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~Trapped~ :: Living With Unexplained Chronic Illness In An Ignorant Society


Kageroza's Waifu
  • 286
    "I will not be drown by your thoughtless scheming."


    I'm not going to lie. Years ago when my health took the biggest crash, I just waited every day to die. In the matter of seconds, I went from a pretty normal girl with a few health problems to being completely and utterly incapacitated, watching weeks go by as I lay on the couch feeling as if I were dying every minute of every day.

    They still haven't ever figured out the cause.

    During the year 2007 I was a very happy, active person. I ran a game team designing the game of my dreams, a 2.5D RPG, and things were going smoothly. Unlike everybody else in my family, I made a point of keeping my health in shape. The gym wasn't a stranger to me and I loved jogging and doing outside activities just as much as I loved animating the little sprite characters for my game. Being a sprite artist was my passion and I wanted to be around for a long time making those cute traditional pixelated creations for all kinds of games. I even collected many commissions in doing them. Aside from my physical and creative art activities, I found and I held a 5 day a week 9 to 5 job in late 2008 as a file clerk and receptionist for a dentist office. I made an extremely decent wage. Life was, perfect.

    As my game design document was coming to completion over a year and the animations and programming were shifting into full gear, I was bringing home massive checks every week, and continuing to see my strength grow through my exercise, I couldn't ever imagine the changes that were about to take place. But in the beginning of 2009 I began to have body-shattering headaches. They would literally leave me nearly convulsing or numb on the sides of my face. They would interrupt my work......Finally, I had to see a doctor. Without much of any tests I was diagnosed with migraines and put on Elavil. Without any thought, I just did as the doctors told me and took the medicines.

    Taking that medication was one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

    During an outing I became completely immobilized on the left side of my body, my heartrate shot up to 150 beats per minute, and my eyes were heavily dilated. When I came into the ER they immediately suspected I was on drugs.........I told them the only "drugs" I had been taken was a prescription for Elavil. They asked me why I was taking depression medication, which shocked me, because I thought it was mainly for headaches ^^;. I informed them that I was taking the medication for persistent migraines. They told me that I was taking too much and appeared to be having overdose, but I told them the amount I took which was the least amount available........So they ruled my case as one of extreme adverse reaction.

    One nurse did tell me that had I continued taking the medication, I'd have probably ended up DEAD. Well, there was a wake up call for me. So I stopped the medication.

    I felt fine for a few days until once, as I was laying on the couch watching TV, my heart just........started beating so fast by itself at random that I passed out, then woke and got a family member, almost passed out again on them, and they called an ambulance. The stupid idiots that came to pick me up asked me "Are you anxious?" and I was like "Well heck, I feel like I am dying what do YOU think o.O " and he responses that I'm probably having a panic attack that I was doing something stressful and I told him if watching TV was too stressful then I'm in majour trouble, because in my mind relaxing and watching the tube was the most non-stressful thing I knew of.

    The people at the ER also blew me off, some even saying I was faking it although i continued to weave in and out of consciousness for the next few hours in the waiting room.

    From that day forward, which happened in about March of 2009, I became VIOLENTLY ill with these same symptoms. I had to quit my job because I had no energy. My heartrate was so high CONSTANTLY, never lowering even in my sleep. In order to ease myself to sleep I'd have to literally use my racing heartbeat as something to count just to get my mind off the pain it caused in my chest. I'd faint if I stood up because that would make my heartrate even higher. Every muscle in my body was not under my control. I'd jerk, seizure at times, and my stomach would "pop" and make me regurgitate much about anything I'd eat. For I'd say, the better part of a half year, I lived laying down on a couch...........Never getting up unless it was necessary.

    I put my games on hold. No, I put my life on hold. I didn't really have a choice. The pain was also so severe. My chest was always tight and every muscle in my body hurt possibly from them jerking against my will, my joints weakened and shot pain through me, I couldn't keep food down no matter how hard I tried and it hurt so bad when my stomach flopped...........The headaches returned. On top of my cysts on my ovaries causing pain (I was diagnosed with the worst case the doctors had ever seen of Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome in my last year of college).

