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Two weeks on the streets? Hell.


S P A R K of madness
  • 8,401
    Okay, no, I wasn't kicked out of my house; rather, my charger died (I'm assuming it overheated, but what does it matter now...). It was quite an interesting ride though, I couldn't contact anyone, nor could I access all my psychology research paper files. I literally had to go with my mother to the operating room center and work there as a medical student doing "research" -- funny story I'll share later. And I... struggled, badly, to survive without the supreme easy access of information I get from the computer. I had to wing things in school without being able to double check what I had to make to ensure A's, etc.

    The funny part is, 21/2 years ago I wasn't using any kind of computer at all, really. :x (Bar middle school laptop that was restrictive as hell -- which was like, 5 years ago?) And... yeah, not fun. I had to turn in stuff late because it would take me days to find a computer I could access. (To the library five miles away -- didn't want to walk there in the heat -- to the operating room's doctor lounge, haha) I've lost my ability to survive without a computer. It's kinda sad, but boy am I glad to have it back.

    Boo shout-out to Fedex: they were absolutely atrocious in handling my shipping. :/ I wanted my mom to ask for compensation it was so bad

    So yeah, my previous thought that I could live without the internet for a while failed miserably, and my grades suffered during those two weeks. (I like net-teaching sites, not confusing worksheets that don't teach you a thing)

    See you around~
    Glad to see you back! That sounds like it was incredibly annoying. At least you were able to get your work done, late or not. Let's hope this charger will last you a while.
    I saw the title and thought you were going to tell us a tale about your new career choice of prostitution. (Someone would've been pleased to hear it.)

    It's nice to see you back, Ryana. Life just hasn't been the same without you and your orange name.
    Glad to have you back on again. I have to admit though, when I saw your title, I really did think you got kicked out or something. xD

    Actually, just two days ago my battery pack was suffering so we had to call in Hewlett Packet for them to ship us a new one. I have to say that was the fastest shipping I ever saw because the next morning I found it on the front steps of my house. Though, it could have been packed a bit better.
    Oh hey, Ryab's back. o/

    Tch, at least it was only your charger that decided to crap out on you. I accidentally broke the screen to my laptop, and now I've got to find a way to pay for a new one. Apparently the screens aren't covered under warranty. >> In either case, I share your pain.

    Glad to see you back though.
    Wow Fi, just... wow. XD; I'm no escort. (at least not yet ;D)

    Hewlett P was quick? Interesting, Lost. o.o

    And gee, that must've been rough Hide. D:

    Thanks everyone. o/
    Welcome back Ryan. Wow it was your charger? Dang. Well at first I thought it was from your car. XD It is from your computer. I understand now. Because my battery from my car died. So I been walking back and forth to work each day. It is good though. I live across the street. But anyway, so that was why you haven't been here. Well I am glad you got it fixed and you are back. o/
    Beachy;bt26074 said:
    Wow Fi, just... wow. XD; I'm no escort. (at least not yet ;D)
    You have no idea how far into the gutter my mind is. ;^;
    (Oh ho ho, that's what I thought.)