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The (Un)official Pokemon GB/C Hacking Support Thread

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O.o?? where did that quote come from?
But i have to agree...to an extent. You are being just a little harsh, don't get me wrong; I agree with you completely, but there are nicer ways to say it...

Being a "little harsh" is my way to get people to hear what I'm saying. It's just what I do. Anyway, let's not get off topic. This topic is about the beauty of hacking the first and second generation games after all...

Has anyone tried making a few little scripts so far? Here's a sample script for you to try out.

474CXXXX534990 - Print text
This opens a text box and writes text graphics to memory, reads text from XXXX (Use that as a 2 byte pointer), 53 waits for player to push key before ending, 49 restores moving sprite graphics to memory, and 90 ends it.
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I'll support it. The more people who try and hack GS, the more likely they are to not be lazy.

If I ever finish my GBA hack, I'm considering going to GBC and actually attempting a hack, giving me a reason to learn Hex, and stop being half-lazy. I bet if there weren't so many tools for GBA I would've learned Hex/ASM ages ago.

But, that's slightly off-topic. To those who hack GBC, I salute you. Graphics aren't all important, and hacking GBC proves that. I thought it was about Gameplay, aren't graphics supposed to a nice extra.

I honestly don't see a problem with Coolboyman being "harsh", not many people ever have the balls to truly stand up for what they believe. So, I say go Coolboyman! So, what, he offends somebody. They'll get over it, especially when it's just a hobby for most.

Even though what he says may be "harsh"; but, odds are it'll help you in the long run.
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Here's some index numbers for you all.

01 - Bulbasaur 40 - Kadabra 7F - Pinsir BE - Aipom
02 - Ivysaur 41 - Alakazam 80 - Tauros BF - Sunkern
03 - Venusaur 42 - Machop 81 - Magikarp C0 - Sunflora
04 - Charmander 43 - Machoke 82 - Gyarados C1 - Yanma
05 - Charmeleon 44 - Machamp 83 - Lapras C2 - Wooper
06 - Charizard 45 - Bellsprout 84 - Ditto C3 - Quagsire
07 - Squirtle 46 - Weepinbell 85 - Eevee C4 - Espeon
08 - Wartortle 47 - Victreebell 86 - Vaporeon C5 - Umbreon
09 - Blastoise 48 - Ventacool 87 - Jolteon C6 - Murkrow
0A - Caterpie 49 - Tentacruel 88 - Flareon C7 - Slowking
0B - Metapod 4A - Geodude 89 - Porygon C8 - Misdreavus
0C - Butterfree 4B - Graveler 8A - Omanyte C9 - Unown
0D - Weedle 4C - Golem 8B - Omastar CA - Wobbuffet
