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What if they were real? rated 16+ (just in case any adult themes come up)

Aura was quite happy to see Sweety having fun on his head, but still furious at the Monferno. Once they meet up with Jake, he'll want to meet Monferno, for revenge.

Silver could see that Kitten was trying to keep up with him. She could've used Doom or Saber... Looking ahead now, he could see Jake & his...car? Meh. He stopped right there in front of Jake, catching his breath. Aura stopped beside Silver, looking distainfully at Jake. He didn't even break a sweat. But...he wants Monferno.

Silver finally caught his breath & stood up, facing Jake with a smile. "Hey Jake! Here's" He paused for a moment before pointing at Sweety on Aura's head. "Sweety. She's alright." It's nice to see, or rather be in a happy ending...but Silver's adventure is still just the beginning.

Glaceon leapt up to the top of the pillar. Stupid Absol thought that turning invisible could help? HAH! The Blizzard was dying down, and Glaceon looked all around, looking for those tell tale foot prints to show where the Absol had gone. Unless he was up on top of the pillar as well, in which case Glaceon would be able to smell him. Glaceon used Work Up to boost his strength even more as he looked around for Ayon.

"That might help, but it would ruin the strategy you're using right now. Thermal imaging is also very expensive, and being a gym leader does not exactly bring in a lot of cash, Seph," :7: Riley said. He smiled and watched to see what would happen next.


"Pix," Vulpix said, bringing Jake out of his trance. He looked up and saw Silver walking towards his car. Jake got out of the car and and closed the door. A wave of relief rushed over him as he spotted Sweety on Aura's head. Sweety chattered happily and leapt into Jake's arms, dislodging Vulpix, who growled annoyedly.

"Silver, Kitten, you two have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you so much!" Jake managed to say, trying to not go to pieces all over Sweety, who chattered happily at him. She poked Vulpix in the nose and the n climbed up to Jake's shoulder. Vulpix blinked slowly and looked at Silver and the others, his face a blank mask again. Seems he doesn't know them well enough yet. Jake leaned against the hood of his car and sighed.

"So... I'm heading to Florida... You guys want a lift? I can drop you all off at the North Carolina Gym, if you want," Jake offered. He couldn't stop smiling, he was so happy. But the way Aura was looking... Probably would be best to not bring out Monferno.
Kitten had regained some of her breath and nodded, picking up her quilava. With afew more huffs and puffs she dusted off her shirt from little dusty paw prints.

"That.. pant.. Would be.. huff.. much appreciated.." Kitten panted out smiling up at Jake, noticing how happy he was to have Sweety back. Standing up straight she put her friend into her bag leaving the flap open so he could see out.

"Lav? Quilava lava" The quilava chirped a small amount of fire spurting from the back of his neck as he looked up at Jake. Turning his gaze to the other pokemon who were out he asked. "Quuiil ava?" (Do humans 'really' get that big?)
It's nice to see a happy reunion. "Yeah! A ride would be great." Silver answered, relieved they were almost at their first destination. Aura only hopped inside Jake's car, only wanting to know when he would take out Monferno.

Silver stepped into the back of the car as he took out a candy bar from his bag. Right now he wanted to eat it right now. "Next stop, my 2nd gym badge!"

Aura was next to Silver, but still staring at Jake. What he wants is Monferno. He'll pay. Why doesn't he come out? He's just scared, that's it. Too much of a jerk to come out. When he comes out, Aura won't hesitate. He'll show no mercy, or at least until Monferno's had enough.

(OoC: I'd suggest you don't take Monferno out if you know what's good for him. :7: You can if you want to, but I wouldn't!)
(OOC: Yeah, not going to happen.)


Sweety climbed in the car behind Silver and Aura and climbed up into the back part of the car so she could look out of the rear windshield. Jake laughed and picked up Vulpix. Flare's pokeball shook a little. The Monferno knew a fierce opponent was out there, and he wanted a piece of him. Jake ignored Flare and climbed into the front seat.

"Buckle up guys. I don't want to get a ticket," he said, his voice still shaking a bit. He looked at Vulpix before setting him down in the back with Silver and the others. Vulpix gave him a pleading look.

