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[Challenge] The Zodiac Challenge

  • 368
    • Age 23
    • Seen Apr 6, 2018
    The Zodiac Challenge!

    Yeah the name kind of tells you what this challenge is about but let me explain further.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    First off let me explain that this is not my idea. I am posting it cause my friend doesn't have an account yet. Don't worry I asked and got permission to post it from them. Anyways all credit for this challenge goes to my friend who's username on another site is Mon_i_qua!

    So for this challenge your team is decided by your date of birth AND your Chinese Zodiac animal and this is how:

    1st Mon: Your first Pokemon is decided by your Zodiac animal. (The image above shows the years of each Zodiac look there to find yours.) So if you have say Rat as your Zodiac then your first Pokemon can be any rat or mouse related Pokemon in the game you are playing. Like for example Rattata. (P.S. If you were born before January 21st then your Zodiac is the one before the year you were born. Chinese new year is the 21st)
    2nd Mon: Take the day you were born and multiply it by the generation of the game then look it up in the regional dex.
    3rd Mon: Take the month you were born add it to the last two digits of the year you were born and look in the dex.
    4th Mon: Take the last two digits of the year you were born and catch the first Pokemon you see on the route corresponding to it. (In instances where the region does not have a route with that number you may round up or down to the closest one. For example if I were to do Sinnoh I would have to find route 01 but Sinnoh doesn't have route 01 instead I will have to round up to the closest one which I believe was 201. Note the first encounter doesn't count until you get your first Pokéballs like in a Nuzlocke.)
    5th Mon: Take the day you were born and the month, add them together and multiply by the gen of the game and look in the regional dex. (In instances where this number exceeds the number of Pokémon in the Pokédex you may divide by the generation number.)
    6th mon: Take the last two digits of the year you were born and multiply it by the gen. (Note if you get a number greater than the region dex then divide instead of multiplying if you get a fraction then just add everything.)

    (I tested it out with my birth date and Zodiac for black 2 and got Hydreigon, Krokorock, Servine, Route 1 Pokemon, Trubbish (WHYYYYY), Pignite (so I get 2 starters))

    Rule 1: If one or more of the Pokémon you get can't be captured in game after you defeat the first gym unless all of them cannot be acquired before the first gym you may hack or trade in that Pokemon but it must be legal and the same level as the lowest level in your team.
    Rule 2: If the first Pokemon you find on the route corresponding to the last two digits of your birth year faints then you will go through the rest of the game with five Pokémon.

    Optional rules:
    1: Nuzlock rules (good luck to those who do this) if it faints it is boxed or released and you can't get another of that Pokemon.
    2: Ultimate mode: Play all 7 gens (hard mode hacks are allowed.)
    3: Asian nicknames! Your Pokemon must have Asian nicknames cause this is a Chinese Zodiac challenge.
    4: Pick your team using someone else's birth date and Chinese Zodiac animal!
    5: Anything else you might want to do.

    Here is a list of all the Pokémon use able for each Zodiac (if anyone thinks I am missing some send me a vm or pm cause I don't know anything about the Gen 7 Pokémon):












    Sign up sheet (using mine as example):
    Forum Username: Leòmhann teine
    Character name: Caelan
    Game(s): Emerald
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: I have to use Asian themed nicknames.
    Zodiac: Dragon
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    Nosepass (I have never used a rock type in game before.)
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    Grovile (*I'm so excited* starts playing.)
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    Route 101 Pokémon
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    Tentacool (Not happy about this. Tentacool is worse than Zubat!)
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    Sceptile (Well then...)
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    (note you do not have to do the images)


    Ultimate Challengers:


    Ultimate Champions:

    Send a vm or pm if you need help or have a question!

    (First try at CSS code!)

    Also if anyone has any ideas on what kind of Pokemon should be in which category(s) please tell me in PM/VM cause this is not as easy as it looks matching each Pokemon to all of the Zodiacs.
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    It looks very similar to Date of Birth challenge, but gives you different options. I would like to participate but I have 2 questions:
    1. How does one born in 19xx and 2000 (1996 here) treat 4th mon when there is no Route 0, nor Route with number that high?
    2. What should I do with numbers exceeding Regional pokedex? I assume I should halve it?
    It looks very similar to Date of Birth challenge, but gives you different options. I would like to participate but I have 2 questions:
    1. How does one born in 19xx and 2000 (1996 here) treat 4th mon when there is no Route 0, nor Route with number that high?
    2. What should I do with numbers exceeding Regional pokedex? I assume I should halve it?

    Answer 1: If it has a 0 at the end and there is no route 0 (which there never is lol) then you round up to route 10 or the next highest route that has a 0 at the end.
    Answer 2: To be honest I didn't think you could get one exceeding regional dex but if you do then yes you halve it. (If you could please send me a PM or VM with an example where this happens so I can see if I could fix it at some point in the future please?)
    Forum username: Kostucha
    Game(s): Sapphire
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: None
    Zodiac: Rat
    1st Pokemon: Sandslash
    2nd Pokemon: Slakoth (will evolve)
    3rd Pokemon: Muk
    4th Pokemon: Route 106
    5th Pokemon: Mawile
    6th Pokemon: Starmie
    Sounds fun, let's do this!