0E - Kakuna 4D - Ponyta 8C - Kabuto CB - Girafarig
0F - Beedrill 4E - Rapidash 8D - Kabutops CC - Pineco
10 - Pidgey 4F - Slowpoke 8E - Aerodactyl CD - Forretress
11 - Pidgeotto 50 - Slowbro 8F - Snorlax CE - Dunsparce
12 - Pidgeot 51 - Magnemite 90 - Articunno CF - Gligar
13 - Rattata 52 - Magneton 91 - Zapdos D0 - Steelix
14 - Raticate 53 - Farfetch'd 92 - Moltres D1 - Snubbull
15 - Spearow 54 - Doduo 93 - Dratini D2 - Granbull
16 - Fearow 55 - Dodrio 94 - Dragonair D3 - Qwilfish
17 - Ekans 56 - Seel 95 - Dragonite D4 - Scizor
18 - Arbok 57 - Dewgong 96 - Mewtwo D5 - Shuckle
19 - Pikachu 58 - Grimer 97 - Mew D6 - Heracross
1A - Raichu 59 - Muk 98 - Chikorita D7 - Sneasel
1B - Sandshrew 5A - Shellder 99 - Bayleef D8 - Teddiursa
1C - Sandslash 5B - Cloyster 9A - Meganium D9 - Ursaring
1D - Nidoran (f) 5C - Gastly 9B - Cyndaquil DA - Slugma
1E - Nidorina 5D - Haunter 9C - Quilava DB - Magcargo
1F - Nidoqueen 5E - Gengar 9D - Typhlosion DC - Swinub
20 - Nidoran (m) 5F - Onix 9E - Totodile DD - Piloswine
21 - Nidorino 60 - Drowzee 9F - Croconaw DE - Corsola
22 - Nidoking 61 - Hypno A0 - Feraligatr DF - Remoraid
23 - Clefairy 62 - Krabby A1 - Sentret E0 - Octillery
24 - Clefable 63 - Kingler A2 - Furret E1 - Delibird
25 - Vulpix 64 - Voltorb A3 - Hoothoot E2 - Mantine
26 - Ninetails 65 - Electrode A4 - Noctowl E3 - Skarmory
27 - Jigglypuff 66 - Exeggcute A5 - Ledyba E4 - Houndour
28 - Wigglytuff 67 - Exeggcutor A6 - Ledian E5 - Houndoom
29 - Zubat 68 - Cubone A7 - Spinarak E6 - Kingdra
2A - Golbat 69 - Marowak A8 - Ariados E7 - Phanpy
2B - Oddish 6A - Hitmonlee A9 - Crobat E8 - Donphan
2C - Gloom 6B - Hitmonchan AA - Chinchou E9 - Porygon2
2D - Vileplume 6C - Lickitung AB - Lanturn EA - Stantler
2E - Paras 6D - Koffing AC - Pichu EB - Smeargle
2F - Parasect 6E - Weezing AD - Cleffa EC - Tyrogue
30 - Venonat 6F - Rhyhorn AE - Igglybuff ED - Hitmontop
31 - Venomoth 70 - Rhydon AF - Togepi EE - Smoochum
32 - Diglett 71 - Chansey B0 - Togetic EF - Elekid
33 - Dugtrio 72 - Tangela B1 - Natu F0 - Magby
34 - Meowth 73 - Kangaskhan B2 - Xatu F1 - Miltank
35 - Persian 74 - Horsea B3 - Mareep F2 - Blissey
36 - Psyduck 75 - Seadra B4 - Flaaffy F3 - Raikou
37 - Golduck 76 - Goldeen B5 - Ampharos F4 - Entei
38 - Mankey 77 - Seaking B6 - Bellossom F5 - Suicune
39 - Primeape 78 - Staryu B7 - Marill F6 - Larvitar
3A - Growlithe 79 - Starmie B8 - Azumarill F7 - Pupitar
3B - Arcanine 7A - Mr. Mime B9 - Sudowoodo F8 - Tyranitar
3C - Poliwag 7B - Scyther BA - Politoed F9 - Lugia
3D - Poliwhirl 7C - Jynx BB - Hoppip FA - Ho-oh
3E - Poliwrath 7D - Electabuzz BC - Skiploom FB - Celebi
3F - Abra 7E - Magmar BD - Jumpluff

