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The Riven Academy [Learning Roleplay]

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  • 6,829
    • Seen Apr 4, 2024
    OoC// Not sure what the paperwork is AE. So I took the shotgun and shot. I probably missed by a mile, but oh well. Nothing a little edit won't fix. >D

    IC// This girl was quite flattering. The first one here, the first one to give her a compliment since that nasty incident with that stupid boy who'd insulted her hair; Many props.

    Sanza had proceeded to prop herself up against her desk, narrowing a criticizing eye at her students. None of them were the best looker's in town, and seemed like the boy was one of the best drinker's in town.

    "Why thank you," Sanza smiled pleasantly at the first girl who'd arrived, her smile breaking her condescending expression, "I'm sure it'll be a pleasure being your instructor. Please, by all means, do not be frightened by my personality, it will surely become a normal occurance by the end of today. My name is Sanzatelane Coatl Erutenmine. It's quite long, so feel free to address me as Sanza, and no other nickname." She tossed her hair over her shoulder and pointed at the Illya.

    "You, are Illya." She repeated for herself, turning her gaze and manicured finger onto the boy who smelled of stale alcohol (a smell Sanza could pick up from miles away, as she herself was an able alcoholic, though could hold more then 10 bottles of fine wine without flushing in the slightest bit,) "You, are Eran. Then, you, don't sit on my chairs without permission please. If I am standing that is hardly invitation for you to sit. If I am sitting, then I will look it over. You, are Ventus."

    "And lastly, you are Tamilia." She did not look at Tamilia, merely pointed as she said in an obviously irritated voice, "I am not married. I quite single, and I will thank you to help me keep it that way, and to also never bring up the subject of my marital status again."

    She turned her finger upon Ventus once more, "Also, there will be no crying in my prescence. I am not a kindergarten teacher, I do not care in the least bit what your father did or where you came from. What I care about is what you can do now, what you can do here, and what you can do out there." Finally releasing her index finger, she waved her hand to indicate 'out there', and returned it to it's spot against the cold glass desk, "There will be no speaking of pasts in my presence. It is an automatic obligation for me to divulge mine to you, and quite frankly, you, nor anyone in this office, has any business in that department. Am I clear, or shall I repeat that for you? I will state this, however, once and only once. I do not like being insulted. I feel that if you don't hear me the first time, you find my words not worth listening to. This will offend me."

    Sanza stood up straight, away from the desk now, "I will not be kept waiting. I will not tolerate weakness, nor criticism's of the way I run things. And you will learn, that it is extremely unwise to criticize my appearance." Sweeping around her desk, she pulled out of a black steel drawer a pile of papers.

    "Now let's get started. Please fill these out. They concern what you can do, what you have done, and what you don't know. As you may have already learned, I specialize in the field of illusions. However, specialization does not mean I am insufficient in other fields. Thus, I'm required to tell you not to hesitate to tell me if you wish to learn more proficiently in a field other then my specialization. However, I'm not forbidden to tell you that I could hardly care less about your plans. If they don't fit in with mine, that's too bad for you."

    She sat down and spread out four identical pens, black with green ink, all on top of the papers.

    Đ a r κ

    Love Intent
  • 816
    Ven could instantly tell that this Sanza didn't play by anyone else's rules. What she said dried up Ven's Tear like a lightning bolt. Ven's face showed that he didn't feel respected at all. He just wanted to get up and tell her off which would be easy for him seeing as he is a quite witty person but he knew that she wouldn't be the type to just sit there and take what Ven had to say.

    "Great job Ven, now you got on her bad side. Today just doesn't seem to be my day. First, I can't find my socks, then I get embarrassed twice in a row, I trip over a rock and now this...Hey, maby I can impress her with my skills. Yea, that'll show her that i'm not some screw up." Ven quietly thought while standing out of Sanza's chair. He stood next to the other student's awaiting Sanza's orders.

    "Please fill these out. They concern what you can do, what you have done, and what you don't know." Ven looked down at pieces of paper spread on top of Sanza's desk. Before moving, he waited a little while to make sure she was done with what she was doing, he did not want to have any more mess ups. Knowing that there was nothing more, Ven walked towards her desk and examined the paper. He kneeled forward and took one of the pens to begin writing. The first question was "What can you do?" Next to that, Ven began to write exactly what he could do.

