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War Between Pokemon & Humans [PG-17] [Best Rookie July '11/Best Veteran Aug/Sep '11]

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{OOC} soory for my lack of comments

Althalos listened to what the commander had to say and he wasn't exactly thoroughly impressed. If the plane was actually flying low enough for them to drop without parachutes one of two things would happen, either the plane would have holes put through it by hydro pumps and other attacks, or it would scrape the other buildings. Either way, their lives would end in an explosion.
"How about this, lets just infiltrate when the guards change their shifts. It will be quick and clean that way. We should be dropped off by helicopter in a clearing, preferably about a kilometer away and walk the rest of the way. I'll be waiting on the roof, so think ti over and I'll come down when you're ready to go."
Althalos left the room, unexcused, and went to the elevator that led to the roof. When the doors opened he slung his sniper off his shoulder and sat close to the edge. He attached a clip filled with his napalm rounds and looked through the high powered scope with the infrared turned on. This was more out of habit than actual worry, but he enjoyed being able to see a hundred of meters in all directions. As he panned the area around the city, he could barely see two pale white shapes that were just coming into range on the dark blue lens of the scope, and they weren't human. They both seemed to be Umbreon's. They stopped in a clearing that was filled with human bodies, struggling to move, some of the shapes n the ground were a cold pale blue on the infrared lens and others were just barely white. Althalos was surprised he hadn't seen them before. It had probably happened while he was in the commanders office, so he kept his sights on the two pokemon
He radioed in to the commander. "There are two approaching hostiles, one is possibly the Umbreon who keeps infiltrating our base and it seems he has a companion. They completely took out a squad of soldiers, all are dead dieing. Permission to fire napalm rounds, Sir?"
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Dracus Caeli
PokeRebel Commander

Dracus had heard Khufu's announcement. " Khufu must be dealt with," Dracus
angrily shouted. Dracus stormed out of his office and towards Khufu's meeting
place. Dracus stared directly at Khufu. " You know what I am here for Khufu,
now tell me why you go ahead and order an attack without consulting me
beforehand," Dracus angrily questioned. Khufu said nothing. "WHY," Dracus
shouted. Once again, Khufu said nothing. Dracus flew at Khufuand tackled
Khufu over. Dracus picked Khufu up and threw him at a building. Khufu broke
through the wall and the wall crumbled over Khufu. Dracus saw a rustle in the
debris, then it stopped. The whole City was dead silent, waiting to see the result.
It was just after that moment when a bullet pierced Dracus' head.​
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(psst Yagerbomb, The General can also command when you aren't here! that's what the generals are for. plus, the RP can't wait for you. so instead of posting some angry comments, help khufu plan.)

Wade looked at the bodies around him, they were lifeless, and only one soldier was alive. He was twitching, but Wade knew that he couldn't last long. He looked at Lydia, that was an Umbreon now, and nodded. That was a strong Night Daze, and Wade could tell that Lydia had some special power inside her.

When Wade looked into Lydia's eyes again, he could see that she was uncomfortable, and who could blame her? Killing people wasn't a job for everybody. But Wade didn't feel anything when he looked at the bodies. He had killed more than a hundred people, after all. This was nothing to him. But these soldiers were probably Lydia's first kills, so it was normal that she was feeling a little uncomfortable. Wade was walking right next to her at that time, so he nudged Lydia and whispered, "Don't look. And keep going."

The base could be sighted now, but they were unaware of a sniper looking right at them...
A Blue car approached Canalave City through the roads, navigating through miles and miles of abandoned cars. It's driver was walking the earth aimlessly, unsure of where to go or his actual destination, for that matter. To be honest, ever since he left Canalave, it has always been like this. Just searching for shelter, and finding none. The car just reached a sign saying it was 10 KM away from the city before spouting out of commission for good. The driver climbed out, frustrated.
Ok, that's enough. Narrating in third person was nice at first, but now I'm starting to be pretty annoyed at this point. Oh, I didn't introduce myself. How rude of me. I'm Jeff Bennings. I was going to be a law student in Canalave, where this mess, shall we say it is, started, but then **** had to hit the fan. There goes man's reign over the planet. Why did that homeless person talking about a Pokemon uprising have to be right? Why can't Arecus just let us live in peace? Why can't the toilet flush? WHY? WHY? ...Excuse me there. So anyway, where were we? Right, the car going out.
I kicked the door of the car in frustration. This piece of junk just burned off less than 10 KM from Canalave- Wait, Canalave? ...I've been going around in circles this entire time. Wow. All that wandering for nothing. Well, if movies taught me one thing, it's that people usually go to cities in disasters, despite their better judgement. I shut up my better judgement, and hiked to a hill near Canalave, over looking it, and with a pair of binoculars, actually managed to get a decent look at the streets. It was unusually quiet. Maybe the Pokemon abandoned the city when their killing spree was over and looked for other towns to destroy? Oh, yeah, I don't have a car to get out of here either. That pretty much sealed the deal for me to go look at Canalave. My hopes were shattered when I saw that the Gym was replaced by this weird, grey structure. I looked into the quite large windows and saw... Pokemon. Hundreds of em. Doing something, but I couldn't really tell. I openly wondered what they did to everyone in the city before I realized something; If that replaced they Gym, and the Pokemon are still here... ****, They can think.