01 - Master Ball 51 - Poison Barb AF - Squirt Bottle
02 - Ultra Ball 52 - King's Rock B1 - Park Ball
03 - Bright Powder 53 - Bitter Berry B2 - Rainbow Wing
04 - Great Ball 54 - Mint Berry B4 - Brick Piece
05 - Pok¿ Ball 55 - Red Apricorn B5 - Surf Mail
07 - Bicycle 56 - Tiny Mushroom B6 - Lite Blue Mail
08 - Moon Stone 57 - Big Mushroom B7 - Portrait Mail
09 - Antidote 58 - Silver Powder B8 - Lovely Mail
0A - Burn heal 59 - Blue Apricorn B9 - Eon Mail
0B - Ice heal 5B - Amulet Coin BA - Morph Mail
0C - Awakening 5C - Yellow Apricorn BB - Blue Sky Mail
0D - Paralyze heal 5D - Green Apricorn BC - Music Mail
0E - Full Restore 5E - Cleanse Tag BD - Mirage Mail
0F - Max Potion 5F - Mystic Water BF - TM01 Dynamic Punch
10 - Hyper Potion 60 - Twisted Spoon C0 - TM02 Headbutt
11 - Super Potion 61 - White Apricorn C1 - TM03 Curse
12 - Potion 62 - Black Belt C2 - TM04 Rollout
13 - Escape Rope 63 - Black Apricorn C3 - TM04 Rollout (again)
14 - Repel 65 - Pink Apricorn C4 - TM05 Roar
15 - Max Ether 66 - Black Glasses C5 - TM06 Toxic
16 - Fire Stone 67 - Slowpoke Tail C6 - TM07 Zap Cannon
17 - Thunder Stone 68 - Pink Bow C7 - TM08 Rock Smash
18 - Water Stone 69 - Stick C8 - TM09 Psych Up
1A - HP Up 6A - Smoke Ball C9 - TM10 Hidden Power
1B - Protein 6B - Never - Melt Ice CA - TM11 Sunny Day
1C - Iron 6C - Magnet CB - TM12 Sweet Scent
1D - Carbos 6D - Miracle Berry CC - TM13 Snore
1E - Lucky Punch 6E - Pearl CD - TM14 Blizzard
1F - Calcium 6F - Big Pearl CE - TM15 Hyper Beam
20 - Rare Candy 70 - EverStone CF - TM16 Icy Wind
21 - X Accuracy 71 - Spell Tag D0 - TM17 Protect
22 - Leaf Stone 72 - Rage Candy Bar D1 - TM18 Rain Dance
23 - Metal Powder 75 - Miracle seed D2 - TM19 Giga Drain
24 - Nugget 76 - Thick Club D3 - TM20 Endure
25 - Pok¿Doll 77 - Focus Band D4 - TM21 Frustration
26 - Full Heal 79 - Energy Powder D5 - TM22 Solar Beam
27 - Revive 7A - Energy Root D6 - TM23 Iron Tail
28 - Max Revive 7B - Heal Powder D7 - TM24 Dragon Breath
29 - Guard Spec. 7C - Revival Herb D8 - TM25 Thunder
2A - Super Repel 7D - Hard Stone D9 - TM26 Earthquake
2B - Max Repel 7E - Lucky Egg DA - TM27 Return
2C - Dire Hit 7F - Card Key DB - TM28 Dig
2E - Fresh Water 80 - Machine Part DC - TM28 Dig (again)
2F - Soda Pop 82 - Lost Item DD - TM29 Psychic
30 - Lemonade 83 - Star Dust DE - TM30 Shadow Ball
31 - X Attack 84 - Star Piece DF - TM31 Mud - Slap
33 - X Defend 85 - Basement key E0 - TM32 Double Team
34 - X Speed 86 - Pass E1 - TM33 Ice Punch
35 - X Special 8A - Charcoal E2 - TM34 Swagger
36 - Coin Case 8B - Berry Juice E3 - TM35 Sleep Talk
37 - Item Finder 8C - Scope Lens E4 - TM36 Sludge Bomb
39 - Exp. Share 8F - Metal Coat E5 - TM37 Sand Storm
3A - Old Rod 90 - Dragon Fang E6 - TM38 Fire Blast
3B - Good Rod 92 - LeftOvers E7 - TM39 Swift
3C - Silver Leaf 96 - Mystery Berry E8 - TM40 Defense Curl
3D - Super Rod 97 - Dragon scale E9 - TM41 Thunder Punch
3E - PP UP 98 - Berserk Gene EA - TM42 Dream Eater
3F - Ether 9C - Sacred Ash EB - TM43 Detect
40 - Max Ether 9D - Heavy Ball EC - TM44 Rest
41 - Elixer 9E - Flower Mail ED - TM45 Attract
42 - Red Scale 9F - Level Ball EE - TM46 Thief
43 - Secret Potion A0 - Lure Ball EF - TM47 Steel Wing
44 - S.S.Aqua Ticket A1 - Fast Ball F0 - TM48 Fire Punch
45 - Mystery Egg A3 - Light Ball F1 - TM49 Fury Cutter
47 - Silver Wing A4 - Friend Ball F2 - TM50 Nightmare
48 - MooMoo Milk A5 - Moon Ball F3 - HM01 Cut
49 - Quick Claw A6 - Love Ball F4 - HM02 Fly
4A - Poison Cure Berry A7 - Normal Box F5 - HM03 Surf
4B - Gold Leaf A8 - Gorgeous Box F6 - HM04 Strength
4C - Soft Sand A9 - Sun Stone F7 - HM05 Flash
4D - Sharp Beak AA - Polkadot Bow F8 - HM06 Whirlpool
4E - Paralyze Cure Berry AC - Up Grade F9 - HM07 Waterfall
4F - Burnt Berry AD - Berry FF - Nothing
50 - Ice Berry AE - Gold Berry
(skipped items are Teru-Samas)

