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Top 3 Moments At E3 2016 [Daily Bloggity Entry #326]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    Top 3 Moments At E3 2016

    Date: 18 July 2016
    Time: 8:27 AM ET
    Mood: Feeling A Little Sick Today

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    A Year of Funny Pictures: July 18th

    Yes, I know this may be a little late, but this was an awesome E3 for gamers this year! All three major video game juggernauts lined up some amazing presentations this year and should make gamers optimistic about their favorite consoles and their futures. Now fair warning: I am not a PlayStation gamer - I own an Xbox One - so I didn't touch upon any PlayStation games. However, PlayStation games like God of War 4 (although I'm curious how well that's going to be executed) and Days Gone really caught my eye, which makes me really happy for gamers. That being said, here are my personal top 3 moments at E3 2016 this year.


    Zelda Trailer "Breath of the Wild"

    Honestly, I would have been very disappointed if Nintendo's E3 did not include gameplay of the newest installment of the Legend of Zelda series. Considering the fact that Nintendo delayed this game to what seemed like year in and year out, I could only imagine the fan reaction if another E3 had passed with no Zelda gameplay released to the public. Nonetheless, Nintendo delivered in this year's E3 by doing exactly what I had hoped and I have to say…I have mixed feelings about this one. Dubbed "Breath of the Wild," this Zelda installment is an open world game with sandbox elements incorporated into it. Nintendo had finally caught up with the times by upping the graphics of this game into one of the company's most aesthetically beautiful games yet, as the draw distance and attention to detail seems to have exceeded my expectations. Still, something about it just seemed off to me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm nervous that while it's a beautiful game, it will be a large game with a whole lot of nothing in it. Maybe it's the fact that I've been secretly hoping for the next Zelda game to have a darker spin on it ala Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Nonetheless, with the little that was given to us, I feel that this game will have extremely high expectations and hopefully Nintendo will be able to knock it out of the park with this one.


    Titanfall 2

    Respawn Entertainment has done everything right in my opinion when it comes to how it was delivered at this year's E3 (especially on the marketing side of things.) First off, RE built an enormous statue of one of its newest Titans outside of the expo, setting the stage for some amazing news about the game. At E3, it was announced that the game's DLC will be completely free for all players on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (which, by the way, was another great move to expand its game's population by getting rid of its exclusiveness.) One of the biggest issues with the first Titanfall was the fact that because there were numerous DLCs, a good margin of the game's modes were restricted as a result if you didn't own the corresponding DLC. It ultimately alienates a good chunk of your audience, and thus by allowing DLC to be free you are going to draw back in players for "new" content without having them dishing out extra cash for it. It's a good business practice that I hope other companies adopt. The only thing that I am skeptical about is the fact EA is releasing Titanfall 2 one week before it's other intellectual property Battlefield 1. Considering these are two massive multiplayer based games, and the fact that history has shown us that it can drastically affect the populations of both (such as with Battleborn and Overwatch earlier this year) I'm a little bit considered about the longevity of the game. Still, with the points included prior, and the fact that this game looks absolutely fucking fantastic, I think that Titanfall 2 will be able to live much longer than the first game in the series.


    Xbox One S

    For many Xbox users, it might make more sense to place Project Scorpio, Microsoft's most endeavorous project yet, as their top E3 moment (as it's supposed to be able to support 4K gaming.) For myself, however, I am extremely more excited about their other new hardware announced at this year's E3, the Xbox One S. The Xbox One S is 40% smaller than the current Xbox One, as well as contains the promise of additional GPU as well as a built in powerstation (thus eliminating the need for that dumb power brick anymore. The system will also come with a new controller scheme, including technology that will allow users to connect to their Xboxs via Blutooth (simultaneously promising the idea that we will one day be able to play games on our iOS machines via Blutooth as well.) Furthermore, the Xbox One S will adopt the same functionality as the Xbox 360, as it has the ability to stand up vertically unlike the current Xbox One, allowing users options in terms of placing their Xbox. It also comes with 2TBs of memory, allowing someone for myself who wants to start Twitch streaming soon a large library of games. As a result of all of these reasons, I've actually already preordered the Xbox One S. The fact that I'll be able to buy this machine for only $200 once I sell my current Xbox One excites me about the future of the Xbox brand. Hopefully it will continue down the good route already paved by this year's E3.

    What do you guys think of these picks? What were your favorite moments at E3 this year? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro
