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World of the LLL [PG 13]

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Hey Blaze but my character is a loner.
Sill, I think you should chamge flames to invader Or loner

Haha.. I actually meant him to be an invader! Messed that one up a bit.


Good job, Sandslash10. Knew you'd pull through.

Hey, Gen.Gun, did you read my post above the sign up (that I messed up on T.T), if you would change those, please. Oh, and I know you helped me out and all (telling me I accidentally put undercover instead of invader), but could you guys not spam like that. There is an OOC for that.
Hey my brother said that this rp looks good so I'm signing up.

Pokemon Species: Charmeleon
Name: Magma
Gender: Male
Job: Loner
Home Region/Hometown: Ruby Island
Appearance: He is just like a regular Charmeleon but instead of red skin he has grey skin. His tip is much more pointier, his eyes are red, his claws of his hands are bright red, his flame on his tail is black and grey, and his claws on his feet are also bright red.
History: When Magma and his parents moved to Ruby Island with his brother Flames, they moved up on top of a mountain. On top of the mountain, he climbs up on rocks and jumps down, he is really active when it comes to mountain climbing. He also makes rock scultpures. When he heard that his brother Flames gets in trouble, he likes to get in trouble also.
Others: At night when his parents are sleeping, he follows his brother around the mountain and in the town below, but when his parents wake up he tells what happend between Flames and the townsmen. Him and his brother always fight alot.

RP Sample: When Magma got off of his bed, he saw his brother Flames waking outside of the cave. He followed him and when he saw his brother disappear from the distance, he looked at the bottom of the mountain and he saw his brother running down it to attack the townsmen once more. When he kept on following his brother, he saw him burning a house down to the ground.
Ok, now you are accepted, as long as its alright with Krome Jr.

The RP has begun!
Remember, anyone can still join!

Choso was walking out in the field. It was unusually sunny and hot out. There was not a single cloud in the sky. It wasn't even humid. The air was dry and crisp as could be. It was simply one of those days. Clouds could not be seen for miles. Yet, he could get the feeling that it was going to be a bad day.

Choso continued to walk in a simple stride. He was going to take advantage of this beautiful day while he had the chance, getting some progress done. He felt a slight breeze to his back, then a pelt. He looked up, to see clouds above him.

"Wasn't it just.. dry out here?" he said aloud. A hole pierced in the clouds, and it was once again extremely sunny and dry. The clouds closed back up, as if the doing of some Pokemon. The rain started, drenching the ground. It nearly created rivers, when the clouds split again, making it so dry that it was all evaporated instantly. It kept happening like this in cycles.

There was suddenly a weak tremor in the ground.

"The Legend.. it's true!" Choso shouted as a huge chasm opened at his feet. It's gaping mouth seemed to draw in all the light. The clouds vanished permanently, but left it extremely cold outside. The water on the ground was freezing just as fast as it came down. The chasm was emanating warmth, though. Choso decided to hunker down in the lip of the chasm until the temperature got back to normal.
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When Magma got up from his bed, he looked outside and he saw that his brother was eating food first so he went towards the table and pushed him. Magma looked into his brothers eyes and they didn't want to fight again so they ate at the table peacefully with their kind family.

After they were done, Magma got up from the chair and walked towards the edge of the mountain too see the beautiful scenery of the sun raising. Magma was so happy that day so he asked his brother Flames to go out for a walk with him.

During the walk with his brother, they looked back and started running down the mountain as fast as they could without stopping but when their father didn't know where they were, he knew that his sons were playing "one who goes down the mountain last is a rotten claw" so their father rose up from the table and flew down the hill to get Flames and Magma out of the mountain.

When Magma and Flames got on the ground, Magma went to his art area and started sculpting. When he was done, he showed his parents and his parents were confused and then they suddenly got mad at him. Magma ran into his room and locked the entrance by pushing a boulder in front of it.
Darkness And Psy Walked Around As They Entered Docklynn. " I Wonder If We Should Go Train With Our Special... " Said Psy,Looking Around Cautously. " You Know What Always Happens When We Use It Psy. We Can't Risk Fainting Again. " Said Darkness As He Walked Towards The Exit To Get Back To Brayport. " True... " Replied Psy Following Darkness. Darkness And Psy Walked Into A Fiend And Saw A Giant Fissure In The Ground. Darkness Walked Up To The Hole And Jumped In,Psy Following. " Lets Explore In Here,Good Training Also. " Said Darkness Walking Towards A Hall And Seeing A Medicham There. " Lets Go Say Hi. " Said Psy,Her Voice Echoed In The Empty Passageway.
When Flames saw that Magma locked the door again, he looked at his parents and he ran away from them. Flames didn't actually ran away from his parents, he just ran into a bush and hid. Flames peeked out of the bush and then when he exhaled and unhaled, the bush was caught on fire.