"Cheer up Vulpix. It won't hurt for you to get to know other people besides me, Sweety and Pearl. They're some of the nicest people you could ever meet!" Jake said before starting the car. Sweety climbed back to Aura's head and waved at Vulpix.

"Pach! Pachirisu!(Hey! This guy's nice! He's Aura!)" she called out happily. Once everyone was in the car and bckled up, Jake pulled out of the parking lot and dwove back to the highway.

John and Seven

"Charmeleon!" Cinder roared. He fell to all fours and was breathing rather heavily. John was fond of pushing his team in training, but Cinder was going too far with it.

"What's the matter runt? Can't keep up?" Eight taunted, his bushy silver tail wagging. Cinder growled at him. That was why Cinder was pushing himself so hard. But John had noticed one thing. Blaze had not activated since he had become a Charmander again.

"Oh, that will wear off... Eventually," Seven said. She smiled happily at John.

"Enough guys! Cinder, return and rest. Shadow, Nida, Tempest, you three come back here," John said as he returned Cinder. His pokemon approached him, and Shadow had a very confident look on her face.

"What's up Johnny?" she asked smugly. John scowled at her as she walked over to Eight. She rubbed her head against his, causing him to jump back from her.

"Get away from me! I do not like you!" Eight shouted. Shadow frowned and turned her head away from him with an angry look on her face. She flicked her tail annoyedly and walked back to John.

"Ok, now that that is over with, you guys need to know this. We're challenging the Grass gym to get my fifth badge! And we will win. Tempest, Nida, you two will be in this battle. Shadow, because Cinder's kind of... Wimpy right now, you'll lead this battle. Got it? Good, now let's head to the gym!" John said smugly, confident he was going to win. He had Tempest and Nida, both of whom were strong against grass types. And then Shadow, who was John's strongewst pokemon at level 52. This one was easy. Seven walked over to him and slipped her hand in his as he headed for the gym.
Kitten sat in the back as she looked at all the pokemon, thinking quietly to herself as she watched how they interacted with one another. She sat up straight as the car started, not being used to ever really ridding in a car apart from in the boot when her and her dad went to visit her grandparents. Looking over to Silver then at Jake she mulled things over, rolling down the window to stick her head out abit like a dog as she watched the scenery go by.

"Hey Jake? Why did you befriend us even though your in Team Plasma?" Kitten had spoken with out much thought on the matter, well she hardly ever gave things much thought before she said them anyway.
Silver was only paying attention to the Pokemon around, especially to Vulpix. Sweety had introduced Vulpix to Aura, but he was too occupied on focusing on Flare. When is Jake going to take him out? When?!

Aura's face wasn't a nice one. His eyes looked mean, fire was burning in his eyes, he heard nothing but Flare. Sure he might hear Sweety, but his attention wasn't on her. Flare will pay for what he did to Sweety. When will he appear?!

Jake thought a moment. The entire car fell silent as he pondered how to answer. Vulpix whimpered a tad bit as he looked at Silver and Kitten and Aura.

"... I suppose I should tell you the truth. I didn't join Team Plasma because I believe in their cause. It was out of spite for my father. He was a terrible man. After mother died, he only got worse. He'd hit me and John a lot when he got drunk, John especially. He is a member of the Human Alliance. And he was raising us to hate pokemon. But when John adopted his Charmander, it only got harder. I... I'm such a horrible person. I... I left him there. I left John because I couldn't take it anymore. I was hurt, and angry. I was met by a man. He offered me the chance to make things better. To get revenge for what happened. He gave me Pearl's egg. I joined Team Plasma for all the wrong reasons. And as time went on, I came to regret my decision. There was so much I wanted to do. I went back to get John away from our father, but both of them had disappeared. But when I saw John on TV battiling Riley with his Charizard, then I felt better. He was safe. He got away from Our father. But I doubt he'll forgive me. But hat has nothing to do with why I became friends with you two. I have been rethinking my desicion. Team Plasma acts noble, but the are no better than the HA. Both of those groups are going to tear the world apart with their fighting. I've been wanting to stop the fighting. When I saw you two, I knew you would help me. At first... And you'll hate me for saying this, but I just wanted to use you guys to stop the fighting. But... But I started liking you. Both of you... I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm sorry that when we first met my intentions were my own gain. But now... I'm not sure what would happen if you guys got hurt because I dragged you into this," Jake said. He fell silent again. He focused on the road, trying not to look at them in the mirror. They must think he was horrible. And they would be right. He couldn't blame them if they never wanted to talk to him again.
[SIZE="a"](OOC: This is my first post so tell me how i did)

