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[Showcase] Yume Tsuki's arts & comics

Yume Tsuki

(/ ゚ヮ゚)/彡 ┻━┻
  • 1,206
    Hi hello, I'm back ~

    Since my last thread dates back from at least 6 years ago, I figured it would be better to start with a fresh clean slate.

    So what can you expect here? Well, mostly comic updates, since that's where most of my time has been spent on. Though occassionally I might get into some doodling so the occassional image might sneak it's way in here. So let me just start with some recent drawing's I've done.


    Now onwards to my long-term comic project...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Yume Tsuki's arts & comics

    Wanted! Is my ongoing Nuzlocke Comic Project, based on a run I have played on Pokémon Colosseum. For this comic I have taken some artistic liberties with the plot, replacing the protagonists with my own OC's and I have been tweaking the original plotline of the game quite a bit. New page updates happen every friday. ~


    - If a Pokémon Faints it must be placed in the last box and cannot be withdrawn.
    - You only have one chance per trainer battle to capture the Shadow Pokémon. If it faints, you cannot try to capture it again from the same Trainer.
    - All Pokémon must be nicknamed after purification, Umbreon, Espeon and Plusle must be nicknamed as soon as the Name Rater can be reached.

    [FONT=Droid Sans, Helvetica, Verdana]

    This comic contains mature content!
    Rated Mature for Violence, Gore, Strong Language, Self-harm, Homophobia and Mentions of abuse.

    Other Places to Read at

    Comic Fury


    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2
    Last edited:
    Due to my buffer having grown considerably large I have decided to go with double updates. Will see if this lasts properly for a while...

    [FONT=Droid Sans, Helvetica, Verdana]

    this image contains mature content!
    TW: Gore


    This comic will now have two update days, instead of double pages on Friday. Monday being one of them.

    [FONT=Droid Sans, Helvetica, Verdana]

    this image contains mature content!
    TW: Gore

    The next pages once again contain some gore so open at your own risk