    Heart tests revealed that my heart had good structure. I didn't have insurance or money so in America that means doctors just don't give a flying monkey's behind about you. My family, who never likes me to begin with, began accusing me of being lazy. People, even strangers, kept telling me "You don't LOOK sick." I was suffering more than anybody could know, screaming for help, and getting kicked to the curb in every try. Mt mother beat me because I physically couldn't help her carry in groceries. I even had one of the doctors tell me "LOL Sometimes the heart just goes fast~" and as calm as I am I wanted to punch him between the eyes. If 'sometimes hearts just goes fast' everyone would be laying on a couch unable to do anything, which is obviously not the case. I really hated when doctors, who are too dumb to figure something out, want to just put it off as anxiety or just "We'll you're not really sick. That's normal." As if feeling like I am dying every day suddenly can be classified as normal.

    Because of the neglect of doctors, I decided to file for disability. Work places would not hire me because of my impairments. I'd have to have a job where I can faint or lay down anytime it happened, or take multiple days off in a row whenever. It just wasn't happening. Doctors weren't doing anything. So disability was my only chance at having any sort of income.

    Over months upon months I began to develop worse symptoms, and at first I wanted to die. Really. The pain was severe and the people around me were cruel. I just wanted it to end. But in March 2010 I met the leader of my alltime favourite band, underground horrorcore group 'Rye Town's Creatures'. I tracked him down online and thus began a partnership of a lifetime. He wrote me songs of love and cherish, even some explicitly about my illness. He once told me "You are the strongest woman I have ever met.", after knowing the full history about my physical abuse from my parents through my sickness. If it weren't for him and my other really good friends I can say I'd probably have given up completely. I'm not saying I have the worst life, but I have had it harder than your average person~. I'm partly proud that I have so, because it has made me a pretty compassionate and firm kind of person. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    I'n late 2010 I nearly died of unexplained dehydration and lack of nutrients. My body wouldn't absorb anything I ate.......and I threw up so much. My mom's friend finally forced her to take me to the ER where I spent a couple of weeks on heavy fluids, vitamins, in IV format. There was ONE good doctor who acted as if he genuinely cared. He looked at me and pretty much said "Nobody can FAKE this. I just wish I knew what was going on.....what to tell you. But right now you're just a medical mystery." he issued that my gallbladder be looked at. They only found a minor problem with it, but removed it just in case. My condition did not improve........

    I was peaking heartrates of over 200 beats per minute on my trips, and even during heart studies, in my SLEEP........I had a fever every time I went to the office. Boils began to fester on my skin. I was diagnosed with a common hair follicle condition and given medicines and body wash. It did nothing. I was prescribed three times the amount of dosage, and took it. It also did nothing. A new doctor was issued who then called the other doctors crazy. In late 2011 I had accrued a list of over 10 diagnoses, some of which changed from doctor to doctor. They basically gambled with my health just scratching down on paper what they thought. Most called me crazy or a drug addict. Some said I was an attention seeker.

    In December 2011, I appealed a disability case and went MYSELF before a judge. Upon just LOOKING at me (I was sick that day) and asking a very few questions, I was awarded the maximum disability there is, which is basically unheard of. No firm diagnoses or anything, and awarded disability in the blink of an eye. Of course by then I've become the pale thing you see now, with ugly sores and scars covering my skin, with a glazed pained look in my eyes. But still to be awarded it just like that. <3 A miracle of God.

    My checks started only about 2-3 months ago. Now I'm seeking a good doctor who actually wants to get to the bottom of this illness, and hopefully, a cure.

