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FireRed hack: Yet Another Fire Red Hack


Tiny Umbrella with Lots and Lots of Good
  • 265
    • Seen Feb 24, 2024
    This is something I've been working on for a while now. It's a fairly simple Fire Red hack- I've mostly left Kanto alone as it's a perfectly serviceable region. The game uses a custom regional dex containing 150 mons from all five gens and edits various minor things. It aims to be moderately difficult- not a cakewalk, but not much nastier than say Platinum.

    I don't really have much to say though, so I'll let the screenshots speak for me:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack
    [PokeCommunity.com] Yet Another Fire Red Hack

    With regards to features: Like I said, it's just Kanto with a different 150 mons. I've played around with moves and movepools, and most of the trainers have different teams due to the roster being completely different, but otherwise it's pretty standard fare.

    And some errata:

    Gym Levels:

    Evolution Changes:

    Misc. Notes:


    And finally, the download link for v1.16b is here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/zcctcbazm1uccdn/YetAnotherFRHackv1.16b.zip

    Please have fun. Criticism and feedback are welcome, both positive and negative.
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    this does look interesting. And it's complete?! Yeah...I'll try it. :)

    EDIT: I just wanted to point out...dude...Coil on a Furret was ingenious. LOL Shoulda thought of that myself. Hm, other than that...you prolly shoulda picked a better name for this hack. :p
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    Oh hey, YAFRH is in PC!

    I've been following your hack for a little while, it's head-over-heels compared to a good few of the minor hacks I've played and some hacks that are even more customized. Definitely nice to see it here.
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    I'm playing now, and I am amazed by how you set this game. The moves that you did is very good when you did the P/S Class Split and I'll try to do the challenge! But will you change the FR/LG sprites of the trainers? I know that this is still FR/LG, but I wonder on what you think of them. EDIT: Why does Lillipup have Lick?
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    Gameplay-wise, Lick is there because it's an egg move in vanilla that isn't terribly threatening early, while providing a useful paralysis chance. Flavor-wise, Lillipup has Lick because it's a dog. They tend to do that. :V

    And I don't think I'll be replacing the trainer sprites anytime soon- they're fairly minor, already functional, and in my opinion look better than most of the shrunk-down sprites I've seen. I also still need to replace a bunch of Pokemon sprites before I even start with the trainers...

    As for the name- I think it works, and I wanted to break from the usual Pokemon Word formula most hacks use.
    My favourite feature is the Physical / Special split XD Nice job, although the gyms can be kind of... well... REALLY difficult (even Brock was a challenge) =/ Still, it;s great fun, and I LOVE that you put in Hydreigon and Volcarona, my 2 fav 5th gen pokemon. XD
    man you have done a wonderful job!You deserve much more credit for this :D I have started it and have been playing for 2 hours non-stop :D As HeroesAndCons said the gym leaders were difficult but it's more like a challenge like this ;) good luck if you continue this!
    end game seems short considering you have removed sevii islands, but the difficulty seems nice
    I need to ask: where is Deino? I want Hydreigon before I fight the E4, I'm in Victory Road at the moment and still haven't found it =(

    also, I love the hack, the only real complaint I have is:
    Deino is easiest to catch as a rare encounter in the Cinnabar Mansion, though you can also try looking in the Safari Zone if you're feeling lucky.


    With regards to postgame- yes, it is a bit short. It's mainly there since some people complained that the main game was too easy.
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    I've been juggling this and B/W2...And man, brock caught me offguard with those fighting type. I'm sorry, I just had to put that out.

    Man, dat battle was just criminal...I caught a Petili and everything. :x Gettin' Work Up after the battle was cool tho. Inside Mt. Moon now and caught a Riolu.
    Why hasn't this thread had more replies? This hack is amazing! n______n I didn't know 4/5th Gen mechanics could be put into a 3rd Gen game? And the new moves and abilities JUST WOW. <3

    I hope you can create something like this on Emerald, now that would be amazingly amazing. icba with words today.

    There is a small, tiny minuscule bug I noticed. Well, not so much a bug but a graphic error. The sign showing that a Pokemon's move is a special one has a few pixel errors, not huge but I thought I'd just report it. n_n
    well I actually won the league for 1st time(after trying 15 times xD ) and i have to say that it is awesome.The league for second time after the cerulean cave is seriously unbeatable.I have some questions though^^ *Spoiler Alert* don't read the rest: Regigigas and Darkrai aren't in the pokedex? And are they and Genesect obtainable? Thanks :D
    The most difficult part about the rematch is creating a team that can handle the Champion while still being able to beat the other Elites without any hassle, but a team that can do that shouldn't have too much trouble. Then again, I haven't beaten it since an older version where the Champion team was pretty lame, so..
    The most difficult part about the rematch is creating a team that can handle the Champion while still being able to beat the other Elites without any hassle, but a team that can do that shouldn't have too much trouble. Then again, I haven't beaten it since an older version where the Champion team was pretty lame, so..

    The rematch champion in this version is like unbeatable^^ My team consists of Golurk, Alakazam, Lucario, Weavile, Giratina(cuz of the level.I don't like legendaries in my team^^) and a Larvesta which i'm training with exp share.I reached champion once and defeated like 3 of his pokemon but it's too difficult^^
    Just beat the Elite Four for the first time, and I can honestly say that this Hack is great.
    But question...where can I find a Skorupi(if it's possible)?