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Weenie Challenge

  • 20
    This thread give a special place to weak pokemons, proving that the underdogs can win too. Beating gym leaders and the end game elites with weakling might pose a special kind of challenge. The rules are quite simple:

    Weenie 400 Challenge

    1. All pokemons you use in battle must have a maximum total base stat of 400. You can check the base stat of a pokemon on https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/. Search for Base Stats and look at the total. If a pokemon evolve to a form above 400, you can't use it in battle any more. You may however stop it's evolution to keep it.
    2. Catch all the pokemons in-game. No trade allowed. Only pokebanking out is allowed, not into the game.
    3. No Mega-evolution allowed.
    4. No hacks or cheats!
    5. The weenie challenge is accomplished by reaching the end game of one game.

    - For an even harder challenge, try a weenie 350 challenge, max 350 base total. For an even bigger challenge, try weenie 300. You may also go for easier, say weenie 420.
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    Well, I will try the Weenie 400 challenge on Pokemon Omega Sapphire, kinda bling. I still don't have any idea how I will beat Steven or the Elite 4 with little pokes. Any tips?
    Well, I will try the Weenie 400 challenge on Pokemon Omega Sapphire, kinda bling. I still don't have any idea how I will beat Steven or the Elite 4 with little pokes. Any tips?

    Pray for luck and a half. I did a Little Cup Challenge on Omega Ruby, and even after Dexnaving Lucky Eggs for my whole team and grinding to the extreme (sort of. I got lazy and only two of my mons hit 55 by the end of the run), I still had to abuse healing items and pray for luck on both Drake and Steven. I seriously only won after tons of tries because I learned that Steven's Mega Metagross had Giga Impact and gave me a chance to win.

    But anyway, I'll give this challenge a shot. Red gives me a lot of choices, so I'll start there. My only restriction is that I have to choose Bulbasaur as my starter (because Ivysaur's BST is below 400 in Gen 1, so I can at least evolve it once) and I can only use mons I have not used before, so I still have choices.

    So, to put it in other words, I'll put a little spoiler of mons that aren't starters that also match the rules that I'm restricted from using. Anything on this list or their evolutions are banned for me.


    Just about everything else is fair game, but I'll likely only have a team of 4 because I hate having full teams of 6 in challenge runs that aren't nuzlockes. Naturally, if I start early, I'll edit my post with my first update.
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    Actually, having done some homework on how to do this. I have found out that some people were doing solo run with weak pokes:

    One Bidoof run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUQTCeIxaS0&t=310s
    One Patrat run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJoB-cCQevw
    One Sentret run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq4-ZhYAYPo
    One Magikarp run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVKeTsmQxa4

    Magikarp has to be the worst pokemon out there since it has a total base stat of 200. Still it has been a fun challenging tradition for japanese players to barrel through new Pokemon game with just one magikarp.

    So the Weenie 400 challenge can't be that bad. About the only restriction is a max total stat of 400, anything else is fair game. Abuse restorative items and use TMs wisely. If your ivysaur gen1 total base stats is <= 400, it's good.

    I will stop my fighting monotype run of Pokemon Y to start this one.
    Man, thats a lot of stage 1 evolutions that can be used.
    Alright, ill go ahead and give it a shot.
    I'll be doing it on fire red

    Ooh, i need to get myself a porygon in this, cause it might be the best way for me to make it through this.
    Welp, time to grind at the game corner

    in fire red porygon is literally the strongest mon thats below 400
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    Man, thats a lot of stage 1 evolutions that can be used.
    Alright, ill go ahead and give it a shot.
    I'll be doing it on fire red

    Ooh, i need to get myself a porygon in this, cause it might be the best way for me to make it through this.
    Welp, time to grind at the game corner

    in fire red porygon is literally the strongest mon thats below 400
    Just hopping in here to remind you that you can use the Edit button at the bottom of your post instead of posting again and again with little time in between :) Keeps threads less messy!
    After some thought, I'm going to attempt Red with Weenie 300, using post-Gen-1 BSTs.