    But despite so much ignorance and hateful comments at me, and despite everything, I've learned to stand against this sickness, whatever it may be, and live a somewhat decent life. I've my husband and my friends online and offline both, and now insurance and money to live comfortably. I've got God who is there all along.

    The last known strongest guesses about my illness is that it may be something to do with my Autonomic Nervous System, with a disease that doesn't afflict very many, but there are some people in my family that have it. Physical trauma is known to trigger it, such as the life threatening reaction to the medication I had years ago. It could have "been there all along" but been set off in full by that. In short, nobody knows, but there will come a time, maybe not in this lifetime, but there will be~ a time when all of my questions are answered and I'll be free of this disabling monster of a sickness.

    And this was basically a story of the more back/origin of my illness and a rant on ignorant money hungry doctors. In no way is this anywhere near the full story of everything I've gone through. But enough to get an idea of some majour events in the past 3 years of dealing with it.

    And to end with. A list of my symptoms. You can make your own guesses~ at what I have XD :

    Rapid heartrate (not brought on by mental anxiety or stress)
    Fainting and near fainting
    Blood pressure drop
    Constant fever
    Boils on skin
    Hair that falls out
    Teeth rotting out and crumbling out
    Muscle spasms
    Small seizures
    Brain Fog
    Severe headaches
    Pain everywhere (skin, joints, muscles, everywhere)
    Tightness in chest
    Sleep apnea (quit breathing in sleep)
    Extreme chronic fatigue
    Popping in ears
    Dehydration even with drinking
    Malfunction of system of nutrient absorption resulting in crashing nutrient levels
    Insomnia and sleeping TOO much (alternating)
    All symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome
    Numbness and tingling randomly
    Short term paralysis in some limbs
    Cold ALL the time
    Regurgitating food (not nauseous)
    "Popping" stomach
    Jaw that locks up, similar to TMJ
    Inability to feel heat (it was to be "too hot" before I even realize its hot......thus sometimes I take too hot of showers and burn my skin without noticing........)
    Slurred speech (during very bad 'episodes' )

    Things that exacerbate my illness:

    Sitting too upright
    Moving around/walking
    Moving my head
    Looking "up" too far
    bright lights/flashing lights/big screen TVs
    Moving my arms around
    Taking showers
    Oh heck, pretty much everything you need to do to live a normal life XDDDD

    And my final words:

    Never take your normal life/health for granted. Illness can happen to anyone!


    used Sacred Fire!
  • 35,992
    • Seen Jul 1, 2023
    That's so sad, I'm sorry you've gone through all of this :(


  • 10,994
    Also, I hope this isn't offensive, but when I read about your condition the first thing to come to mind was this just because you say other people aren't taking it very seriously, but to you it's very real:


    and this might be helpful:


    dhpphd over year ago

    I'm not an expert, just a well-educated advocate for my own health), but one thing you may wish to research is dysautonomia or "autonomic neuropathy". There are many types, some fairly benign, some progressive and debilititating, so don't let that scare you. Diagnosis is very difficult, and usually only major university medical centers are properly equipped to do the testing. You will want to see a neurologist, not a cardiologist. A cardiologist will look for something wrong with your heart, and it will probably not occur to him or her that it could be the nerves controlling the heart rate that is the root of the problem.

    In automonic neuropathy, there is damage to the small fiber nerves that control the autonomic nervous system - the part of your nervous system that controls your heart-rate, blood pressure, sweating (thermal regulation), digestion, bladder and some other things. Two really common types are "postural orthostatic tachychardia" and postural orthostatic hypotension". These conditions can be diagnosed via a tilt table test. Not every hospital can to the test properly. I had it done at my local hospital, but they did not do the test long enough to catch the rise in blood pressure and heart rate - as they used a manual BP cuff. A specialized neurology center will have transducers that can continually measure your heartrate and blood pressure. It is really a cool test. I found it very interesting. In my case, on going from horizontal to nearly vertical on the tilt table, my heart rate increased by about 30 beats per minute and my hands and feet began to swell because the blood was not being returned to my heart. In other people their heart rate stays okay, but their blood pressure plummets and they get dizzy and black out.

