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Tsunami Team Discussion Thread

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No normals like Sheinx , Luxio and Luxray
have you prefered the starter pokemon?
Glaceon is Water /Ice
Vaporeon is Water only
that dou you think like an water /psychic eveelution type
and what story has you planned
can you pm me the story a would take a look at it
i like glaceon very much but how does it evolve
i have an idea for a new item called icestone , that evolve with that
but i hate that (austauschen ) i dont no the english word now
leafeon can evolve with the leafstone
and i prefer for the evolve of espeon and umbreon the sun and moonstone
Kool, an ice stone.
I had that idea be4, but never thought about too much.
Unfortunately, I don't speak German. :(
U can use google translator to translate that from German to American.
I dont write too much german ^^
"Also ich hoffe es wird mit diesem Eisstein umzusetzen sein!"
"I hope that is makeable with the Icestone !"
Hmm, vielleicht.
Auch, und nicht nach rechts in den Sprachen Deutsch, dann Übersetzen es für mich!
Ich verwende den Übersetzer! ^^
Das hattest du mir ja gesagt.
Das ist auch lieb von dir.
"Naja mal sehen nicht, aber wie gesagt schick mir mal die Story idee per Pm, damit ich mal schauen kann."

I hope Christos doesnt close the thread , while we write a little bit german.
Was genau tun und bedeuten?

I hope he doesn't close it either, I'm just trying to make it easier for u to type.
Its note a problem for me to write in english had it in school as lessons.
I am not Bad at that.
The Story idea for your hack can you send it per pm , i would like see it please
and its midnight in germany i must go too bed
i cant write anymore now
but enjoy your trip and see you later.
I know, u do speak English well! ^^
I'll PM u the story, I'm thinking of a better one, too! ^^
Morning too you

I have a little Story for the hack , but i must write first, than i can send it too you per pm
hope it is okay
It's OK, but I'll check it 2morrow, because I have to go to bed, then I'm leaving around 3 in the afternoon.
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