Flames quickly ran out of the bush and climbed up on top of a tree. His mom saw him climbing on a tree so she got up and went to talk to Flames. Flames said to his mom that her and dad shouldn't make Magma cry because he's just a growing Charmeleon.

His mom agreed to what Flames said to her so she came back down from the tree to talk to his dad. Flames saw that his mom and dad were talking so he climbed back down and knocked on the boulder. Magma pushed the room open and Flames smiled and talked to Magma what him and their mom were talking about.

Flames saw Magma coming out of the room and went towards their parents. Magma hugged them tight and Flames went walking to see the beautiful scenery of the town once more. Flames saw Magma by his side and when he looked at the scenery together with his younger brother, they saw a little bug poke'mon crawling up the mountain so they both went down to see what it was.
The crawling bug was a little unkown Weedle so Magma used his flamethrower to attack the Weedle. After the Weedle fell off of the mountain, Magma and Flames kept on going down the mountian.

When they got off the mountain, Magma saw another bug poke'mon so he told Flames to attack it. Flames attacked it and then suddenly a huge bug poke'mon appeared. The bug poke'mon was a Beedrill so Magma and Flames stood on their ground.

The Beedrill used its fury attack on Flames but Magma used his flamethrower to attack it. The Beedrill flew away without another fight and then suddenly, they heard a pound in the back of them. When they turned around, it was their father.

Their father grabbed them both and then he flew them back on top of the mountain. Magma talked to his father and then he accepted Magma's speech. Magma then talked to Flames and then they ran back down the mountain.
Pokemon Species: Lucairo

Name: Rukrat

Gender: Male

Job: Invader; he believes strongly in Lugia.

HomeRegion/Hometown: Holy Region, unknown hometown.

Appearance: He is a normal Lucario with no special features that make him stand out in a crowd, that is, if we talk when he wears nothing. He is often found wearing a blue scarf and a cloak that he uses to hide his scarf, which if seen, makes him be labeled as the "Terrorizer of Blinding Death."

History: Rukrat comes from a dead family of many kinds of pokémon. He is the last one of his family and he believes he will die as lonely as he currently is, with no one to talk to and no one to trust. Everyone he knew was killed when Invaders came to his village; he was only 5 years old, but he still remembers that day constantly, like if haunted by it, as if he just came out of a house filled with ghosts. He then joined a band of traveling merchants, and used to battle endlessly with bandits that lived in the land. He befriended a young Voltorb there, and one day he evolved into a Lucario, and became the only one to protect the merchants. He later escaped in some woods in the Holy Region, feeling he had something to find out there. He then found a pokémon he will never forget just like that horrible day. Her name was Gavy, the most beautiful Gardevoir in the world, so he says. They became friends and trusted each other so much, because they were both lonely.

Rukrat and Gavy were found by a Pidgeot that bore the name of Rick. He adopted them, and took them to the Air Kingdom, where they lived happily for 15 years. The two pokémon made each other gifts for their long friendship. Gavy made Rukrat a beautiful blue scarf, and he still has it clean and soft just like he received it. Rukrat gave Gavy something similar in return, a long piece of blue cloth, and just like him, she has kept it almost untouched. The Air Kingdom was full of peace, but the destinies of Rukrat and Gavy were full of sadness. Gavy once started to argue with her most beloved friend, and ended up stabbing that old emotional scar of his, and so Rukrat left, never to be seen again by anyone familiar. He met an Invader of Lugia, and was moved by his words and so he joined them, and ascended quickly through the ranks, to being feared even by his allies. He currently travels the world, doing his duty.

---And my second character

Pokemon Species: Gardevoir

Name: Gavy

Gender: Female

Job: Undercover

HomeRegion/Hometown: Holy Region, unknown hometown.

Appearance: Gavy is a Gardevoir indeed more beautiful that any other of her species. Aside from her beauty, her charming presence, and her long blue cloth she keeps tied around her waist, there's no way you could recognize her immediately.