We're ******.
Jack sat in his chair and let out a sigh. His army sure was impatient. Melanie had gone to get some action, got herself killed instead. Now there was a new General, whom he had not met once. Then was was Althalos, who had just walked out on him instead of listening to the complete plan. Pain.

Jack thought of completing his plan on his own, instead of waiting around for somebody else. As he was getting up, he got a message.

"There are two approaching hostiles, one is possibly the Umbreon who keeps infiltrating our base and it seems he has a companion. They completely took out a squad of soldiers, all are dead dieing. Permission to fire napalm rounds, Sir?"

The Umbreon had yet again proved its worth to the PR, taking out the whole squad. Wade certainly was getting strong...

Jack radioed back. "Take the partner out, but leave the Umbreon. Injure him, and get him in. You're going to interrogate him."

Jack didn't care whether he had to abandon his command and leave. He left a note for Althalos and his new General, telling them about the situation, and to keep in contact through the radio all the time.

Jack headed out to the runway behind the base. Skyla already knew about everything, and the plane was ready. Jack got in the Plane, and the the plane took off.

Jack knew that this would cause quite some stir in the base, but the new General had been left in command. In his head, Jack knew that he was determined to do everything he wanted to, whether good or bad.

It was pretty quick, and just half an hour later he saw the PR building in the distance....
I paced around the hilltop in fear. Humanity's done for, but what's more pressing at the moment was my own fate. Those... Things could dispose of me however they wanted; mauling, torn from limb to limb, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they had neurotoxin! Most weird/scary though, is that I heard they want to make Humanity their servants or something like that. The mental images were like a train wreck; Horrifying and morbid, but one can't stop watching it.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of an incoming plane. There's still more people around? Words cannot describe my hope. MOVIES WERE RIGHT! I thought I was the only free human left! I tried to signal the plane, also waving with a rusty machete I had looted some weeks earlier.
"HEY! OVER HERE! SURVIVOR! SOMEONE HELP!" I honestly hoped that those guys heard that, even though they were in a plane some 5,000 feet above ground.
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Silence pricked her ears at the sound of faint yelling. She couldn't understand exactly what the was being said but whoever it was sounded pretty crazy. For a moment she thought about going to see what it was when she heard a shot and turned to see a bullet hit the commander in the head. The fact that he was dead didn't bother her as much as it probably should have, just that now the PR had to find a new commander. 'I know I wanted some action but this isn't exactly what I had in mind...' she thought. The pokemon around her were already in a frenzy trying to figure out where the killer was while the Weavile just scanned her surroundings from where she was with a somewhat irritated look on her features.
"Commander, do you read me? General Krista speaking. Privileged to be working beneath you sir."

Ali was stood in the observation deck of the renovated gym, a close eye on the borders of Sunyshore, where the pokemon had just emerged. The room was deserted other than Ali and his walkie talkie.
"The 50 men were taken down with ease by two Pokemon; an Umbreon and one other. I have 100 men advancing as we speak, and a further 100 on standby. The strength of the Umbreon suggests any less would be foolish."

He breathed deeply as he focused on the small entrance where the men had entered the fray. A bad move here could cost him much more than his job.

"I've ordered them to take in the Umbreon for questioning. They are free to kill the spare on sight."

With hindsight, Ali felt he should have asked the Commander for his permission before sending out the troops. However, time was against them, and Spark wasn't here. A decision had to be made, and he was next in command, as far as he understood it.

"I'll keep you posted on any change in activity."

Ali released the button of the talkie and refocused the binoculars, hoping that the sniper was as good as his reputation.
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"Privileged to be working beneath you sir."

Jack could barely make out the words, but he heard the new General.

"Formalities?" Jack thought, and smiled to himself. "This is no time for formalities."

"All right Ali, kill the partner, its already injured as it was written in the note, but make sure the Umbreon is kept alive" He said.

The plane was now pretty close to the PR Base, and Jack quickly strapped on his protective gear and supplies. He got up, as Skyla opened the main hatch from the cockpit, and Jack stood near the hatch. He knew it was dangerous, but it had to be done.

"Jump in about 1 minute, Commander." came Skyla's voice.

The plane was now dangerously close to the Base, and was at quite a low altitude now. Jack had planned this. He had known being so close would cause somebody to see the plane, which is why Skyla, the expert pilot had been chosen for this mission.

