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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-Explorers of Night and Day

Btw, Aquawott is level 17 since he has already learnt Shell Blade. Oshawott learns Shell Blade at level 17.

OOC: If you're going to use that notion, Torch is at lv 40, since it knows Bug Bite. :) So It's not that long until evolution after all! Also, OOC thread now! This thread is getting really cluttered. I mean, how hard can it be to make a thread?
Upon reaching the guild, Jaw barked at Aquawott and pointed with his nose to the mountains. He said with a high, cute voice: "Mountains... Icy... Mission... Home... We go?" At first, Aquawott was slightly shocked for this was the first time the Poochyena had uttered a word. Nodding slowly, he acknowledged his question. Turning around, Aquawott faced the signpost which stood between a 3-forked split road. He identified the arrow for the route to the mountain and signalled to Jaw that that was the path they were taking. The Poochyena and him started to make their on the path, seeing the looming figure of a snowing grey mountain far ahead.

OOC: Actually, I don't care how many missions it takes to lv 100 cos anyway, in the game itself, it takes way more than 400 missions to even get near lv 90+. Besides, if getting to lv 100 is just your goal, might as well don't become an explorer. Focus on your rescue job and not level. Duh...
Upon reaching the guild, Jaw barked at Aquawott and pointed with his nose to the mountains. He said with a high, cute voice: "Mountains... Icy... Mission... Home... We go?" At first, Aquawott was slightly shocked for this was the first time the Poochyena had uttered a word. Nodding slowly, he acknowledged his question. Turning around, Aquawott faced the signpost which stood between a 3-forked split road. He identified the arrow for the route to the mountain and signalled to Jaw that that was the path they were taking. The Poochyena and him started to make their on the path, seeing the looming figure of a snowing grey mountain far ahead.

OOC: Actually, I don't care how many missions it takes to lv 100 cos anyway, in the game itself, it takes way more than 400 missions to even get near lv 90+. Besides, if getting to lv 100 is just your goal, might as well don't become an explorer. Focus on your rescue job and not level. Duh...

But missions in the games go alot faster. Here, you have to wait for your team members to post in order to go further and complete the mission.
Jaws walked first. He knew where what was and knew the way to home, aswell as to other caves. He looked around, and often looked back to see or Aquawott could follow him. There was a huge rock that blocked their way. Jaws told Aquawott to wait and went back. He ran at an incredible speed at the rock and then headbutted it, causing the rock to fall apart. They could go further, but Jaws felt a bit sick. He had performed this move alot, but never headbutted such big rocks. However, he knew his family was searching him, so he decided to continue. He and Aquawott walked further.
we use TM's to learn moves BUT we can still have our level up moves. we're all level 10. Making OOC thread, just needs to be accepted.

Do you really have to have Level Differences? That doesn't seem fair .3. Cos Skitty learns Assist at level 46, so does that mean I'm level 46? How about we all start at a certain level? And say we used TMs to learn the moves

@Diamond1304, Dark Pulse94 (a.k.a Beldum) will be inactive for about 10 days, so since he's part of your team and you are the leader, he asked for someone to be "Morse" for a while till he returns. Will you do it? :3

@Hi-Techneon, then you'll just have to wait. That's what RolePlaying is all about. Besides, reaching lv. 100 isn't the primary goal here.. It's about saving Darkrai and Cresselia.

@Totodile12345, please don't do RP posts like you're in a chat or something, and try not to do First Person posts.. and if it's not too bad, please no smileys in RP posts, but OOC post can have smileys ^^;

And the OOC thread? I have no idea.. when mzmingle's going to make one, but hey.. Maybe it's hard. Maybe I can do it! xD Lol.. haha... Disregard that sentence. xD


Midnight turned to then and asked "Are you all ready?" not noticing that the other team already left for their destination.

Meh, you're right. But when do we know we find a gem? Do you find a gem every 10 missions or something like that?
Jaws kept walking further. He recognized this way. He played there before when he was small. But he could barely remember the way home from this point. He sat down and howled, in the hope his family would be able to hear him. He looked around, but the only one he could see was Aquawott.
Read this......... NOW!