Ben was walking casually on the side of a busy road with Tino perched on his shoulder when he heard them. The sirens of a police car. His casual walk became a fast paced sprint as he jumped into a pile of bushes. Ouch! Ben and Tino had just jumped into thorn bushes. Tino was on the verge of crying but Ben tried to calm him down.They watched the police car pass and they stepped out of the thorn bushes.
"Man, Tino that was a close call!" he said as Tino wiped away a tear with his wing. Ben sat down next to the busy road wondering where to go. He was lost for the past week.
"Tino can you fly up and get an aerial view of where we are?"Ben asked. Tino nodded and flew up, about a minute later he came down.
"Pidg-Pidgey!" Tino said.
"You mean we are on the highway?" Ben asked. Tino nodded and they continued to walk down the road.[/SIZE]
(OOC: I hate to do this but i'm gonna bunny Seph. Now, i'm going to ask, which Pokemon does Seph have left?)


Seph smiled; Riley was waiting for him to attack. Two could play at that game. "Ayon use Razor Wind," ordered Seph. Ayon was still invisible as it began charging its attack. Ayon knew exactly how to evade his opponent should he be discovered. And then, he would strike with the high critical hit ratio attack.


Israel didn't know what to make of Mary touching his shoulder. "What should we do to pass the time?" she had asked him. Israel shrugged, "I guess we wait for the rookie to get his sorry behind handed to him."

Mary raised an eyebrow. How could this kid not have known she was implying something else entirely? Was he that dense? Whatever, she had probably lucked out anyways. He was still attached to that Asian girl.
[SIZE="a"]Ben continued walking as he noticed a sign.It read: CHIMNEY ROCK, NC IN 2 MILES.
"Tino look!" Ben said as he pointed to the sign. Tino obediently surveyed the sign.
"We should reach there by tomorow morning!" Ben shouted. Tino started flying in the air in excitement. He flew in loops and circles but eventually he bumped into a street light and fell to the ground. Ben began laughing as Tino got himself back up. Ben looked at the sun. It was begining to set.
"Come on Tino, lets get some sleep and then once we wake up we can continue. Im extremely exausted from all of this walking." Ben said. Tino nodded in agreement. So they walked by the edge of the forest to find a safe spot from cops. They found a nice spot next to a patch of bushes. The bushes would give them security. They set up a "bed" and within an hour they both dozed off.[/SIZE]
Silver wasn't speaking much. Only listening to what the others were saying. Actually, Kitten's question did concern him.

"... I suppose I should tell you the truth. I didn't join Team Plasma because I believe in their cause. It was out of spite for my father. He was a terrible man. After mother died, he only got worse. He'd hit me and John a lot when he got drunk, John especially. He is a member of the Human Alliance. And he was raising us to hate pokemon. But when John adopted his Charmander, it only got harder. I... I'm such a horrible person. I... I left him there. I left John because I couldn't take it anymore. I was hurt, and angry. I was met by a man. He offered me the chance to make things better. To get revenge for what happened. He gave me Pearl's egg. I joined Team Plasma for all the wrong reasons. And as time went on, I came to regret my decision. There was so much I wanted to do. I went back to get John away from our father, but both of them had disappeared. But when I saw John on TV battiling Riley with his Charizard, then I felt better. He was safe. He got away from Our father. But I doubt he'll forgive me. But hat has nothing to do with why I became friends with you two. I have been rethinking my desicion. Team Plasma acts noble, but the are no better than the HA. Both of those groups are going to tear the world apart with their fighting. I've been wanting to stop the fighting. When I saw you two, I knew you would help me. At first... And you'll hate me for saying this, but I just wanted to use you guys to stop the fighting. But... But I started liking you. Both of you... I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm sorry that when we first met my intentions were my own gain. But now... I'm not sure what would happen if you guys got hurt because I dragged you into this," That...was surprising. A coupleof questions were in Silver's head after hearing all that. John already beat Riley with Charizard? Well that had nothing to do with anything. Jake...whoever his father is, it must've been terrible during that time. Jake must've had his reasons to make them his pawns, but now he's rethinking about TP. It's already in the past now...so now it's time to focus on the present.

