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[Challenge] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

What should be my starter? (Even if you're not participating,help a friend out)

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Keeps blasting off again!
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    Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge


    Welcome to the Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge!

    In this challenge, you'll basically be playing Nuzlocke, but with a significant twist. Every single Pokemon in the game will be randomized. Every. Single. One. Try not to run into Arceus during your first battle. To accomplish this feat of randomization, you will have to use a program called the Universal Pokemon Randomizer located here. There are instructions on how to use it below.


    • You are only allowed to catch the very first Pokemon you encounter in each new area.
    • If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead and must be either released or placed in a PC box never to be used again.
    • Nicknaming every Pokemon you catch is a must. It creates a stronger bond, naturally.

      1. Download the Universal Pokemon Randomizer here.
      2. Randomize with the following settings (you can add or subtract settings during your challenge, but make sure you mention that)
      3. Randomize (Save) and you're done! Save the file and you're ready to play.


    Additional Rules:











    R\B\Y\FR\LG: FrozerPrairie16, AoTora
    G\S\C\HG\SS: MantisBoyN
    R\S\E\OR\AS: SupernovaThyphlosion, mrpopo1701, Lost Christmas (X2), Shadic249
    D\P\PT: AoTora
    B\W\B2\W2: AoTora, Phantomness
    Hacks: AoTora (X7), Phantomness (X2)
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    Okay, i'm gonna do a status update from the last thread:

    Bruce,Hitmonlee,male,lvl 15,Quiet,Limber:
    Double Kick
    Jump Kick
    Rolling Kick

    Slippy,Eelektrik,male,lvl 15,Serious,Levitate:
    Thunder Wave
    Charge Beam

    Feuille,Bayleef,male,lvl 16,Mild,Overgrow:
    Razor Leaf
    Poison Powder

    Vlad,Tauros,male,lvl 14,Lax,Intimidate:
    Scary Face
    Horn Attack

    'MURICA,Braviary,male,lvl 17,Quirky,Sheer Force:
    Fury Attack
    Wing Attack
    Hone Claws

    Last time i caught 'Murica at Castelia sewers. Will update from there on later.
    My game was freezing, i fixed it, no worries! Imma update:
    -Through Castelia sewers, i went to Relic passage and caught an Arbok! Not bad, although i saw a Garchomp later so i was pretty mad. The Arbok's name is "Bob".
    -Full party reached!
    -Defeated Burgh and got my third badge! YAY 3\8!
    -On route 4, i caught a female Samurott, by the name of "Asuna".
    -Replaced Vlad with Asuna.
    -On Desert Resort i caught a Scizor, her name is "Claudia".
    -In Relic Castle, i caught a Tirtouga,named "Franklin".
    -Did the Join Avenue thing.


    -I helped Rosa fight against the subway bosses.
    -Did some changes on my team,and went into the battle subway.
    -I won 3 BP, and bought a Thunderstone (in order to evolve Slippy later on)
    -Did the musical thing.
    -I lost Feuille the Bayleef while grinding in the basketball court...RIP.
    -Claudia the Scizor died while in the basketball court...that crits tho. RIP.
    -Went to grind and fight the trainers on route 16.
    -I lost Bob the Arbok in a battle...OMG the horror...RIP.
    -I immediately found a new Poison type partner on route 16, a Swalot named "Darnell".
    -I also caught a...Metapod...in Lostlorn forest, his name is Gary.

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    I will be doing a Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke
    Username: Xcelleratr
    Game: Emerald
    Additional Rules: If its OK, I'd like to randomize abilities, TMs, move tutors, and held items, as your rules say nothing about them. Reply to this post and let me know if this breaks any rules.

    Also, I can see that we randomize so that trainers don't have legendaries, but can we have legendaries, should we find them?
    I will be doing a Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke
    Username: Xcelleratr
    Game: Emerald
    Additional Rules: If its OK, I'd like to randomize abilities, TMs, move tutors, and held items, as your rules say nothing about them. Reply to this post and let me know if this breaks any rules.

    Also, I can see that we randomize so that trainers don't have legendaries, but can we have legendaries, should we find them?

