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The Rainbow Connection [LGBTS Club]

Gay News for May 25th 2011
I think Lady Gaga's a cissexist, arrogant, white lady who thinks she speaks for everybody gay and otherwise, but hey. I can be a radical and ruin all your fun some other time if I want to.
Don't post anything that is insulting to a group of people, it kind of defeats the entire purpose of this club.

And, for the record, I am not talking about your Lady Gaga hating, I am talking about how you list a bunch of qualities you believe she has, then say she's white. Whether or not you meant anything by it isn't the point, it's how other people conceive what you said. When you list a group of bad characteristics, then in the same sentence directly afterwards you say that they're white, it gives the vibe that that's something you don't like.

What if I said, "I think Oprah is a cissexist, arrogant, black lady.." Kind of gives the vibe of me not liking her because of her race.

Racism is a two-way street, just like any other form of hatred. It's also not a very bright idea to openly say some very hurtful things about someone other people in the club care so much about. You're entitled to your opinion, but it will cause a flame war, and no me gusta.

May I join please? I fall into the gay catergoy.

The Afghanistan story was quite interesting. Maybe they shouldn't have spread the truth about the flags meaning. Who knows what could have happened if they continued hang the pride flag all around. There could've been a disco revival in that country. XD
Welcome pup! :D
I was wondering when something like this would be made, after the social groups died. D:
I'd like to join.

Maybe I'll be active in something besides the one or two clubs I'm in. =w=
I was wondering when something like this would be made, after the social groups died. D:
I'd like to join.

Maybe I'll be active in something besides the one or two clubs I'm in. =w=

Hey Drew, welcome! People have told me about the LGBT social group, but it was before my time and that sucks because I really wanted to read it as part of my PokeCommunity history research :P

I'd like to join as well! Let's see if I can be active in this club. :3

Hey there Charizard! I think this'll be an easier group to be active in, there's only so much you can say about something you're a fan of, but this is far more broad :) Welcome!
I'm not Gay, but I am a Supporter of being one, so I guess it's only natural I join. XD

Hopefully I can remember to be active enough. ^^;
You can sign me up, I'll try my best to be active.
I hope we do get more people being active, as this is a serious issue, and people really support it. I don't even know why people are against homosexual, bi-curious or anything of the like for that matter. They're still people, and they may have the same interests as you, and you could become good friends without one or another falling in love or anything.

What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?
What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?

I simply just don't want people to go through what I had to go through. That is all~

If you didn't comprehend my last message, this is my official request and intent to join this group and offer my support. Now, for the big question.

What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?

When I was about fourteen years old, I learned that my best friend was gay. At the time, I was a very religious kid, and very heavily homophobic. Learning this was a huge shock to me, and I had to choose between the two. I chose my friend, and left my absurd religion behind.

Later on, in my first year of university, something really bad happened. One of my friends still in high school, after a long period of abuse, harassment and beatings at school, shot himself. He was gay and physically disabled. I was hurt, depressed, scared, confused, and I had no clue how to deal with this news. I had experienced death, but never of a friend, and never of anyone younger than me. It took a year of crying, failed counseling, and talking with my partner at the time, to get through it.

On the heels of this terribly painful event, I got to tell my friend's story at an anti-bullying rally a year later, and once again at an open mic event put on at my school. But something I am more proud of happened soon after - ten days after the death of my friend, I marched. I marched in the National Equality March in Washington, D.C. and ended up on the Capitol lawn. In my mind, I marched in his stead.

Today, I am an executive board member of my campus' LGBTQ group, and the chair of the committee on gender education. I've still got a lot I'd like to do, but the future looks promising for my campus, our population, and my new family.
I hope we do get more people being active, as this is a serious issue, and people really support it. I don't even know why people are against homosexual, bi-curious or anything of the like for that matter. They're still people, and they may have the same interests as you, and you could become good friends without one or another falling in love or anything.

It's homophobia. I don't understand it either & part of the problem is they don't want to make the effort & educate themselves. We have to keep proving to them that homosexuality, bisexuality, transgendered people & so on, are not bad people.

What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?

I'm gay. I think that answers both questions. :P
I enjoyed (lurking) the GSA social group, so I think I'll just hop in on this one as well. I hope I can stay active, haha. Haven't joined an actual club since...2008, probably.

Also, Merzbau, your story is inspiring.

What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?

I too was very religious, however, I wasn't shoving my Bible in peoples' faces and telling them that they were wrong for being gay or any of that. I've always felt that all people should be treated fairly, no matter what. So I guess in that regard, I've abandoned my religion...or something to that extent, lmao. But my best friend during high school was that Bible face-shoving person, mainly during 10th grade. She started a lot of drama, and I couldn't take that. It was seriously embarrassing. I set out to be different than her, and show that not all Christians hate gays. It wasn't til really this year that I figured out my stance on the whole deal, which is that I support gay rights (if you haven't gathered that).