History: Gavy is the oldest daughter of a pure family, or a family made solely of pokémon of that species/evolutionary family. Her oldest memory is one where she is constantly traveling through the Holy Region, and her true home is unknown even to her mother. Some time between their travels, Gavy evolved into a Kirlia. When they reached the Aquan Kingdom, she decided to travel the world, something unusual to the common pokémon that loves peace, but her family knew they couldn't stop her and they let her go. Soon after leaving, and after traveling through cities, she became a Gardevoir, and became instantly known in some places for her beauty. She unfortunately was not made to last long without help, and became fragile in some woods between the kingdoms, in nobody's land. But there she also found hope and true love. She met a Lucario that was as lost as a normal pokémon in a cave where Sableye crawl. She definitely fell in love with him, but never had the courage to try to be something more than friends. They instead became the best friends, and wandered the woods for a while, until they were found by a Pidgeot named Rick.

They were taken to the Air Kingdom, where they lived for 15 years in a state of happiness. Gavy and Rukrat gave each other a gift, and both were a long and blue cloth. Unfortunately, after being bullied by some Spearow, she was so mad she started to argue with Rukrat, and told him horrible things, and hit his weak spot, opening the scar that was caused when his family was killed. He left the Air Kingdom and she was devastated. She stayed in a room for 10 days, but came out decided to find Rukrat. Rick supported her and trained her to defend herself in case she was attacked. She is currently traveling the world, trying to stop the battle between the legendaries when she was told that a Lucario with a blue scarf joined the Invaders of Lugia. She thinks that stopping the fight will calm him, but that may not be true. She still loves him and wishes to be him. Gavy and Rukrat feel terrible for what they did, and hope that the other half of each other forgives them for leaving/hurting their beloved pokémon.

RP Sample:
Gavy ran as fast as she could, trying to flee from a Spearow that kept tormenting her. "You know..." the Spearow said, but was slapped by Gavy and he fell to the floor with a mark across his face. "You are a coward! That's what you are!" Spearow added. Gavy kept crying and pleaded the Spearow to stop, "please! Stop! Why do you keep doing this to me?"
The Spearow spat on her, "you are nothing but scum. You're the lowest of the low. Nothing but scum that is here trying to live because you were so close to death!" Gavy could not take her anymore. She was so angry, but she kept crying, because she knew she couldn't beat that Spearow. She ran and ran, but the Spearow no longer went behind her, but laughed maniacally instead. Inside the house of Rick, she fell to the floor and kept crying. Rukrat came, extremely worried by the tears that touched the shining floor. "Gavy! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Rukrat kept saying as he got near Gavy.
She felt an urge inside, and something told her she could release her rage with him.
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Pokemon Species: Kabutops

Name: Shinobi

Gender: Male

Job: Invader (Dialga/Palkia Supporter)

HomeRegion/Hometown: Holy Region / Terrain Kingdom

Appearance: His shell is a darker shade of brown and is more rough than normal. His left eye has a scar near it. His right eye is blue while his left eye is grey. He is taller and thinner than normal. His blades are a dull shade of silver.

History: He was born in Liteflow of the Sunken Region as a Kabuto. He wished he could travel to the land. Eventully, he evolved into a Kabutops and ventured to Ruby Island. After living there for a while, he moved to the Terrain Kingdom. While there, he learnt of the deities Dialga and Palkia. He now believes in them and is determined to tell others of "the truth".


Pokemon Species: Delibird

Name: Pilgram

Gender: Female

Job: Loner

HomeRegion/Hometown: Varain Region / Iceolated Village

Appearance: Her white feathers have a slight blue tint while her red feathers have a slight orange tint. Her tail feathers are bushy and thick. She wears a brown duffle bag around her shoulder, which often contains things like berries or other gifts (along with smoke bombs for escaping confrontation).

History: She was born in Iceolated Village of the Varain Region. She was raised to believe in karma; good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people. As she started to travel the world, she visited Tradesville and saw the poverty. She then decided to continue her travels, simply sharing gifts with people and make peace.


RP Sample:

The girl woke up in a frantic, cold sweat. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest, as if trying to escape before it burst. She blinked once, then again, forcing herself to calm down. Her bedroom was still the same; lime green walls scattered with posters of Pokemon, thin blue carpet with the coffee stain in the corner by the oak wardrobe. Silver moonlight sifted through her faint lilac curtains and it danced across her floor as clouds floating in front of the view. It took a full minute to calm herself down, the dream feeling so very real. As she tried to return to her sleep, a dark thought sent chills down her spine.
The nightmares wouldn't stop. Ever.