    Forum username: LexAnarchy
    Game(s): HeartGold
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: none
    Zodiac sign: A freaking rat.

    Pokes that I need to catch:

    1) Sentret
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    2) Spinarak
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    3) Sunflora
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    4) Route 48 Pokemon
    5) Bellsprout
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    6) Kingdra
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    And I'm not going to evolve any of those, otherwise it would be sort of cheating.

    My current team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    Phobia, lvl 36
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    Honeypenny, lvl 34
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    Frodo, lvl 32
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    WickedLeaf, lvl 34
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    Swoopster, lvl 34
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    Krabby (HM Slave), lvl 10

    Current location: Dragon's Den
    Badges: 8
    Last edited:
    Forum username: DarkChibimon
    Game(s): Leaf Green
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: none
    Zodiac: Monkey
    Route 9 pokemon
    If my zodiac animal isn't available in a particular generation, am I not allowed to do this challenge on that game? I was interested in trying this out on the RBY re-releases, but none of the gen I Pokemon qualify as my zodiac animal (goat).
    Forum username: EpicJackman
    Game(s): SoulSilver
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: Will evolve Cleffa if that is okay
    Zodiac: Dragon

    1. Kingdra
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    2. Sunflora
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    3. Butterfree
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    4. Whatever I find on Route 10

    5. Magneton
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

    6. Cleffa
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
    Username: LRachelR5
    Game: Emerald
    Ultimate?: No
    Optional rules: Will evolve any NFEs
    Team: Miltank, Kirlia, Grimer, Route 101 (no route 97), Vigoroth, Shuppet
    Forum username: Disturb Not The Harmony
    Game(s): Red
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: can evolve Pokemon
    Zodiac: Monkey
    Mankey/Primeape :t057:
    Arbok :t024:
    Kingler :t099:
    The first Pokemon on the nonexistent "Route 92"
    Nidoqueen :t031:
    Gastly (will evolve) :t092:


    Update #1: Up to S.S. Anne

    Update #2: From the S.S. Anne to Indigo Plateau

    Update #3: Elite Four

    Final team:

    Fun challenge! Thanks for sharing it!
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    Thank you! It's an ingenious challenge that was fun to make work!

    If I do any of the following teams, I'm going to allow evolution, obviously.



    I don't have the DS games available right now, so I stop at GBA generation. Both teams seem pretty original, though! (And Johto flees in terror from Water-types... {XD}) If I have the time for these, this will continue to be a fun challenge!
    Forum username: AoTora
    Game(s): Yellow
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: None
    Zodiac: Dog
    Team: Arcanine, Ivysaur/Venusaur, Hitmonlee, No route 94 in kanto, Kakuna/Beedrill, Gengar
    Username: Xander729
    Game: Red

    Route 1
    Venusaur (I have to starters so I'm going to have to choose and I pick to toss Venusaur)
    Xander's Pokemon Challenges

    Pokemon Red Zodiac Challenge

    - I selected Squirtle as my starter an finished the intro, my route 1 encounter was a pidgey so I get a flying type, I got a nidoran female on route 22 and headed through the forest, once I reached Pewter City I grinder everyone up to level 10 and next time I will fight Brock

    My Badges: 0/8

    My Team:

    Squirtle Lv. 10 (Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble)
    Pidgey Lv.10 (Gust, Sand Attack)
    Nidoran F Lv. 10 (Tackle, Growl, Scratch
    Username: Xander729
    Game: Red

    Route 1
    Venusaur (I have to starters so I'm going to have to choose and I pick to toss Venusaur)

    Please specify the Zodiac you are playing with. And I would like to ask everyone else to please post their updates in new posts. I don't go looking through your original post updates so I miss anyone that says they completed the challenge or reached a specific point not to mention it makes time go by and if the most recent post ends up being 30+ days old this challenge will be locked and discarded.

    [Edit] I will post an update on my game soon!
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    If my zodiac animal isn't available in a particular generation, am I not allowed to do this challenge on that game? I was interested in trying this out on the RBY re-releases, but none of the gen I Pokemon qualify as my zodiac animal (goat).

    No you can still do the challenge. Just with only 5 Pok?mon (4 if you miss your route Pok?mon).

    Working on my challenge. But it'll be a while before I post an update cause I'm playing with my Emerald version on my GBA (yes I still have one) and I'm doing soft resets till I get a shiny Treeko. I don't have any way to cheat in a second Treeko though so I will be stuck with out one. Unless I either get a Ditto by the time I reach the daycare or the shiny Treeko ends up being a girl. No matter what my challenge will take a while. I hope to see some updates from other people on their challenges and to get feedback. I really wanna revive this challenge cause it's a lot of fun and a friend of mine created it so I want others to enjoy it.
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    Forum Username: L'Belle
    Game(s): Heartgold
    Ultimate(yes/no): No
    Optional rules: No
    Zodiac: Snake
    Team: Arbok, Furret, Noctowl, Johto Route 29, Weedle/Beedrill, Bayleef/Meganium