"All righty, Cap'n. 10 Seconds now" Skyla's voice came.

Jack was now praying for the success of the mission.


He opened his eyes and looked at the PR base.


Jack now started having second thoughts about the mission.


He started breathing heavy, and collapsed to his feet.





Jack quickly snapped back to his senses....


And jumped a second early.

He narrowly missed the railing, but was distracted, and slammed face down on the concrete of the roof. His nose started bleeding, he was sure there were several bruises on his body.

Groaning, he got up and walked to the side of the railing. He took out his binoculars, and
started scanning the area until he saw a shocking site. He looked over to see loads of Pokemon at the drawbridge, probably there was a meeting. The whole place was in chaos, and he could see the body of a Dragonite. He zoomed in to the body, and saw some bluish pigment on his body. It was Dracus.....the Commander.

Jack was overwhelmed. The Commander of the PR had been assassinated. This was by far the biggest blow to the PR.

He knew now the place was in chaos, it would be worthless to know what their meeting was about. But, nonetheless, he scanned the entire landscape carefully.

He was so absorbed in his work that he never heard the door open behind him...
Khufu emerged, coughing, from the ruined wall to find most of PokeRebel in a panic. He looked around, trying to find the source of the fear, when he noticed a dead body on the ground in front of him that looked very familiar.

"Dracus," he hissed, with his eyes narrowing. He looked up at the frightened crowd and shouted, "Stop! We may have lost Dracus today, but we can still win the war if we pull ourselves together. This murder clearly was the work of spies, and let this be a message to all of you of the power of spies! Now calm down everybody! We can stand up on this crumbling ground and fight for higher ground, or we can lay here in fear and never recover. Which one do you choose?"

Khufu smiled, crossing his arms and waiting for the cheers. In truth, he thought, I'd prefer having Dracus die than go through that again.
Ali peered through his binoculars, trying to refocus on the targets. The pokemon however, had moved from the clearing where his injured men now lay. Ali growled as he searched for the Umbreon amongst the trees, finally catching a glimpse of two Pokemon moving into the city.

"Argh! C'mon guys, what chance do we stand? There's only two of them, for crying out loud!" He yelled to nobody in particular as the pokemon darted between the buildings.

People were beginning to notice, some staring through their windows as the Umbreons passed. Great. The last thing they needed was for them to be taken down in full view of the city and have an uprising of some Pokemon Rights Movement on their hands. Sunyshore was better when blissfully ignorant of Human Republic action, and Ali only hoped that news wouldn't travel as far as his little house on the beach.

He held his gun in his left hand and kept the binoculars firmly on his nose with the other, ready to go into action if needed. He'd heard great things about the sniper ability of the spy Althalos, and right now he seemed to be their best chance.

He spoke softly into the radio which transmitted directly into the ears of the troops.
"Men. When they are taken down, collect them immediately and bring to base. Make sure you're not seen."

Come on Althalos. We're counting on you.
Silence looked up at a loud sound coming from the sky and noticed a plane going over the PR base a little to close for comfort. "What in the world?" she muttered as she made her way through the crowd of pokemon and headed toward the base at a run. She kept her eye on the airplane and thought she noticed something drop down from it.

Speedy as Weavile are, it wasn't all that long before she got to the tall building. The airplane had already flown off and was disappearing into the distance. She slowed down after she got in the doors and made her way to the elevator. She leaned back against the wall as the elevator carried her up to the top floor. When she reached the topmost floor she opened a window and climbed up the wall on the outside just enough to see onto the roof.

Seeing the human there watching the bridge through binoculars wasn't all that shocking. Who else would jump from an airplane onto the roof of the PokeRebel base? What surprised her was who this human was. If her knowledge served her correctly, which it usually did, this man was Jack Spark, commander of the HR.

Silence carefully pulled herself up onto the roof behind the man. She was about to launch a full throttle Focus Blast at him when she noticed the door opening. 'Guess I'm not the only one that noticed something,' she thought and waited to see who it was.
Jack sat there with his binoculars. Scanning the far off areas, he stumbled upon a blue car, and a person standing beside. It was a person he had never seen before. He knew he wasn't in the HR, and decided to save him during his return. He picked up his radio to update his General on the situation, but instead felt a gush of wind behind him. Instinctively, he grabbed his gun, spun around, and shot at the first thing he saw, a Weavile....
Silence saw the man spin around and shoot and tried to roll out of the way but she wasn't fast enough. She gritted her teeth in as pain shot through her left side where the bullet hit. She opened her mouth and let loose a Blizzard on the human while holding her side to try to stop the blood flow. Glancing briefly at the door she noticed that there wasn't anyone there. Whoever had last been through it hadn't closed it all the way so it was getting blown by the wind. Berrating herself for letting her guard down, she turned her gaze back to the man.
Jack didn't know what to do. In front of him was a Weavile who had been hit by his bullet. He was shocked at the site, and knew that it was dangerous here, especially with the gunshot echoing across Canalave. He didn't have any choice but to kill the Pokemon...That's when he was hit by the blizzard. He collapsed, shaking furiously, but managed to shoot one more shot at the Pokemon's leg.
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Silence couldn't help but yelp this time as the bullet hit her in the leg and she fell over. She knew she wouldn't be able to pull off a Focus Blast or Blizzard and she couldn't do a physical attack very well with her leg damaged so instead she fired off a wave of dark energy. Dark Pulse. Not her strongest attack but it would have to do for now. If the attack could at least distract him for even a moment, than would be her chance.
Jack was pushed back by the Weavile's attack. He lost his balance, stumbled back, and toppled over the railing. He grabbed on at the last second, hanging on with one arm.

