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The Welcome Lounge Guidelines

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    The Welcome Lounge Guidelines

    ⁂ A New Beginning

    Hi there, everyone, and welcome to the amazing The Welcome Lounge section!

    This part of the forum is dedicated to all the new members that join our community as well as the returning members that have been away for a while! As a new member, you are highly encouraged to create an introduction thread and meet the community. You'll be welcomed by members and staff alike; it's a great opportunity to get to know the members here as well as those people with bold names that help run the place!

    For question-based topics, the PokeCommunity Questions & Feedback section would be your best bet. It's a section dedicated to helping you guys!

    Questions regarding various topics can be asked in their respective sections. So if you're stuck in Black/White 2 and are unsure of where to go, check out the Fifth Generation Quick Questions Thread in the Fifth Generation Gaming section, if you want to find a quick trade for one of your Pokemon, check out the Quick Trade Thread in the Trade Corner, and so on. Figuring out where things go can take a little experience since this is such a big forum, but that's what moderators are for! You can always contact any one of the staff members (linked below) for help if you need it. Additionally, you can ask in the Quick Questions & Answers thread if you want to ask a simpler question like where your thread would go, where something is, and so on.

    The staff members who can help you out are right here. Do contact any of 'em if you need help!

    ⁂ Posting your Introduction

    → Do not make a thread if you've been active for more than a month
    If you've been actively posting for the last month (and have obtained 100+ posts), you aren't considered very new at that point, so there's no need for a thread. Feel free to post in the New Users' Hangout if you'd like to get to know us anyway!

    → "Leaving" threads
    Please keep all leaving posts to the Leave/Return/Account Switch thread!

    → No advertising
    Please do not use your introduction thread as a platform to advertise your YouTube channel or other off-site projects.

    Remember to keep all questions to the PokeCommunity Questions & Feedback, too.

    ⁂ Re-introductions

    → Don't make a thread if you posted within 30 days
    If you've been gone for less than thirty (30) days, please don't create an "I'm back to PC!" thread, since that's not long enough to be considered absent. If you want to announce your return and have been gone for less than thirty (30) days, you are more than welcome to do so in the Leave/Return/Account Switch thread.

    → Do not create an account & pretend to be a new member (sockpuppeting)
    Moderators can check IP addresses, so please don't do this!

    → Returning from a ban
    If you're returning from a ban, please don't make a re-introduction thread. This can cause all sorts of problems. You're free to post in the Leave/Return/Account Switch thread, though, but remember to be civil.

    → Switching accounts
    Please don't make an intro if you're just switching accounts! Feel free to announce your change in the Leave/Return/Account Switch thread. If you've not posted on your old account for more than 30+ days, it counts as a re-introduction, so you may make a re-intro.

    ⁂ Welcoming Members

    → Follow all PokéCommunity Rules
    All PokéCommunity rules apply here; this includes the 4-word, 25-character, intentional double posting, and 30-day revival rules. These rules also apply everywhere else in the community, so be sure that you're aware of them!

    → Copy & pasted/generic welcomes
    Please don't copy and paste your greetings. Also, please do your best to steer clear of the generic, "Hi there, Bob! Welcome to PC" or "hope you enjoy PC!" posts as then we assume you're writing "generic welcomes" to hit a higher post count. Welcome people individually!

    ⁂ Assisting Each Other

    You should not feel intimidated being a new user! We've got plenty of regulars here - members and staff alike - who are more than happy to help you around by pointing you to sections you might be interested in or answering a simple question you may have.

    There's also the Welcome Lounge section moderator, Synerjee, who is more than happy to answer what questions you may have! Don't ever be scared of contacting her for whatever forum-related help you may need! :D

    These rules were written with the help of previous Welcome Lounge moderators, which includes Cid, Sheep, Axeliira, Hiidoran, EntwinedSilence/Drew, sammi-san, BeachBoy, Ausaudriel, and others.

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