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5th Gen UPDATE: We determined how to activate all of Pokéstar's special events


  • 22
    Read this previous post to be caught up to speed: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/459901

    With the help of Reddit users TheHellHamster, Sayse, and CountScarlioni, every special event hidden in Pokéstar Studios has been uncovered and matched with their respective moves.

    Brycen-Man Strikes Back 2: Thief
    Full Metal Cop 3: False Swipe
    Invaders 2: Gravity
    Big Monster 3: Giga Impact
    Big Monster 4: Ember
    Timegate Traveler 1: Future Sight
    Timegate Traveler 3: Future Sight
    Love and Battles 1: Attract
    Love and Battles 2: Attract
    Love and Battles 3: Attract
    Mystery Doors of the Magical Land 2: Substitute
    The Giant Woman 3: Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt, or Glaciate
    The Giant Woman 4: Hyper Beam
    Red Fog of Terror 3: Defog
    Everlasting Memories 1: Tackle
    Everlasting Memories 2: Beat Up
    Everlasting Memories 3: Charge Beam
    Ghost Eraser 3: Foresight
    Ghost Eraser 4: Swords Dance

    We also discovered that if you use the right move on a scene that ends with a choice of dialogue, the special event will not be activated. Furthermore, you do not actually need the move to land to unlock the hidden dialogue; you just need to see the message, "<Pokémon> used <move>!" Finally, the type of ending you reach does not affect the special event. Just make sure you don't try to activate it on the turn that the film ends.
    It seems like the featured thread is still the initial announcement I made. I think it would be better to change it to this thread. (Or an entirely different thread.)
    It seems like the featured thread is still the initial announcement I made. I think it would be better to change it to this thread. (Or an entirely different thread.)
    thanks for reminding me, I'll go change it now
    huh, so I posted my suggestion for Everlasting Memories 2 the other day since I didn't know you found all the moves by now, but it's sure a nice personal accomplishment to know I scored it with beat up!! lol I'll check out the dialogue when I get to play B2 :)