    About the randomizing rule, yes, randomize anything you want, but be careful because it brings even greater challenge and i don't want you to quit,okay?

    about the legendaries, should you find them,yes. And i said to randomize thta no trainer has legendaries so again, no one will have to quit due to the fact that a trainer has a much stronger pokemon. I will add your name to the challengers list after i'll do this update:

    I did some hella grinding in Lostlorn forest, we lost Franklin the Tirtouga, which is a bummer because i never used a Tirtouga before. RIP.
    -Since the Hidden Grottos are a different area, i tried to catch a golem, but he ended up dying from the poison, not before taking Darnell and Bruce with him...RIP. I then went grinfing in the football place place in Nimbassa and back to route 16 to train and then to route 5 to train. I TRAIN A LOT,DON'T JUDGE ME. I was underleveled.
    -Gary evolved into a butterfree and then i caught a Mothim on route 5, and called him "Maxwell".
    -Vlad died mid-training, RIP. Can't keep'em alive today can i?
    -Maxwell died mid-training too, in a double battle. RIP.
    -Defeated Elesa! 4\8!
    -I killed a Psyduck by mistake, on the bridge, and was angry for a second.
    -I got Zuroa from Rood, the former plasma sage, in Driftveil city (i guess this wasn't randomized...?)
    -I caught an Arcanine on route 6, named "Lady Flame".

    Ok, thank you KillerCroCohen. And I won't quit completely, though if it does get too hard, the most I'll do is start over

    Now, before I begin my first update, here's an update of what I've randomized.
    Everything stated in the rules has been randomized
    TM moves have been randomized (however compatibility has not)
    Move Tutor moves have been randomized (however compatibility has not)
    Pokemon Abilities have been randomized
    Pokemon Held Items have been randomized

    Update #01 (Brace yourselves, its a Beefer (to quote Matthew Matelli from SGBLikesToPlay))
    -Xceller began his journey in region of Hoenn, meets may and then hears professor Birch screaming out in the road outside of Littleroot. He saw he was being attacked by a pokemon so he rushed to his briefcase. Inside he found a Zangoose, Wobbuffet, and Relicanth...
    -Chose Zangoose (Wobuffet was tempting, but too gimmicky for a Nuzlocke imo, does this count as a route 101 pokemon?)
    -Obtained Slash the Zangoose
    -Proceeded to one-shot the Zigzagoon attacking Birch
    -Met Manager Malorie (May) on Route 103 and defeated her Wobuffet (which thankfully was too stupid to use counter or didn't have it yet)
    -Went back to the lab to get Pokeballs
    -Went to route 103 to catch something
    -Wasted all my pokeballs on a Wingull (because Slash would one-shot it with Scratch)
    -Went to Route 102 and caught Olaf the Slakoth, which is actually really good because the ability randomizer takes away Truant.
    -Grinded Olaf and Slash to level 8, found a Gyarados in the process (fffff.....)
    -Arrived in Petalburg City. I would be worried about the next gym, having only normal types, but I assume the gym leaders are randomized as well aren't they?
    -Helped Wally catch his friggin Ralts
    -Left Petalburg City to Route 104
    -Wasted all my Pokeballs again on a Ditto
    -Found and Caught a Ninetails in Petalburg Woods (Man I'm getting pretty lucky)
    -Named it Mystique
    I have a feeling Mystique won't be a permanent member. Its useful for now, but being a Stone evolution, it won't learn any new moves, so it's stuck with what it has now and whatever TMs it gets.
    -Whilst grinding Mystique I found a Tyranitar (FFFFUUUU....)
    -Interesting thing I found out. Apparently my Randomizer gave Cascoon Drizzle
    -Got TM09 which was randomized to glare. Interesting, but none of my Pokemon can learn TM09
    -Realized that Zangoose was holding TM11 (thanks to Randomized held items) which was changed to Role Play.
    -Got to Rustboro City
    -Headed to Route 116 and found a Stantler
    -Accidentally killed it... didn't need another normal type anyway...
    -Challenged the Gym, I swords Danced up with Slash and swept away, until Roxanne sent out a Togetic. The darn thing metronomed, selfdestructed, and killed Slash. I hate you forever Togekiss... On the bright side, I did win the battle and got TM39, which was changed to Flame Wheel. Unfortunately, Mystique can't learn it because she couldn't learn what TM39 was before randomization (Rock Tomb).