OOC thread is waiting for acceptance.
If anyone needs help/advice or wants to give me advice, PM/VM me until I say on THIS THREAD that the OOC thread is ready. thanks ;)
"Hey, Midnight, Jack, shall we go now?" said Charly.
"Wait....be right back, water types here... I'll get some PP up's and some reviver seeds." "Oh yeah, Jack this is from my dad!" Charly gave him a TM thunderpunch. "This is for you!" she handed Midnight the TM Giga Impact. "We'll go when i'm back, yes?"
"Pffft, is anyone gone yet?" he asked Midnight & Kitsu.
"Yay! Thunderpunch!" Shouted the Plusle gleefully. He used the TM immediately to replace growl. He then chose to keep the used TM in case anything happens. "I'm ready to go anytime." he added.
(OOC: There is no evoloution cave, and you can evolve after every three missions completed.)
"Hey, that one (points to one)
Client: Growlithe
Message: "Help! I want my ember ball back!"
Objective: Oh noes! Growlithe has lost his ember ball in the waterfall cave. He has tried, many times, to get through the cave but is weak to water types. Can you help?
Place: Waterfall Cave peak (11 floors)
Reward: 450 poke, Cute ball.

(The cute ball doubles one of these pokemons attack stat. Pichu and evo's, Skitty and evo, Minum & Plusle, all Starter pokemon. WELL THEY'RE CUTE TO ME, OK?!)

"I like that, I'm good with getting items, and we have a strong electric type to help us!"
anyway, back to the other riolu.
Ill see ya later! I'm going for a mission!

(I didn't complete any missions, but I found a stone, so could I still have evolved?)
you can have ONE just one, move that your pokemon cannot learn. if you delete it, you cannot have a different one. ------------------------------------------- Charly smiled."Jack, ready?" she asked. Jack wasn't listening.
"JACK!" shouted Charly.
Jaws knows Howl, Headbutt and Head Smash (which is the one he can't legally learn) then :)

Jaws walked further... And further... And he was thinking he could hear someone screaming, but there was nobody except Aquawott, who carefully followed him. He sat down. His head was still hurting from performing the Head Smash on the rock. He felt dizzy.
Kitsu seems to have gone somewhere... What in the world was that idiot doing? I can't be with an incompetent leader like this! Torch grew impatient. "That's it! Blitz, I'm going without Kitsu, come with me or stay!"

And he walked out of the guild.
Jaws knows Howl, Headbutt and Head Smash (which is the one he can't legally learn) then :)

Jaws walked further... And further... And he was thinking he could hear someone screaming, but there was nobody except Aquawott, who carefully followed him. He sat down. His head was still hurting from performing the Head Smash on the rock. He felt dizzy.
OOC:@Hi-Techneon: I remember reading somewhere that Jaw knew Fire Fang too?
Ok then so all our levels is probably lv 10? But Aquawott still knows Shell Blade cos that Oshawott's signature move, and besides, just bcos it can't be learnt yet, doesn't mean my parents couldn't pass it down. Ever heard of breeding? When breeding, some of the father's moves that are compatible with the mother's species will be passed down. Since, Aquawott's parents are obviously Daikenkis, it's very possible for him to learn Shell Blade when he's low-leveled.
@jira-chan: Sure, I can be Morse for now. I'll start right now!