He quickly switched on his radio, hoping Ali could hear his words.

He yelled at the Weavile, "You'll never be able to defeat th Humans! Your Commander is already dead!"

Jack closed his eyes, hoping that Ali had heard him.
Ali had stood stock still, watching the two invaders sprint between shadows of the houses. No action had yet been taken, and he couldn't wait much longer.

"You'll never be able to defeat the Humans! Your Commander is already dead!"
Ali flinched horribly as his radio erupted with noise. He dropped his gun, which let off a small charge of electricity, singeing the skin on his leg.
Cursing, Ali picked up the gun. It took a few moments to register what had been said. The PR Commander, dead? This was a breakthrough. The PR Commander was a Dragonite, a beast which they had struggled to take down for years. He made a mental note to shake the hand of the one who successfully took him out.

Ali's feeling of jubilation was short-lived however, as he came to realise that Jack hadn't been talking to him directly. His commander had been caught, and if he didn't play his cards right, he might go the same way as the Dragonite.

At first, Ali wondered if Jack had allowed him to hear this so that he could fly to his aid. On second reflection however, Ali felt that Jack would rather sacrifice himself than allow his General to leave his post. Anyway, the PR would most likely take Jack in for questioning rather than killing him outright, so he had some time to play with.

Ali pondered for a few moments before coming to a conclusion. He couldn't leave, but by no means was Jack alone.

"Skyla, do you read me?"
Ali waited with baited breath. If Skyla was out, then Jack was in real trouble.

..."Loud and clear, General. What seems to be the problem?"

"Commander Spark has found himself in a spot of bother at the PR base. Keep a good look out, be ready to pick him up if he is unable to fulfil the mission."

"Right you are, General. Consider it done."

"Don't fly too close Skyla. If they see you, they'll take you out post haste. You may be the Commander's last hope."

"You got it, sir. I'll be ready and waiting."

"Thank you. And please, call me Ali. I'm far too young to be called Sir."

"Yes Ali."

"Good man. Do us proud."
Ali allowed the transceiver to hang loosely by his waist, returning to his task. If no sniper showed up soon, he'd have to go in himself. Lord knows that the troops weren't doing anything of use.
The Plane Shooed by, apparently not noticing me.
"HEY! YOU IDIOTS! SURVIVOR HERE!" The plane then proceeded to do something stupid; it paradropped someone. I cried. My faith in humanity had just dropped a level. They're behaving like idiots in the ******* Animal King Takeover! WHY? I composed myself together. With no other foreseeable choice(honestly, the parachutist was practically the only other survivor from what I can tell); I did the most idiotic thing of all; I entered Canalave through a back street. The streets were unnaturally quiet. The city was practically a ghost town. No partrols from the... Things. Nothing. I finally saw that weird grey building right there, dominating the skyline ominously. Gathering up what courage I had, I prepared to enter the building.
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(sorry for the terribly late reply Lucario. My computer was having problems)

Lydia turned away remorsefully. She remembered her first kill. It was several years ago, when she had stolen a piece of food from some wandering child on the streets. Her family was starving and most of the stores were closed that particular day. The young boy had smacked her in the face as soon as she had managed to grab a bit of his meal. Then came more beatings- she was kicked, punched, and when she tried to get away the human would grab onto her tail and step on it to hold her down. The Zorua managed to use Protect to save her energy, and blasted the boy with Night Daze like she did the soldiers. As she ran, the boy was still alive, struggling to get up. He was in the middle of the street though, and a car, unfortunately, couldn't see him in time.

Lydia snapped out of her memories fairly quickly, and ran towards the base. As she was, she suddenly stopped. She thought she had heard a small noise from behind and turned around to look, though it was probably her imagination. The Zorua was just freaked from the previous attack, or at least that's what she thought. But she had a bad feeling as they were traveling through the buildings, and went a little closer to Wade, feeling more protected near him.
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