    That's it for the first update. Now for the Death List
    Slasher the Female Zangoose
    Ok, thank you KillerCroCohen. And I won't quit completely, though if it does get too hard, the most I'll do is start over

    Now, before I begin my first update, here's an update of what I've randomized.
    Everything stated in the rules has been randomized
    TM moves have been randomized (however compatibility has not)
    Move Tutor moves have been randomized (however compatibility has not)
    Pokemon Abilities have been randomized
    Pokemon Held Items have been randomized

    You should've changed the compatibility so you can teach the new moves to your pokemon AHEM. But still, i saw your update, sorry abou the first death, also you are lucky!
    All i got when starting were a braviary, Samurott and some other interesting pokemon.

    Speaking about pokemon, a short update is here for today:
    -Got a klang at the weather station (Still counts so i can use it)
    -Got fifth badge! Screw you clay, i had 'MURICA and Slippy to counter Lombre and Simipour LOL 5\8
    -Did PWT thing.
    -Think i didn;t do Relic passage, so i went ahead and caught A DRapion, called "Accordion". HEHE.

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    Kind of unfortunate that i caught a Togepi when i had a chance to catch Hitmonchan. But sadly Magby killed it in that area so i was screwed. Hopefully i'll catch someothing better. ^.^'
    Username: AoTora
    Game: Blaze Black (Because I cannot find Black or White Rom without experience glitch)
    Additional Rules: None at the moment.

    So my starter choices were Plusle, Wormadam and Squirtle. I randomized trainers aswell so my rivals will have the other two pokemon I won't choose.

    I chose squirtle even though one of them will have Plusle because I don't think that Plusle will have any electric attacks at the beginning.

    Professor showed us how to catch a pokemon (Because I totally didn't know how to catch it) and it was finally time to meet new team member! Gligar! Yay I am so so so so happy right now! I love it :3
    - I was really lucky with that. I was doing some training there and I encountered Treecko, Swanna, Genesect and Alomomola - and only one gligar beside the one I have so it was kinda rare :o

    Defeated N- First encounter on next route is ironically Squirtle - But that's what Dupes clause is for right?
    Our real encounter here is Salamence! :3 Training time for Salamence (He at least knows Bite D: )

    And our last team member before the first gym is Altaria I received as a gift near Dreamyard (Will still catch a pokemon in there since I don't count gifted pokemon as encounters)

    I successfully defeated Bianca and Cheren. Than got everybody to level 14. It's time to face Cilan in rotation battle!

    He has: Houndour, Baltoy, Electrike, Shroomish, Oshawott and Tentacool. No big threats.

    And our dreamyard encounter is .... Lillipup! Couldn't be happier <3

    Did some minor training so she could catch up with other team members - got her to evolve alongside with Leonardo - my squirtle.

    Time to battle Cheren again! My gligar pretty much solo-ed his team. First encounter on the next route was Stunfisk .-. (Also note- I am counting dark grass as separate area so I can catch Pokemon there too) My OP herdier killed the stunfisk so no encounter for me here :/

    Our cave encounter is - Pineco ... I ran away from it because I was afraid that it would explode and kill my precious Herdier >_>

    First encounter in the double grass before the next city was Silcoon - level 17 >_> Why? It knows only harden >_<

    Last two encounters berfore the gym are Magcargo named Maggie and Persian named Nala. I skipped a lot of trainers around the town so I am going to train on them for the gym.

    I am happy that I randomized TMs too - I got psyshock I could teach to Beautifly as soon as I got it :3

    Went back to Striaton City to do some fishing - Got Cynthia the Gible! :3

    Nala died :( Our first death D:

    She died against another trainer's Wailord that was spamming Rollout and didn't want to miss >_>

    While I was training for the gym I found this:

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Out of all the shinies I could find ... I found one of the ugliest ones D: It has horrible moveset, horrible nature - Horrible stats D: I am keeping Maggie so sorry Shiny Magcargo - you are going to stay on my pc >_>

    Now to choose who to use for the gym..