Silver regained his composure & gave a smile to Jake. "It's fine. You must've had your reasons for using us. But it's okay now. I'm not mad." Getting dragged into his plans was okay too. "Your our friend. For me, I would help out anyway I can, especially if it's against TP or HA."

It seems Jake has changed a lot. Aura...not much. He still wants revenge on Flare. This Monferno has to be the most reckless Pokemon to almost kill Sweety. As soon as the car stops, Aura will get off & demand Jake to let Monferno out, or he'll make him get that Pokemon out by force.
[SIZE="a"]Tino woke up startled. He listened carefully for the sound again. There it was again. It sounded like something was being attacked brutally. Tino was unsure of what it could be so he tried to wake up Ben.
Tino slapped Ben across the face and he woke up screaming.
"OOOOOW!" Ben yelled. Tino continued to listen for the noise but it stopped. Now he heard the noise of a car driving away and the sound of the rustling of leaves.
"PIDGEY!" Tino screamed.
"What is with you?!?" Ben yelled,"First you woke me up and now you are screaming at me!" Tino flew up into a tree.
Ben felt something push him in the back. He turned around and saw a huge Ursaring glaring at him. It looked severely wounded. The Ursaring roared malignantly and pounced at Ben. Ben dodged it and dove into a bush.
Ben leapt into another thorn bush. The Ursaring was angry for some reason and wanted to take it all out on Ben. The Ursaring scanned the area. It grunted as it crept toward the thorn bush. It roared as it saw Ben and began to reach for Ben inside the thorn bush.
Suddenly, Ben saw Tino swoop down from the tree and knock the Ursaring with an Aerial Ace. The Ursaring roared and collapsed.
Ben leapt out of the thorn bush and started running followed by Tino. Ben ran as fast as he can. While Tino was ahead of him gliding shakily through the air. The Ursaring got back up and followed them. His speed was much greater than Ben's and even Tino's. The Ursaring was gaining up on them as they sprinted through the side of the highway. Ben noticed many shocked faces of people in their cars as they watched him and Tino run away from the Ursaring. Ben was getting exausted and was starting to slow down. Then he saw a sign ahead, it read: CHIMNEY ROCK, NC in .8 MILES. Ben looked behind him and saw the Ursaring slowing down. It stopped then roared once again. This time it was much louder and it stood for veangence. The Ursaring receded back into the forest. Ben and Tino took a sigh of relief and sat down to rest.[/SIZE]

Riley had been expecting that. Seph was good, no doubt about that. Ayon was still invisible, but Riley knew one important thing. The attack was not invisible. He could see the wind starting to swirl around where Ayon was.

"Blizzard right there!" Riley called out, pointing to the spot where the invisible Absol was charging his attack. And what Seph had seemingly forgotten was that pokemon could not move while charging their attacks like that. Solar Beam, Razor Wind, none of the two turn attacks.


John stood outside of the gym. Seven had slipped her hand into his and was watching carfully. Shadow was sitting on his shoulder.

"Charmeleon!" Cinder said annoyedly. John and his group walked forwards, and entered the Grass Gym of North Carolina. Inside, they were met by a garden, filled with all sorts of pretty flowers. The leader was a woman. She was about 22, and had a crown of flowers in her hair.

"Greetings challenger... My Name is Rose... I assume you are aware of the gym's rules? Well, forget them. This will be a full team battle. Your six pokemon against my six. No substitutions can be made. Do you understand andd agree to these rules?" she said, her voice distant and dreamy. ohn frowned, but he nodded.

"Fine. Sparky!" he said, sending out the Pikachu. She stood at the ready.

"Pika!" she called happily. Rose smiled.

"An Electric type. And here I thought you would use that fire type next to you. It tells a lot about a trainer which pokemon they send out first. I will choose Roselia as my first pokemon," she said, tossing the pokeball, revealing the Roselia.