Earlier on, Jaw performed a move, that Aquawott has rarely seen. Cool! I didn't know he could do that. My teammate sure is amazing! Aquawott continued walking on the path to the mountain. Gradually, the path became rocky and sometimes slippery. He realized that they were gaining altitude and the air around them was getting chilly by the minute. He saw his breath coming out in wisps of mist. The temperature for him now was adequate, as being a Water type, he could stand very cold temperatures especially underwater. The road seemed like a very long way ahead and he noticed that Jaw seemed a little tired. "Hey, Jaw! How about we take a short break here, ok?" Aquawott said to Jaw as he sat down on a not-so-slippery boulder. He took out the black gummi from his bag amd threw it to Jaw to catch. "Here, have something to eat. We'll need lots of energy for this hike." Aquawott then took out his blue favorite gummi and munched on his snack.
(The scene of Morse the Beldum, from Team NightShadow.)
Everything happened so swiftly, Morse couldn't recall exactly what had happened within the past few minutes. He opened his eye and saw the aftermath of the raging whirlwind. Checking his magnetic fields, he continued on his route to his destination, the Guild. His internal magnet notified him that he had to across parts of the Mountain Path to get to the Guild. All of a sudden, his mind went haywire and everything he saw became a blur. Using his magnetism, he resisted the strange psychic force on him and broke free of it. He saw a huge lodestone just a few feet away and realized what just happened. The lodestone's magnetic field clashed with his and thus disrupted his bearings. After regaining his sense of direction, he followed the planet's invisible compass to the guild. After traveling for a while, he calculated that he would be late by the time he got there and so he boosted the electromagnetic waves to maximum speed and blast off towards to Mountain Path ahead of him. While he was rocketing, his radar was signalling that there were 2 figures ahead of him, right in his path. It was too late to stop or change direction. And he couldn't switch the waves to slow down. "OWW!" cried one of the figures, as Morse collided into it. THUD! Morse and the other Pokemon that cried out landed onto the ground. Morse immediately coated itself in a aura of light blue and his grey body shone briefly in white. He tensed up for an attack but seeing that the Pokemon was not going to budge, he slowly relaxed his body and revert back to his levitating state. His attention quickly shifted to the Pokemon that was growling at him a few feet away. It seemed to be protective of the unconscious Pokemon. Taking that as a threat, he began to charge up for an Iron Head. The growling Pokemon, later identified as a Poochyena, leapt in front of the lying Pokemon, which Morse realized an Oshawott and shielded it from his attack. The Beldum quickly stopped what his about to do and pondered for a moment. Seeing the problem and it's solution, he decided to use his best efforts to revive the unconscious Oshawott. He floated over to a bag, most likely the Oshawott's, and controlled the magnetic waves to levitate out an Oran berry and with the berry, floated back to the Oshawott and fed it. The Oran berry had it's effects, the Oshawott's body was enveloped in a green sparkling light and it was conscious. Seeing that it was up, it's eye flashed and beeped at the Pokemon in morse code. "Hello, are you alright? I'm sorry to have crashed into you, as you see, I was in a hurry to go to a nearby guild. I'm part of a rescue team, you see." Aquawott saw the Beldum using it's eye to shine and twinkle light at him. What's it doing? He thought. He then realized that the Pokemon was using morse code to talk to him. He understood the flashes and dots. It said that it was in a rescue team....wait a minute! Didn't his team had a Beldum? Could this be the Pokemon meant in his Team NightShadow? Opening his mouth, which felt slightly numb, he asked, " Is your rescue team by any chance named Team NightShadow?" Morse heard it and replied in the same format, "Yes, how did you know that?" Aquawott answered the question, "Cos I'm the leader of Team NightShadow and I was told that my 3rd member was a Beldum. Could that be you?"
"Oh my goodness! You're my leader? That means....I bumped into my leader?! Very sorry for that. My name's Morse. By the way, why aren't you in the guild and out here?"The Beldum was getting excited, his signals were sparking and fast.
"Never mind about that, I'm alright now. We're on a mission the element masters gave us. Have you got your Explorer bag and supplies? If not, we still have plenty more." The Oshawott turned around his shoulder and called for the Poochyena to come. To it, he introduced, "Jaw meet Morse. He's our new member of Team NightShadow and he is of course, a Bedlum, as you can see." And to Morse, he introduced Jaw the Poochyena and himself, Aquawott, and welcomed him. Jaw barked playfully and acknowledged Morse as a friend and licked the Steel type as a sign of friendship. The Beldum floated forward and returned the welcome with a nuzzle of it's fur. Facing his leader Aquawott, he said, "My bag was lost on the way as I was caught in a passing whirlwind. I'm afraid that I've to share supplies with you." Aquawott made a decision and said, "Not to worry. We brought more than enough for emergencies and this is definitely an emergency. RIght now, our mission is to rescue a lost Marill in the Mountain up ahead. We were having a break now and since everyone's here and ready. Why don't we continue on our way?" The others agreed and the completed team journeyed onwards to the Mountain. After a few hours, they finally reached the base of the Mountain. Aquawott could see the entrance of the cave leading right into the Mountain. Seeing that everyone else was exhausted and night was here, he suggested that everyone took a rest and will continued before dawn. They had dinner of apples, seeds and fortunately for them, on the way to the Mountain, they found a sack of gummis. It was filled with different types of gummis, mainly Blue, Grass, Gray, Black, Orange and White. They helped themselves to each's favorite type and after they were full, they found a decent spot and camped there for the night. Morse suggested that someone should keep watch for danger while the others slept and volunteered himself as he did not feel like sleeping yet. He anchor himself on a ledge above the camp and kept watching in the silent night. Not knowing it, he slowly dozed off to sleep. Suddenly, he felt himself being blown away and something banged him on his head. He was awake in a flash and realized that the same whirlwind previously was here. He saw what hit him, his Explorer bag. It was in the whirlwind, flying around and around. He doved towards it and quickly grab it. He went back to the camp and latched on tightly with his claws to the ledge. What seemed like eternity but was just 10 minutes, the whirlwind went off on its way somewhere else. The camp was still safe, it's not touched by the raging winds just now. The Beldum heaved a sigh of relief and went back to sentry duty. At least he'd gotten his bag back. He smiled as he kept watch and saw the sun slowly rising in an hour's time.