    Maggie for sure because she has a nice fire move called Fire Pledge (Found TM around the city)
    Leonardo - He is my starter
    Lilly because she is one awesome normal type
    Drake - He has nice coverage - Bite- For ghost types- Thunder Fang for Water and Flying types, Fire Fang for Grass types.
    Kamy- Mainly because of Psyshock - I can counter fighting types and Poison types with it
    Skyla- Because of Drill Peck I guess. (Also found the TM)

    I totally forgot about N! >_<

    He sent out Darumaka and I had Kamy out - He killed it with one Fire Fang (Forgot why I kept it out >_> ) Sorry Kamy D:

    Glillia (Gligar) came back to team even though she still has horrible moveset >.<

    Second gym battle was double battle- She had Alakazam, Luxio, Raichu, Minun, Eelektrik, Amoongus,

    And Lilly died :( Raichu and Luxio teamed up on her - leaving her with 2 HP she used Take down because I didn't see that coming and she killed herself with recoil :( Sorry Lilly :/

    So all the deaths in this part:

    Nala my persian - died to a Wailord spamming Rollout (It was either her either someone else so she was sacrifised :( )
    Kamy the Beautifly - Died to N's Darumaka that used Fire Fang and OHKO'd him :(
    Lilly the Herdier - Died against Lenora- her Luxio and Raichu teamed up on her leaving her with only 2 HP (One of them even got crit :( ) and she killed herself with recoil from Take Down D:

    First encounter in the forest was Carnivine - I am done for today. Will go on tomorrow. My team is level 20-22 - I am too lazy to post the team update lol.
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    I found a way to change the randomization so that the TM compatability was random (but preferred same type) while still using the same save file. It shouldn't impact the game too much, but if this breaks any rules let me know and I will restart the run.

    Session 2
    -Went after Team Aqua Goon for the Devon Goods
    -Found a Porygon in the cave, called it PollyGone, grinded all Pokes to level 15
    -Decimated Aqua Goon
    -Got Pokenav
    -Defeated May
    -Left for Dewford Town
    -Got the Old Rod
    -Fished and Got a Nidoqueen, named it Lizzy
    YAY no deaths!
    Username: AoTora
    Game: Blaze Black (Because I cannot find Black or White Rom without experience glitch)
    Additional Rules: None at the moment.

    So my starter choices were Plusle, Wormadam and Squirtle. I randomized trainers aswell so my rivals will have the other two pokemon I won't choose.

    I chose squirtle even though one of them will have Plusle because I don't think that Plusle will have any electric attacks at the beginning.

    Professor showed us how to catch a pokemon (Because I totally didn't know how to catch it) and it was finally time to meet new team member! Gligar! Yay I am so so so so happy right now! I love it :3
    - I was really lucky with that. I was doing some training there and I encountered Treecko, Swanna, Genesect and Alomomola - and only one gligar beside the one I have so it was kinda rare :o

    Defeated N- First encounter on next route is ironically Squirtle - But that's what Dupes clause is for right?
    Our real encounter here is Salamence! :3 Training time for Salamence (He at least knows Bite D: )

    And our last team member before the first gym is Altaria I received as a gift near Dreamyard (Will still catch a pokemon in there since I don't count gifted pokemon as encounters)

    I successfully defeated Bianca and Cheren. Than got everybody to level 14. It's time to face Cilan in rotation battle!

    He has: Houndour, Baltoy, Electrike, Shroomish, Oshawott and Tentacool. No big threats.

    And our dreamyard encounter is .... Lillipup! Couldn't be happier <3

    Did some minor training so she could catch up with other team members - got her to evolve alongside with Leonardo - my squirtle.

    Time to battle Cheren again! My gligar pretty much solo-ed his team. First encounter on the next route was Stunfisk .-. (Also note- I am counting dark grass as separate area so I can catch Pokemon there too) My OP herdier killed the stunfisk so no encounter for me here :/

    Our cave encounter is - Pineco ... I ran away from it because I was afraid that it would explode and kill my precious Herdier >_>

    First encounter in the double grass before the next city was Silcoon - level 17 >_> Why? It knows only harden >_<

    Last two encounters berfore the gym are Magcargo named Maggie and Persian named Nala. I skipped a lot of trainers around the town so I am going to train on them for the gym.