"Thank you Silver, that means a lot. Hey, who's that?" Jake said. He had spotted someone sitting on the side of the road. Vulpix climbed up onto the seat with Silver and Kitten, and was laying between them. He huffed loudly and put his head down on the seat. Jake pulled over next to the person, and saw he was a kid.

"Hey! You alright?" he called out to him.

(OOC: Seph has Shocks left, but Shocks is asleep. And Jake is talking to Ben, if no one noticed.)
Ben saw a car pull over next to him. Someone came out and was approaching him.
"Hey! You alright?" The guy said. Ben nervously adjusted his cap. This is the first time a person had spoken to him in a long time. He didnt know what to say.
Who is this guy?
Could he be a threat?
Is he an undercover cop?
"Yeah im fine," Ben said, "You didnt see that Ursaring chase me did you?"
Tino  flew around the unkown person. Scanning him to see if he was a threat or not. The guy looked okay to Tino but he was still uncertain. Tino noticed pokemon in the car. He decided that this guy was good. Tino nodded to Ben indicating that he could trust this stranger.
The Glaceon had fired the Blizzard attack at the charging wind, but the wind moved out of its way.

Ayon had been controlling the charging Razor Wind from afar while standing a distance away, and now it was fully charged.

It fired the Razor Wind at the Glaceon and awaited orders. "Now Faint Attack until it faints," ordered Seph. Ayon was still invisible and launched Faint Attack after Faint Attack.

The attacks couldn't miss but could be blocked. But how could something block an attack that it couldn't see coming?
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How could something block what it couldn't see? That was simple. Being invisible didn't erase his scent. Glaceon leapt to the ground as he was hit by the first Faint Attack, dodging the Razor Wind completely. He closed his eyes and tracked Ayon by scent, blasting a final Blizzard, as strong as he could muster before the second Faint Attack could hit him. If it worked, then Ayon would be sent flying, and hopefully knocked out.
Ayon was hit with the Blizzard and fainted. Seph returned it and looked at the Pokeball of his last Pokemon. Shocks had been put to sleep by Laprase's Sing, it was a sitting duck and an easy target for Glaceon's Stored Power attack.

Seph cursed under his breath, this wasn't how he wanted his first Gym battle to turn out. "Alright, go Shocks," he said sadly; he was at least going to fight this to the end.

Shocks was sprawled out on the ice taking his nap. Seph was baffled at what to do next.
It was nice to give comments, like this one. Jake was forgiven. "Thank you Silver, that means a lot. Hey, who's that?" Jake stopped the car near someone with a Pidgey. Was he another trainer? "Hey! You alright?" Jake asked the stranger. His Pidgey was flying around Jake for some reason.

"Yeah im fine." Answered the kid. "You didnt see that Ursaring chase me did you?" Strange kid. Silver hasn't seen an Ursaring for a while. Wait...didn't an Ursaring hurt a trainer that was carried to the Pokemon Center by his Absol? Could it be the same Ursaring this kid was talking about? This was the second time he's heard about it. No, it couldn't be. Their are lots of Ursarings & other Pokemon out there that it could be any Ursaring. Anyhow, Silver hasn't seen a singlie Ursaring in his life, so not him.

Silver came into view seeing the kid Jake found. "I don't think so. I haven't seen an Ursaring in my life. What's your name?" He looks like a strange person. His Pidgey was back by the kid's side after it did it's 'examination.' Aura wasn't aware of the Pidgey nor the stranger. Apparently he can wait all day & night for that Monferno.
Another person came out of the car.
"I dont think so. I havent seen an Ursaring in my life. Whats your name?" The new guy said.
Tino flew over to the new guy and began to examine him. Ben was nervous, he usually doesnt get this much attention.
"Um....uh...my name is....Ben." Ben said. "and um....that Pidgey is my pokemon. Um...His name is Tino."
Ben didnt mean to sound that shy, he just isnt used to talking to people. Tino flew over to Ben and nodded again indicating that the new guy was okay.
"I guess these guys are fine, maybe i can be freinds with them." Ben thought to himself.
"You guys arent undercover cops are you?!" Ben blurted out. Tino pecked him in the head as if saying "What are you doing?!?" Ben shouldnt have said that, he wont make any freinds by saying stupid stuff like that!