    "Lets see, I can bend the earth's surface to my liking, take the water vapor in the air and combined that with the cold air to create ice, make an illusion that a meadow looks like a lake...and I can break-down metal and reform it into a weapon." Ven thought as he wrote all this down. He finally ended the first question and went to the second, "What have you done?" This confused Ven a little. He figured that this could mean a few different things. One, if could mean what have you used your abilities for, or it could be asking what have you done in your life. He then remembered Sanza telling him she doesn't want to hear about my past, this came to Ven as a hint.

    "Fine, but if i'm supposed to write about my past, then your going to hear what I have to say to you...Lets see, what HAVE I done?" Ven asked himself. He couldn't remember many things he did with his abilities really. He then remembered a few things; "I did help those people who's house was on fire that one day by using ice to stop the fire. I did trick that one kid into thinking that he was falling into a ten foot deep lake but I don't think i'll put that down, hahaha" Ven jotted down as he amused himself. He finally went to the final question; "What don't you know?" Once after reading the question, memories popped into Ven's head of things that happened in the past. He immediately wrote things down.

    "Well, I don't know how to fully concentrate which usually makes my enchantments to fail. I don't think Sanza wants to hear about my split personality so i'll leave that out. Okay, I also do not know how to use my enchantments completely correct; at times, I may re-form the earth and it can end up disappearing before it gets even a foot into the air. I think this may be a lack of willpower so I would like to work on that a bit." Ven finished by putting a final period at the end of the sentence and neatly place the pen on the sheet of paper. He then stood up straight awaiting any further orders for with this teacher, any move could be a mistake.


    Satanist to the core.
  • 2,208
    Wolfy fallowed the sound of his cousin's breathing into the office, it smelled of wood and old books, he liked it. "My name is Marten," Cloud tells the professor, "I'm my cousin's interpreter. I was called to the academy by my uncle who felt worried about my cousin's condition."

    Wolfy stepped forward and felt for the professor, he caught a hold of the man's crisp shirt, it was a soft fabric that felt pleasurable to his finger tips. Wolfy wondered what the professor's reaction was, the only thing he could tell from this was that he was a strong and cool headed man for he did not react violently as most people did when Wolfy examined them.

    "My cousin's a Blind mute." Cloud explains as Wolfy pulls back and says threw him, 'Professor would you give me permission to examine your face to know what you look like?' smiling he reached his hand out hopping that the good professor will accept it and allow him to know what he looked like.

    ((OOC: sorry for the short post but I'm in a bit of trouble over here.))

    Scarlet Weather

    The Game is Afoot!
  • 1,823
    OOC: Gah. I hate having to write out posts like this. They end up being really short usually. And when the heck did Eran sit down? 0_o


    Eran stifled a groan as Sanza began tearing into the students. He knew she was probably saying something of great importance, but at the moment all he could hear was "Blah-blah-blah... Sanza... nickname-blah. Blah-blah, Illya-blah," and so on. He perked up a moment as she said "And you are Eran," but sank back into his bored reverie when he realized she wasn't congratulating or threatening him. He resisted the urge to answer Yes, my name is Eran. We've established that you miserable shrew. Now get to the point, dammit.

    "I don't care what your father does, who you blah, blah, blah...."

    Eran clenched his teeth. Her voice seemed to drone on like an incessant fly buzzing in his ear, and it didn't help that his head was now ringing like a broken telephone receiver. Why couldn't she just shut up for half an hour and give him some peace? It was as if she was purposefully attempting to magnify his already great suffering from the night before. All respect for this woman outside a proffessional setting was now gone. From this moment forward, Eran vowed that he would completely surpass her to the point that he would no longer have to pay attention to anything she said. It was at this point that he sensed her lecture was drawing to an end, so he graced the irate teacher with a quick nod. Anything to end this whole thing so that he could retire to his room and sleep off the alcohol a bit longer before class actually began.

    Eran blinked as Sanza held out a few sheets of paper and quills. What were these things for again? Thankfully, his memory of the previous year at the Academy kicked in at that moment. These were the progress forms you filled out at the beginning of each year. Eran grabbed for one immediately and slammed it onto the table before scribbling onto it furiously, not caring what his handwriting looked like. As far as he was concerned, this meeting was no longer of import and he ought to finish his business and get the heck out as quickly as humanly possible before his hangover seriously affected his judgement.