00 - (nothing) 3F - Hyper Beam 7E - Fire Blast BD - Mud - Slap
01 - Pound 40 - Peck 7F - Waterfall BE - Octazooka
02 - Karate Chop 41 - Drill Peck 80 - Clamp BF - Spikes
03 - Double Slap 42 - Submission 81 - Swift C0 - Zap Cannon
04 - Comet Punch 43 - Low Kick 82 - Skull Bash C1 - Foresight
05 - Mega Punch 44 - Counter 83 - Spike Cannon C2 - Destiny Bond
06 - Pay Day 45 - Seismic Toss 84 - Constrict C3 - Perish Song
07 - Fire Punch 46 - Strength 85 - Amnesia C4 - Icy Wind
08 - Ice Punch 47 - Absorb 86 - Kinesis C5 - Detect
09 - Thunder Punch 48 - Mega Drain 87 - Softboiled C6 - Bone Rush
0A - Scratch 49 - Leech Seed 88 - Hi Jump Kick C7 - Lock - On
0B - Vice Grip 4A - Growth 89 - Glare C8 - Outrage
0C - Guillotine 4B - Razor Leaf 8A - Dream Eater C9 - Sandstorm
0D - Razor Wind 4C - Solar Beam 8B - Poison Gas CA - Giga Drain
0E - Swords Dance 4D - Poisonpowder 8C - Barrage CB - Endure
0F - Cut 4E - Stun Spore 8D - Leech Life CC - Charm
10 - Gust 4F - Sleep Powder 8E - Lovely Kiss CD - Rollout
11 - Wing Attack 50 - Petal Dance 8F - Sky Attack CE - False Swipe
12 - Whirl Wind 51 - String Shot 90 - Transform CF - Swagger
13 - Fly 52 - Dragon Rage 91 - Bubble D0 - Milk Drink
14 - Bird 53 - Fire Spin 92 - Dizzy Punch D1 - Spark
15 - Slam 54 - Thundershock 93 - Spore D2 - Fury Cutter
16 - Vine Whip 55 - Thunderbolt 94 - Flash D3 - Steel Wing
17 - Stomp 56 - Thunder Wave 95 - Psywave D4 - Mean Look
18 - Double Kick 57 - Thunder 96 - Splash D5 - Attract
19 - Mega Kick 58 - Rock Throw 97 - Acid Armor D6 - Sleep Talk
1A - Jump Kick 59 - Earthquake 98 - Crabhammer D7 - Heal Bell
1B - Rolling Kick 5A - Fissure 99 - Exposion D8 - Return
1C - Sand Attack 5B - Dig 9A - Fury Swipes D9 - Present
1D - Head Butt 5C - Toxic 9B - Bonemerang DA - Frustration
1E - Horn Attack 5D - Confusion 9C - Rest DB - Safeguard
1F - Fury Attack 5E - Psychic 9D - Rock Slide DC - Pain Split
20 - Horn Drill 5F - Hypnosis 9E - Hyper Fang DD - Sacred Fire
21 - Tackle 60 - Meditate 9F - Sharpen DE - Magnitude
22 - Body Slam 61 - Agility A0 - Conversion DF - Dynamicpunch
23 - Wrap 62 - Quick Attack A1 - Tri Attack E0 - Megahorn
24 - Take Down 63 - Rage A2 - Super Fang E1 - Dragonbreath
25 - Thrash 64 - Teleport A3 - Slash E2 - Baton Pass
26 - Double Edge 65 - Night Shade A4 - Substitute E3 - Encore
27 - Tail Whip 66 - Mimic A5 - Struggle E4 - Pursuit
28 - Poison Sting 67 - Screech A6 - Sketch E5 - Rapid Spin
29 - Twin Edle 68 - Double Team A7 - Triple Kick E6 - Sweet Scent
2A - Pin Missile 69 - Recover A8 - Thief E7 - Iron Tail
2B - Leer 6A - Harden A9 - Spider Web E8 - Metal Claw
2C - Bite 6B - Minimize AA - Mind Reader E9 - Vital Throw
2D - Growl 6C - Smoke Screen AB - Nightmare EA - Morning Sun
2E - Roar 6D - Confuse Ray AC - Flame Wheel EB - Synthesis
2F - Sing 6E - Withdraw AD - Snore EC - Moonlight
30 - Supersonic 6F - Defense Curl AE - Curse ED - Hidden Power
31 - Sonicboom 70 - Barrier AF - Flail EE - Cross Chop
32 - Disable 71 - Light Screen B0 - Conversion2 EF - Twister
33 - Acid 72 - Haze B1 - Aeroblast F0 - Rain Dance
34 - Ember 73 - Reflect B2 - Cotton Spore F1 - Sunny Day
35 - Flamethrower 74 - Focus Energy B3 - Reversal F2 - Crunch
36 - Mist 75 - Hide B4 - Spite F3 - Mirror Coat
37 - Water Gun 76 - Metronome B5 - Powder Snow F4 - Psych Up
38 - Hydro Pump 77 - Mirror Move B6 - Protect F5 - Extremespeed
39 - Surf 78 - Selfdestruct B7 - Mach Punch F6 - Ancientpower
3A - Ice Beam 79 - Egg Bomb B8 - Scary Face F7 - Shadow Ball
3B - Blizzard 7A - Lick B9 - Faint Attack F8 - Future Sight
3C - Psybeam 7B - Smog BA - Sweet Kiss F9 - Rock Smash
3D - Bubblebeam 7C - Sludge BB - Belly Drum FA - Whirlpool
3E - Aurora Beam 7D - Bone Club BC - Sludge Bomb FB - Beat Up
Good to see I'm getting support here. Thx for the hex CBM. I'm trying to learn hex too. But first I got on my hex editor and played around to see if it did anything. It ruined the rom. I really expected it to though. I also looked up a guide.
Good to see I'm getting support here. Thx for the hex CBM. I'm trying to learn hex too. But first I got on my hex editor and played around to see if it did anything. It ruined the rom. I really expected it to though. I also looked up a guide.