OOC: Ok, that was VERY long! LOL. I think Morse should quickly evolve to Metang since his moveset is limited to just 3 moves: Iron Defense, Iron Head and Magnet Rise.
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OOC:@Hi-Techneon: I remember reading somewhere that Jaw knew Fire Fang too?
Ok then so all our levels is probably lv 10? But Aquawott still knows Shell Blade cos that Oshawott's signature move, and besides, just bcos it can't be learnt yet, doesn't mean my parents couldn't pass it down. Ever heard of breeding? When breeding, some of the father's moves that are compatible with the mother's species will be passed down. Since, Aquawott's parents are obviously Daikenkis, it's very possible for him to learn Shell Blade when he's low-leveled.
@jira-chan: Sure, I can be Morse for now. I'll start right now!

Earlier on, Jaw performed a move, that Aquawott has rarely seen. Cool! I didn't know he could do that. My teammate sure is amazing! Aquawott continued walking on the path to the mountain. Gradually, the path became rocky and sometimes slippery. He realized that they were gaining altitude and the air around them was getting chilly by the minute. He saw his breath coming out in wisps of mist. The temperature for him now was adequate, as being a Water type, he could stand very cold temperatures especially underwater. The road seemed like a very long way ahead and he noticed that Jaw seemed a little tired. "Hey, Jaw! How about we take a short break here, ok?" Aquawott said to Jaw as he sat down on a not-so-slippery boulder. He took out the black gummi from his bag amd threw it to Jaw to catch. "Here, have something to eat. We'll need lots of energy for this hike." Aquawott then took out his blue favorite gummi and munched on his snack.
(The scene of Morse the Beldum, from Team NightShadow.)
Everything happened so swiftly, Morse couldn't recall exactly what had happened within the past few minutes. He opened his eye and saw the aftermath of the raging whirlwind. Checking his magnetic fields, he continued on his route to his destination, the Guild. His internal magnet notified him that he had to across parts of the Mountain Path to get to the Guild. All of a sudden, his mind went haywire and everything he saw became a blur. Using his magnetism, he resisted the strange psychic force on him and broke free of it. He saw a huge lodestone just a few feet away and realized what just happened. The lodestone's magnetic field clashed with his and thus disrupted his bearings. After regaining his sense of direction, he followed the planet's invisible compass to the guild. After traveling for a while, he calculated that he would be late by the time he got there and so he boosted the electromagnetic waves to maximum speed and blast off towards to Mountain Path ahead of him. While he was rocketing, his radar was signalling that there were 2 figures ahead of him, right in his path. It was too late to stop or change direction. And he couldn't switch the waves to slow down. "OWW!" cried one of the figures, as Morse collided into it. THUD! Morse and the other Pokemon that cried out landed onto the ground. Morse immediately coated itself in a aura of light blue and his grey body shone briefly in white. He tensed up for an attack but seeing that the Pokemon was not going to budge, he slowly relaxed his body and revert back to his levitating state. His attention quickly shifted to the Pokemon that was growling at him a few feet away. It seemed to be protective of the unconscious Pokemon. Taking that as a threat, he began to charge up for an Iron Head. The growling Pokemon, later identified as a Poochyena, leapt in front of the lying Pokemon, which Morse realized an Oshawott and shielded it from his attack. The Beldum quickly stopped what his about to do and pondered for a moment. Seeing the problem and it's solution, he decided to use his best efforts to revive the unconscious Oshawott. He floated over to a bag, most likely the Oshawott's, and controlled the magnetic waves to levitate out an Oran berry and with the berry, floated back to the Oshawott and fed it. The Oran berry had it's effects, the Oshawott's body