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Top 3 Disney Movies (feat. gimmepie and rikadventure) [Daily Bloggity Entry #306]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    Top 3 Disney Movies
    Date: 07 June 2016
    Time: 7:16 AM ET
    Mood: Groovy

    Taking a break from the video game side of things with Top 3, we're focusing on something more magical: Disney films! Today, alongside my good friends gimmepie and rikadventure, we will be taking a trip down memory lane and looking at our favorite Disney movies of the past.

    Inside Out (2015)

    This is one of those rare movies that actually lives up to all the hype. The movie has a really interesting premise, the emotions we all deal with personified as sentient beings and the effect they have on the world. I really loved that this wasn't your typical Disney fluff. It dealt with very real problems that people can experience and teaches kids that it's okay to be sad and that expressing your emotions properly is important.

    The scripting was done very well, making the movie funny despite the important lessons contained within and enjoyable for all ages. The animation was fantastic and detailed and perhaps most importantly not only were the characters very relatable but every voice actor did a spot on performance.


    Emperor's New Groove (2000)

    If ever there was a movie about karma it's this one haha. Not only do I thoroughly enjoy watching a narcissistic rich guy learn his lesson, the movie is just a whole lot of fun because of its absurdity.

    Extremely comical, with brilliant scripting and voice acting and a soundtrack that you'd have to be totally deaf to not like make this such a good watch. The casting of the voice actors was spot on too, probably one of the best casting jobs I've ever seen.


    Maleficent (2014)

    So, the darker take on a fairytale story thing was certainly not new when Maleficent came out (ignoring that most fairytales were really dark originally anyway pre-Disney), but this movie is hands down the best of them. Rather than your simplified "good vs evil" Disney plot, we're treated to a story told from the perspective of the supposedly evil Maleficent. Rather than just being told she was bad, we see why she does the things she does and how conflicted she is about her actions putting a whole new spin on the story we all know. I love this movie for its often grey morality and its depth.

    Lion King (1994)

    HAAAAAAAASEFANYAAA BABAWITCHIWAWA. Hrrm. I mean, this movie is basically perfect. It's got humor, romance, family feuds, war, death, animals, songs, the protagonists mature over the course of the movie, which goes full circle and ends the same way it began but happier. It's also very beautifully made. Might forever be my favorite animated movie.


    Finding Nemo (2003)

    Surprising? Think about it. This movie does so many things right. Again, it's about family and a father-son bond (but happier in this movie than Lion King of course!) but also friendship, a thrilling sense of the world being greater than you (news about their adventure spread faster than they go), amazingly lovable characters, and also its environments are stunning, as is the movie's score. I'm anticipating Finding Dory so hard ;; <3


    The Good Dinosaur (2015)

    Again a father-son bond wow, do I have daddy issues or something? I first saw it late one evening when I was feeling sad and worried and just had to watch something to make me think of something else. I cried my eyes out. It was so absolutely beautiful. Next time was when I was hungover and sat with around five other friends in my sofa and just felt like we should at least watch something instead of just rot away. And it took my breath away once again. Now, I know the plot is sort of crap. A bad rehash of Lion King (Hamlet!). But the graphics, the music, the epic feels... I love it so much, despite it basically being a way for Pixar to show off how awesome they've gotten at making pretty stuff.

    Up (2009)

    Up is one of those Disney movies that I can never grow tired of. I friggin love this movie. The cute relationship between Carl Frederickson and Kevin is something that I wsih was more prevelent in real life. Their witty banter back and forth makes the story more and more fun and exciting as it develops. Pixar in my opinion has always done an excellent job creating these emotional stories that you get engrossed in. I actually love this movie so much that I wrote my college entrance essay about Up, where you are never too old to give on your dreams.


    Hercules (1997)

    I didn't learn this until years later, but the fact that Danny Devito was in this movie made the movie all the more cherishable for myself. I love Greek mythology - enough in which I may devote a Daily Bloggity series to it - and the fact that Disney had made a movie about it made me geek out. It honestly has one of the best soundtrack of any Disney movie, and the deep lore that's thrown into the middle of it just makes this movie an all-around joy to watch.


    Tarzan (1999)

    No no, not that fucking monstrosity that is coming out soon. I'm referring to the animated one with Phil Collins leading the charge with teh soundtrack. Leading with a dark undertone - in true blue Disney fashion - the movie displays an emerging relationship between animal and man. I think the villain is absolutely fantastic in it, and the fight scene between Tarzan and the cheetah is probably one of my favorite scenes in film to date. Great movie all around, I'd watch this 100 times over if I could.

    What do you think of the movies we've listed as our favorite Disney movies? What are your favorite Disney movies? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

    I LOVE THEM ALL. So happy to see Tarzan up there, its my favourite pre-millenium disney film, with Hercules a close second.
    But haven't seen The Good Dinosaur yet.
    No wall-e anyone? Ah well, I like the other choices
    Lion King was Disney's absolute best. I don't think I've seen Hercules or Tarzan in over a decade, but still regularly listen to the soundtracks.

    ........no Mulan :(?
    Mulan, Tarzan, Hercules, Lion King all great.

    I was expecting Treasure Planet from Rika, though!
    Haha Omi ;D I like that too, it might rival the Good Dinosaur actually. But it's hard to choose.

    Also super weird, I had a dream last night about the new Tarzan movie being super meta and having a really convoluted plot about time travel and shit. I slept badly lol.