    I was being treated by a neurologist for an entirely different condition when he noted some characteristic features of dysautonomia (dry lower leg skin, loss of leg hair and "waxy" upper body skin. He ran the full panel of autonomic testing and found that lots of things were abnormal. This explains a lot of really weird symptoms I've had over the years.
    Last edited:


    PSA: Blossom Shower theme is BACK ♥
  • 33,300
    Elavil is used more for pain than it is for depression; I was put on it for both reasons last year and when I finally ended up seeing a psychiatrist she was very surprised that one of the reasons I was on it was mood-related since unless you're taking a really high dose (I wasn't), it won't do a thing for that. I'm pretty sure the most common use for elavil is for pain like migraines (where it isn't necessarily constant but can come on at "any time", I think?) so I'm a bit surprised at the ER's reaction to your prescription but... it does sound like a ridiculous case of abnormal reaction and that sucks. D: (I found it so useless in every sense of the word that I just stopped bothering to take it.)

    I've been dealing with chronic pain--although not anywhere near on a 24/7 basis--for about 8 years now and it definitely sucks. I know exactly how draining it is to have to put up with it and being unable to move or function or do anything when you're ill and I also know exactly how it feels to have people (especially doctors) look at you and assume you're lying because they don't know what to think otherwise and can't relate. My parents have been an amazing support for me and it sounds like you've made friends who've become a support system for you as well and honestly, sometimes I find that helps way more than any other kind of treatment or diagnoses.

    I hope they figure out what's wrong and I hope things get easier. <3 You're very strong for putting up with all this!


    Kageroza's Waifu
  • 286
    Requility;bt77664 said:
    That's so sad, I'm sorry you've gone through all of this :(

    It's more frustrating than it is sad. This would be a lot easier to handle if doctors would stop telling me I'm just crazy ._.;;


    Kageroza's Waifu
  • 286
    Kura;bt77667 said:
    Also, I hope this isn't offensive, but when I read about your condition the first thing to come to mind was this just because you say other people aren't taking it very seriously, but to you it's very real:


    and this might be helpful:


    Dysautonomia (POTS) is the thing that kinda runs in my family, so my guess is that it does have to have some hereditary part of it. The doctor told me I might have Conversion Syndrome (which was linked in that wiki article), but when he asked me questions that are pretty much the basis of that it didn't exactly match up, and he said he's never heard of a disorder like that that lasted for over three years straight with no "down time". Even with talking to a psychiatrist (because I was willing to try everything), my symptoms never improved a bit leading them to still think it's more of like a.......actual nervous system problem, something the hospitals here have no means of testing.

    Their way of defining it (Conversion) was that I am a very calm person even under situations that would make a normal person panic/anxious, so to compensate, my body produced these physical symptoms as a way of me coping since I couldn't feel it emotionally. But he said that my symptoms would need to flare/begin during times of stress, which it doesn't, and that stress would need to trigger it, which it doesn't. It's very completely random. I just have "good days" where the pain is bearable and I only feel slightly dizzy/faint, and then the next day I could wake up feeling like utter death, which I call "bad day". Although I usually feel worse in the mornings than any other time. I could also be doing absolutely nothing and have a horrible bad spell and faint for no reason. Also there are a significant number of my symptoms that in no way can be present as part of it.......so I'm still left with more questions than answers. >_< That particular doctor never thought I was "faking" it (because Conversion is a real disorder with real physical symptoms that can't be faked I guess?), he just said it because he was very sympathetic and told me that he really just didn't have the answers. :/

    I have a return appointment later this month, for I don't know why lol. I guess just to report on Psychiatry failure to even budge the symptoms and see what other route there is to take possibly. ^^;;


