87. The world is full of trolls and you can't avoid 'em
88. Most of the world hates one another for stupid reasons
89. Anglophones are the most obnoxious people in the world (sure, there are some exemptions, but generally they think English > everyone else since it's spoke more. News flash: it's ony spoken more because Britain raped every country a few hundred years ago and forced them to. I wouldn't be too proud, and I'm not, being anglophone myself.)
90. Having a different opinion on things and not "following the norm" makes you a troll, when it's the individuals who follow like sheep who have been affected by the real trolls of society.
91. People want power
92. People with power, even if it's a few extra commands in an online game or the ability to forum ban, can get away with a lot of things normal members would usually be banned / infracted for. Maybe this is a reflection on those in real life who have power, too. I'd bet on it in any case.
Uh, I guess that's it.