Yume Tsuki
(/ ゚ヮ゚)/彡 ┻━┻
- 1,226
- Posts
- 16
- Years
- She/Her
- In a cardboardbox aside the main highway
- Online now
Oh my god I've become so invested in this story. I need more! ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Glad you're liking it so far :3
Oh my god I've become so invested in this story. I need more! ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Thanks, I really enjoyed reading.
Man, I've been having a ton of pages in my buffer back up... I'm so tired of waiting with posting, I might as well post them in batches of 5...
... Hold up... This doesn't seem like the comic I usually post... What day is it? Friday right? That's the day I usually update... But what date?
I actually swapped with a friend called Backpfeifenschelle on deviantart. He shall be posting his end of the prank on deviantart :3c
The real update is under this spoiler tag, I swear!
Lol, I loved both of them. Happy April Fools! (It's tommorow for me but anyways...)
ahhhh These are super great! I love your diverse angles in the comics, especially that epic shot of flying into Agate Village.. so pretty. The expressions are great too<3 Keep at it!!