Same thing happened to me years ago. Just back up your roms, and try to figure out why your change crashed the rom.
I'll add my support for this. I'd love to see GoldMap taken further, something to a level equivalent to AdvanceMap (which can almost do anything regarding maps).
Another thing about Goldmap: It edits 2x2 tiles at a time. It should be made to do 1x1, if thats even possible.
I don't think it is, although I could be wrong, but I think 2x2 is the minimum.
Another thing about Goldmap: It edits 2x2 tiles at a time. It should be made to do 1x1, if thats even possible.

Uh, no it's not possible. If it was made 1x1, the ram would have to hold 4x the memory for the map tiles you are on, which would often cause overflow and damage the other parts of the RAM. So no, you're stuck with 2x2.
I've had a look into the Pokemon Red Rom, and found what I think is the information for each Pokemon. Each consists of 28 bytes, starting with Bulbasaur at $383DE. There are a few gaps, but this is what I've got so far for Squirtle ($38486):

07 Pokemon No. (In hex)
2C Base HP stat (In hex)
30 Base ATK stat (In hex)
41 Base DEF stat (In hex)
28 Base SPD stat (In hex)
32 Base SPC stat (In hex)
15 1st typing (Water)
15 2nd typing (same as 1st for single types)
2D Rarity (I don't know what this is for)
42 Experience points surrendered upon defeat
55 These bytes may or may not handle attacks to be learnt, but I don't see how they work.
B8 "
5D "
8F "
5E "
21 Pokemon's 1st default attack (Tackle)
27 Pokemon's 2nd default attack (Tail Whip)
00 3rd default attack (Null)
00 4th default attack (Null)
03 ???
B1 These bytes handle TM/HM compatibility (One bit for each TM/HM. *)
3F "
0F "
C8 "
83 "
08 "
32 "
00 Always null?

* I recall seeing something like this in a thread for a different Gen, but I can't find it now.
I've had a look into the Pokemon Red Rom, and found what I think is the information for each Pokemon. Each consists of 28 bytes, starting with Bulbasaur at $383DE. There are a few gaps, but this is what I've got so far for Squirtle ($38486):

07 Pokemon No. (In hex)
2C Base HP stat (In hex)
30 Base ATK stat (In hex)
41 Base DEF stat (In hex)
28 Base SPD stat (In hex)
32 Base SPC stat (In hex)
15 1st typing (Water)
15 2nd typing (same as 1st for single types)
2D Rarity (I don't know what this is for)
42 Experience points surrendered upon defeat
55 These bytes may or may not handle attacks to be learnt, but I don't see how they work.
B8 "
5D "
8F "
5E "
21 Pokemon's 1st default attack (Tackle)
27 Pokemon's 2nd default attack (Tail Whip)
00 3rd default attack (Null)
00 4th default attack (Null)
03 ???
B1 These bytes handle TM/HM compatibility (One bit for each TM/HM. *)
3F "
0F "
C8 "
83 "
08 "
32 "
00 Always null?

* I recall seeing something like this in a thread for a different Gen, but I can't find it now.