was enveloped in a green sparkling light and it was conscious. Seeing that it was up, it's eye flashed and beeped at the Pokemon in morse code. "Hello, are you alright? I'm sorry to have crashed into you, as you see, I was in a hurry to go to a nearby guild. I'm part of a rescue team, you see." Aquawott saw the Beldum using it's eye to shine and twinkle light at him. What's it doing? He thought. He then realized that the Pokemon was using morse code to talk to him. He understood the flashes and dots. It said that it was in a rescue team....wait a minute! Didn't his team had a Beldum? Could this be the Pokemon meant in his Team NightShadow? Opening his mouth, which felt slightly numb, he asked, " Is your rescue team by any chance named Team NightShadow?" Morse heard it and replied in the same format, "Yes, how did you know that?" Aquawott answered the question, "Cos I'm the leader of Team NightShadow and I was told that my 3rd member was a Beldum. Could that be you?"
"Oh my goodness! You're my leader? That means....I bumped into my leader?! Very sorry for that. My name's Morse. By the way, why aren't you in the guild and out here?"The Beldum was getting excited, his signals were sparking and fast.
"Never mind about that, I'm alright now. We're on a mission the element masters gave us. Have you got your Explorer bag and supplies? If not, we still have plenty more." The Oshawott turned around his shoulder and called for the Poochyena to come. To it, he introduced, "Jaw meet Morse. He's our new member of Team NightShadow and he is of course, a Bedlum, as you can see." And to Morse, he introduced Jaw the Poochyena and himself, Aquawott, and welcomed him. Jaw barked playfully and acknowledged Morse as a friend and licked the Steel type as a sign of friendship. The Beldum floated forward and returned the welcome with a nuzzle of it's fur. Facing his leader Aquawott, he said, "My bag was lost on the way as I was caught in a passing whirlwind. I'm afraid that I've to share supplies with you." Aquawott made a decision and said, "Not to worry. We brought more than enough for emergencies and this is definitely an emergency. RIght now, our mission is to rescue a lost Marill in the Mountain up ahead. We were having a break now and since everyone's here and ready. Why don't we continue on our way?" The others agreed and the completed team journeyed onwards to the Mountain. After a few hours, they finally reached the base of the Mountain. Aquawott could see the entrance of the cave leading right into the Mountain. Seeing that everyone else was exhausted and night was here, he suggested that everyone took a rest and will continued before dawn. They had dinner of apples, seeds and fortunately for them, on the way to the Mountain, they found a sack of gummis. It was filled with different types of gummis, mainly Blue, Grass, Gray, Black, Orange and White. They helped themselves to each's favorite type and after they were full, they found a decent spot and camped there for the night. Morse suggested that someone should keep watch for danger while the others slept and volunteered himself as he did not feel like sleeping yet. He anchor himself on a ledge above the camp and kept watching in the silent night. Not knowing it, he slowly dozed off to sleep. Suddenly, he felt himself being blown away and something banged him on his head. He was awake in a flash and realized that the same whirlwind previously was here. He saw what hit him, his Explorer bag. It was in the whirlwind, flying around and around. He doved towards it and quickly grab it. He went back to the camp and latched on tightly with his claws to the ledge. What seemed like eternity but was just 10 minutes, the whirlwind went off on its way somewhere else. The camp was still safe, it's not touched by the raging winds just now. The Beldum heaved a sigh of relief and went back to sentry duty. At least he'd gotten his bag back. He smiled as he kept watch and saw the sun slowly rising in an hour's time.

OOC: Ok, that was VERY long! LOL. I think Morse should quickly evolve to Metang since his moveset is limited to just 3 moves: Iron Defense, Iron Head and Magnet Rise.

