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What languages do you know?

I know greek(Ειμαι ο μιτσμαν_93)
cause its native language

I also know english cause I was born in the states
i speak english,spanish and a little pipil.
English is the single language I speak with fluency, however, I understand portions of Spanish, a few words of Tagalog, and Japanese, on varying degrees.

Spanish from my daily life, Tagalog from my roots, and Japanese due to my unhealthy obsession with anime/manga. ;DD
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Twilite Darkrai said:
watashi wa Erick desu, genki desu ka

Soshite watashi wa Suminda desu. Ogenki desu ka? (Erick wa sukoshi shitsurei desu nee...)

Unfortunately the only two languages I had the option of studying in high school were Spanish and French, and I took Spanish because about 40% of people in the city where I live speak it. I'm more fluent in Japanese because I studied it longer and more recently, and of course English is my first language, so...

...And--wait, I speak a made-up language too! (Or is it made up...?)
(Kati, tei-bi esthe da Suminda. Hei chu tou da kiyo-ma? ...Tae tou kadi lou tei da latwi itaku? O deshu... Turien...!)
I speak Englsih, french( some amount) and my own native language...but I want to learn more.