an opponent but this was well deserved he felt.
After who knows how long, Shawn struggled to open his eyes. It took them all his energy to keep them open. His vision was hazy and blurred, but he saw three shapes near him. Two small and one larger...must be another trainer. Or, at least, he hoped it was another trainer coming to help. He tried to move, but his body felt like lead. He felt something warm trickling down his head, one across his cheek and the other along the back of his head.

Shawn slowly tried to look up to the large shape near him. His eyesight slowly improved, making the shapes more clear. As he looked again at what was around him, the two smaller shapes were pokemon, one being a guard while the other seemed to be crying. The larger shape revealed itself to be a girl, another student in the academy. He tried to speak, but his voice was weak and slurred. There was no mistake in what he had to say, however: "Please...help...".

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
Lucia Francisco Beranvard - Lucia's room​

Lucia rolled her eyes. "Don't get sappy on me Mark. Chin up you hear." She said with a firm nod of her head. Besides, the guy deserved it. He had a good heart that was more than apparent to her. Now... how to start her revenge on that Valorie chick... hm... she hadn't really dabbled in revenge before. She considered herself above such petty activities, but at the same time she had a new friend who had been really deeply hurt by that she-devil. A prank was something she wasn't well versed in, but perhaps a battle? Roberto would no doubt be more than enough to take out all of her pokemon. Or perhaps a fight? There had to be some place on campus where they could practice fighting techniques like self defense and what not. All she had to do was get in a class with her and get her as a partner and then BAM! Revenge would be complete.

Tyro smirked, "IthinkI'malmostthereyouknowperhapsafewmorebattlesandI'llbelikedudeI'maBlazikenandthenI'llbeevenmoreawesome!" He said with a wide smile.

Diana looked at Len and smiled. "Go ahead. I mean this is what you want right? Just, try not to get too arrogant when you evolve." She said.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11] ∣ Kiyoko
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Chapter Three: Part Two
One Girl's Problems

As Valorie rubbed his side, he began to emit a light purr, losing his disguise immediately. He was curled halfway, on his side, trying to lean his side upward in an attempt to get more petting. However, he was distracted when he heard his name, and sat up, looking up at one of the boys from earlier. "huh?" He cocked his head sideways, trying to figure out why this boy would want to talk to him, and what about. "About what?" His replies were short and sweet, as he was completely confused by the question. His ears directed toward Kilik, as if to gesture that he was listening.

Daniel Drace- "Training Grounds", clearing in the forest.

"I do think it is only by comfort. I don't know... As I said, I just got here", said Daniel. His pokémon jumped from his shoulders and started running around.

"This is what we will do. You will run around the training grounds, carrying something heavy. It will maximize your power and speed. If you manage to go at your basic speed carying the heavy object, then you will be faster without carrying anything. Then, we will practice avoiding targets. Argo will throw Energy Balls and you have to avoid them by using moves. To end, we practice doing your moves faster.Everyone agree?", asked Daniel. His pokémon nodded. They picked up some heavy fruits and put them in a line. "They do love to prepare the training", chuckled Daniel.

"Char char char, char man der!"(Remember, do weaker Energy Balls, Tiba and Cally are new), explained Fira.

Argo nodded and practiced doing weaker Energy Balls, until it was fine."Trecko, treetreecko!"(I think this is nice like this, to help not to hurt), said Treecko, looking at the tiny plant that didn't even shake when it was hit by an Energy Ball.

Draca slided to Iny."Ti-ti, tini?"(Can your pokémon join us, please?), asked Draca with her cutest look.

" They want your pokémon to join the training. If it is good to you, of course", said Daniel.
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"I will buddy, I will," Sammy said earnestly to the injured boy. He seemed a little younger than her so maybe she could lift him, but she wouldn't get very far. It was good to see that he'd regained consciousness, and it could be he'd regain all of his faculties after a few minutes, but it was impossible to tell with head wounds. She'd seen enough men injured on the ships to know how little she really knew. If anyone was going to be able to really help this boy it wasn't her. If she went sprinting off to find help, what if whatever attacked him came back to finish the job? She could leave Corphish behind to protect him - she doubted Cubone would be able to do much without her there to encourage him - but if something happened to Corphish while she was gone she'd never be able to forgive herself. And there was Shuppet now, but she knew nothing about Shuppet. She couldn't consider any options relating to him. Or her. She didn't even know...

"Do you think you'd be able to get up and move a little ways, if I helped you? I can't carry you by myself and none of my pokemon are big enough. I'd run and get help, but I'm worried about leaving you."
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Andrew "Andy' Rede

Andy didn't like this girl. Not one little. He had assumed this girl was a newer trainer due to her Zorua, but now that he heard her speaking of Kiki and his pokémon as 'unevolved', he wasn't so sure. Catches was strong, but this white haired girl was right. He /was/ unevolved. Until he evolved and developed a specialist fighting style, his attacks would be unfocussed and weak. And Snaps... Andy groaned at the thought of trying to get her so much as out of her shell. This wasn't looking good, he'd just have to try and not get this girl angry.

Holding up his hands in defense, Andy smiled at the girl again. "Hey, come on now... You were a newbie once too. We're not so different you know." Andy stopped to contemplate a follow-up, before adding: "Is there really any reason for you to be so aggressive?"
Wyatt "Wyvern" Leon Bellerose
Wyatt though for a moment in mid stride about Evie's question. He didn't want to say exactly that he had been forced here against his will but he had been forced here against his will. Wyatt let out a nervous chuckle unsure of how to answer although he knew that he couldn't really help what happened.

"Perhaps it was not wanting to leave somewhere I had been so accustomed to. I wasn't my choice to come here and I was hesitant, though I'm glad that I was able to come here" Wyatt said with a sigh of relief. "With that said I'm not sure why I came here or even why I was able to come here. I'm not a very good student, book-wise, I was never too good at battles, and I'm not that special really."

He didn't know what the police officers of Goldenrod saw in him to allow him to leave to The Academy although it would have been much better than remaining home with the family that loathed him so. Wyatt played with a lock of his hair, now silent as he looked back at Evie. He really had no clue why he was here although it might have been just to get away from people who would have gotten him in trouble. He never really knew anyone from home that he cared for aside from his pokemon.