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Tug o' War Pokémon edition - Mega-Evolutions (+1) VS Gigantamax / Dynamax evolutions (-1)

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 7,888
    Hello! I was thinking it could be fun to do a Pokémon version of this game (here are the rules), but with Pokémon!

    Edit : I would like to add this to the rules : Please wait for 2 or 3 other users to vote before revoting again. ^^

    Edit 2 : Addendum to the rules : Everyone is free to switch sides and back.

    Edit 3 : Another addendum for the rules : If you are not adding a number to your post as voting, please mention that you are purposefully abstaining.
    Then, again, you can still add or remove a point as you wish, without your post having to be related to it!

    Edit 4 : Now open to everything Pokémon related!

    Let's start with this :
    Charizard (+1) or Arcanine (-1) ?
    We start at 100 points!

    Next tug o'war : 15th april
    And here is the suggestion thread for you to suggest the next one!
    Last edited:

    Pests not allowed, even if they can fly !

    Arcanine is versatile Pokémon which is highly underrated. He has got access to moves like High Horsepower, Dig, Wild Charge, Solar Beam, Outrage, Play Rough, Close Combat, Play Rough, Dragon Pulse, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, etc.

    And this is what we say coverage !

    I'll admit that Charizard has been a bit too overloved by GF over the years, but it's also a very popular Pokemon, so it's also fair that the company who wants to make money will try appealing to that fan love by giving Charizard more than average favor.