    By the time he had finished, the untidy scrawl on his parchment read as follows:

    I am an eighth-year student at the Academy, and have passed through my initial year with flying colors. I am already fairly well versed in the field of illusions. As far as that goes, I am fairly well covered. I can create any form of illusion that requires a visible change, and I am adept at changing the feel of an object so that to the naked hand it feels like something completely different. This is my most useful ability, as I have found that in certain objects I can raise or lower the temperature to a degree. I have as of yet to actually use these powers for anything really practical, as much of my enchantments have been limited to the confines of the Academy and a few select friends.

    As far as physical changes go, I am completely unable to change my own body in any way, and changing the actual physical form of an object requires much more effort then it should for me. I have trouble reshaping objects or increasing their density or weight, though I can change the material structure of certain metals without a great amount of difficulty. This is my main concern at this point in my development.

    Understandably, I still have limitations. While I can craft visual illusions from air, it helps me to have a mist or a spray of liquid of some sort nearby in order to strengthen the image. In addition, I cannot change how an object feels without first coming into contact with it, no matter how briefly. I can't keep up any transformation for more then five minutes without straining myself. As for diversity in my illusions, I don't really lack. I'm quite capable with coming up with new and exciting tricks on my own. I simply require your assistance with sustaining them.

    After quickly proofreading the note, Eran passed it to Sanza, satisfied with his short bio. Something stopped him as he held out the note. Was it his imagination, or was that a loose strand of hair?

    Deciding that at the moment silence was golden, Eran wisely buttoned his lips. If he really wanted to, he could always change her reflection in the mirror later and watch the fun from a safe distance.
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Okays, comments finally up and running. Sorry for the wait, people, now Wemeren's students ought to get inside; chop chop. :3


    Barian didn't cease his search as Cloud spoke up, although he was taking in every word, giving a curt nod in acknowledgment. What the boy soon said changed that, however:

    "My cousin's a Blind mute."

    The thaumaturge paused his work, turning back to face the duo, and although his expression didn't show any change, his mind was at work. Blind and mute? That was bad...that was really bad. Not only would visualization become a chore like none other; the boy wouldn't be able to make proper use of concentration chants either. That was two amateur fields right out of the window. Were he not so good at keeping his poker face, Barian would have frowned; he was used to having the problematic cases handed to him; but this...Laurence was in a league of his own. Still, he had accepted the boy as his student and would have him learn like any other. In fact, if he wanted the youth to become a truly functioning thaumaturge then he might have to teach him a bit more...

    "Understood." Barian replied curtly, "As for your request...please give me a moment." he usually wasn't one for intimidating his students with the more complicated parts of his art, but in this case the only witnesses were two seniors, the translator, and someone who wouldn't know the difference. With this in mind, the thaumaturge extended his right hand towards the boy.

    "The rest of you may wish to look away if you're not acquainted with transformations, by the way." he added as a startling transformation began overtaking his hand, the fingers smoothly molding together into a formless lump of flesh, the surface of which was soon disturbed by the a number of protrusions which soon formed the outline of a male face, Barian's face, rising out as a few locks of gray hair sprouted from the top and a pair of blue eyes - albeit not quite as attentive or piercing as the real pair - materialized in the empty eye sockets, the formless protrusion at the mouth's spot forming a pair of lips and a row of teeth to go with them, "Here." he remarked simply, extending the now striking likeness of his face towards Wolfy. 'Chimera technique...' the old thaumaturge mused for himself as he shuffled through the papers with his free hand, 'I wonder if my students have the stomach for it.'