    Kageroza's Waifu
  • 286
    Lightning;bt77678 said:
    Elavil is used more for pain than it is for depression; I was put on it for both reasons last year and when I finally ended up seeing a psychiatrist she was very surprised that one of the reasons I was on it was mood-related since unless you're taking a really high dose (I wasn't), it won't do a thing for that. I'm pretty sure the most common use for elavil is for pain like migraines (where it isn't necessarily constant but can come on at "any time", I think?) so I'm a bit surprised at the ER's reaction to your prescription but... it does sound like a ridiculous case of abnormal reaction and that sucks. D: (I found it so useless in every sense of the word that I just stopped bothering to take it.)

    I've been dealing with chronic pain--although not anywhere near on a 24/7 basis--for about 8 years now and it definitely sucks. I know exactly how draining it is to have to put up with it and being unable to move or function or do anything when you're ill and I also know exactly how it feels to have people (especially doctors) look at you and assume you're lying because they don't know what to think otherwise and can't relate. My parents have been an amazing support for me and it sounds like you've made friends who've become a support system for you as well and honestly, sometimes I find that helps way more than any other kind of treatment or diagnoses.

    I hope they figure out what's wrong and I hope things get easier. <3 You're very strong for putting up with all this!

    Really? Even when I look it up online, it mostly talks about it's usage for depression. o_o It did cure my headaches though, but it almost killed me. XD So I can't way it was any use to me either.

    My pain is 24/7 but I have learned to just "deal with it" mostly (pain medication rarely helps) by keeping myself distracted. On "bad days" like today, it is very hard though. I sometimes get a pain that's like.....my skin feels really sensitive and raw so it's like, I want to rip my clothes off and not touch anything ever. It is the strangest pain ever so I guess even I can see where it might sound crazy to people. If it makes any sense, there are a few people in my family history who report the same thing. Notably my aunt, who literally bawls on her bad days with it..... Doctors also have never found the source of their problem (their cases aren't nearly as chronic as mine though). I'm beginning to suspect an hereditary type illness that maybe I just got the worst of lol My family medical history is massive and horrible. My mom has seizurelike episodes too, and we share these strange knots at the base of out skulls. The doctors would never check my brain for what those are. I asked but they just refused owo My mom's turned out to be overproductive glands that were secreting too much of a certain hormones. The docs told her they couldn't really do anything though.

    I was really ill as a child at one point. Cysts would grow all over my bones (and stick out very visibly, I was so lumpy XD ) and I'd have to have them drained, and I suffered from mind boggling fatigue. I went in for all kinds of tests and the doctors were stumped. But it only lasted I'd say 2-ish years and then suddenly vanished. That also makes me wonder if that was some sort of precursour to whatever I have now.......

    Friends are the BEST. I've actually MADE friends because of this, so I can't say I exactly curse what's happened to me. It was extremely hard at first but like everything, we all get used to it on some level, and being around support just makes it even easier. I still have %100 faith that whatever it is will be completely cured and I can go back to having a normal, healthy life. And of course I commend you for being able to bear through horrible chronic pain. I literally have tear-jerking compassion now for anyone who has to go through it. It is NOT FUN at ALL >_>


    PSA: Blossom Shower theme is BACK ♥
  • 33,300
    Maybe its usage is different in Canada then because most doctors I talked to about it didn't even consider it for mood except for the one who prescribed it. Weird. I was taking 30mg of it which I thought was a lot (well, I only say "a lot" because it was three pills haha) but I think my psychiatrist said you need something like 300mg for it to be of any use mood-wise.

    Something that runs in the family might be... well, better than an issue that comes out of absolutely nowhere. At least if you have a list of what happens to everyone else maybe some doctor somewhere might be able to piece it together but either way... ick. ;_;

    It's good that you still have faith! I've found that's probably one of the hardest things about dealing with health issues, keeping yourself believing that it will go away one day and there will be a way to fix it. It's really hard to keep that mindset, especially when you go through it every single day.