Hi, are there ALL Pokemon from Gen1 to Gen7 or only some of them?
Every time I tried to view information of pokemon on pokedex, the game crashed, this game kinda unplayable for me, or there is a hidden setup I must do first before playing?
Hello, I've played a bit of Pokemon Green Remix and have run into a few interesting problems.
Saying it now. I did not set the game to randomize all pokemon, i saw that was an option though.
-You can walk through walls by holding down CTRL:
Allowing you to skip around in the game
-Bugged Entrance in New Bark Town leads to Indigo Plateau:
I was walking through a wall and managed to swim on ice
-Can't view all the controls due to two screens:
-You don't need HMS to perform surf or cut. I'm not sure if that was intended or not.
Despite the problems noted I think that game has two flaws that hold it back.
1. The two screens. It does look fancy with two screens but it's just kinda unethical when one screen could do the same functions and take up less space when windowed, it'd also have less empty space than the two screens if it was in fullscreen also.
2. Everythings level depends on your highest level pokemon. Your rival's pokemon, the wild pokemon, the trainer's pokemon, and the legendary pokemon all revolve around your pokemon's level.
Some pokemon will be stronger, weaker, or even evolved with no set levels.
This is the same trainer. I relaunched the game and he used a different pokemon than before
I believe set levels would be better because you could always be put at a disadvantage and could keep losing to other pokemon until you get good rng where the enemies pokemon is a fair level or unevolved to be killed.
You can still surf without a Pokemon with surf
Excellent update Zeak6464! This is a much improved version! I'm enjoying those extras features especially the loot boxes, debug mode and new events.
Debug mode is not showing in the menu after I deleted an old save and started a new game ;)
The loot boxes were quite a surprise, along with the mega stones in viridian forest, but every Wild Pokemon and Trainer that I have encountered up through Brock has only had level 2 Pokemon! Is this intended, and they get stronger later, or is this some sort of unforseen bug? I truly hope that it's a bug, because these fights are way too easy, even without utilizing type advantages. I have such high hopes for this game, so I'd hate to be driven off due to lack of challenge.
looks to be an unforseen bug , see they should be close to your pokemon level to make the game a little challenging , i will look into this. Thank you !
Edit: So I've looked into it , and it seems not to be a bug more like a little issue... If you have 1 pokemon level 5 then opponent will be level 2 , but let's say your pokemon is level 50 then oppenent will be level 47 depending on how many more pokemon are in your party...
Math just sucks lol I guess , but ill see what I can do if it seems to easy at 1st. I know playing with Random Pokemon On makes the game a little harder.
I am not entirely sure if this is a glitch only my game is having or not. Outsider Pokemon don't seem to listen even when i have enough badges or not. I beat first 2 gyms and a pokemon i got from wonder trade i trained to 20+ still continues to act like it's to over leveled even though the second gym says up to level 30 Pokemon will obey even outsiders. None of my other pokemon have this problem. I checked to see if it did it with other Pokemon i got from trade or wonder trade and it seems to be only "outsider" pokemon that do this. One last thing when in Bills house if you re check the computer that activates the dna machine it for some reason froze the game only letting me remove my pokemon companions from following me. Not sure if i just got unlucky or not. Anyways i'm really enjoying this fan game keep up the good work!
Ooooh nice! I was wondering if the patch has been completed or not. Thanks! ^-^
not quite yet, im doing a quality of life patch that fixes and improves the experience of the game.
Will the ability to play using a regular single screen instead of the DS Duel screen be included in this patch?