    "Now since you are technically a guest here." Barian continued, nonchalantly addressing Cloud and handing him a pile of forms - the top two of which bore the label 'Thaumaturgy License - B Rank' and the names of Mokona Modoki and Edward James Heiderich, respectively - as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, "Please hand these out for me, and help your cousin fill his one once he's done. These forms concern your progress - or lack thereof - within the field of thaumaturgy as well as your goals and wishes for this semester, so please take your time and fill them out. The information your provide will be taken into account when planning your lessons. Also, for you two." he glanced at Soel and Heidrich, "Those are your thaumaturgy licenses and written proof of your accomplishments thus far. They grant you permission to perform your craft within school grounds without supervision and in the outside world if you have the appropriate authorization. They also authorize you to perform missions for the academy, so I can not stress this enough: Do. Not. Lose. Them."
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    Satanist to the core.
  • 2,208
    Wolfy ran his index finger over the transformed hand that was given to him, that sounded nasty he thought to himself. He felt a slightly off shape nose, slight indentations were the finger bones still lingered, This must be a proud man... he added to himself. As he ran his middle and ring fingers over the eyes ever so gently he wondered if the man who's hand he was identifying had skin so clear or if he had imperfections like Cloud did.

    Releasing the hand he said threw Cloud who stood in the back of the room where he must have been handing out the papers, 'You're a fine looking man Sr. and may I say you have an air of a king. Such a man I haven't met in a long time.' He stepped back groping behind himself for his cousin's waiting hand.

    Cloud had pulled Wolfy towards him, making sure they were out of direct earshot. only then did they lean against the far wall, "A bit much don't you think?" Cloud commented on his cousin's statement.

    Wolfy shrugged his strong shoulders and smiled to where his cousin's voice had come from, 'I really think that.'

    "Good for you." Cloud says sourly, "let's get these things filled out."

    Like a small child Cloud whispered the questions to Wolfy who answered as quickly as he could. Wolfy wanted to get to know the teacher more, he felt as though something in their future was tugging him forward, something was whispering, He's gonna be important, get to know him well.

    Cloud and Wolfy filled out the forms in almost complete silence, Wolfy's only hope was that everyone else in the room didn't just stare at them, as people had a habit of doing when ever he "talked".

    ((I wanted it to be longer, but dad is yelling at me to get off the computer... -.-"))


  • 135
    'Way to go Tamilia, you made her angry.' Tamilia lowered her head,not wanting to look at the teacher. The woman wasn't even looking at her! She heard her ramble on and on about something that she didn't care about. Tamilia had long since tuned her out by now and the cold air in the room was making her sleepy. She fought back the urge to yawn in Sanza's face. Her attention shifted to what Sanza had pulled out of her desk. Papers? They made Tamilia even more sleepy than she already was.

    "Now let's get started. Please fill these out. They concern what you can do, what you have done, and what you don't know. As you may have already learned, I specialize in the field of illusions. However, specialization does not mean I am insufficient in other fields. Thus, I'm required to tell you not to hesitate to tell me if you wish to learn more proficiently in a field other then my specialization. However, I'm not forbidden to tell you that I could hardly care less about your plans. If they don't fit in with mine, that's too bad for you."
    Luckily for Tamilia she did want to get better in illusions. Unluckily for Tamilia she couldn't really do all that much. That's why she had come to this school, to learn and get better. She stopped herself from nearly snatching the paper out of Sanza's hands. Honestly Tamilia didn't know why she was mad at the teacher. Her attitude seemed bad but it didn't bother her one bit. She tried to think about what she could do and what she had done in the past. To be honest, Tamilia felt like a terrible person from the techniques she used. She normally created nightmares from her illusions and tore the victim apart mentally. It's not really something a girl like her should be doing. Especially some of the things she could come up with. They were very..disturbing. She can also change my face completely if she tried. Being as lazy as she is she only tried once. She could also bend clay into different shapes.

    'Let's see here now, I have made sculptures out of clay. I have also changed my face to look like a friend of mine and walk around outside without being accused of imitation. Nothing much else. Now what I can't do. I know I can't hold my illusions for more than 5 minutes. I also can't bend anything harder than clay. If I can't picture something in my head at the time then I won't be able to transform it oe be able to transform into it. I acn't change any part of my body except my face and hair.'
    That was it. Tamilia handed the paper to Sanza, not caring how extremely short or messy it was. After this day was over she would be very tired and would be out like a light. Falling asleep here was not an option so she would not be able to rest her eyes for a long time. Meaning she was already fed up with her new teacher.

    'Tch. Ms.Perfect. '


  • 6,829
    • Seen Apr 4, 2024
    Sorry Shadow_Yue, but I'll have to ask that you not revive threads that haven't been posted in in over a month.

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