    I am happy that I randomized TMs too - I got psyshock I could teach to Beautifly as soon as I got it :3

    Went back to Striaton City to do some fishing - Got Cynthia the Gible! :3

    Nala died :( Our first death D:

    She died against another trainer's Wailord that was spamming Rollout and didn't want to miss >_>

    While I was training for the gym I found this:

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Out of all the shinies I could find ... I found one of the ugliest ones D: It has horrible moveset, horrible nature - Horrible stats D: I am keeping Maggie so sorry Shiny Magcargo - you are going to stay on my pc >_>

    Now to choose who to use for the gym..

    Maggie for sure because she has a nice fire move called Fire Pledge (Found TM around the city)
    Leonardo - He is my starter
    Lilly because she is one awesome normal type
    Drake - He has nice coverage - Bite- For ghost types- Thunder Fang for Water and Flying types, Fire Fang for Grass types.
    Kamy- Mainly because of Psyshock - I can counter fighting types and Poison types with it
    Skyla- Because of Drill Peck I guess. (Also found the TM)

    I totally forgot about N! >_<

    He sent out Darumaka and I had Kamy out - He killed it with one Fire Fang (Forgot why I kept it out >_> ) Sorry Kamy D:

    Glillia (Gligar) came back to team even though she still has horrible moveset >.<

    Second gym battle was double battle- She had Alakazam, Luxio, Raichu, Minun, Eelektrik, Amoongus,

    And Lilly died :( Raichu and Luxio teamed up on her - leaving her with 2 HP she used Take down because I didn't see that coming and she killed herself with recoil :( Sorry Lilly :/

    So all the deaths in this part:

    Nala my persian - died to a Wailord spamming Rollout (It was either her either someone else so she was sacrifised :( )
    Kamy the Beautifly - Died to N's Darumaka that used Fire Fang and OHKO'd him :(
    Lilly the Herdier - Died against Lenora- her Luxio and Raichu teamed up on her leaving her with only 2 HP (One of them even got crit :( ) and she killed herself with recoil from Take Down D:

    First encounter in the forest was Carnivine - I am done for today. Will go on tomorrow. My team is level 20-22 - I am too lazy to post the team update lol.

    Grats on finding that Magcargo! HAH..Nice team you have there, sorry for your lose and have fun randomizing!

    OH yeah and my update (stupid me):
    -Did the Plasma boat stuff without healing-so Zuroa died....RIP.
    -Some ****** ass Noctowl killed my 'MURICA...the south rised again i guess? RIP...he'll be missed.
    -Flying type pokemon up in this sh*t killing my Gary...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    -We are not with a full team right now so i'm really upset+ i never thought i'll have 12 dead pokemon by Driftveil city.
    -Caught a Cherubi on the hidden grotto\hollow on route 6, named "Havoc".
    -Caught a Sealeo in Chargstone cave and called him "Fuzzball".
    -Asuna died....god NO....! RIP,met in route 4 and damn you razor shelled the f*** outta everybody. Good job.
    -So i went back and switched Fuzzball with Asuna.
    -Havoc evolved into a Cherrim!!!!! YAY
    -Got the master ball from Juniper outta nowhere...HOLY MOLLY.
    -I caught a Vibrava on route 7, now we're talking! His name is "Ultima".

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    Grats on finding that Magcargo! HAH..Nice team you have there, sorry for your lose and have fun randomizing!

    OH yeah and my update (stupid me):
    -Did the Plasma boat stuff without healing-so Zuroa died....RIP.
    -Some ****** ass Noctowl killed my 'MURICA...the south rised again i guess? RIP...he'll be missed.
    -Flying type pokemon up in this sh*t killing my Gary...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    -We are not with a full team right now so i'm really upset+ i never thought i'll have 12 dead pokemon by Driftveil city.
    -Caught a Cherubi on the hidden grotto\hollow on route 6, named "Havoc".
    -Caught a Sealeo in Chargstone cave and called him "Fuzzball".
    -Asuna died....god NO....! RIP,met in route 4 and damn you razor shelled the f*** outta everybody. Good job.
    -So i went back and switched Fuzzball with Asuna.
    -Havoc evolved into a Cherrim!!!!! YAY
    -Got the master ball from Juniper outta nowhere...HOLY MOLLY.
    -I caught a Vibrava on route 7, now we're talking! His name is "Ultima".