I think he never used Fire Fang, so he doesn't know it :)
Jaws woke up and looked around. He saw Aquawott sleeping and he heard his belly growling. He went outside too look for food and saw Beldum sleeping on the top of the mountain. He climbed the mountain and woke up Beldum. He said: "Beldum... Wake... You... Sleep... Me... Duty!"
He waited for the Beldum to go down the mountain and enter the camp. He sat down and looked around for any suspicious activity. Suddenly, he heard a growl. He looked around, and growled back. It was quiet for a minute, but then, he heard the growl once again. He barked and growled. There was the growl again. He ran down from the mountain to the camp and entered the camp. He was scared. And there it was again. A loud growl. Jaws barked and accidentaly woke everyone up. Another growl. He finally knew it. His belly was still growling. Aquawott gave him a Black Gummi and Jaws happily ate it. He climbed up the mountain and started his sentry duty. He couldn't see anyone, and his belly wasn't growling. Everything was quiet. It started snowing. Jaws loved snow. He was born in the snow, and his fur was almost always white of the snow. After a time, his fur actually turned white, even without snow. Suddenly, there was a growl. And another one. Two Pokémon were growling. And they came closer. Jaws looked around. A Pokémon flew just above its head. He tried to recognize it but he couldn't. And another Pokémon flew above its head. And he heard 4 Pokémon growling. And they flew above its head. He looked around. He was scared. 4 Pokémon came down from the sky. He could finally recognize them. Barujiina, birds that attack Pokémon and eat them. He was scared. They could attack him any moment. He would get eaten. By Pokémon.
I think he never used Fire Fang, so he doesn't know it :)
OOC: Ok then. It's not a problem anyway. Btw the Beldum's name is Morse, just to let you know. :)

Morse was awaken by Jaw. Jaw said: "Beldum... Wake... You... Sleep... Me... Duty!" The Beldum understood him and floated down to the camp and went into the tent to sleep. After 15 minutes of sleep, Morse was again roused by a loud bark. Aquawott too woke up and both saw Jaw at the tent opening, The Oshawott realized that the Poochyena was hungry and gave a Black Gummi to it. Jaw happily ate it and went back to the duty post. Aquawott and Morse then went back to sleep.

OOC: I think Jaw should warn the others? That's the reason why sentries are posted for duty. ;)
"Oh look, a Dialga!" Blitz exclaimed.
"What have I been doing? I've been daydreaming again. Anyway, I'm awake now," Kitsu smiled. But before she could look at the mission Torch had suggested, she heard Torch booming.
"Blitz, I'm going without Kitsu! Come with me or stay!"

"Wait up, Torch! We haven't got our equipment!" Kitsu exclaimed as Torch walked out of the guild. It was apparent that the Meraruba wasn't going to listen, so Kitsu ran over to the GuildMaster.

"Guildmaster, Team Myth doesn't have their equipment yet!" Kitsu said.
"In fact, none of the teams do. The teams have to prove themselves before they can get their equipment," the Guildmaster replied.
"So... we have to complete a mission first?" Kitsu asked.
"That's right."
"Then I'd better get following Torch if I want to complete a mission," Kitsu smiled, running towards the door.
"Come on Blitz, we're going to follow Torch!" she said, walking out of the door. "But where is Torch going? I think I heard something about Mt. Bristle during my daydream, so Torch is most likely there."
She looked in the direction of Mt. Bristle, and saw a Meraruba going there. That was Torch for sure, so she tried to catch up to him.
"Hey Torch, wait up!" she shouted, scampering towards Torch.
OOC: Ok then. It's not a problem anyway. Btw the Beldum's name is Morse, just to let you know. :)

Morse was awaken by Jaw. Jaw said: "Beldum... Wake... You... Sleep... Me... Duty!" The Beldum understood him and floated down to the camp and went into the tent to sleep. After 15 minutes of sleep, Morse was again roused by a loud bark. Aquawott too woke up and both saw Jaw at the tent opening, The Oshawott realized that the Poochyena was hungry and gave a Black Gummi to it. Jaw happily ate it and went back to the duty post. Aquawott and Morse then went back to sleep.

OOC: I think Jaw should warn the others? That's the reason why sentries are posted for duty. ;)

But he's too scared to move :P
OOC thread is up!
Charly waited..... "IF YOU DONT LISTEN TO ME JACK, YOUR OFF THE TEAM!" she Shouted. " sorry. but I do have a temper, can you PLEASE listen?!"