Oddly enough, when I realized that I could love someone over the internet, I realized that someone's sex shouldn't have to be a factor either. I know that's a weird way to finally realize something, but that's how I gathered it together, haha. Because you don't choose to have feelings for someone, whether they're here, online, the same sex as you, a different race/nationality, or any of that. That's probably the thing. As for an inspiration...I don't know if I have one. I love Lady Gaga, but I wouldn't really call her my inspiration as far as gay rights go.

tl;dr HI GUYS. :)
Skimming through the thread, I think I'm the first asexual representative. :D

As for the topic of the day:
What got me into gay rights? My Catholic upbringing ironically enough. The biggest value my parents instilled in me is based on one of Jesus' Commandmants: "Love your lord my Father and love one another as I have loved you. These are the greatest commandments."
Humanity is vastly diverse and we have to share this planet together, so we might as well understand and accept our differences peacefully. XD

In closing, here's something that one of my cousins linked to on Facebook and I thought it would be appropriate here. :D
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Good to see this place gaining such activity. Yay. :D

This might get lengthy! I apologize in advance. orz

What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?
A lot of people in my life have either been supporting of, or a member of the LGBT community. It started off with finding out that a few friends of mine were gay, back when they had first figured it out, and I never even blinked an eye at it. Let alone thought about being against it. That never crossed my mind, so I guess I was a supporter of the LGBT community before I knew it as being such. xD;

Also, from a real young age my mom taught me that people love who they love, and to not judge them on it. She pretty much just shrugged it off as being okay, and so I did the same. As I got older I was able to judge for myself, but it ended up being no different. My grandpa was against the gay / transgender community, but I'd never paid him much mind in that respect. n n;

Oh, and I've had gender issues of my own for my entire life. I'm physically female, but I've always identified more as a guy. I don't dress girly, or act super girly, etc. There's some there, but y'know. It was only really recently that something clicked, and I sorta just became okay with who I was as a person, no matter what my physical gender was. I am who I am, and I don't care that I'm not a guy, I also don't care that I'm just boyish girl. -shrug- I couldn't have said that a couple of months ago, but I'm not complaining.

I still consider myself a part of the LGBT community though, as I'd still call myself transgender in a way. Even if I weren't, I'd still prefer dating girls to dating guys. So hurray.
What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?

There was an out gay guy in my early high school years who was bullied a lot by the 'jock' stereotypes. He wasn't bashed or anything (to my knowledge) but I distinctly remember them chasing him around with a stick, poking him in the behind, chanting "He loves it, he loves it!" I was physically no match for them, so there was no way I could help him, but I remembered thinking "That's... not right." One time, after they'd finally left him alone, I went over and asked if he was OK, and we've been friends ever since. I just remembered seeing those disgusting excuses for human beings and NEVER wanting to be like them.

Before that, which is what possibly influenced my reactions above, was Will & Grace. It's just a sitcom, but people underestimate how powerful it was in de-stigmatising everything about the gay community. Growing up with it since I was 8 years old really made me believe there was nothing strange or even uncommon about being gay.

In closing, here's something that one of my cousins linked to on Facebook and I thought it would be appropriate here. :D

That was absolutely beautiful. I was surprised when that man high-fived the waitress for throwing the gay men out though, but on reflection I don't know why I was surprised. Overall though, that was such an amazing video. Welcome, Timbjerr!

Finally, Sydian and Merzbau, your stories are incredible and inspiring. You're amazing people, welcome :)
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What got you into supporting LGBT rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?

It just came to me naturally as a part of my political philosophy. I'm a conservative. When I say that; I mean a real conservative. I believe in a small, limited government that doesn't infringe on the civil liberty of the people. Liberty is the right to be left alone by the government. That includes keeping government regulation out of people's private lives.

The religious right and the Tea Party always use small government and less regulation as talking points; yet, they don't adhere to them. They want to use proactive government interference in order to regulate the private relationships of consenting adults. That expands the size, scope, and power of government.

That, my friends, is what we call a RINO.
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I love that video, Tommy. I've always been one to stand up for people. I'm actually a very shy person and won't stand up for myself, but I can't stand seeing other people get picked on and I have a mean temper. So yeah, I've stood up for a lot of people, no matter what the cause. I don't think it would have been any different in this situation either, for me anyway. I would have said something, even in my little conservative area of Alabama. Which, with that in mind, like I said in my first post, I sought out to prove not all Christians hate gays. I don't mean to get all religious here, but I've grown up in church all my life, and if there's one thing I can say I've learned and stuck with is that I shouldn't judge people, and neither should anyone else. My dad taught me that everyone is different in many different ways, and that's okay. Doesn't make them a bad person.

I am pretty shocked that no one did anything in New York though! But then again...southern hospitality? XD; idk. I wish this would happen in Alabama!

/mushy rant lol

Finally, Sydian and Merzbau, your stories are incredible and inspiring. You're amazing people, welcome

Bawww, my story is anything but inspiring really. ^^; Thanks though. That's awful what they did to that boy in your school btw. :<
I'm not gay or any of the above, but I'd like to join and throw in my support. :)

...not that I'll post much. XD;

Bawww, my story is anything but inspiring really. ^^; Thanks though. That's awful what they did to that boy in your school btw. :<

Well I beg to differ, you saw something bad and strived to be something else :) And yeah it is, it's really awful, but hey - high school's over now, he's a lot happier. And he got off easy compared to a lot of gay high schoolers.

I'm not gay or any of the above, but I'd like to join and throw in my support. :)

...not that I'll post much. XD;

That's cool, thanks for joining anyway :D You can never have too much support.
Stupid time zones ¬.¬ why am i always asleep when this club gets replies...

What got you into supporting gay rights? Who/What was your inspiration to do so?
Well my parent's had this mutual friend who was always over who was openly gay so i was brought up knowing that being gay was nothing wrong and shouldn't be hated.
But then i went to school and around 8/9 ish i learnt how people were so homophobic stupid catholic schools teaching kids bullcrap, and me being a total hipster cat
[PokeCommunity.com] The Rainbow Connection [LGBTS Club]
went the oposite way and preached about how being gay was the same as being straight, the only difference is that the person falls in love with someone of the same gender.
And then i hit 10/11 and i realised i was gay so it would've been pretty weird if i was a homophobe whilst still checking guys out xD

also the omastar in my signature is now linking to this club because he looks fab-u-lous
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