    Now for the update... I went trough the forest - and everybody's pokemon loves to put things to sleep - and my pokemon? They refuse to wake up >_>

    So I battled togetic. Salamence was getting low on health because he was poisoned so I sent out Maggie - togetic put me to sleep and she refused to wake up - she still had more than half HP left when she finally killed it - but of course - Victrebeel came out - used sleep powder and razor leaf - and killed Maggie >_<

    I officially hate Pinsir D: One of the trainers had one - So I used Carnivora for it - she had full health! Put it to sleep than used one Sludge Bomb- than that thing woke up already and used revenge - took out full hp Carnivora >_<
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    I got third badge - defeated Burgh but not without sacrifices. Drake sadly died against his mamoswine D: (Thought that fire fang could do something against it - but it used blizzard and of course hitted - because those moves seem to always hit >_> )

    I got all the way to Nimbasa city. Caught a lot of pokemon and lost a lot of them.

    Leonardo the Wartortle - my starter - Forgot what he died against -.-"
    Drake- Against that annoying mamoswine
    Firefly the Volbeat (This thing was awesome - electric/bug type in this hack) =(
    Glilia - against my rival Cheren - forgot which pokemon killed her though
    Woopsie the wooper- died literally seconds after I obtained it

    Current team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Miley|Female|Naughty Nature|Dry Skin|Lvl 27
    Ice Punch
    Heart Stamp
    Mean Look
    Scatters things often.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Birdra|Female|Relaxed Nature|Rivalry|Lvl 26
    Air Cutter
    Somewhat vain.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Zorro|Male|Bold Nature|Illusion|Lvl 62
    Fury Swipes
    Faint Attack
    Scary Face
    Capable of taking hits.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Skyla|Female|Lax Nature|Natural Cure|Lvl 28
    Drill Peck
    Take Down
    Strong willed.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Cynthia|Female|Gentle Nature|Sand Veil|Lvl 35
    Dual Chop
    Dragon Rage
    Dragon Claw
    Quick to flee.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Randomized Nuzlocke Challenge

    Krokodil|Male|Careful Nature|Moxie|Lvl 28
    Mud Slap
    Often dozes off.

    Pixie the Vibrava
    Dino the Deino
    Crybaby the Loudred
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    After a ton of days i wasn't here i am finally back with an update, we'll continue from the point i've stopped (of course) which is...route 7!

    Party reminder:
    Slippy (eelektrik,starter),lvl 29
    Ultima (Vibrava), lvl 31
    Grids (klang), lvl 30
    Havoc (Cherrim), lvl 27
    Lady flame (Arcanine), lvl 31
    Fuzzball (Sealeo), lvl 29

    Now onwards, to the magical pokemon land!

    -Found a dialga, HAD TO KILL ITT.....WHY..?!
    -Finally got to Celestial tower, gonna get my first catch here soon...
    -It's a lil Ditto! Gotcha...! Its name is Gum.
    -I replaced Grids with Gum because TBH Grids is kinda bad, got a bad moveset and all.
    -Went back to celestial tower, where i saved my game.

    Sorry guys, i still have a lot to do, 2nd semester starts on Sunday and i have a test on Monday, so this is a short update.
    Username: KoboraX
    Game: Emerald
    Additional Rules: I have to record my whole playthrough, so my live reactions to every situation will be shown, especially against Flannery, who killed my Sapphire Randomizer Nuzlocke since she swept me with a Sharpedo.
    Username: KoboraX
    Game: Emerald
    Additional Rules: I have to record my whole playthrough, so my live reactions to every situation will be shown, especially against Flannery, who killed my Sapphire Randomizer Nuzlocke since she swept me with a Sharpedo.

    Sorry about this...but WELCOME! I am just a man with a dream, glad you'll help me achieve it! Good luck. Also, If you can record the first update soon, it'll be nice. Thx again! :)