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[Challenge] The Zodiac Challenge

So I started the game picked my starter Kamex the Squirtle then did the fetch quest before picking up Jay the Pidgey and Karol the Rattata. Went to Viridian Forest and picked up Sparks the Pikachu and trained up Kamex then destroyed brock. Trained Sparks for a bit as I made my way to Cerulean to destroy Misty and my rival. Did the thing with bill as I trained my team then headed to Vermilion before stopping for now.

Trained up Karol and taught her Dig along with the rest of my team did the S.S.Anne and got cut also taught it to Karol then destroyed L.T.Surge made my way to Route 10 and got lucky catching Jessie the Ekans before going through Rock Tunnel on my way to Lavender Town having taught flash to Sparks. Trained Jay on my way to Celadon and almost beat the gym in one go but had to redo the Erika fight. Took out team rocket in the game corner then in the Lavender Tower trained on the way to Fuchsia and spent a bit of time getting Katie the Dratini then a lot of time grinding cause I failed my first match against Koga soon beating him getting off now cause I'm a bit bored.
Got back on early and spent a few hours playing. Flew to Saffron took out team Rocket then destroyed Sabrina flying to Pallet and surfing to Cinnabar getting Blaine's key and destroying him then did the Sevii Isles stuff. Flew to Veridian and destroyed Giovanni and slightly struggled against my rival. Made it through the gates and trained my team to level 80 cause I have a thing about that before the Elite Four now to stop playing for now.

Just before heading to work I got on for one try at the Elite Four and it went smoothly beating Lorelei with only Sparks, Bruno with Kamex, Agatha with Jessie, and Lance with Katie. Took me not that long to defeat my Rival after healing up.
Finale Team
Kamex the Blastoise level 80
Surf, Skull Bash, Hydro Cannon, and Rain Dance
Karol the Raticate level 80
Endeavor, Strength, Cut, and Dig
Jessie the Arbok level 80
Giga Drain, Earthquake, Acid, and Bite
Jay the Pidgey level 80
Steel Wing, Fly, Aerial Ace, and Mirror Move
Sparks the Pikachu level 80
Thunderbolt, Flash, Slam, and Thunder
Katie the Dragonite level 80
Surf, Fly, Hyper Beam, and Outrage
What is if you would have one pokemon two times. Me as example: Gen 4, Year 1999, Day 17 means 1st Mon Pokemon would be Buneary (Rabbit year) but my 2nd Mon Pokemon would be Lopunny ( 17 x 4 = 68 ). Should I take the Nummber 69 ( Mismagius ) instead or what would you say.

Oh and secondly I want to yous a Randomizer ( planning on yousing a Gen 4 Rom) to swap Turtwig with Buneary as Starter and hope its Ok.
What is if you would have one pokemon two times. Me as example: Gen 4, Year 1999, Day 17 means 1st Mon Pokemon would be Buneary (Rabbit year) but my 2nd Mon Pokemon would be Lopunny ( 17 x 4 = 68 ). Should I take the Nummber 69 ( Mismagius ) instead or what would you say.

Oh and secondly I want to yous a Randomizer ( planning on yousing a Gen 4 Rom) to swap Turtwig with Buneary as Starter and hope its Ok.
You can take Azumarill as your 1st Pokémon. I think there are also Nidoran, but they are accessible through Poké Radar.

Randomizers are usually okay to use.
Ok, hear I go.

Forum username: Link Wii
Game(s): Diamond
Ultimate(yes/no): No
Optional rules: Allow my self to catch the Pokemon at their earliest form and to Evolve them ( dont now if its allowd by default) and in Gym Battles I am not allowd to yous more Pokemon than the Gym Leader.
Zodiac: Rabbit
Nidoran♂ (Starter)
Route 209
Haha, Who am I revivaling thi-

Game: Diamond
Name: Lammy (Rival's Name: Wolf)
Ultimate?: No
Optional Rules: Asian Nicknames (sometimes even Pop Cultures)

- Miltank (#241)
- Machamp (#068)
- Rattata (#019)
- Granbull (#210)
- Primeape (#057)
- Clefable (#036)

So much for Gen 1 Pokemon, huh. (I'm not even a genwunner)
Shiny Gliscor King
Alolan Raichu
Alolan Ratticate
Route 8 encounter
Forum username: Captain Gizmo
Game(s): Ruby
Ultimate(yes/no): No
Optional rules: Asian nicknames
Zodiac sign: Rooster
Team: Torchic, Aron, Numel, Route 103, Swalot and Gardevoir.
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Kaiju, the Lairon♂
Level 34
Ability: Rock Head
Metal Claw, Iron Defense, Dig and Take Down

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Ping, the Combusken♂
Level 34
Ability: Blaze
Double Kick, Aerial Ace, Focus Energy and Ember

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Lee, the Gardevoir♂
Level 35
Ability: Synchronize
Thunderbolt, Psychic, Double Team and Calm Mind

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Colleen, the Camerupt♀
Level 35
Ability: Magma Armor
Rock Slide, Secret Power, Ember and Magnitude

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Chika, the Swalot♀
Level 34
Ability: Liquid Ooze
Strength, Yawn, Toxic and Sludge

My Pochita the Poochyena died early on ;~;
Gotta go on with 5 members now.
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge


[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Chika, the Swalot♀
Level 41
Ability: Liquid Ooze
Strength, Yawn, Toxic and Sludge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Colleen, the Camerupt♀
Level 42
Ability: Magma Armor
Rock Slide, Secret Power, Ember and Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Lee, the Gardevoir♂
Level 42
Ability: Synchronize
Thunderbolt, Psychic, Double Team and Calm Mind

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Kaiju, the Aggron♂
Level 42
Ability: Rock Head
Metal Claw, Iron Defense, Dig and Return

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Ping, the Blaziken♂
Level 42
Ability: Blaze
Brick Break, Slash, Focus Energy and Blaze Kick

I just arrived at Victory Road, hopefully can finish it soon enough.


Edit: I beat it after a 2nd run. Steven wiped my team the first time with his Metagross :c
You can clearly tell who was the MVP of the E4 encounters lol

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Chika, the Swalot♀
Level 45
Ability: Liquid Ooze
Strength, Yawn, Toxic and Sludge

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Colleen, the Camerupt♀
Level 44
Ability: Magma Armor
Rock Slide, Secret Power, Ember and Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Lee, the Gardevoir♂
Level 48
Ability: Synchronize
Thunderbolt, Psychic, Double Team and Calm Mind

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Kaiju, the Aggron♂
Level 44
Ability: Rock Head
Metal Claw, Iron Defense, Dig and Return

[PokeCommunity.com] The Zodiac Challenge

Ping, the Blaziken♂
Level 45
Ability: Blaze
Brick Break, Slash, Focus Energy and Blaze Kick
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Forum Username: sapahn
Character name: Scott
Game: X
Ultimate: No
Optional rules: Set, no items in battle, EXP share off
Zodiac: Goat
Route 22 Pokemon