*crosses fingers* Pwease?
Pokemon Species:Flygon

Name: Darkly


Job: invader. he works for dialga, and is his trusted advisor and he leads a team called team dark sky, the members are(they are sort of minor, except for glitchy, so They really don't need another sign up.):

Glitchy: a porygon z, who makes many useless inventions. he is Darkly's assistant and usually goes everywhere with him.

Gary: a grovyle theif

fat salamence: well... a fat salamence

sylvia: a froslass who is in love with Darkly, he does not love her back, and treats her like a maid


Appearance:He is a black and grey flygon with red eyes that can hypnotize other pokemon. he wears a black cape and he uses it to hide in the shadows, unfortunately, it does not work

History:he was kicked out of his homeland for being oddly colored, and created a team, where all the members were shiny, they then took over Darkly's homeland with the help of a robot dialga that was built by glitchy, Dialga was impressed by this and made Darkly his advisor, now, Darkly is focused on destroying the undercovers

Others: Darkly is dark type insted of ground

RP Sample : "ow" Darkly said as he fell and all the team Dark sky members fell on top of him. "Glitchy!" Darkly yelled " you really should find a way to make dimensional travel easier" "I know, but what am I supposed to do? invent a giant matress?" Glitchy replied "good idea! start inventing! Gary! Sylvia! come with me, we're going to get out of this frozen wasteland! let's find Dialga and palkia!" Darkly exclaimed
Pokemon Species: Sceptile

Name: Trika

Gender: Male

Job: Loner


Appearance: He basically looks like a normal Sceptile. He is slightly taller than normal and has a brown bad around his shoulder with weapons in.

History: Trika would travel from dimension to dimension. He is part of a rescue team called team Ultimo (made up of invincible pokemon) but he occasionally forgets that he is and does what he wants. He would help anyone except from his arch rival, darkly the flygon.

Others: As i metioned earlier, he is invinceble but can be KOed

RP Sample: Crobat got up from the log and looked around. The trees began to sway and shift as the wind picked up. He heard a great thud from his right and a shouting voice that sounded strangely familiar. He hid behind a bush but the strangers were still in sight. Croby could make out the words," Glitchy" and "Giant Matress" but then he realised. He made out the strangers as a dark flygon; a strangely, over-sized salamence; a disollusiend froslass; an innteligent Porygon-Z and a shifty Grovyle.

"It can't be." Whispered Croby. "I've got to find him. I need him now." The flygon, froslass and Grovyle had dissapeared yet Croby was puzzled. He had no way of escaping without the dull Team Dark Sky spotting him or making contact with the sun, which was one of his weak spots. Then again, the only members that remained within his sight were about as intelligent as a confused Psyduck. There was only one thing to do. Croby jumped out of the bushes, letting of a weak dark pulse which momenterily knocked out the grunts. Croby made his escape, zooming past there ears and out towards Altario. And by the time the unintelligent companions has regained consiousnous, Croby was a mear figment of there imagination.
You last three have sort of a.. "minimum" in appearance detail. I advise you all to lengthen it a bit.

Syke: It looks great, except for the appearance length. It would be a great sign-up.

Darkly: you were one of the reasons that Toxic's thread was closed, so I may have to be hard on you. Just, make sure you put the length that is required, OK?

Toxic: It's good, but, like I said, appearance length. The rest is great. I have one question.. how is Trika invincible? It seems very.. unrealistic. Yet, he can be knocked out. Is it just an exaggeration?

Everyone, like I said, NO OVERPOWERING YOUR CHARACTER! As long as you all edit your posts to minimum, you are in.

Choso was down in a divit, when an Umbreon and Espeon approached him.

"Are you not cold?" he asked in disbelief. He then noticed they had thick fur on, protecting them. He got up, and looked around. It was so cold outside that the sky didn't even have any clouds. The chasm was still very warm, though. He decided to jump down, and explore, motioning toward the two others to follow. He continued on his way underground, not caring if they followed. After a while of walking, he came to a cliff, which was at the edge of a huge pool of lava. In the center was a small island, with nothing on it. Choso turned back, with nothing of interest in here. He noticed that the cave was now very steamy, and hard to see.

Choso turned to see a huge rock where he had came in through. It started to roll, then come at him.

Watch Out!!!

A voice yelled. The rock just passed Choso, when it stopped suddenly. It opened up, revealing a Graveler.