That is indeed the stats for each Pokemon, good job if you found that out all by yourself! Here's the complete list:

00 - Pokemon ID
01 - HP
02 - Attack
03 - Defense
04 - Speed
05 - Special
06 - Type 1
07 - Type 2
08 - Rarity
09 - Experience Yield
0A - Picture Size (55 = 5 blocks X, 5 blocks y, 67 = 6 blocks X, 7 blocks y)
0B-0C - Pointer to front pic
0D-0E - Pointer to back pic
0F - Attack 1
10 - Attack 2
11 - Attack 3
12 - Attack 4
13 - How "Special" the Pokemon (Doesn't seem to do anything in-game, probably used by Gamefreak Only)
14 - TM 01-08
15 - TM 09-16
16 - TM 17-24
17 - TM 25-32
18 - TM 33-40
19 - TM 41-48
1A - TM 49-50, HM 01-05
1B - Null (Used to identify the bank of front and back pics in Brown.)
So you only hack games with "good" graphics, and games with a lot of tools. Games are not about graphics or tools. It is about storyline and graphics.

Am I the only one who noticed this?
If people playing the games didn't care about graphics, then we would have stuck with GBC graphics. But, as technology advances, we get prettier pictures, and I for one, am all for the pretty pictures (:
I just got done playing a non-hacked Crystal rom, and at first the graphics made me cringe, I hadn't played Crystal since... kindergarten? But as I kept playing, I didn't even notice at all. Just give it a chance (;
Graphics don't matter that much, it's just nice to have something not burn your eyes while you play it.
Am I the only one who noticed this?
If people playing the games didn't care about graphics, then we would have stuck with GBC graphics. But, as technology advances, we get prettier pictures, and I for one, am all for the pretty pictures (:
I just got done playing a non-hacked Crystal rom, and at first the graphics made me cringe, I hadn't played Crystal since... kindergarten? But as I kept playing, I didn't even notice at all. Just give it a chance (;
Graphics don't matter that much, it's just nice to have something not burn your eyes while you play it.

Well people thought it was really amazing back then. While I think the out-of-battle graphics could use some improvements (which I'm taking care of in my Red Color patch as well), it's still decent for GBC standards. In the 70's people thought text-only based games were flat out amazing.

[PokeCommunity.com] The (Un)official Pokemon GB/C Hacking Support Thread

Yes, this is a game.

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Hmm. That looks like Lensmoor. I've played Lensmoor a few times, and the closest I've come to graphics was a moose made by letters (:
I don't think it's fair to compare this to Pokemon, though. If Pokemon was text based, who would play it? Sure, there might still be a lot of people, but one of the main appeals is the adorable or menacing Pokemon, and the Pikachu that fallows you around in Yellow (:
Not to say that text based games aren't good, but I couldn't imagine playing Lensmoor with graphics... it just wouldn't be right. But maybe it's because I'm so used to things how they are, it's hard to imagine them differently...
Today I've entered the world of Pokémon Hacking by starting with Pokémon Gold. It's going quite well actually, got a few hacking tools, got a unique storyline and some really great map layouts. Although, I'm wondering if it's possible to modify palettes, I've had a quick search around and no luck. I don't mind if it's through hex or with using a program, if anyone has the knowledge please share.
Today I've entered the world of Pokémon Hacking by starting with Pokémon Gold. It's going quite well actually, got a few hacking tools, got a unique storyline and some really great map layouts. Although, I'm wondering if it's possible to modify palettes, I've had a quick search around and no luck. I don't mind if it's through hex or with using a program, if anyone has the knowledge please share.
This thread might help
Ahh I remember hacking gold. I just never made it far enough into hacking a game other than a few scripts... Everytime I'd make my script, the game would freeze :\ or the script wouldn't work sometimes. But other times, my motivation came from the working scripts like givepokemon and such.. GBA hacking is great, but it is so not fun sometimes. Everyone can do it, but GBC hacking is wonderful.

I promised I'd return to GBC hacking, I made that promise three years ago. In those three years I tried to make Gold script editors and other programs.. It almost worked, but it took the fun out of everything. :)

But anyways, I support this thread! but the main thing I want to learn is to change some connections around. That's all.
I strongly support this thread, as hacking FireRed is SOOOOOOOOO overrated, 8-bit FTW!!!!!!

I'll add my support for this. I'd love to see GoldMap taken further, something to a level equivalent to AdvanceMap (which can almost do anything regarding maps).

Agreed, I tried to make one, but failed every time, I'd also like to see some Crystal support in it too!

In the 70's people thought text-only based games were flat out amazing.

[PokeCommunity.com] The (Un)official Pokemon GB/C Hacking Support Thread

Agreed, Text games such as Thy Dungeonman are awesome and quite nolstagic..... and just pure EPIC!!!!!
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