    Thoughts on Gen 1 Weenie 400, Weenie 350, and Weenie 300:
    (( Edited my post to avoid double posting ))

    As promised, I started the challenge tonight! Imma be using Pokemon Red ++, because even though a ROM hack, it's essentially just Pokemon Red "fixed" to look and feel nicer, and it'll make my life easier (run button and all that jazz). Also, I'll be avoiding all "additional" things the hack brings to Red (like Wonder Trading), and will try to play it as vanilla as possible.

    Although, since I dunno if the ROM hacker changed the base stats of the Pokemon to follow Gen II onwards or if they left they unchanged, I'll be using the Gen II onwards base stats table to avoid "cheating" without meaning to, lol! (although, if this hack is still "against the rules" of the challenge, feel free to tell me and/or delete this post!)

    Played the game for a while, nothing too eventful happened, this is the team so far!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge

    Here's hoping they achieve great things!
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    Double posting for the win! Played this run a lot today, passed the first gym and Mount Moon without any real issues, here's hoping things continue fine! Here's an update on the team:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] Weenie Challenge
    Thread revival is allowed.
    See a challenge that's a little old, but you still want to participate? Feel free to post in it!
    Okay, I promised I would do a Weenie 300 attempt and never followed through, so here it is.

    This was... more than a little rough. Not ashamed to admit I had to save before each Elite Four member and reload multiple times...

    Running notes:

    LORD PIKA the L53 Pikachu (got 6 Rare Candies)
    Thundershock | Swift | Thunder Wave | Thunder

    Basically one of the two MVPs of the run. Without it, I COULD NOT have passed Lance. He was literally doable based on whether Thunder OHKOed Aerodactyl or not.

    SHOVEL KNT the L49 Diglett
    Dig | Earthquake | Slash | Sand-Attack

    To my utter shock, OHKOed Champion's Alakazam on a critical. Aside from that, it pretty much provided damage for the vast majority of the run, rapidly taking over from the *intended* anti-Fire units and rampaging throughout the game. The difference between it and Dugtrio was pretty much that it could NOT take a hit under almost any circumstances, causing multiple reloads in Elite Four.

    PUFF PUFF the L36 Jigglypuff
    Strength | Sing | Water Gun | Body Slam

    A good Pokemon and surprisingly effective in places, but I never figured out what to do with its TM load-out. While Sing's accuracy is awful, Sleep is so stupidly overpowered in Gen 1 that it actually mattered...

    POLYNOMIAL the L34 Poliwag
    Surf | Psychic | Body Slam | Hypnosis

    Much less effective than I expected it to be, though that might have been because I got it so late. Since it soloed Bruno, I suppose I shouldn't knock it... Again, Sleep is overpowered. Pity its offensive stats were so inadequate that it blew most of its PP chipping through its targets. Seriously, by Gen 1 standards, a full third of its BST is Speed!

    TINY the L27 Dratini
    Thunder Wave | Wrap | Surf | Agility
    It was supposed to be a lot more important, but my kamikaze Elite Four grinding run turned into an actual Championship run. Oops. Funny Gen-1 AI manipulation note: due to typecharts, Pokemon that know Dragon Rage will be locked into it against Dratini! Useful for actually surviving a run against Gyarados and landing Thunder Wave...

    SDRAWKCAB the L28 Ekans
    Wrap | Glare | Toxic | Bite

    I'm really not sure what to say. Against normal opponents, it was such a deadweight I seriously considered leaving it in the PC. For its intended purpose, though - namely, exploiting Gen 1's busted AI - it fully lived up to my plans, taking out Lance's Dragons and Champion's Exeggutor without sustaining a single bit of damage. Exeggutor was more crucial than I had realized, because the usual living joke could have actually swept my zero-Defense team with Stomp. So, er... not an MVP in the same sense as Pikachu and Diglett, but an Honorary Mention?

    Well, that was an extremely interesting run, and I am not about to attempt it in Gen 2 because I'm pretty sure the improved AI would wipe the floor with me, and personally I once beat the Johto E4 with nothing but a horribly-overleveled Poliwag and am not keen on repeating the experience. Great challenge, though. I'm gratified to discover that Pikachu really can shine if you give it proper care and attention. :)