"G'day, no?" it asked politely, "What'll you be doin' in here?" it questioned.

"Uh.. just, exploring. Well," Choso replied.

"Well, SCRAM! Off with ya!" it yelled, waving its four arms toward him. It hurled a rock, which nearly hit Choso. He escaped, back into the cool air. He looked back into the warm hole, with steam pouring out of it.

"It's not just his.." he trailed off. He looked to his right, where he was to continue. Choso walked toward the forest, on his way to Brayport. The sun was starting to heat up again, and it got intensely hot out. Clouds were now rolling in again.






The Arcanine was reading off names of his very small group. There stood a Manectric, Pineco, and Combusken. The Combusken spoke.

"Are we going to leave Sparx behind?" he asked.

"Blazer, this is none of your business. He is already waaay ahead of us. He's nearly to Sapphire Island," the Arcanine snapped. The ship rocked, and a barrel nearly toppled over the side, into the water. The band of pirate-looking ruffians were sailing to scout the next area. They were secretly sailing the Sunken region, looting island by island. The Manectric ran quickly to retrieve the barrel, but he was too late. It was gone.

"See now, if Sparx was here, he could get that barrel. No problem for a Chinchou--" he was cut off.

"Silence, Blazer!" yelled the Arcanine. He took off an eye patch, "I don't care. He is recruiting some others to help. I know it'd be nice to have him. Boss Gengi said he was to meet up with us at Ruby Island. There, we are to trade his band some spices that we steal from Sapphire. They, in turn, will give us some old maps and treasures. These maps should lead us to the Space Pokemon, Palkia.." he explained quickly, looking out to the horizon. The sun was just overhead, indicating noon. It was extremely hot out.

"What are we to do about the rest of these barrels? There's too many to put down in the hull," asked the Manectric.

"Just, keep them still, Diego," Arcanine replied, "Help 'im out, Piny! Don't just sit there looking at me!" he barked. The ship rocked and heaved. The transit down below them was changing direction. It was rush hour.

"Oh, great, the current's changing!" complained the Arcanine.
It was a sunny day at Ruby Island, and the waves slowly smote the coast, but they actually had enough strength to bring a boat to the bottom of the ocean. Rukrat watched silently this scene, sitting on top of a giant rock just a few steps from the water. The wind, not caring for his cloak, made it move violently from side to side as the moving air kept blowing. Rukrat sighed, and filled with sadness he slowly stood up and walked across the beach. He was special among the Invaders that served Lugia, he worked alone most of the time; it was known that he didn't need a partner, and most of the partners he got ended up injured, for Rukrat has always fought in the big battles.

He noticed he could see a better scene from the top of a mountain nearby, and proceeded to climb it. Along the way he noticed two Charmeleon that were together and looked different, fighting a Weedle and then a Beedrill. What looked like their father came and carried them to the top of the mountain. Rukrat watched this with a little of indifference, but then thought that maybe they could be Loners, and started to think in what he could probably say to these two brothers.

When he reached the top, he saw the two Charmeleon leave again, climbing down the mountain. Rukrat sighed and tried to follow them, but the great height allowed him to see farther and better. Up there, Rukrat could see a boat, and some pokémon on it. He got closer to the edge and focused. He saw how something fell from the boat, but couldn't see exactly what it was, but realized that the pokémon he could see were not friendly, for one of them was giving orders to the rest, or at least it looked like it to Rukrat, and thought they could be disturbing the pokémon in the islands. 'If they disturb the pokémon here, and I take them out, I could probably change the minds of all these Loners, and make them join Lugia...' Rukrat thought, sat down, and kept thinking.
The situation was harsh for Gavy. She barely had enough strength to stand, but somehow, she kept walking. Something strong moved her. Something very strong kept pushing her around the world. Actually, it was the lack of something; something she lost. She kept walking through the forest, and then the heat began to come again.

Gavy was on her way to Brayport, a city she was told could give her the means, or at least faster means, to look for her old companion. To help her a bit, clouds began to appear again, blocking some of the sun rays that were tiring her so much. But she was so tired a single breeze could knock her down, actually. She was starting to see things now; some were true, and some were false. She saw a Medicham moving towards her position, but it looked so far away she considered it an hallucination. What she could see clearly was the image of Rukrat, resting his body against a tree, pretending to be asleep, but actually waiting for the perfect moment to scare Gavy, just like the old times.
"Rukrat... Ru-Rukrat... Rukrat!!" Gavy kept shouting, until she finally collapsed on the ground, and closed her eyes, waiting to be saved by her loved Rukrat.
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*checks other posts* I'd say my appearance length was about the same as most of the others, but... eh, I'll obey.


