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[Challenge] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN


Tactician from Renais
  • 8
    Greetings! Yes! It is indeed that time again!

    For anyone who may have been on the forum back in 2012 (Geez, was it really THAT long ago?), a younger me had an old account here. Younger me also invented a particular challenge that I, in my adult evolution, am bringing back to life! Introducing......


    The rules of the challenge are simple! Complete the game using a trio of pokemon. However, this trio of pokemon will be specially chosen by selecting a group of three types that are all effective against the other.

    As an example, we all know when you start a normal pokemon journey, the professor provides you either a Grass-, a Water-, or a Fire-type pokemon to be your companion, but in a type cycle challenge, you would be provided with all THREE pokemon as Grass is effective against Water, Water beats Fire, and Fire is strong versus Grass. That's the idea behind this challenge.

    Team Makeup​
    So here's how the Pokemon are chosen! You will choose a cycle to play through the game with and, through a random selection of the possible pool of pokemon available in the game of your choice with that type, you will be given a trio to play the game with. This encourages you to play with Pokemon you might not otherwise choose to play the game with (similar to the Nuzlocke challenge).

    The potential pool of pokemon will be all of those available before you defeat the sixth gym leader (or the second Island Kahuna in the case of Pokemon S/M/US/UM), with the first team member being available before you beat the third. This way, your team will be fully assembled and you will be given plenty of time to grow and strengthen them. Until one of the chosen Pokemon become accessible to you, you must play the game using only your starter.

    Ultimate Challenge​
    Ultimate runs are available! They would require you to complete each gen with the same cycle, but you can play the games any order you like. In addition, if you decide to compete in an ultimate challenge, the requirements for victory in each game will be changed slightly. (Hey, you're the one who wants to make this more challenging for yourself, I'm just helping that along ;P

    Type Cycles​
    Below is a list of all the different cycles available to you. (As a note, I have taken some sliiiiiiiight liberties with my logic to provide you guys with at least ONE cycle for any given type. What that means is, I've factored IMMUNITIES as STRENGTHS, i.e. since Flying is immune to Ground, I considered Flying as strong against Ground. This was mostly to try and include more options for CERTAIN problematic typings. Looking at you, Ghost, Poison, Bug, and Dragon >:[

    Type Cycles

    Sign Up​
    Okay! With all of THAT out of the way, here's how to sign up! Just copy the template below into your response post!

    Trainer name:
    Chosen Cycle:
    Preferred First Type:
    Baby Form (B) or Fully Evolved (F):

    Preferred First Type isn't always doable, but I'll try and rig the system in your favor if I can ;P

    Completion Requirements​
    Below here is listed the requirements for any challenge to be considered "Complete". Ultimate run requirements will be marked with U.

    Each trainer who signs up for the Type Cycle Challenge will get a custom userbar designed by me. This is the reason for the Baby Form or Fully Evolved question in the template, which will let me know which stage of the pokemon you want in your userbar.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

    Here's my submission:

    Username: StormInAJar
    Trainer name: Storm
    Gen/Game: Pokemon Platinum
    Chosen Cycle: PoisonBugPsychic
    Preferred First Type: Bug
    Baby Form (B) or Fully Evolved (F): F

    The randomizer provided me with.....Combee, Tentacool, and Baltoy! So I'll be using those for my playthrough. Once I get my user bar made, I'll post it here as an example for the rest of you!

    If you're signing up for a challenge, and you have the ability to provide yourself with an egg or a baby form of the pokemon (at level 5 maximum), whether it be through trading or hacking, please include that in your response so I may consider that when randomizing your team! Thank you!

    And best of luck to all Challengers!


    Last edited:

    Just one thing could be added to the main post, that is kinda standard to have: List of Challengers and Champions. Also are you taking part of your Challenge?

    Just one thing could be added to the main post, that is kinda standard to have: List of Challengers and Champions. Also are you taking part of your Challenge?

    Ah! Yes, that was one thing I realized I forgot to add after submitting my request. I'll add that to the thread now. And I hadn't thought about taking part in it myself (though, I do see that is something most people do, which makes sense. If I'm breaking a sort of unspoken agreement by not taking my own challenge, then I shall update the thread as well with my intended challenge!)
    Sounds really interesting, but I have a question. Do I/we play with our starter until we get our first chosen Pokemon? Thanks in advanced
    Oh! Yes, I apologize. I forgot to include that in the rules. You would play just with the starter until one of the chosen Pokemon become available
    i would like sign in
    game:pokemon Black Extreme Randomizer
    chosen cycle;Ice,Dragon,Fire
    beginning type:i actually dont know because random starters and pokemon
    can be. baby pokemon/strong pokemon
    Username: Captain Gizmo
    Trainer name: Gizmo
    Gen/Game: Fire Red
    Chosen Cycle: Fighting→Bug→Psychic
    Preferred First Type: Fighting
    Baby Form (B) or Fully Evolved (F): Fully Evolved
    I finished the challenge! My team was pretty overleveled lol, I grinded too much, oops 😏

    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    Mimien, the Mr.Mime♂
    Level 68
    Ability: Soundproof
    Psychic, Reflect, Magical Leaf and Light Screen

    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    Toastina, the Primeape♀
    Level 65
    Ability: Vital Spiri
    Trash, Thief, Focus Energy and Brick Break

    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    Maso, the Parasect♂
    Level 64
    Ability: Effect Spore
    Slash, Spore, Giga Drain and Leech Life
    Username: Captain Gizmo
    Trainer name: Gizmo
    Gen/Game: LeafGreen
    Chosen Cycle: Ice→Dragon→Fire
    Preferred First Type: Fire
    Baby Form (B) or Fully Evolved (F): F

    Randomizer gave me Articuno, Dragonite and Arcanine :)
    Challenge completed!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    Amys, the Articuno
    Level 64
    Ability: Pressure
    Fly, Agility, Steel Wing and Ice beam

    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    Kurak, the Arcanine♂
    Level 63
    Ability: Flash Fire
    Bite, Dig, Flamethrower and Extremespeed

    [PokeCommunity.com] Type Cycle Challenge REBORN

    Auron, the Dragonite♂
    Level 63
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Surf, Fly, Thunder Wave and Shock Wave