Appearance: His shell is a darker shade of brown and is more rough than normal. His left eye has a scar near it. His right eye is blue while his left eye is grey. He is taller and thinner than normal. His blades are a dull shade of silver. His inner skin is soft and tan. The scales of his shell are sharp and jagged. His arms and legs are long, allowing for far-reaching attacks. He is surprisingly fast on land, but can't swim as well as other Water Pokemon. He can cling to surfaces with his scythes. He is known to be impulsive or reckless and is often seen showing no emotion.


Appearance: Her white feathers have a slight blue tint while her red feathers have a slight orange tint. Her tail feathers are bushy and thick. She wears a brown duffle bag around her shoulder, which often contains things like berries or other gifts (along with smoke bombs for escaping confrontation). Her eyes are a vivid brown and her beak is a pale yellow. She is slow and can't swim, but her flying abilities are unmatched and she can survive harsh cold conditions. She is known to be rather clueless or confused, but has a good heart and is often smiles or laughs.


OOC: Okay, that'll do, right?
A day past by and Flames mom told him to get some berries to eat for breakfast but when his dad woke up, he was furious because Flames and Magma snuck out of the cave and messed around. Flames mom and dad talked about it and then his mom made a decision that Flames and Magma are grounded.

Later on, when the night came, Flames dug a hole underneath his bed so his mom and dad wouldn't see it and then him and Magma snuck out to run away from the horrible pain and suffering because they want to have fun.

It took awhile for Flames and Magma to come out safe, but when they did, they ran as fast as they could. Flames told Magma to get some wood so they can start a fire so Magma left and Flames hardened his claws by stratching on the trees.
OOC: Lookin' good, Syke. You're in. Wasn't so bad, was it? Anyway, to Darkly, perhaps Toxic, I don't want anyone from "other dimensions", no overpowered, like I said. They have to be from this world, remember. Toxic, I'm not so much worried about you, though.

Choso kept walking, the clouds were coming in quickly. It had been an odd day so far in Northern Varain. Just a moment ago, it was freezing cold. Now, it was warm and humid. Ice on the ground was melting just as fast as it appeared. It was definitely a suspicious scenario. A huge cave opening up suddenly, the weather going crazy, and..

"Rukrat!" he heard some Pokemon shouting. He quickly turned around, seeing a Gardevoir collapse onto the ground. He darted over, flying through the grass. He nearly tripped over a tree root, but managed to maintain balance.

"Hey!" he said quickly and worriedly. He knelt down next to the Gardevoir, "are you alright?" he asked, not knowing whether she was conscious or not.
"Gah.. this is just GREAT!" snapped the grumpy Arcanine, "We've already lost half the load! What are you maniacs doing?! If we let anymore barrels into the water, Gengi will have our heads! Blazer, quick, GET THAT BARREL!" he was shouting orders left and right, spotting a runaway barrel. Blazer, knowing full well that it was already a goner, sprinted to the edge, only to watch the splash it made in the water.

"Why don't you help us?" Blazer yelled furiously. It was quiet for a minute. Another minute passed, and the Arcanine just looked at him.

"Very sorry, sir.." Blazer apologized, knowing he had made the mistake of yelling at the commander. The Arcanine sat there for another minute, completely ignoring Blazer.

"Ok.. next destination, Sapphire Island. We need to top off our supply, anyway," he said more calmly, "and you, Blazer, I advise you to back off. Go down in the hull and check the supply," he finished off his orders.

"Sir!" yelled Piny, "land ahead! It's Ruby Island!" it continued
When Magma came back with the wood, he put the pile down by the rock pile. Flames got done from scratching the tree and then he used his ember attack to start the fire. Later after, Magma and Flames sat down by the fire warming up so they can travel further.

When they were warmed up, they got up and started to travel further. During they walked, they seen a Venasaur starting to attack them. Flames used flamethrower and Magma used ember. It hurt Venasaur but suddenly, the Venasaur used sleep powder and then Flames and Magma fell asleep.

The next day when Magma and Flames woke up, they both seen a meadow filled with Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venasaur so they both smiled at each other and then they both used flamethrower to attack the meadow.
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